Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 284 Impact the Cave

It is no exaggeration to say that having a time crystal is equivalent to having a cheat. All problems that can be solved in time are no longer a problem.

Yang Huang is just a word in the real world. However, Xuanying in the time box in the city master's secret room has spent hundreds of years.

The two met again, which actually made Xuanying feel like a different world.

"Time acceleration is indeed good, but the greater the time difference, the more energy will be consumed!" Seeing Yang Huang Xuanying hand over a jade gourd and a kit containing time crystals to Yang Huang: "Now I know why Lao Long and others didn't blow their spirits to directly impact the creation realm. The time I spent exchanging one hour for a hundred years alone has consumed 100,000 crystals. As for the two realms they have just upgraded, they have also consumed 20 million time crystals!"

Yang Huang opened the kit when he heard the words, and as expected. There are only 30 million crystals that were originally obtained by the nine ministers and eight street bullies.

It seems that the difficulty of improving the realm in the future is really not ordinary.

However, the effect is also very obvious. At least now Yang Huang's side already has three Taixuanjing generals, as many Taixuanjing masters owned by the Xuanao Hanguang Alliance, which can more or less deter them, making them dare not act rashly.

And Yang Huang can also take this opportunity to deal with everything in reality!

Once again, he divided the time crystal into one million and gave it to Xuanying, so that he could use it to read books in the library and improve his cultivation. Yang Huang replaced him into the secret room and began to use time crystals to impact the cave sky.

Without this empty elixir, Yang Huang can also impact. However, the time required is very long, and even the grasp of space cannot be solved by time alone.

However, with this empty elixir, everything will be solved. The principle of empty elixir is not so much an elixir as a magic weapon.

Once someone takes this elixir, it can form a temporary field on the body surface of the person taking the medicine, similar to simulating a small hole. As for the effect, it can last for about a week, and then the effect of the medicine will evaporate and the field will disappear.

This feeling is like having a magic weapon and a treasure. It's not that it really changed a person's physique and made him fly and go straight into the cave.

Although the effect is short, it is enough for Yang Huang.

Along the way, it was too hurried, and Yang Huang was constantly pushed forward by the invisible big hand. There is almost no time to stop and rest. Now he has the time crystal, so that he can finally breathe a sigh of relief and slowly take care of everything!

Stepping into the secret room, Yang Huang looked around for a week. I immediately found that the space around had already been changed. The corners of the four corners are all engraved with arrays, and the grooves above the array are inlaid with time crystals.

This secret room has long been transformed into a time box by Wang Guangfang. It was improved by Long Qitian and others, making the utilization rate of time crystals higher.

Although the array did not start at this time, at the moment when Yang Huang stepped into the secret room, he still felt the passage of time here, which was at least an hour slower than the outside world. It seemed that the effect had not completely disappeared after the last time slowdown.

After a look, Yang Huang stretched out his hand and arranged it. At this time, there were two guards of Yu Haoran and his wife in Guangfang City. There would be no problems. Yang Huang just had to practice boldly.

According to the ratio given by Xuanying, about 100,000 time crystals can be spent, and a 100-year time field can be arranged, and this time field needs to be consumed in reality is one hour.

Of course, Yang Huang can accelerate the time to faster, and it is not impossible to exchange 100 years in the time box with one minute in reality, but it needs to consume 10 million time crystals at one time. Yang Huang is not a fool and has no impulse to try.

But this does not mean that Yang Huang will not be able to do it in the future. If there is really a magic weapon for producing time crystals in this ice field, which can produce time crystals endlessly, if he gets it, he can squander it at will in the future.

Arrange everything and feel the power of time around him getting stronger and stronger. Yang Huang turned around and walked into the center of the secret room and sat down. As soon as he reached out, he directly crushed the empty elixir.

Suddenly spread out in the film field, very gentle, without a trace of tyrannical tendency, just suspended there and did not move.

This field is a masterless field. If Yang Huang swallows it, he can borrow the power of this field to tear the space. But in that way, Yang Huang now needs to directly understand the power in this empty elixir and let himself break through the hole heaven and once and for all.

The next moment, feeling that the field of the empty elixir unfolded became more and more complete, Yang Huang's mind directly rushed out, wrapped the field layer by layer, began to penetrate and decompose, and understand the power of space.

If you are an ordinary person, you may be able to accumulate enough energy in a hundred years and then hit the sky. But for Yang Huang, this time is far from enough.

One hundred years, two hundred years, time passed slowly, until the tenth hundred years, a thousand years passed. Yang Huang finally woke up.

At this time, the field in front of him still exists, but this field is no longer the field of the Void Elixir, which has completely decomposed and disappeared on the seventh day.

The field in front of him now is his own field. However, this field is only a prototype, incomplete and looks very fragile.

But even so, it also shows that Yang Huang has stepped into the cultivation of the cave at this time. In other words, as early as 900 years ago, he had entered the cave heaven. However, during this period, because of another thing, he made him work hard for a hundred years.

"The divine court is open!" At this time, Yang Huang was not in a hurry and shouted in a low voice.

The divine cave between the eyebrows suddenly trembled and opened. Pieces of pavilions appeared one after another, nothing else, but temples built by divine power.

However, this temple is only a virtual shadow, and only one of the Temples of Thieves is real. Because Yang Huang only got the inheritance of the Thief God, the rest of the temple wanted to get it, unless he could find the rest of the inheritors and take it from them.

It's just that the existence of the inheritor is generally very secretive. Basically, no fool will reveal his identity as his successor.

Otherwise, the pursuit may follow, and every inheritance means that there is a huge treasure behind it. Several brothers of Yang Huang also tried to feel the inheritance of their sect in this world of cultivation, but found that they had been claimed.

Yang Huang must take these inheritances and give them to his brothers. Only in this way can they understand the true meaning of their lineage in this era and have the possibility of becoming gods.

In the past, Yang Huang's cultivation was too low, and there was no possibility of contact with those inheritors. But at this moment, Yang Huang is about to hit the cave heaven, truly become a giant, a deputy leader, and has a real right to speak.

Now even if Yang Huang returns to the sect immediately, he can truly shoulder the overall situation of their party and fight fairly with the rest of the factions in the burning Tiandong Mansion.

But this is not Yang Huang's goal. He is just a small role. It doesn't matter in the world of cultivation, let alone soar to the upper world.

Why is Changyun, as the head of a faction, so anxious to attract Yang Huang? He didn't even hesitate to pay Yang Huang a large amount of resources in advance for his growth.

The reason is very simple. Although Changyun is infinitely beautiful in the world of cultivation, once it rises to the upper world. It immediately became a little ant-like existence. An elder from the upper world can reward and punish him with a poor meritorious service.

Once he is determined to have too much and merit, he will immediately set out for him, and there will be no chance to turn over in the sinner camp.

What is it? Nothing is wrong!

What is work? It is all thanks to opening up new territories, discovering new ruins, and occupying new sects.

But now the situation in the cultivation world is extremely stable, and the ruins have been dug up for a long time. If you want to establish such a credit, it is tantamount to a dream.

Throwing away all this, the only thing Changyun can expect is to choose a hegemon as the leader for the next Rantian Cave. In this way, he also has the merit of selection. When Yang Huang flies to the upper world to receive the reward, he can also get a chance to turn over.

This kind of calculation, say it out. I'm afraid those little disciples won't believe it at all. The head of a dignified faction will be embarrassed in such a situation.

But this is the truth. In the cultivation world, the 33-layer plane, almost all of the planes under it have been invaded by the demons of the universe. It means that it is already the lowest plane, and there is really nothing noteworthy about this plane relative to the first plane.

Is it too mysterious? For them, it's just a hitman. The first Taixuanjing alone has tens of thousands of Tiandongfu, and there is nothing to show off.

On the first side of the upper world, only the realm of creation and the pseudo-divine realm are the pursuit of the goal and the existence of having the right to speak.

As he thought about it, Yang Huang's mind moved. The nourishing Temple of Thieves in the Shenting Cave immediately rose into the air and merged towards the field in front of Yang Huang.

At this time, in the temple of Thieves, the spirit of the bloodthirsty demon bracelet was still struggling, but Yang Huang's idea was only slightly shocked, which immediately made it disappear and completely disappear.

Then the Temple of Thieves immediately merged with that field.

In an instant, Yang Huang's field was bright. Looking in through the field, he actually saw a temple. This temple is embedded in Yang Huang's field. Immediately penetrated a golden energy and kept moistening the field.

Similarly, the field also feeds a black space energy to make itself compatible with the temple.

"It's done!" Seeing this situation, Yang Huang couldn't help but breathe a long breath. The integration of the temple and the field, which looks like a waterway, is completed in less than a minute.

But during this period, it was enough for him to deduce for 900 years. In every minute and second of these 900 years, Yang Huang did not have any laziness, eliminated all distractions, and devoted himself to this matter.

That is to integrate the temple with its own field, so as to build its own field into a piece of iron.

This is the essence of Yang Huang's peeping into practice, that is, integrating the power of time, integrating the power of space, integrating everything, and then using it to improve the realm.

This fusion is like the harmony between yin and yang, not blindly devouring, but supplying each other and improving each other.

Just like this temple of theft god and Yang Huang's field, it is not that the thief space has devoured his field, or his field has devoured the space of the thief god.

But the two cooperate with each other to improve together and contribute the greatest energy. Then draw advantages from each other's strengths and complete their own improvement again.

With this Temple of Thieves, Yang Huang's field is about to break away from the ordinary field, so he has a trace of divinity and marches towards the divine realm.

And the same stealth space will also be separated from the pure energy body. Therefore, it is not impossible to evolve into a real temple.

However, if this process of transforming the ordinary field into the divine realm is completed by relying on a temple of theft alone to complete the supply, I'm afraid it will not be possible for 10 billion years, because Yang Huang must get more temples to complete all this.

But now, it's a good start. With the invasion of divinity and divine power, Yang Huang's field is one level higher than that of ordinary people, and he has absolute initiative in battle.

And with the passage of time, this integration will become deeper and deeper, and Yang Huang's benefits will become more and more beneficial.

However, at present, Yang Huang has spent ten hours in this three-legged round furnace, which is half an hour late for the time agreed between him and Wang Zaiye in reality.

So Yang Huang also had to temporarily put away the idea of continuing to improve and walk out of the time box.

Yang Huang has been in the time box for a thousand years. In this thousand years, he has sorted out his life experience and various thoughts one by one, and the confusion and doubts that existed in his heart in the past have also been touched one by one. Now it is no exaggeration to say that his whole body is like a reborn life.

In the strength alone, it has increased tenfold again. More importantly, he no longer has doubts and is no longer confused about the future. The control and grasp of energy are also becoming more and more refined. Although it is only the beginning of the cave heaven, even if it is at the peak of the cave heaven, it may not necessarily lose.

Even if he can include the other party in the Temple of Thieves in his field, he still has a chance to imprison the other party!

Leaving the three-legged round furnace, he saw Wang Zaiye waiting there anxiously. Seeing Yang Huang coming out, he immediately greeted him with joy: "Mr. Yang, I have used the blood array to lock the location of my wife and children. It is the location I agreed with them before. It seems that they have not cheated!"

The blood array is a simple positioning array. If two people are directly related, they can lock the position through this array.

These bandits are very clear about Wang Zaiye's family background and know that Wang Zaiye's friends are very limited. It is impossible to find a true person above the cave to play for him.

So he told Wang Zaiye their position directly and carelessly at the beginning. After made up his mind, Wang Zaiye had no ability to rescue him.

If Wang Zaiye does not meet Yang Huang, the ending will have little to do with what they have planned. But when I met Yang Huang, the result was very different.

Determine the position, and the two of them set off immediately. He ran straight to the gathering place of the bandits.

At this time, the news came from Long Qitian that the first bandit's nest had been wiped out, and no one survived, and even a little news was passed on. Not to mention the other two bandit nests, I'm afraid it's the boss of this bandit nest who doesn't know that his hometown has been taken away.

Wang Zaiye, who got the news, almost roared excitedly. The peak turns around, and that's what the desperate situation means.

The sense of despair derived from a person in the face of an enemy that you can't resist at all cannot be experienced by people who are not immersive. However, he could not avoid it, and even had to shoulder a heavy burden under such pressure. Under such pressure, Wang Zaiye was able to maintain his heart, which was enough to make Yang Huang look sideways.

That's why Yang Huang wanted to attract Wang Zaiye. Otherwise, Yang Huang really wouldn't have so much time to fool around with him.

Yang Huang had thought about relying on Wei Chengming to do it before, but although Wei Chengming had an idea, he was too bold. If Yang Huang wants to do some small business, such as opening a pharmacy, it must be appropriate for Wei Chengming to operate it.

But he will never be able to play a chamber of commerce.

Because his knowledge is too short, even if he is supported by Yang Huang, he has not changed much. After all, this predator can't be changed overnight at all. If Wei Chengming really wants to become a talent, it must take hundreds of years or even thousands of years of polishing.

Wang Zaiye is different. Although he was also born recklessly, his years of business have broadened his horizons. While having thunderous means, he also has the insight that others don't have.

has accumulated a lot of contacts and prestige in Lingshe Town, which allows him to avoid many unnecessary troubles when opening a chamber of commerce in the future.

In addition, there is also a support of a strange talent at the East Gate, so you don't have to worry about major events.

Yang Huang and Wang Zaiye flew for a day and a night before they approached the gathering point where the bandits were ambushed. During this period, Long Qitian and others also chased after them, and all three bandit dens were wiped out. Tang Ke and others have led the caravan to the teleportation array and went to the Western Regions.

The better news is that the energy of the three people consumes only half of what they expected, and each of them can fight for another hour. All this is due to the fact that the three of them have been promoted to the Taixuan Realm, and their grasp of energy has reached an amazing stage. Naturally, it is not the same as when there is only a cave heaven.

If this time, in the Thief Treasure, more high-quality materials can be found to condense higher-level bodies for them. Their explosive fighting power can definitely give Yang Huang a big surprise.