long candle

Chapter 249 Dream

And when my hand was just placed on the giant insect's forehead, the giant insect's forehead immediately changed.

Several things that were as transparent as tentacles and emitted blue light slowly grew out of the forehead of the giant insect.

Then the thing twisted, getting longer and longer, and closer to my face.

I couldn't move, so I could only stare at the tentacles sideways, and my forehead oozed into a cold sweat.

The tentacle was like a strange octopus, constantly touching my cheeks, a slippery and cold feeling, and the slight pain when it was electrocuted by the low-voltage current made the corners of my eyes twitch, and there was a layer of goose bumps all over my body.

But what happened immediately made me collapse.

Because those tentacles touched my cheek a few times, two of them quickly drilled into my mouth.

I couldn't touch it, and of course I couldn't move. I could only let the two tentacles reach into my mouth and then stretch my mouth wide.

Then I felt that other tentacles also penetrated into my mouth and penetrated into my stomach along my esophagus.

Then, I felt a burst of nausea and vomiting, but I found that my consciousness began to gradually blur.

My eyes fell black after three seconds, and then I don't know how long it took, a woman's voice sounded in my mind.

"We...do not mean anything to you, please see..."

When I heard this sound, my consciousness gradually became clear.

What on earth do you want me to see? Then he slowly opened his eyes.

When I saw everything in front of me, I was shocked.

Because where I am seems to be on the sea.

The sea is very windy, and the sky is dark like a ball of ink.

Countless waves formed on the distant sea. They gradually rose. At the urging of the strong wind, they kept soared. Finally, they rose to a height of more than ten meters, and the low ones were seven or eight meters.

These huge waves, like the huge ghosts patrolling on the Styx River, are moving slowly.

"Is this... the end of the world?" I muttered in a low voice and felt a little incredible.

But no one answered my question.

I saw a fifteen or sixteen-meter sea wave sweeping over me, covering the sky and the sun, killing and pressing towards me, countless splashes of water, making a loud sound, and I couldn't help but be scared to soften my whole body.

"Run!" Survival could have made me want to move my feet to avoid the attack of the huge waves, but my body was so imbued with lead that I couldn't move. When I looked down at my feet, I found that I was not standing on land or on the boat, but barefoot suspended above the sea.

When I was surprised, the huge wave had already hit the earth.

When I closed my eyes, my eyes suddenly turned dark, but I didn't feel the impact of being hit by the huge waves, and I didn't even feel the coldness of being wet by water.

I was stunned for a moment and was thinking about what was going on. Suddenly, my eyes lit up again, and the huge wave seemed to pass through my body.

resisted the strong palpitation, and I looked around again.

The sun in the sky was almost covered by dark clouds, and there was only a faint white shadow.

The surroundings are dark and more blurred by the foam stirred by the huge waves.

According to reason, such visibility can't see anything clearly, and the huge volcano standing on the sea is spewing huge and bright flames.

I can't describe the horror of this volcanic eruption, because it is beyond anyone can imagine, and even science fiction has never described such a terrible scene.

The giant volcano is like a giant cannon aiming at the sky, jetting huge fireballs like mushroom clouds into the sky.

The fireball made a rumble and rose slowly. When it was about to touch the clouds, it suddenly burst, and then countless small fireballs the size of meteorites dragged long smoke, triggering a large-scale firestorm.

Countless huge volcanic eruptions created this overwhelming fire and rain.

I looked up at the sky and saw countless white volcanic ash mixed with flying snow, falling down, covering the sea with a layer of gray blankets.

I reached out to catch these goose feather-like volcanic ash, but found that all these things passed through my palm, which was amazing.

At this time, a dazzling white light suddenly appeared in the sky.

This is as white as an angel's plain clothes, projected from the vast sky, as if to suck all the sea water away, which makes people afraid.

When I saw this beam of white light, I couldn't help taking a cold breath and muttering, "What the hell is this?"

In the dark clouds, there is an extremely huge oval shadow.

Concently speaking, such a thick cloud, the things behind the clouds should not be seen clearly.

But this thing is too huge, so whenever there is a gap between the clouds, I can see the edge of this thing. Its huge volume almost occupies half of the sky, making the sky darker and the wind tighter.

With the expression that my chin was about to fall to the ground, I stared at this thing and found that it was not completely still, but gradually became clear.

A thought suddenly came to my mind, is this huge thing going to hit the earth? Isn't the earth torn apart?

Just as I thought so, I suddenly found that there seemed to be something changed in the white light dropped from the center of this huge disk-shaped object.

At a closer look, it turned out that a smaller disk fell rapidly from the beam of light.

This much smaller disk is obviously not small. When it falls, it makes a strange sound, bringing a long string of flames burning when rubbing with the air.

Before I could understand what was going on, I heard a loud noise from the sea in the distance, and a wave 70 to 80 meters high soared into the sky.

The huge wave caused a chain reaction around me, and I saw a huge wave with seven or eight floors and fifty or sixty meters high rushing towards me.

Then, the waves hit and the world fell into darkness again.

This time, the waves did not pass through my body, because I waited for a long time and it was still dark in front of me.

Just as I felt doubt, suddenly, a few rattling birds came to my ears, which was very difficult and harsh.

Then my eyes slowly lit up again.

This time, a large area of primitive forest appeared in front of me.

Around me, there are strange plants that are 30 to 40 meters tall without dozens of people.

The reason why this plant is strange is that although this plant is very tall, its bark is very smooth, black and shiny, and there are snake-like scales.

Any one of these scales is as big as my palm.

I looked up at the top of this big tree and found that its crown was like the shape of an umbrella, with dense and huge leaves growing at the highest point.

As a paleontologist, although I have never seen such a tree with my own eyes, I have seen it countless times in my research data.

This is a giant ferns commonly grown on the earth in the Jurassic period 200 million years ago.

With a little excitement, I put my hand on the nearest fern plant. I wanted to touch this beautiful species in ancient times, but there was no touch at the tentacles.

I sighed with some disappointment and suddenly thought about what I understood.

Everything I saw in that place before was the scene when the earth first formed. At that time, there were only giant volcanoes, magma, hurricanes and huge waves. It was an era of lifeless.

If the huge disk I saw is a so-called Atlantis spacecraft, it can explain two problems. One is that the history of Atlantis civilization is much longer than human beings know, and the other is that they came to the earth in the wild era. Does it mean that they have something to the formation of earth's organisms? Impact.