Daming Haiku

Chapter 63 White mice in the Freshwater Medical Center

Outside this hill, there is a sea wolf sentry, which prohibits ordinary people from entering the mountain at will. It can be seen that there is a relatively important facility of sea wolf in this mountain pass.

But after entering the pass, you can smell the faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the pass. After turning, you can see a camp in the pass. The environment is quite quiet, and there is a clean stream flowing down from the mountain and through the camp, providing a clean place for this camp. Water source.

When Yu Xiaotian walked into this small camp, the soldiers who followed him found that this was actually a medical hall of the sea wolf, but actually a hospital.

At this time, there is a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the hospital. About a dozen doctors are busy, and the architectural structure of the hospital here is also similar to that of future hospitals, but several rows of bungalows are divided into several areas, where doctors work, and some rooms are used as wards. Use, there is also a row of rooms, constantly emitting smoke, and some boys and girls are busy going in and out of here.

After entering the camp, the medical officer here rushed out to meet him, and the one who presided over the work in this medical hall was a Langzhong surnamed Liu who was kidnapped from the land earlier by the sea wolf. This person is said to be good at treating epidemic diseases. He was a little famous in Fujian, so he was targeted by the sea wolf. The whole family was kidnapped by the sea wolf overnight. I went to the ship and transported it back to Nanri Island.

It was impossible for this Langzhong surnamed Liu to go back. Under the soft and hard bubble of Xiaotian, he had to promise to do things for Yu Xiaotian and stay in the territory of the sea wolf to practice medicine.

Yu Xiaotian attaches great importance to these kidnapped men, and the treatment is also very high. Each family has special houses and sends special services to support them deliciously.

These kidnapped doctors knew that it was impossible to be put back to the land. Unless the sea wolf was destroyed, they had no chance to leave the control of the sea wolf, so they had to accept their fate and do things for Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian first set up a medical center on Nanri Island, which used these Langzhong as medical officers to treat the sea wolf department and even the immigrants on the sea wolf territory.

After Xiaotian ordered to march on Taiwan Island and occupy chicken cages and fresh water, medical officers also began to work in these two places, setting up a medical center in each of them.

These medical officers are responsible for treating the wounded and sick of the sea wolf, and are usually responsible for treating the sea wolf people or the common people. In addition, they have a very important job, that is, to train a large number of rescuers for the sea wolf. These rescuers are similar to the PLA health workers in later generations and need to master a certain battlefield. First aid skills and treatment for ordinary headaches and brain fever.

Although Yu Xiaotian searched Langzhong everywhere, the doctors of this era are basically inherited from their fathers. They are gradually cultivated by relying on the help of the previous generation. The proportion of people engaged in this industry in society is very low. No matter how you try to do anything, you can't get too much.

The sea wolf has been on the sea for a long time and has a great demand for doctors. Originally, according to Yu Xiaotian's idea, at least one medical officer should follow the ship to protect the health of the sea wolf department on the ship and provide some medical treatment to the crew at any time.

But this idea can't be realized at all, so he can only retreat and find a way to assign a hygienist on the ship to deal with simple diseases and temporary first aid.

However, this idea is still not easy to achieve, because the training of ordinary hygienists is not a simple thing for these Langzhong. Many prescriptions used by Langzhong in ancient times are different, and it is difficult to unify. The training of traditional Chinese medicine is also a very slow thing. So far, the sea wolf has not been able to give Each ship is equipped with an ambulance or a hygienist. The middlemen sometimes cherish themselves and are reluctant to impart the craft to outsiders. In addition, the illiteracy rate of sea wolves is too high to choose too many suitable people to learn this craft.

Nowadays, many people have begun to read by adopting orphans and literacy among the sea wolves, but this is only the beginning that can gradually take effect in the future.

It's not only that Xiaotian still attaches great importance to medical issues, but whatever these doctors need, as long as it is not excessive, he has to make the board of directors find a way to satisfy them.

When developing Taiwan Island, Yu Xiaotian paid more attention to the construction of the medical center and sent a group of Langzhong who were good at treating various epidemics to work in freshwater and chicken cages.

And this Dr. Liu is one of them, because he is good at treating epidemics, his ancestors uploaded some secret recipes, and he is also well-known on land, so Yu Xiaotian reused this Dr. Liu and asked him to take charge of the work of the medical center here.

However, the medical hall here is not located in Tamsui City. There is only a small medical hall in Tamsui City, which is responsible for treating some minor diseases. Yu Xiaotian ordered Fang An, not far away from Tamsui City, chose this secluded place and built a medical center.

Dr. Liu took some of his colleagues to work here.

And this hospital is essentially an experimental hospital. These doctors have been entrusted with a very important matter by Yu Xiaotian, which is to study how to prevent and treat malaria here.

Although there is no large-scale malaria outbreak in freshwater and chicken cages, some people are still infected with malaria, and these patients are concentrated in this hospital for these doctors to test drugs.

In this era, there is no golden chicken tree in China, and it is naturally impossible to extract quinine, a good medicine for malaria, and it is impossible to develop chloroquine, a good drug, through modern technical means, so he can only base himself locally to find a way to solve this problem.

In his later life, he heard of Chinese medical technicians. Early on, he tried to extract drugs with chrysanna from all over China, and finally extracted an effective drug to treat malaria.

Then he could only come up with ideas from this kind of chrysap, so more than a year ago, he began to search for a large number of chrysflower on land as a reserve resource, which was transported to fresh water and stored for these medical officers to test at any time.

The morphology of chrys and artemisia is similar, which is easy to be confused. Among the ingredients that can treat malaria is only found in chrysagemium, and there is no such thing in artemisia. Therefore, at the time of purchasing, a considerable number of artemisia is also mixed in artemisia, which really cost Dr. Liu and others a lot of effort. Only then did it finally confirm the identity of the yellow flower artemisia. As for the artemisia, it can only be used by the sea wolf as the artemisia grass for smoking mosquitoes, and put it into the smoke oven to smoke and repel mosquitoes.

Today, this hospital is a large laboratory for these medical officers to test methods and drugs to treat malaria.

And some immigrants or sea wolves who are unlucky to get malaria first can only act as the mice of these medical officers and let them do it at will.

When Yu Xiaotian arranged for Dr. Liu to come here to do this, he clearly told them that artemisia is the only important medicine that can be used as a major medicine for malaria at present. Let them think about this artemisia, whether it is extracted or other methods, to configure an effective treatment of malaria. Drugs for diseases to prevent and treat malaria.

Dr. Liu has also heard of some famous doctors in history who used Artemisia to treat malaria, but he did not master the prescription and did not know how to concoct this kind of thing, so he asked Yu Xiaotian how he knew and how to concoct this kind of Artemisia to be effective.

Yu Xiaotian vaguely deduced that when he was a teenager, some people overseas used Artemisia to cure malaria, but he was not a medical student, so he did not know how to concoct it, but he can be sure that this Artemisia can indeed effectively treat malaria, which is beyond doubt. How to make the body effective can only rely on Dr. Liu and his group of men to figure it out, which can be regarded as a fool.

So Dr. Liu took several colleagues and began to experiment here. They used various methods to concoct this yellow worm, and then used the concocted drug to test the effect of the drug on some patients who were unfortunately infected with malaria.

Up to now, their experiment has lasted for nearly a year, and they started this experiment on Nanri Island.

Today, Yu Xiaotian came here to see if there was a breakthrough in their experimental results. Even if he achieved a little effect, he did not waste his painstaking efforts, which will have a great effect in the event of a large-scale malaria epidemic in the future.

If there is a large-scale outbreak of malaria, even if the patients cannot be cured quickly, as long as their lives can be saved, it will play a great role in stabilizing people's hearts. At least it can reduce people's fear, stabilize people's feelings and military sentiment, and prevent large-scale immigration from escaping due to the outbreak of malaria. The matter of leaving and the defection of soldiers.

When Yu Xiaotian led people into this secluded medical hall, Dr. Liu heard the sound and quickly greeted him, caught Yu Xiaotian and invited him to his study. In fact, he sat in the office and let people watch tea quickly.

While drinking tea, Yu Xiaotian asked Dr. Liu about the results of their experiments here during this period. Dr. Liu suddenly showed a little embarrassed look on his face. After he hesitated for a moment, he said to Xiaotian:

"I am incompetent. Although I have been here for more than half a year, the medicinal material of chrysium has also been used a lot, and we have also tried various methods of processing, but it has never been able to achieve good results.

In the past six months, there have been more than 60 patients sent here, but only more than 20 people have survived, but these people have not been completely cured! I don't know how many people will survive in the end! I hope you can forgive me!"