Daming Haiku

Chapter 117 The boss is here

Several black iron bumps were thrown over and hit the reef where the Spanish soldiers were hiding. They only heard a bombard and exploded, and suddenly blew up the hidden Spaniards. Immediately, many people were blown to the ground. Finally, these Spaniards finally put down their so-called Proudly, he shouted and threw away his knife and gun in his hand and stood up to demand surrender.

And the interpreter among them was lucky not to be killed, but was scratched by a piece of shrapnel. The interpreter shouted, "We surrendered!" Don't shoot! Don't fight! We all surrender..."

At dawn, the battle on Peace Island also ended completely. After an inventory, the sea wolf killed more than 120 enemy soldiers on Peace Island overnight, and captured more than 80 Spanish soldiers alive, including infantry and sailors.

Only a few people jumped into the sea at night and wandered away from Peace Island without being caught or killed on the spot, but this small number of swimming and escaped did not have a chance to return to their anchorage, because they wanted to land nearby, and once they landed, they would still fall into the hands of the patrols on the sea wolf on the shore.

On the morning of the third day, two Spanish sailboats appeared outside Chicken Cage Bay again, but this time they did not immediately attack the fort, but wandered far on the sea for a while. Finally, they did not find that their people were sending signals on Peace Island, so after wandering for a while, they knew that the island was yesterday. The soldiers who were trapped in the sky were all over, so they had to turn around and return to their anchorage.

Anthony decided not to try to attack Chicken Cage Bay directly from the sea. These three forts are as solid as a rock. They can't destroy them easily, and their ammunition is not enough to support them to completely destroy those forts, so he decided to take them by land instead.

And they have sent people along the shore and began to look for the road to Jilong Bay, but so far, no channel has been found from behind to enter into Jilong Bay and attack the castle of the sea wolf in Jilong Bay.

It is really a last resort to launch a land attack, because land warfare is not easier than naval warfare. Even if they find a passage into Jilong Bay for people to pass, it is not possible to rely on light infantry alone to conquer a fort. They must carry cannons. And enough ammunition is possible.

And if you want to find a passage to the chicken cage bay in such a place, even if it is a sheep intestine path, let alone let them carry cannons.

So Anthony's plan is to first send people into Chicken Cage Bay from behind, capture a fort from behind, then open a passage for ships to break into the bay, and then use naval guns to shell the fort from the dead corner of the fort until the destruction of the fort, and then talk about the attack on the enemy's castle.

And when this plan is implemented, no one dares to say it, because they don't know anything about the current situation on land and whether it has been achieved or not, they can only try it.

So some infantry that came with the ship were unloaded to the shore and began to walk along the coastline in the direction of Chicken Cage Bay, while the fleet drove slowly on the shore, providing some help to the infantry on land at any time on the shore.

But as soon as their plan was implemented, it stopped. The reason is very simple. The sea wolf's big fleet is coming!

Yu Xiaotian saw the Spanish fleet that appeared on the sea with a telescope from afar. This is the first time he has seen so many Western galleys in this time and space.

As a senior model enthusiast, he would have been very excited if it hadn't been for such a situation. So far, he has never personally touched such a Western-style galley. He has dreamed of boarding such a galley countless times to see this cover completely inside and out. How on earth was the ship built?

Although he has built more than a dozen sloops and a sloop, these boats are not purebred Western-style sailboats, but the shape of Western-style ships. The construction process is a Chinese-style construction process, so he really hopes to get a real Western-style sailboat as a physical object to observe and figure it out. Learn some useful experience from their construction methods and techniques.

But today, it is a pity that such a fleet of Western-style ships is his enemy and a strong enemy. Next, he will face them and have a big battle with them.

As for the result of this naval battle, he is not skeptical, because he is confident of winning this naval battle, because he has made full preparations for it, but the price he will pay for this victory is what he is most concerned about at present.

During this period of time, the weather on the sea is relatively beautiful. At present, it has not yet entered the gathering of frequent typhoons, so the overall situation in Shanghai is relatively good and suitable for combat.

When they appeared outside Jilong Bay, the watchtower set up far away on the western peak of Jilong Bay found them and immediately notified the sea wolves in Keelung Fort.

As soon as he heard the news that a large number of sea wolf ships had arrived, he immediately jumped excitedly, took all the combatable ships in Chicken Cage Bay, sailed out of Chicken Cage Bay, and met Yu Xiaotian's fleet from afar.

Yu Xiaotian led his troops to come faster than he thought. Originally, he thought that it would take at least ten days or even longer for Yu Xiaotian to gather troops and ships to prepare for war. As long as he could come within half a month, it would be quite good.

However, in fact, it only took Yu Xiaotian seven days to complete the assembly and replenishment of materials and prepare for the deployment of operations, and personally led the fleet to Chicken Cage Bay.

The blackhead's confidence was even more. He took the whole patrol ship left behind in Keelung Fort, caught Yu Xiaotian's fleet, boarded Yu Xiaotian's ship, and told Xiaotian the original situation of their war with Spain in the past two days.

Yu Xiaotian was very satisfied with the performance of the blackheads. These guys did much better than he thought. He thought it would be good for them to defend Chicken Cage Bay under the Spanish attack, but he didn't expect that these guys not only defended Chicken Cage Bay, but also captured dozens of Spanish prisoners. Many Spaniards were killed and injured.

This is estimated to be enough for the Spaniards to drink a pot. The standard is to steal chickens and do a losing business. Next, it depends on them to continue to do the rest of the Spanish fleet.

Yu Xiaotian did not let the fleet enter Jilong Bay for a rest, but directly ordered the fleet to enter the state of battle and prepare for all battles.

When the snail sounded on his flagship, each ship hung a red battle flag and blew a sharp whistle, and the sea wolves in all the fleet immediately began to rush to their respective positions.

The port of each ship was opened, revealing a gun behind the gun. The barrels, buckets and sandbags used to extinguish the fire were in place. The soldiers and gunners were armored one after another. The shells were taken out of the lower cabin and placed on the shell rack on the side of the side of the ship. They were arranged for the gunners to take them at any time. The ammunition hand took the first batch of medicine bags. Take it out of the cabin and start loading the cannon.

The sailors boarded the accompanying long dragon boats and smouse boats, untied the ropes that towed them, began to paddle and paddle into the fleet. The wooden boxes containing * were opened, and the wooden plugs of * were taken out one by one and stuffed into the cloth for starting the fire.

Those flying-size fastships formed a team alone, left the main fleet, and were also ready to attack.

Dozens of warships rushed towards the Spanish fleet, and the expressions on everyone's faces became solemn, because they knew that this battle was probably more dangerous than any naval battle, because the enemy's firepower would be very strong, at least not weaker than their firepower.

However, the sea wolf's followers have not retreated because of this, because for a long time, they have developed a belligerent temperament. When they meet a strong enemy, although the risk is high, the opportunity to make contributions is also much higher. If they can defeat this Spanish fleet today, they will really They become a tyrant on the sea. In the future, the huge sea of China will become their rampant bath. I'm afraid anyone who sees their sea wolf ships can only walk around.

The appearance of the sea wolf fleet was soon discovered by the lookout on the towering Spanish ship, and immediately sounded the alarm on the watchtower. The Spaniard immediately became nervous and quickly began to adjust the fleet under the command of Anthony, sailed away from the shore, and entered the wide waters to do a response. Preparation for war.

While Xiaotian observed the Spanish fleet with binoculars, Anthony and these Spanish captains also took out binoculars and began to observe the fleet of sea wolves coming.

Although telescopes were invented early and immediately used for military purposes, because grinding lenses is very difficult and the cost is very high. It has to cooperate with the craftsmanship of coppersmiths, the output is very low. Even in Europe, it is rare, and only a small number of telescopes are imported into China.

The Spanish fleet has not been popularized in a large area, and the magnification of the telescope they hold is very low. It is not as good as the telescope produced by Yu Xiaotian, and the quality of the lens is good, so the observation effect is not as good as that of the sea wolf telescope.

However, Anthony still saw the black and pressed fleet of Chinese pirates appearing on the sea through the eyepiece. These ships all hung a golden wolf flag on the ship without exception, and there were other small flags representing different meanings.

This sea wolf's fleet is composed of various ships, mainly some of their common Chinese Keron ships. As for whether the ship type is a lucky ship or a wide ship type, Westerners can't tell the difference, so as long as it is a Chinese sailboat, they are all named by them as Kerong ships. It is said that the name contains derogatory connotations.

After Europeans entered the era of great navigation, shipbuilding technology has made rapid progress and created many types of ships with excellent performance, including from houseboats to Clark ships, and then developed into the current common Galen ships.