Daming Haiku

Chapter 61 Reprimand

And almost no one has heard of the method he said in the current time and space, which makes people feel refreshed and makes sense to think about it carefully. Therefore, he is very impressed by Yu Xiaotian's ideas.

I quickly wrote this down and prepared to try to promote it in the paddy fields of farmers on the freshwater side in the future.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian also made some suggestions based on what he knows about agriculture, such as the unified selection of excellent seeds of rice, unified breeding, and the breeding and promotion of other excellent varieties such as sweet potatoes and corn.

It is obviously impossible for the people to do this kind of thing. It must be experimentally planted on the farm owned by the sea wolf. Various varieties of rice have been introduced. Special personnel are sent to observe the growth and yield of rice, from which the rice varieties are high, have strong resistance to diseases and pests, and are most suitable for the local climate. Then expand the planting area on the farm and promote it to the common people after it is used as a grain cultivation.

This kind of thing has paid little attention to by the government in history. Basically, it was discovered and promoted by the people after searching for a long time. Now Yu Xiaotian proposes to arrange for Sea Wolf to be responsible for this kind of promotion, which also makes Lu and others sigh with emotion.

They didn't think about these things before, but Yu Xiaotian, the big head, "considered" these things in his busy schedule. If it weren't for those who really care about people's livelihood, they would never think about these things. Even those who were sent to manage the civil affairs here did not think of these things. Love, but let Yu Xiaotian think of it first, which can't help but make Lu sometimes quite ashamed, and his admiration for Filial Piety in his heart has increased a little more. The thought of fooling around in his heart in the past was immediately and completely thrown out of the sky by them.

These people realize that they want to work under Xiaotian in the future and live by eating and drinking. I'm afraid they can't do it. If they don't make some decent results, they are expected that they will be fooled to the end sooner or later.

Yu Xiaotian is still a thief anyway. If he can't get along on land, he can't go home to be a rich man, but if they don't work hard here, no one doubts whether Yu Xiaotian will put them into the camp. For the hard labor camp, it is now well-known, and anyone who mentions it will shudder.

Yu Xiaotian took these people to chat while walking, stopped in several immigrant villages, and inspected the health situation of these immigrant villages inside and outside the village.

Yu Xiaotian once again lost his temper with the sanitary situation in the immigrant village. Yesterday, when he was in the new camp, he had expressed dissatisfaction with the sanitary situation in the new camp and asked for rectification, but in the immigrant village, the sanitary situation he saw was ten times worse than that in the new camp.

Although according to the standards on land, the sanitary conditions of these immigrant villages are already good. At least there will be no piles of garbage and feces everywhere, and each immigrant village has built one or two public toilets, and someone is specially responsible for cleaning, which is basically seen on land. Not available.

However, Yu Xiaotian is still very dissatisfied with this. Inside and outside the immigrant village, there are still people who defecate everywhere, and the garbage is not disposed of in time. The septic tanks are open, and flies fly around. Moreover, many immigrant villages have not built sewer drainage systems. There is still sewage spilling everywhere in the village, allowing it to flow around. The situation.

If this is on land, such a scene is really nothing, but when Yu Xiaotian sees it, he has a creepy feeling.

He has told his subordinates many times that Taiwan Yuan Island is not as good as on land, and even more than Nanri Island. The environment of Taiwan Yuan Island is very easy to breed mosquitoes and is prone to large-scale plagues, so the sanitary conditions must be good. The hygiene of the immigrant village must be paid enough attention to, and there should be no sanitary dead corners, let alone in the village. There is sewage flow and accumulation around.

But today, after seeing the situation of these immigrant villages, he was still shocked by the scenes in front of him. His words were ignored by many immigrant villages, and he took it for granted that he continued all kinds of bad habits brought on land according to their own living habits.

And the managers did not pay enough attention to this matter, so Yu Xiaotian finally couldn't help bursting out after looking at the situation of several immigrant villages.

Lu and a group of civil servants in charge of freshwater were sometimes recruited by Yu Xiaotian and scolded him again.

Yu Xiaotian denounced their indifference to such things while observing their expressions. Obviously, his words were not very valued by these people. There was a little disapproving expression on other people's faces. Obviously, he felt that Yu Xiaotian asked them so much that it was really a little hairy. It's a little critical. In their opinion, the sanitary situation of the immigrant village here is quite better than that on land, but Yu Xiaotian is still not satisfied. Does he have to make such a fuss and lose his temper with them?

After seeing these people's expressions, Yu Xiaotian became even more angry and shouted at them, "You people can't cry without seeing the coffin!"

As soon as he said this, he scared Lu sometimes and these people away. They didn't see the coffin tears. If he said it, it was almost not far from killing people. They didn't expect Yu Xiaotian to be so angry in this matter, so they were so scared that everyone quickly knelt on the ground with a bang, even Ask for mercy.

Yu Xiaotian knew that they would be wrong, but he didn't let them get up. He pointed to them and said angrily, "I have told you again and again that Taiwan Yuan Island is not on land, let alone a small Nanri Island. Mosquitoes are rampant on Taiwan Yuan Island. You should know that many immigrants have come before. Taiwan Member Island, but why don't they stand here?

It was because of the plague here that a large number of them died of illness, so they had no choice but to abandon here and return to land. How did the plague happen? It is because the sanitary conditions here are too poor!

And you can see what it looks like here. Under three or five times, I still look like this. Mosquitoes fly across the sewage, and feces can still be seen everywhere. Aren't you afraid of death?

This member island has been miasma since ancient times. You don't think it's a big deal. It's your luck. Now you haven't encountered the outbreak of the plague yet!

And the most terrible thing here is malaria, do you know malaria? It's just swinging! Compared with what you have heard, once you get this disease, it is almost hopeless! Once it spread, haven't you heard of the dead people in the whole village?

We finally paid money to buy it and forcibly blackmail us to bring the people here. Is it just to let them live and die here?

We managed to open these fields. As long as there is a big plague, it will immediately return to what it used to be. Have you ever thought about it?

I want people here to eat cooked food and drink boiled water. That's just to prevent the disease from entering from the mouth. Bathing every day is to avoid other diseases, but malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes!

After the mosquito bites people, many people will spread malaria. If you are in good health, you can resist it, but if you are slightly weak, there will be an epidemic. At that time, even if you apply medicine, it will be difficult to control it!

And now you can see for yourself. There is sewage and pus everywhere. Liu Wang, send someone to scoop a bowl of water in the pug with a clean porcelain bowl!"

Liu Wang immediately sent someone to find a clean white porcelain bowl, scooped up a bowl of water from a nearby pug and presented it to Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian put this bowl of water in front of Lu sometimes and shouted to them, "You all stared at me clearly!" It's just early spring now. What do you think there is in this water?

So Lu and others sometimes opened their eyes and looked into the water bowl. This bowl of water is not very dirty, or even clear. You can directly clean it to see the bottom of the bowl, and the things in the water in the bowl can also be seen clearly.

Everyone looked carefully and suddenly felt that their scalp was a little numb. If they didn't look carefully, they would feel that this bowl of water was very clean. However, if you look carefully, you can see that there are many very small bugs swimming around in the water. If you drink it carefully, your stomach will not hurt.

So everyone quickly said that they saw it. Yu Xiaotian pointed to the bowl of waterway: "I'm afraid you probably know that these little insects in it are mosquito larvae, called Zizi!

Now it's only early spring, and there are so many mosquito larvae in the water. It won't be long before they will become mosquitoes flying around! And they have malaria. After biting people, they are likely to have an outbreak of malaria!

Once it spreads, it will be difficult to extinguish it. Once the plague breaks out, all our efforts will be in the end, and many brothers will probably die here! I'm afraid it's inevitable, including yourself!

Do you still think I'm picking on someone?

From now on, you should also remember this matter for me. Put it in the top position and go to each village in person to check the sanitary situation of each village. If there is no sewer drainage, the whole village will immediately stop the work at hand, dig the sewer, and cover it. All the sewage in the village must be discharged immediately. If it can't be drained, you should also dig out a large pool, add a lid, and precipitate and rot!

Tell all the people that no one is allowed to defecate anywhere in and around the village. If you really can't wait, you should immediately bury the feces in the ground. In short, don't see feces anywhere!

The septic tank of the toilet should also be covered. In the future, I will tell you a new way to solve this problem. For the time being, you need to add a lid first. You can't let mosquitoes and flies appear in the septic tank in the open air!

Bring me the health system of the barracks, implement them in each village, and then strictly urge them to let the villagers meet the requirements, and the village head is personally responsible for it. If any village does not meet the standards, I will exempt him and let him go to the labor camp for three months! Change people to do this! I don't believe I can't take care of this!

What's more, manure is also an excellent fertilizer at present. Instead of wasting, it's better to go to the ground to increase fertility after decaying!

You quarrel about the barren fields and have no fertility every day, but you don't see this ready-made fertilizer!

Mr. Lu, you can catch this matter in person. If you can't catch it well, then I will ask Fang An to catch it. If Fang An can't catch it well, I will come to catch it in person. In a word, if you can't meet my requirements within a month, you don't do it!"