mutation killing

Chapter 219 · Armor Refining 3

Boom! Bang! Dong! There were bursts of collisions in the sixth level of hell, and the bodies of Li Jiaming and Jiuli Sanxiong kept appearing in the air and then disappeared immediately.

Li Jiaming just waved the two-meter splitter sword in his hand and cut it on Li Hu's nine-ring machete, and the sudden appearance of Li leopard snake spear forced Li Jiaming away.

not far away, Li Xiong caught Li Jiaming's trace, and a mace fell down. Li Jiaming's body highlighted but disappeared in the same place in an instant, leaving a shadow.

It is hard to imagine that Li Jiaming was wearing 1.8 million pounds of armor when he was so flexible to fight with Jiuli Sanxiong. At this time, Li Jiaming's armor had been added to the maximum weight, and only about three days had passed.

During this period, the monster on the sixth floor successfully made a basketball football, but the original size of the football and basketball made them feel that they were too small, so the size was enlarged ten times. At the same time, the material for making this basketball football is something that Li Jiaming does not know. He is resilient but extremely hard. For ordinary people, this The football and marble are generally hard, let alone playing football, but they are just right for this group of perverted monsters.

The size of the football basketball has expanded, and the corresponding field has also expanded a hundred times. The original 400-meter-long football field is only a blink of an eye for these monsters. Even if it is 100 times larger, they still regard it as very small. Fortunately, the space on the sixth floor is not narrow. After some tests, the size of the football field has been determined. It is 500 times more than before, while the basketball court is 300 times higher than before, and the height of the basket is even more amazing.

When Li Jiaming watched Jiuli Sanxiong and others slap a two-meter direct-sized basketball and make a loud noise in the sixth floor of hell, followed by a dunk, his forehead not only a cold sweat.

At the beginning, after Li Jiaming gave a brief demonstration, they started the game, but the basketball and football conflict was inevitable. As a result, a game eventually turned into a large-scale group fight. Finally, Chiyou appeared to calm down the disturbance, and then set a hard rule. If you want to continue this game, you must Follow the rules, otherwise you will be punished by the ethnic group. Li Jiaming doesn't know what the punishment is, but this rule is very effective, at least no one will foul again. At the same time, 81 tribes have formed 81 teams and played the league decently.

What surprised Li Jiaming most was that after Li Jiaming told Lvpi and others about how to play chess, they made a set of chess, but they felt that it was not so enjoyable, so they took new chess and made new chess. Unexpectedly, the next day Li Jiaming saw statues on a huge chessboard. The general flag, green, is playing with another monster. They only need to order the flag on the chessboard to move to fight. In order to increase interest, they have also specially designed a combat power value system. In addition to the fixed combat power of each flag, the two sides also have a certain amount of combat power to provide distribution. Both sides The battle is no longer to eat chess pieces according to the old rules. The two will not decide the winner until they fight.

Li Jiaming thought this chess was very interesting, but he didn't have much time to play. Naturally, he didn't know much about it. However, this simulated chess spread quickly in the tribe, and several such chessboards were built in a short time, and almost everyone played it every day, and even Chiyou went to play games from time to time.

Of course, everything is an episode that has happened in Li Jiaming in the past few days, and now under Li Jiaming's terrible adaptability, he has carried 1.8 million pounds of weight to carry out his final challenge, and the monsters of 81 tribes on the sixth floor have come to watch. This battle.

Li Jiaming keeps changing his body and shuttles between the three heroes. If the three of them get together, Li Jiaming has almost no chance. Although he will not lose, he can't win. In order to pass the test, he must defeat the three heroes of Jiuli.

Both sides know that pure power has been used in this battle. Although there is a fierce battle, there is no leakage of energy. Thanks to the training results during this period, Li Jiaming has a new improvement in his power speed control.

Li Jiaming's figure suddenly changed the Z word in the air. The two-meter splitter sword in his hand emitted golden light, which was a manifestation of the high cohesion of Xiang Yu's inheritance power.

Seeing Li Jiaming rushing, he picked up the snake spear in Li Bao's hand. Seeing that it pierced Li Jiaming's body, it turned out to be a phantom. Then Li Jiaming split Huashan Mountain and appeared over Li Bao, and Li Hu's nine-ring machete suddenly swept out at Li Jiaming, and Li Xiong's wolf tooth hammer was smashed at Li Jiaming.

Avoiding the nine-ring machete, Li Jiaming was accidentally hit by Li Xiong's wolf tooth hammer. Suddenly, his body flew backwards. Seeing the opportunity, Li Bao suddenly caught up with a spear and immediately distanced Li Xiong and Li Hu.

Li Xiong frowned slightly and nodded to Li Hu and the two also randomly chased after him, but at this time, Li Bao and the two had already opened a certain distance.

This is a smile from the corners of Li Jiaming's mouth that was smashed away. Originally, he just tried to attract one of the three heroes of Jiuli. It was also his intention to suffer from Li Xiong's blow. Otherwise, there would be no problem for Li Jiaming to avoid it, and under the protection of armor refining, although Li Xiong's move was full of power, it was It can't cause any harm to Li Jiaming.

Seeing that Li Bao caught up, he suddenly secretly used the blood illusion of the sacred shadow of the blood clan. A split kept flying, but the movement told by the body disappeared in place.

Li Bao caught up with Li Jiaming's body and roared and hit Li Jiaming with a spear. Naturally, Li Bao would not kill the enemy. Naturally, the spear originally stabbed should be smashed vertically. However, if this time, the eight-level world power calculation is protected by armor refining, and this vibration force is still enough for Li Jiaming to feel uncomfortable. Yes.

But I didn't expect that Li Bao's spear hit Li Jiaming's body as if it had punctured a balloon, and Li Jiaming's split suddenly disappeared from the original place.

"It's not good!" Li Bao turned around to defend, but it was too late. Li Jiaming had appeared behind him. The two light swords in his hand were mounted on Li Bao's neck, and Li Bao was out!

Seeing Li Bao rushing out, Li Xiong vaguely felt that it was wrong. Although he caught up, it was still a step late. Li Bao was out and set himself and Li Hu free on the court. In this way, the pressure of Li Jiaming's offensive was naturally much greater. They didn't expect Li Jiaming to have a split move, but who didn't leave some backhand? It's just that these backhands will only be used on real enemies, and Li Jiaming's split moves will no longer work for him once and twice.

Li Bao was out. Li Xiong and Li Hu leaned back to back, always defending against Li Jiaming, who was moving at high speed around. The speed of this boy's progress was really shocking. The boy who was easily** wearing 900,000 pounds and now wears 1.8 million catties. Such a high speed can also be maintained. If Wang hadn't confirmed it, Li Xiong even suspected that Li Jiaming did not have any burden at all.

In the blink of an eye, Li Jiaming suddenly appeared in front of Li Xiong. Li Xiong was shocked and immediately waved the wolf tooth hammer in his hand, but it was the illusion of Li Jiaming.

"It's not good!" Li Xiong roared. The only thing that disappeared so close could be Li Hu behind him. Sure enough, Li Jiaming's figure appeared on the side of Li Hu. Li Xiong and Li Hu waved the weapon in his hand and hit Li Jiaming at the same time, but the two weapons were smashed. Instead, the two collided with each other and made their arms faintly numb.

Suddenly, Li Jiaming appeared in front of Li Xiong again, and Li Xiong's numb arm waved again! Phantom! It's still a phantom! What the hell is Li Jiaming doing?

Behind him, Li Hu suddenly waved a nine-ring machete, and it turned out to be a phantom. Suddenly, Li Hu and Li Xiong's eyes suddenly showed surprise. Li Jiaming's illusions appeared densely around them. Although they knew that these were illusions, they could not tell which one was true. Li Xiong and Li Huxiang After a glance, he sighed and put down the weapon in his hand.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Li Xiong and Li Hu put down their weapons, the phantom of Li Jiaming around the two actually asked this sentence at the same time, neatly like a person.

"You passed! Boy, the speed of your progress is really amazing!" Li Xiong said with a smile

"Our task has also been completed. Hey, our three brothers can also play basketball well!"

"Really?" Li Jiaming was happy to hear that he passed the pass, and the illusion around him began to disappear. Finally, Li Jiaming's body appeared in front of Li Xiong.

"Of course, boy, but you still have to work hard. It's not necessarily that we lose if you pass the test. Some moves can't be used for you. Boy still has a long way to go! Don't relax!" Li Xiong told him.

"Thank you for your teaching!" Li Jiaming bowed respectfully to Jiuli Sanxiong, and at this time, the monsters around him also cheered.