Daming Haiku

Chapter 62 Rectification

Yu Xiaotian knows that the plague is terrible for him. When he runs Taiwan Island, what he is most worried about is not the Spaniards, the Dutch, Zheng Yiguan and the Daming government coming to trouble him, but all kinds of plagues.

Although he attaches great importance to searching for various famous doctors and training various primary rescuers, and even secretly set up pharmacies on land and secretly reserve various medicinal materials, the medical level of this era is still at a very primitive stage. He has no ability to control a large-scale plague, let alone There are any modern drugs to cure epidemics like malaria.

He can't even get the most basic drift* in later generations, let alone other disinfectants. The only disinfection products available to him at present are quicklime.

Therefore, if he wants to avoid a large-scale plague in this era, he can only start with prevention, first transform the environment, then pay attention to sanitary conditions, reduce the possibility of the plague as much as possible, and control the source of infection, and start from the root. Although this consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, it is always better than a large-scale outbreak. After the plague, it takes more time to control it.

Sometimes after listening to it, Lu quickly said yes and repeatedly that he would finish this matter within a month and would never dare to slack off. After saying that, Lu sometimes unconsciously broke out in a cold sweat.

"You can divide the matter and assign these immigrant villages to their personnel responsible for supervising this matter. If there is a problem, you can directly talk to him. If anyone is wrong with this matter and doesn't take it seriously, then I will invite him to stay in the hard labor camp for a period of time and enjoy the treatment of the hard labor camp!"

The other personnel in charge of civil affairs who sometimes came with Lu were also creepy after hearing this. They quickly knelt on the ground and agreed repeatedly, and no one dared to be careless.

Seeing that these guys were already scared, Yu Xiaotian got them up and continued to follow him to inspect the immigrant village. In the next two days, Yu Xiaotian visited about half of the immigrant village, and he chose to inspect the immigrant village and did not let Lu sometimes choose places. He randomly selected the village according to the map. Carry out inspection.

During the inspection, Yu Xiaotian found a lot of problems, which were sometimes clear to Lu, so that they could immediately write them down and rectify them on time in batches.

Yu Xiaotian also put forward his opinion on the current defense situation of the immigrant village. Although the freshwater city has been built, the number of immigrants is increasing, and the newly built immigrant village is getting farther and farther away from the freshwater city. Therefore, it is obvious that it is not enough to rely on the guard force of the freshwater city to protect these immigrant villages.

The enemy may not be able to attack Tamsui City, but they can land in other places and attack the immigrant villages in this area. In addition, although the problem of the local natives has eased in the past six months, the natives do not like them as outsiders to occupy their territory, and conflicts between the two sides have always existed.

In addition, sea wolves continue to increase the number of immigrants, open new immigration points, establish new immigrant villages, constantly cut down forests in this area, burn shrubs, level land, open up wasteland and farm, which indeed occupies the living space of the indigenous tribes who used to live in this area, and want to live in peace with the indigenous tribes. It is basically impossible.

Therefore, the immigrant village must have a certain ability to protect themselves. In addition to building a township bravely, it also puts forward certain requirements for the style of building villages in immigrant villages.

In the past, most of the immigrant villages here built a wooden wall around the village after building houses, as the basic defense of the immigrant village, but now Yu Xiaotian has put forward higher requirements.

He believes that this place is likely to be attacked by opponents in the future. It is obviously not enough to resist the enemy with a simple wooden fence. As long as the enemy is a little stronger, he can easily break through the village and loot the village, causing major losses to the immigrants here.

Therefore, the next step of the immigrant village is to strengthen the defense facilities. In addition to strengthening the original wooden wall, it is best to cover the wall to prevent the enemy's fire attack, and strengthen the ability to resist the wall.

In addition, when digging canals, ditches can be dug around the wall to form a trench, which can be used not only for irrigation and drainage, but also for resisting the enemy.

In addition, between the trench and the wall, insert more sharpened bamboo sticks or sharpened wooden sticks and bake them on the fire. In addition to strengthening the hardness, it can also form carbonization on the surface, which can effectively play an anti-corrosion role and prolong the life of bamboo sticks and wooden sticks.

In this way, the village of the original immigrant village can have a strong guard ability. For a small group of invading enemies, whether they are natives, pirates, or other enemies, as long as they are not a small group of enemies with too strong strength, even if they do not have the regular people who come to defend the enemy, the people in the village You can also rely on your own force to block or simply disintegrate their attack and repel them.

However, when encountering a large group of enemies, they can at least persist in resisting for a period of time, and wait for the Sea Wolf's soldiers to come here to support them, relieve them, and help them repel their future enemies.

In addition, for the newly built immigrant village, Yu Xiaotian believes that the village can be built in the earthen building method commonly used by Fujian Hakka, and directly build the village into a large earthen building, which is made into an earthen wall on the spot. As the outer wall of the earthen building, the structure is preferably three floors, leaving only a door outside the earthen building.

A well is laid in the earth building to solve the problem of drinking water in the village. The first floor can be used as a private livestock and public toilet, private poultry, a place to store feed and straw, and people can live above the second floor. Such an accommodation environment is drier than a bungalow, and can also be used as a place to store grain, reducing Food loss caused by wet ground.

There are no windows outside the first floor of the earth building, but windows can be opened on the outer walls above the second floor. These windows can usually be used as ventilation and light for the residents of the earth building. When they meet enemies, they can be used as shot through cannons. They have a strong defense ability. If another trench is dug outside, it will be even more Perfect, it is impossible for the local natives to attack the earth tower. Even if ordinary pirates or even the officers and soldiers of the team want to attack the earth tower, it is delusional.

Lu sometimes quickly wrote down this. Although the locals do not have much experience in building houses such as earth buildings, some immigrants still know how to build them, and some masons have also built earthen buildings before.

However, for the immigrants resettled in Tulou, Yu Xiaotian ordered a special idea not to concentrate a large family in Tulou, nor can they concentrate their fellow villagers in Tulou, so that it is easy to form small groups of clans or fellow villagers in the immigrant village. This weakens the management efficiency of sea wolves, and may even form a small division in these immigrant villages when major events occur, and they do not listen to the deployment of sea wolves.

The new immigrant village should adhere to the principle that immigrants must be dispersed and resettled, and the sea wolf will choose the village head to manage the immigrant village. Once it is found that there are secret association in individual immigrant villages, it should be dealt with immediately and their relatives and friends should be dispersed and resettled. Such a situation will never be allowed on the sea wolf territory.

The next step is to take the same approach to the old immigrant villages, using strong means to disperse them, avoid clan management in these immigrant villages, and weaken the sea wolf's direct control over the immigrant villages.

Lu sometimes quickly wrote down this, which is easy for him. Now all the immigrant villages have established a household registration book. As long as you check the village's structure, it will be clear at a glance who is relatives, who is with whom is a son and nephew, who is with whom is a family, and who is a clan. At that time, there will be three differences. Five adjustments can be made, and it can be completely dismantled gradually.

Lu sometimes feels very reasonable for what Yu Xiaotian thought of. Although clan management is very common on land in this era, it has great drawbacks. Many large clans have formed strong local forces. On the surface, they listen to the assignment of local government, but in essence, local government can only control these clan forces. Outside of Litunbao, it is impossible to manage the internal affairs of the clan's village fort.

Even some clans have replaced local governments. In their villages, they can arbitrarily deal with those who violate clan regulations or challenge the power of patriarchs, kill them at will, or deprive them of their land. The government is powerless and can only turn a blind eye to do it.

Moreover, the ancestral villages sometimes even resist the failure to pay the grain, and the government will investigate them. If they really can't delay, they will buy some poor people to roof the tank and be sent to the county government to wear shackles or get a board. After the deadline for grain delivery, they will spend a few small money to redeem people back. This Even if the food of the year is carried over, there is no need to hand it in.

The government can't even figure out the number of their fields, so that many local governments have a decreasing population and a decreasing number of fields that need to be delivered grain, making some clans richer and richer and become local hegemons, while local governments can only pass on the burden to other small people, making Xu The poor are getting poorer and richer, and the rich are getting richer.

Yu Xiaotian can see such a problem, which shows that he has taken a deep view of the problem and has decided to completely put an end to the formation of such clan forces on the sea wolf territory, so as to prevent the situation of land clan forces forming a local hegemony, and directly strangling the seedlings in the bud.

After inspecting most of the affairs on the side of Danshui City, Yu Xiaotian did not leave Danshui City immediately, but went out of Danshui City and went to a remote mountain pass in the north of the city.