Daming Haiku

Chapter 60 Water Conservancy

Yu Xiaotian's face immediately sank and sometimes scolded Lu: "Mr. Lu, Yu doesn't like to listen to your words! Although the workshops are related to the people's livelihood of my sea wolf, this agricultural matter is related to the food problem of more people!

Farming without caring about water conservancy is tantamount to being busy. Since you are responsible for civil affairs here, this farming is naturally within your jurisdiction!

Nothing is a reason for you to shirk. Water conservancy is a big thing. Anything can be put down, but this water conservancy must not be delayed. At present, early spring is a good time to build water conservancy. This matter will be done soon!

In addition to the drainage and irrigation ditches used by water, this road is also a big deal. Let's take a look at this area and what this road looks like!

It seems that this road is still going well, but once it comes to the rainy season, can this road still pass through? Not to mention vehicles, even people are afraid it is difficult to walk.

If an immigrant village is attacked at this time, or if the freshwater city is attacked, how can we quickly concentrate human and material resources and send it to the scene of the accident?

What's more, if you want to be rich and build roads first, this sentence makes sense. It's not that ordinary people can't grow things, but in addition to grain, even if they grow some vegetables, melons and fruits, can they be transported out according to this road conditions? I can't bear to eat and can't get it out, so who would be willing to plant it?

Just by planting a little rice and sweet potatoes every year, it can make them eat half full. As for thinking about a good life, it is impossible!

Since we have brought the people here, we need to find a way to make them live a better life, just to make them full, which is not what I want to see!

You know, we are now thieves, and it is not easy for the people to be one with us! If we deal with our peers, the people will probably be able to advance and retreat with us, but one day if the government sends troops to suppress it, will these people still be one with us?

If we want the people to be one with us, we can only let them live a good life, because the people all know what the officials of the Ming Dynasty are and what the officials and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are. If they live here and live similar to the land, whoever comes here to care about them is almost the same for them. Will you still be with us?

Let the people understand one thing, that is, no one will treat them well except us, and no one will care about their life and death. Only in this way, the people will be one with us even for their own interests! If you don't understand this, you are not enough to be the chief of civil affairs!

So no matter what you think, the construction of this irrigation drainage ditch needs to start immediately. By the way, the road must also be repaired. Only when there is a good road can the people live a better life. Otherwise, everything will be empty!"

Lu sometimes listened to Yu Xiaotian's words and unconsciously became nervous. He just felt that this life was a little better. If Yu Xiaotian didn't like him because of these things, then his good life would come to an end again.

In fact, in his opinion, although Yu Xiaotian is a pirate, he knows better than a land official. Although Yu Xiaotian does not often lose his temper with a straight face, once he is unhappy, even if he does not stare, he has a feeling of not being angry and arrogant. Now Yu Xiaotian lost his temper, which sometimes put a lot of pressure on Lu.

So Lu sometimes nodded quickly and said, "Students have been taught! This is all the student's negligence, and the student will arrange it immediately!"

Yu Xiaotian saw that Lu's attitude was sometimes quite good, so he put away his anger and sometimes said to Lu, "Mr. Lu, although you follow Yu, you are just a thief, but we can't look down on ourselves!

This member island is not a territory of the Ming Dynasty. At least it is not regarded as the territory of the Ming Dynasty by the officials of the Ming Dynasty and the government. This is an enclave. Whoever stands firm here is the uncrowned king here!

Don't look down on yourself. In fact, you and Mr. Lin are not incapable, but with bad luck and corrupt officials in the government, so you have nowhere to use your talents.

But I can give you a chance to show what you have learned. To put it bluntly, you are the officials here. I don't want you to learn from those officials on land. I want you to put the people in the most important position. Only in this way can we sea wolves survive on this sea. Otherwise, sooner or later One day, we were either annexed by our peers or wiped out by the government!

To put it hard, when you get on my thief boat, you and I are a grasshopper on a rope, both glorious and damaged! Except for me, I can guarantee that no one in the world can give you such a chance to show what you have learned! I hope you can pay attention!"

Lu sometimes listened and nodded repeatedly and said, "Students wrote it down! Please rest assured, students should remember the teachings of the great masters!"

Yu Xiaotian smiled and waved his hand and said, "I dare not teach you. You are a scholar, and in your eyes, I am always just a rough person or a martial artist!" How dare you call it teaching! Just remember my words!

You should treat this matter as the most important thing, and we can discuss the issue of manpower!

It is a century-old plan to build water conservancy. Even if it is urgent, you can't rush to get on the horse! First of all, we need to find a knowledgeable person to carry out a unified plan and repair the ditches, which should not only be convenient for irrigation, but also have smooth drainage. If you are not careful, you will do bad things with good intentions! Be cautious!

In addition, I can help with some ideas for road construction!

This road cannot be repaired according to the current method. It won't be long before it will become the current situation!

Whether it is road construction or water conservancy, it is a century-old plan. Don't be careless! If we don't do it, we won't do it. If we do it, we must do it well so that it can benefit the people for a long time!

First of all, the foundation of this road should be well paved. The soil can be stir-fried in the old way, which can prevent insects and avoid growing grass. With some lime, the foundation should be completely compacted and crushed with big stones!

Then it is supplemented with gravel, which can combine the iron slag with stones and sand to grind on the road. If the slag is not enough, the waste and slag fired from brick and tile kilns and porcelain kilns can also be used to grind them with stones repeatedly!

In addition, ditches must be dug on both sides of the road, and the road must be higher than the ground to prevent water accumulation on the road! The road should also be made low on both sides and high in the middle, which is conducive to drainage.

And the roadside ditch is also used as a canal in the field, and the excavated soil can be directly used as a roadbed. Such a road should be used for a long time and will not be easily damaged..."

Yu Xiaotian squatted down and began to draw on the ground with a sharp knife. He told Lu some of his requirements for building roads, and Lu sometimes quickly squatted down and looked at Yu Xiaotian drawing pictures on the ground. He couldn't help but admire him secretly.

The eyes of the people in this era are very narrow. They rarely know much except farming or doing some simple handicrafts.

Lu sometimes had learned Yu Xiaotian's industrial ability before that. He knew that the soap and glass used by the sea wolves to make money were all made by him, including the cannons produced in the cannons and the muskets equipped by the sea wolves without fire ropes, which were also from Xiaotian. Even Yu Xiaotian created a new type of ship such as a flying-shaped fast ship in Chuanliao. Even if he is so self-respecting that he has dabbled in a wide range of scholars, he will sigh that he is not good at it.

However, the knowledge of this era is only in the hands of a few people. It is difficult for ordinary people to learn things about water conservancy and road construction. This requires a lot of books to master, but Yu Xiaotian is easy to grasp. Although he is not very professional, he obviously knows a lot.

When talking about road construction, Yu Xiaotian also casually said something about water conservancy construction. According to his understanding of the water sources around Tamsui City, he points out many places, such as how to build dams, how to improve the water surface, and how to divert water and drainage.

Moreover, Yu Xiaotian also proposed to build some large watermills in many places, using water to directly introduce the water in the river into ditches and directly into the canals into farmland.

As for introducing the water of canals into the fields, he also proposed to make the best use of geographical conditions to introduce water directly into the fields. Even if conditions are limited, more water trucks should be used to reduce the demand for manpower. These canals should form a large network, which can be diverted for irrigation in the weather and drought. During the rainy season, it should also be convenient to use the fields. The accumulated water is quickly discharged and introduced into the river for discharge.

Listening to Yu Xiaotian's talk, Lu sometimes nodded repeatedly and said that he did not dare to show a little arrogant expression in front of Xiaotian. Although Yu Xiaotian only said casually, there were many things in it, which surprised him.

Yu Xiaotian has never learned anything about water conservancy or road construction. He has never eaten pork, but he still knows how pigs run. He roughly summed up some things he saw in the old time and space and told Lu sometimes, but this alone made Lu admire him very much.

After saying these things, Yu Xiaotian took Lu and others to continue to wander around the immigrant village. Yu Xiaotian walked all the way and pointed out and put forward a lot of new things that surprised Lu sometimes's men in charge of civil affairs.

For example, for the current rice fields, Yu Xiaotian proposed a method of raising fish or ducks in rice fields. In this era, agriculture does not have chemical fertilizers and pesticides to assist production, so the fertility and pests in farmland are very serious.

And his old time and space saw some places on TV to promote rice field fish or duck farming. By raising fish or ducks in the rice fields, these fish and ducks can not only eat some pests in the rice field, but also the fish and duck feces can also directly act on the rice fields and improve The fertility of rice fields.

In addition, when harvesting in the rice fields, the fish and ducks are also fattened, allowing farmers to gain another income from the harvested fish and ducks, so as to get one stone.

(Special thanks to the heartless Fengyue brothers for their rewards! Thank you for your support!)