sin totem

Chapter 100 Secrets of the Top Strength of the Mainland

In the previous meeting of Beishi Town, because of the powerful existence of the King of Xuelan, the Beishi Alliance completely diluted the occurrence of the snow-tooth giant in the war, and this powerful fifth-order existence did not take the initiative. It seems that both sides want to forget the past.

The tall chair carries the huge body weight of the King of Xuelan. The snow tooth giant was born in the polar north ice sheet, where it is cold and freezing. Almost every snow tooth giant has a strong ice and snow instinct.

Therefore, if the Snow Tooth Giant wants to move to a chaotic land inland, the first thing to solve is the residence, which must be a cold place covered with ice.

At this time, the king of Xuelan held a large cup in his hand, tasted the fragrant tea sent by the phantom moon, and exhaled a chill. Unexpectedly, he conveyed a trace of kindness to Youyuan, which made Youyuan puzzled, and also symbolized a nod of goodwill.

"Maybe I took the liberty to come this time, but the Snow Tooth Giants have always acted openly and dare to ask whether the Scar Minister is a divine messenger?"

Youyuan was slightly shocked, but soon calmed down.

"What's the meaning of Lord Xuelan's words? Some people have asked me the same words."

Without answering the other party's questions directly, Youyuan was still thinking about the meaning of the other party's words. It seemed that he could see Youyuan's thoughts, and the king of Xuelan did not blame. Rarely, even the grumpy snow-tooth giant had such a quiet day.

"Can Minister Scar know the top strength of the mainland?"

"Top strength?"

Youyuan's heart moved. With the rumors about the top strength of the mainland, with the strength of Youyuan today, I heard more or less.

"The top strength of the mainland is naturally the king of the seven empires of the mainland. It is said that each of them is the main god. Even the great gods must give in to their will, or the will behind them. Secondly, it is..."

Youyuan began to tell in a tight manner, but most of them were also the secretary's records and hearsay.

"Ha, it seems that Minister Scar only has a general understanding of the strength deployment of the mainland. Because of the inheritance of these real mainland secrets, I am also involved, so I naturally know more than ordinary people."

Youyuan was slightly surprised and didn't know why the other party suddenly said such a thing, but Youyuan still felt very interested.

The chaotic land of the original has always been just a corner of the sacred empire, the fallen empire and the elf empire, and he is not very clear about the true form of the continent.

"In ancient times, it is said that the mainland had a prosperous and prosperous period. At that time, the mainland human race, goblin race and elf race fought for the mainland several times. Among them, the spirit family is the most powerful, followed by the elf family.

But after a period of historical blank, somehow the goblin clan has almost disappeared on the mainland, the tree of the holy land of the elf world has completely disappeared, and the knight inheritance of your human race has also been erased.

In the following years, the orcs and dragons who moved from nowhere occupied an important position on the mainland, and even some strange races briefly appeared on the mainland and disappeared in the long history of the mainland.

Gradually, you human race occupied the main position of the mainland and became the dominant of the mainland.

Listening to the other party's narrative, the audience was extremely shocked and couldn't help interrupting, "So where did you snow-tooth giants come from?"

The king of Xuelan looked at Youyuan with reproach, ignored Youyuan's problem, and began to continue his story.

"In the following years, the mainland was gradually occupied by various churches, and empires were established one after another. After various faith wars, it was not until ten thousand years ago that the six major empires of the mainland were determined.

are the current Empire of Light, the Holy Empire, the Empire of Death, the Empire of the Dead, the Empire of Fall, and the Empire of Fury.

And these six empires represent the forces of the demon world, the heavenly world and the underworld respectively. Up until thousands of years ago, the fallen empire stood at the peak of the mainland, and then there was a trend of unifying the faith of the mainland!"

Youyuan opened his eyes wide and listened attentively to the other party's words.

"However, also thousands of years ago, the elves actually found a shocking treasure left by their ancestors.

The specific reason is not clear. The elves defected to the forces of the heavenly world, thus opening the door of time and space through the energy of these treasures. The mainland has successively come to dozens of gods with amazing power, together with the forces of the underworld and the heavenly world to fight against the forces of the demon world.

In the end, many demons in the demon world were sealed in two continents, and dozens of gods also fell.

Even in these thousand years, I don't know why it seems that the power of the gods in the mainland cannot be exerted, and the remaining gods and temples have lost their inheritance and disappeared in the mainland.

Today, the mainland, the seven empires, and the elf empire are just the weakest empire born because of that opportunity.

Because the power of the god of life that the elf queen can summon is just the power of a high-level god, which is much worse than the other six kings.

This is the first time that Youyuan has heard such a secret of strength, but he also sensed that the theme of the king of Xuelan should come.

"The ancient inheritance of our snow tooth clan should be that the original plane was occupied by the powerful blood clan in the underworld. Through the doomsday turtle of the guardian beast, it was lost in the violent space turbulence and accidentally fled to this plane continent.

Because of the protection of the doomsday turtle, our family has always lived in the northern ice sheet of the mainland.

However, since the arrival of more than ten gods in thousands of years, the goddess of ice and snow, one of the three senior gods, clashed with the doomsday turtle, and finally the holy beast was suppressed by the goddess.

And the vast majority of our people are forced to believe in the goddess of ice and snow, and so far many have even forgotten the existence of the doomsday tortoise.

With that, the old snow-toothed giant actually showed a touch of sadness on his ferocious and violent face,

Youyuan was shocked. He didn't think that the Snow Tooth Giants had such a history, but vaguely, Youyuan also guessed the other party's request, but Youyuan still didn't say anything.

"Today, in addition to the six emperors, there are many forms that can influence the mainland.

The doomsday giant turtle of our clan, the petrochemical Meishesha in the chaotic land, the nine-headed giant snake of Donghuang Daze, the sacred dragon king of the overseas dragon island, the golden beast king of the orc clan, the three senior gods and life goddess who came thousands of years ago, the goddess of night, the temple high priest of the goddess of ice and snow, and so on.

However, in addition to these allusions of our clan, there are also some hidden existences, which have occasionally caused mainland turmoil.

And as far as I know, in order to resist the ten gods, the powerful fallen empire also opened a small door of time and space, and several demon gods came to fight against it. I don't know which demon god is behind you?

If possible, I hope to meet and ask the great demon god to help our clan expel the goddess of ice and snow and wake up the holy beast doomsday turtle.

Youyuan finally smiled bitterly, and it was true!

This kind of thing that affects the mainland forces unexpectedly came to Youyuan. Looking at the sincere eyes of the king of Xuelan, Youyuan did not know how to answer.

Although there is no real idea of calling the bloodthirsty god again, there is a awakening artifact of the bloodthirsty blade in hand, and Youyuan also has a certain will connection with the bloodthirsty god.

It may be possible to really ask for the bloodthirsty God to come, but Youyuan is not in this mood.

"My lord is the great bloodthirsty god of the demon world. Although he shows his grace to me, I can't decide this kind of thing at will. I'm sorry."

When the King of Xuelan heard the words of Youyuan, he felt a sense of loss. After all, this kind of thing was too vague.


The king of Xuelan heard that there seemed to be a turning point in Youyuan's words. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he looked at Youyuan in a dazzling.

"But my Lord has said that I will build my temple in a few years. If you can show considerable sincerity, I can personally ask the will of the Lord!"

Suddenly, the King of Shilan stood up, and there was joy on his face, and some even didn't know what to do.

After thinking about it, the king of Xuelan took out a crystal with a solemn look. At a glance, the crystal changed. This crystal turned out to be a fifth-order Warcraft crystal.

"This is the crystal nucleus of killing a fifth-order ice and snow bear with my people when I fled. I originally intended to exchange it for recognition from the elders to save more of my people who remember the holy beast, but since there is a possibility of expelling the goddess of ice and snow, then...

If I can meet the great bloodthirsty god in three years, whether it is successful or not, I will definitely send the three sacred crystal nuclei killed by the holy beast of our clan!"

"What, Holy Land!"


Send away the king of Xuelan. Only one day, the Wind and Moon Chamber of Commerce Nalan came to visit.

Youyuan knew that the Fengyue Chamber of Commerce had donated 50,000 gold coins to the alliance, but 50,000 yuan was nothing for the rich alliance.

Moreover, this chamber of commerce squeezed profits to buy goods during the difficult period of the Beishi Alliance, which made many people of the Beishi Alliance grit their teeth at that time, and now there is naturally no good face in Youyuan.

Nalan naturally understood the attitude of Youyuan. After saying some unnutritious words, what he took out stunned Youyuan, and his face showed strange and shocked.

"This is the gift that our president, Lord De Sang, personally asked me to send to the Minister Scar, which is an apology to the Minister of Scar."

"Moon Crystal! This is... Which chamber of commerce the alliance cooperates with is not up to me, so I let President De Sang down!"

The value of this bright moon crystal is no less than that of the fifth-order crystal nucleus, and it is even better. In the view of Youyuan, it is really too much for De Sang to spend such a large price to attract the North Stone Alliance.

"No, I think the minister misunderstood. What I want to express is that this is our personal gift, and I hope that one day the elder can become a permanent elder in the future..."

After Nalan left, Youyuan looked at the bright moon crystal and took out the fifth-order Milong crystal core and the fifth-order ice and snow giant bear crystal nucleus given by the king of Xuelan the day before yesterday. Such wealth can completely exchange the powerful demons in the demon world for the contract summoning power of the fourth-order or even fifth-order demons.

However, Youyuan knows that the fourth-order abyss demon summoning is not like the third-order, as a private summoner.

Fourth-order and fifth-order abyss demons have a limit on the number of summons. If Youyuan only exchanges a fourth-order abyss demon, then he can have dozens of summoning powers, but if it is fifth-order, it's good to have two or three times.

The evil smile of Youyuan, as long as the blood demon seed king exists, what is the difference between once and 10,000 times?


The hidden swordsman, the person Youyuan wanted to see the most but also the latest person to see, ten days later, he came to the scar gold mine in Youyuan.

At this time, the hidden evil sat quietly opposite the Youyuan. There was no arrogance, no sharpness, and only casual simplicity. At the same time, after a touch of tea taste, he smiled indifferently. Youyuan seemed to be infected by the other party's temperament, and there was a rare trace of leisure in his mood.

"The master said that he wanted to meet me in private that day, but I don't know..."

"People say that I am the most likely place to break through the holy land, but they don't know that that step may be the threshold for life."

seems to be talking about an ordinary thing with a faint smile.

Youyuan is in a trance. Once, the bottleneck of the third-order magician was the same. Isn't it the same? Even the skeleton soul has not been broken through so far, but it is several times more difficult to break through in this holy realm, which is several times more difficult than the third-order...

"Sky samurai, after the fifth level, the samurai are aware of the will of heaven and earth, so rivers, sky and even the earth are no longer blocked too much.

They can fly briefly, walk on the surface of the water, dive to the bottom of the water, and even blow away the obstacles of the earth, but after all, they can't enter the palace of the law and spy on the realm of gods.

As time goes by, it will eventually turn into a touch of loess. Hundreds of years later, the new generation will rise. Who will remember your existence?

The original look solemn.

Yes, these things have never been thought of by Youyuan.

Compared with other people's close waiters step by step, Youyuan's footsteps have always been running or even jumping. He has never had these feelings.

So at this time, Youyuan seriously remembered it in his heart. Inexplicably, there was also a trace of feeling.


"I think you can agree to my request to untie the seal of the land of chaos when the time is ripe in the future."

This is the reason for the arrival of hidden evil, in order to open the sealed land, but Youyuan is less optimistic about the intention of hidden evil, and even less optimistic than the king of Xuelantro.

Both things may change the chapter of the mainland, but one is from the top, and the other is from the bottom. Naturally, the one at the top is slightly more likely.

But out of admiration for hidden evil, and at the same time from hidden evil words.

In addition to promises, there are other means of strong assistance, and Youyuan naturally agrees.

Without too many words, the hidden evil left the gold mine of the ghost.

One day a month later, in the huge laboratory of Youyuan, Lilith and Youyuan jointly drew a super altar with a diameter of 20 meters.

Looking at their works, they both smiled happily.

The altar itself is made of a super huge hard rock. After ten days of strengthening the potion gold treasure with magic, it began to draw the altar lines with the most precious magic guide material, Mithril. After countless errors, the mysterious and obscure magic copies were finally completed today.

With this altar, even if there is a sanctuary across the space to communicate with Lilith, there is no problem at all.

However, this altar is still only the lowest altar of the space merchant, but Lilith doesn't care. She tried it. There is no problem with this altar in her space pocket, but the magic chanting takes much longer.

A few days later, accompanied by Lilith, Youyuan took out a fifth-order Milong crystal nucleus, a fifth-order ice and snow giant bear crystal nucleus, and bright moon crystal to sacrifice to the demon world again.

Maybe the value of the item aroused interest, but in a moment, a powerful demonic will appeared and rudely took away the best.

"Fourth-order demons can be summoned 60 times, and fifth-order abyss demons can be summoned five times."

In terms of summoning, it is impossible to sign a lifelong contract with the dead knot and the fifth-order abyss demon, because any abyss demon who can advance to the fourth level may become a supreme holy land in the future.

"I choose the fifth level!"

Unexpectedly, this powerful demon seemed to be very generous, or he was very happy to sacrifice an item, and his will did not stay too much. A light spot was directly imprinted on the soul of the secludedness, and then the sacrifice ended.

Youyuan curled his lips, and these bigwigs had strange personalities.

However, through the connection of will, just a moment, Youyuan still felt that the demon world was too big. Maybe his existence was just a ant there.

In this way, you can also understand the meaning of the arrival of the bloodthirsty god. Youyuan has not even reached the holy land, and it can't enter the eyes of the great gods.

Or, he doesn't worry about letting himself do the temple now.

For the following things, Youyuan will naturally focus on making every effort to truly break through the fourth-order realm. At that time, it will have the ability to gather the elements of heaven and earth, and its strength will also be a big leap.

At the same time, it is time to start studying the soul magic and blood soul array. Even the alienation technique has a lot of mystery waiting for the solution of the ghost.

The Northstone Alliance is booming, and even Scar Gold Mine thinks that there is a ghost, and two third-orders have chosen to join.

The mayor's mansion of the Northstone Alliance also has three third-ordered to choose to serve, and the power of the Northstone Alliance has also expanded to more than 20 towns and more than a dozen ministers.

In a blink of an eye, it was winter, and it was another year when the ice and snow came. On this day, in the distant imperial capital of the fallen empire, Grand Duke Zijinxiang received a letter and suddenly opened his eyes. The eyes of his old body unexpectedly burst into a sharp light, and the skin of the old face appeared a little ruddy with excitement.

"My son, I didn't expect to avenge you at this time. Dad will definitely refine the soul of the enemy who killed you before he dies. This is the most wonderful gift Dad gave you before he saw you!"