Super Energy Power

Chapter 253 Please entrust

Time flies by.

October 7, 1990. The Beijing Asian Games is over. The people and the leaders of the whole country have finally turned their attention to the national economy and the world situation.

At this time, the national inflation since 1988 has ended, replaced by a sluggish consumption. The people only feel that money will not depreciate, prices will not rise, and the crazy shopping desire has suddenly decreased, but enterprises are like walking in the sky of ice and fire. A few months ago, despite debt and policy risks, things could be sold after all, but now it's good. After producing the raw materials bought at a high price, no one cares about the finished products. The pressure of inventory makes every enterprise breathless.

In a blink of an eye, newspapers began to use "market weakness" to describe the economic state. At the end of the rush, the Chinese people re-entered the era of savings, and different enterprises were in different troubles.

Xia's door Haicang seemed to be a quiet sea, and I didn't feel the little wave. Just like Dahua Industrial Group.

The integrated group company has hundreds of millions of assets and cash, which is first-class among private enterprises at this time. Coupled with the professional market, it has not been hit too much. Dahua Gas Company also perfectly controls the five provinces. The earliest mountain in the east has entered the stage of charging gas delivery. Due to the use of prepaid gas cards, although the speed of recovering funds is not much, it is enough to fill the daily operating expenses.

Su Cheng himself turned his eyes to the methanol base of Haicang.

The first batch of 120,000 tons of equipment has been transported to the construction site, making the former empty land gradually become plump.

Dozens of foreign engineers came with the car and set up on the construction site. While revising the drawings, implement the equipment and wait for the construction personnel to arrive.

Large petrochemical equipment such as methanol and ethylene has always been made to order. The next order produces a set of equipment, and sometimes it is modified according to the customer's needs. For example, the methanol equipment ordered by Sucheng now requires the use of domestic catalysts. Compared with foreign products, this method can reduce the cost a lot.

Corresponds to this, the time when the equipment is in place is different. Small general-purpose parts are often the first to arrive, such as large-scale equipment such as reaction tanks, which need to wait slowly. Some popular years even have to wait for half a year.

Sucheng urged on the one hand and rectified the infrastructure of the base on the other hand. In addition to methanol equipment, dormitory, canteen and other living equipment are also indispensable. In addition, Dahua Laboratory also secretly studied 120,000 tons of methanol equipment from Casali.

[China] The country is a large coal country, and its energy structure is dominated by coal. Therefore, methanol and other petrochemical equipment mainly manufactured by petrochemical companies of state-owned enterprises are also made of coal. Compared with gasified natural gas, solid coal makes it much more difficult. Therefore, domestic methanol equipment has always been in the stage of catching up with the world level.

Sucheng started with oil. Now that it goes back to the upstream of petrochemical products, it is already in a tense state. If it is not enough to produce petrochemical equipment by itself, it is not in line with economic principles. However, he did not miss this opportunity. Dahua Laboratory secretly set up a petrochemical equipment research institute, which caught some people and started the work of localization first.

This is also the only way for [China] national research. Buy a complete set of equipment first. No matter how they design it, first find a way to make parts. When each part can be made, you can produce 100% domestic copycat products. The next step is to design and study by yourself.

The research and development method with national characteristics sounds as cool as foreign research institutions, but it is very practical.

No matter how beautiful the scientific research propaganda is, no matter how good it is, it is false. The most important thing is to be able to develop good things, let enterprises make money, and let enterprises and research structures survive.

Foreign enterprises often spend tens of billions of yuan in assets and billions of dollars in R&D investment. Some are capital for head-to-foot research, and some are capital to accept failures. Companies like Kasali, Switzerland, can invest tens of millions of dollars a year in developing a set of methanol equipment. At the same time, they also have to study ethylene, ethanol, synthetic ammonia and other large-scale equipment. It's good to have half of the success every year.

As for the time of cost recovery, it is estimated that it will fall to five or even ten years later.

Therefore, the 120,000 tons of methanol they are making money now is likely to have been produced by input 10 years ago or even 15 years ago. Ten years ago, in 1980, [China] how did the country come up with tens of millions of dollars to study methanol equipment for several years? Not to mention 15 years ago in 1975, even if it was invested in research, it would give priority to the research of large fertilizer products such as synthetic ammonia.

Even in 1990, Sinopec did not dare to rashly invest 100 million US dollars in methanol equipment. Not to mention half of the success rate, it is not sure of 70%.

In contrast, step-by-step localization puts less pressure on all parties. Any enterprise can choose one or some parts of imported equipment for imitation. First, copy wearing parts instead of foreign after-sales service, second, copy common parts and general parts, and finally copy special parts and important parts...

In this way, every step and every research result can be converted into income in a short time. It may only take millions or even hundreds of thousands to start a project and recover the cost in a year or two. Both producers and customers can benefit from it.

For [China] countries that are still in the underdeveloped stage, there is nothing more important than maintaining the survival of enterprises. If the enterprise dies of blood because of too much investment in research and development, no matter how beautiful the previous research is, I guess no one will appreciate it.

On the contrary, the gradual localization plan allows enterprises with assets of hundreds of millions of yuan in China to start projects that can only be launched by enterprises with tens of billions of billions of foreign assets. In fact, it is a big killer for the development of China. Of course, for foreign manufacturers, this process is not so wonderful. Some foreign enterprises will even file lawsuits for this and do everything possible to prevent [China] from being localized in the contract.

Occasionally, they will succeed, but most of the time, they fail.

Just like the current Dahua Industry, dozens of professionals are sent to help Casali's engineers for free. No matter how careful they are, some information will always be leaked. Even if it is public information, it is a rare information for the [China] countries of the Third World. Especially in targeted cases, you can learn more.

In the case of cooperation between the two sides, all the design drawings are in place in just three days. Buckman, the leading Swiss engineer, was very happy and praised the progress of the project. They start work around the world, and the faster they complete the project, the higher the rewards and salary they will receive.

Sucheng and other Dahua members are naturally happier. The price of methanol at three to four hundred dollars per ton on the international market means that an extra $100,000 of methanol can be produced one day earlier.

Shanghai Petrochemical Plant and other units also visited the construction site with great interest. As early as during the bidding period of Setan Oilfield, in order to deal with the Ministry of Energy, Sucheng promised to import methanol equipment from Shanghai Petrochemical Plant. However, their production of methanol equipment is difficult to meet the needs of Dahua, and the re-coordinating between the two sides has become to learn Calissa's technology and mainly transform and dismantle the equipment from Brazil.

The only thing that doesn't feel happy may be Wang Sheng of the Taiwan Plastics Department. The faster Dahua's progress is, the greater the pressure on Formosa Plastics. However, they can't stop the production of Dahua Industry - they can't finalize the contract, and can't other companies finalize the contract? What's more, Dahua Industry was invited by them.

Wang Sheng had nothing to say and could only wander around boredly at the construction site of Haicang. At this time, another convoy came with loess.

"And new equipment?" Wang Sheng was helpless for a while. If the methanol equipment of Dahua Industry is really put into production, it will be embarrassing. This is not only the pressure from the mainland, but also from the pressure from Taiwan. They will not look at Dahua and Haicang Base separately. They will only feel that the Haicang plan has entered a substantive stage. For Formosa Plastics, this is obviously not good news.

The team finally stopped outside Dahua Petrochemical Company. A team of people jumped out of the car with shovels and shovels and so on, and then began to line up loosely.

Su Cheng also noticed that he left the foreign experts and slowly walked over.

"What is this?" Wang Sheng was full of doubts. If they are here to work, the tools are too simple, and they are next to Dahua Petrochemical Company, where the land has just been leveled.

Before Su Cheng saw a Ding Chouyin coming out, these people shouted slogans and ran away. The people in front pushed the wheelbage to draw a line, and the people in the back hoeed the shovel together and ran out of a ditch.

"Is this to dig a canal? Can you use this kind of battle?" There were eight big cars and three or four hundred people at the scene, standing in a row, and the work was very hot. Wang Sheng obviously couldn't understand.

Su Cheng stood side by side with him and said uncertainly, "It seems that there are still trees."

The two of them guessed for a while and couldn't figure it out. Yang Ming ran to ask, came back with a strange look, and said, "They are the construction team organized by the city, all cadres of the Industry and Commerce Bureau and the Tax Bureau. They want to get a park outside our factory."

Dahua Chemical Company has 400 mu of land, which is relatively spacious, but it can only be greened casually, and it can't be spread out like a huā garden.

It seems that Wang Sheng, Yang Ming continued: "Enterprises and institutions in the city must organize personnel to participate in the construction of Haicang. In the future, there will be people from one unit every day until the park next to our factory is built."

Wang Sheng asked strangely, "Why don't you let the work be done?"

"If the city wants to show its support, it will be more sincere to organize subordinate units." Su Cheng smiled bitterly. Seeing that Yang Ming wanted to stop talking, he asked again, "What's wrong?"

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and whispered, "When I asked just now, a director of the tax bureau asked me if Dahua Petrochemical could stuff a few more people. He was not very happy when I said I couldn't make the decision.

Speaking of this, Yang Ming is a little uneasy. He was brought by Su Cheng from Shengli Machinery Factory. He knows the style of state-owned enterprises and administrative organs very well, and is afraid that he will cause trouble for Su Cheng.

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I'm afraid you won't be the only one who meets the request. Well, you can ask other cadres. If you have any requirements, report them uniformly.