The strongest dung bee

Chapter 317 The Great Prince of Kinge City

Sitting opposite Dong Guoren, Su Han drank tea slowly and said lightly, "President, please introduce me to the lord of Jinge City."

Su Han only met the eldest son when he left in the morning, and will discuss together soon. There must be more contact on the three-day road from the ruins of the Gold Coast. It's time to ask Dong Guoren to learn about it.

After all, at present, the Jinge City Guard is also one of Su Han's future enemies.

"This eldest son..." Dong Guoren pondered for a moment and said slowly, "Before I tell you about this eldest son, let's talk about the lord of Jinge..."

Jinge City is located between Baihua Valley, Jianzong and Changshengtian. It is also one of the most important transportation routes on the Blood Moon Continent. It is also adjacent to the resource-rich fog forest. It has always been a must-have place for soldiers. In the imperial era of the Blood Moon Continent, there are many battles around Jinge City.

After the destruction of the era of empire, a nobleman of Jinge City was elected as the first city owner. Because of the long time, people could no longer remember the name of the nobleman. They only knew that the nobleman had been in office for three years. After that, he was killed by a master named Li Jiangang and hung his head on the gate of Jinge City. Let the eagle peck.

Li Jiangang successfully became the second city owner of Jinge City. At that time, people were extremely resistant to the new city owner, but Li Jiangang was also honest and caring for the people. A few years later, Jinge City was smooth, and the people accepted the city owner.

Even today, Jinge City is still firmly controlled by the Li family.

Li Lianxin, the owner of Jinge City, is the sixth generation descendant of Li Jiangang and the most outstanding one of the Li family over the years!

The so-called wealth is only three generations. The three generations after Li Jiangang defeated the foundation accumulated by Li Jiangang, and the fourth generation began to accumulate. By the time when Li Lianxin's generation returned to its peak, it was a little stronger. From the development of Jinge City in recent decades and the wisdom of the Jinge City owner, it can be seen that maybe his strength is not as good as Wu. The strong man, but on the mainland, people will put forward his name together with Wan Changsheng, Mrs. Baidu, and the Lord of the Moon Palace, because these people belong to the same level in people's cognition.

Li Lianxin's biggest job is to control the grass and trees in Jinge City. He controlled the adventurers in Jinge City by opening a reward hall, controlled all merchants through regional division management, and used the transmission array to firmly contain the three chambers of commerce, making the wealth of the three chambers of commerce have One-tenth of it flowed into his pocket, and the money was used to expand the guard, making the guard of Jinge City stronger and stronger.

It can be said that except for the peerless strong man hidden in Jinge City, nothing can escape from Li Lianxin's control. Even if the heavyweights of the ten martial arts sects come here, they have to go to the city lord's "worship the mountain gate" out of interest.

The tiger father has no dog son. Although Li Lianxin is the most outstanding one in the Li family over the years, two of his three sons are not simple.

The eldest son Li Feng has Jindan's later cultivation at a young age. Few young people can compare with him in Jinge City. Except for Yunsheng of the Yun family and Changwei of the Chang family, he can be said to be invincible.

The cultivation of the third son Li Yun is not very good. After the foundation period, he did not practice, but specialized in medicine. At the age of 20, he had refined the last product of elixir. Although it was barely achieved by burning the fourth-order elixir furnace, it should not be underestimated.

In the final analysis, the second son, Li Lei, is a rubbish and a complete dboy. In the early years, he was cut off by a hidden master because of the robbery of the people's daughter. Later, he ran away from home. After being found once, he stayed in the city master's mansion for a few days, and then disappeared. Now his life and death is uncertain.

"It can be said that Li Feng is the successor of Li Lianxin. There is really nothing that can be picked out except for high-profile work." Finally, Dong Guoren concluded, "This time, the owner of Jinge City sent Li Feng to lead the team. People with clear eyes can see that it is gilding. It doesn't matter if they can't find the inheritance of Ziri. Li Feng will definitely be the next owner of Jinge City."

"So, the heavy responsibility falls on the three major chambers of commerce." Su Han joked.

"That's right." Dong Guoren nodded and sighed, "Even if Li Feng is not here to gild, in the intention of the owner of Jinge City, the power of the three chambers of commerce is also used as a shield."

Adventurers use the ten martial arts as a shield, and the ten martial arts tactics use the adventurers as a shield. The shield of the owner of Jinge City is the power of the three chambers of commerce. No one wants to spend too much power before seeing the inheritance of the Purple Day.

You should know that the exploration is only the beginning, and the search for the Ziri Mansion is only a little closer to the end. If one side of the forces can reach the Ziri Mansion through the siege of monsters and sea clans, then there must be a second force following.

In the ruins of the Gold Coast, the most horrible thing is not the monster or the sea clan, let alone the "other enemies" in Yiya's mouth, but people!

It can be said that the value of the three chambers of commerce in the eyes of the Lord of Jinge City is to help Li Feng walk to the Ziri Mansion, and the Jinge City Guard will try their best to preserve their strength to deal with the final competition.

Maybe the three chambers of commerce still have some remaining power when they reach the last step, but what can they do? How can these defeated soldiers stop the footsteps of the Jinge City Guards?

"You should have refused at the beginning." Su Han shook his head with a wry smile.

Although he knew that this was Dong Guo Ren's "brainwashing" indoctrination, Su Han still didn't like the practice of Jin Ge City owner, as if every city owner he saw in the Blood Moon Continent was not a fun thing.

"There is no way. The owner of Jinge City can bring any of the three chambers of commerce back to its original shape and even uproot it in an hour!" Dong Guoren shook his head and sighed again, "What can we do?" It's nothing more than asking for more blessings.

"The president's words are heavy. I believe that with the strategy of the Lord of Kinge City, he will still not do anything to hide the birds." Su Han said, "Let's talk about Li Feng."

"Ye." Dong Guoren nodded and said, "If I remember correctly, Li Feng should be 28 years old this year, maybe a little older. At the age of nine, he was sent to Jianzong by Li Lianxin. Piao Xue Jiansheng personally gave him instructions to lay a good foundation for him. At the age of 15, he returned to Jinge City and devoted himself to practice.

Although the tax in Jinge City is not heavy, a large number of spiritual stones flow into the main house of Jinge City every year, about 30 of which are used for Li Feng's cultivation. At a young age, he had the later cultivation of Jindan, together with Yunsheng of the Yun family, Chang Wei of the Chang family and his younger brother. Li Yun also became the four heroes of Jinge, and was crowned as the head of the four heroes because of his noble son.

There are some outstanding figures in every place that have been talked about. Qihuang City, Jinge City, Li Feng is the best of the young generation in Jinge City, just like Mr. Fusu in Qihuang City.

"Although he is the same as Yunsheng and Chang Wei's later cultivation of Jindan, the "Mu Ling Jue" he practiced belongs to one of the top skills in the blood moon continent, so none of the young people of the Yun family and the Chang family are Li Feng's opponents. With years of victories and his origin, Li Feng has become arrogant and arrogant. , acting extremely high-profile, the reputation in Jinge City is not as good as expected. Dong Guoren continued.

Su Han can reach the early stage of the spirit god at a young age. In addition to the re-cultivation of the two generations and the golden elixir, adventure is also indispensable. There are not many people like him in the world.

According to the situation of the Blood Moon Continent, if a person begins to practice from the age of * and reaches the early stage of Jindan at the age of 30 at most, he may reach the middle stage of Jindan with special skills, but this is very rare.

And fewer geniuses, who are almost rare, such as ruthless blood and no traceless in the valley of flowers, have the opportunity to break through the golden elixir realm.

Although Su Han doesn't have much contact with Li Feng, he can also see that Li Feng's arrogant appearance is absolutely not a "genius". It is far from ruthless and traceless. He can reach the late Jindan period at the age of 28, relying on huge spiritual stones to support him.

Su Han originally wanted to know more about Li Feng, but before he opened his mouth, Li Daren's voice came from outside the door, "President, Mr. Su, Li Feng sent someone to urge him, saying that the representatives of the other two families have arrived, just waiting for our Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce..."

Hearing this, Dong Guoren smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Su, please, let's go and see what unequal treaties Li Feng has prepared."

The third time, this is the third time that Dong Guoren hinted to Su Han.

"Please." Su Han got up.

The hotel is not big, so I came to Li Feng's room. There are already five people sitting in the room, Li Feng, the head of the Jinge City Guard, Sheng Xin, the head of the Dingsheng Chamber of Commerce, and Qiu Bailin, the head of the Bailin Chamber of Commerce, and two are Li Feng's personal guards. Dong Guoren told Su Han before that these two people That is, two of the three masters sitting in the main mansion of Jinge City, all have the strength of the spirit god infinitely approaching the half-step martial saint in the later stage, and whether to break through or not is only in one thought.

These people don't know Su Han, and Su Han doesn't know them either. Naturally, they don't need to say hello. Instead, Dong Guoren greeted everyone harmoniously one by one, so he sat down with Su Han.

As soon as Su Han took his seat, everyone frowned. Sheng Xin and Qiu Bailin did not speak, but Li Feng questioned in a sharp tone as expected.

"This is a secret meeting between representatives of the Chamber of Commerce. What qualifications does a deputy captain in your district have to sit here?" Li Feng asked.

Su Han didn't say anything, just wondered if he should be flattered to be remembered as the vice captain by such an arrogant Li Feng.

Seeing that Li Feng's words were full of gunpowder, Dong Guoren hurriedly explained, "Sir, this Mr. Su is the guest of my Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce. This time he was invited to assist the Jinge City Guard to jointly explore the ruins of the Gold Coast. In many cases, his idea is equivalent to my idea."

As a businessman and a businessman under the shelter of others, Dong Guoren's wording is very clever, replacing his opinion with an idea, which is equivalent to flattering Li Feng from the side.

You should know that in addition to the three major families in Jinge City, Dong Guoren is also a very influential figure, but he is so humble at this time that Li Feng is very useful.

"Since I am a VIP of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce, it's my rudeness." Li Feng just said a simple word without even an apology, but it has given Su Hantian a lot of face. Who would let his father be the owner of Jinge City?

After a pause, Li Feng coughed and said, "Since everyone has arrived, let's start. Tonight, everyone is mainly for the arrangement of tomorrow's journey."

"Please speak, son."

"It's less than two days away from the ruins of the Gold Coast. There are few people walking past Tongling Pass, and there are relatively more monsters on the road, and it is even more likely to meet the patrol of the sea clan." Li Feng briefly explained these situations and said, "Therefore, in order that the speed of the team's progress will not be affected, I suggest that a temporary scout team be formed, with 30 people from each of the three chambers of commerce. I have selected 10 elites, a total of 100 people, to inquire about the situation in an all-round way to prevent all emergencies."

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions on Dong Guoren, Sheng Xin and Qiu Bailin's faces solidified.