Daming Haiku

Chapter 118 Chapter 119 Small Frustration

China's shipbuilding technology has completely stagnated or even regressed after Zheng He went to the West. Over the years, there has not even been any improvement. Everything has been built according to the old style, and even many shipbuilding techniques have been gradually lost due to the ban on the sea.

When the first Spanish warship appeared on the Sea of China, they already looked down on these Chinese sailboats with hard sails, small hulls and clumsy movements, so that all Chinese sailboats were given the name of a crest ship.

And from the appearance, these sea wolves' Keron ships are no different from the ships commonly used by Chinese pirates, but they seem to be cleaner and tidy, and the sails are mostly relatively new sails, which don't look like beglings. He hasn't seen much new things yet. .

But Anthony still knew that the cannons on these sea wolves' ships are very different from other Chinese pirates. Most of these sea wolves' ships are loaded with Western-style guns similar to theirs. Although the guns are not as heavy as theirs, they are not weak in range and accuracy as those on their ships. The cannon, and even some cannons in the fort, are superior to their naval guns in terms of range and accuracy, and are quite powerful.

So although most of these sea wolf ships are some Kerong ships, Anthony does not dare to despise them, because their single ship firepower is not strong, but when so many ships come together, the number of artillery in the fleet is not necessarily less than that of his fleet. When concentrating firepower, it is extremely powerful. That's right.

So Anthony immediately ordered that the fleet should be ready to deal with everything. Once the war starts, it must find a way to fight for it. The first face is to destroy as many enemy ships as possible and defeat their will to fight. At this point, Anthony is still a little confident, because he believes that these sailors in his fleet Although there are many scum, their boating skills are still good, and these scum are relatively fierce, and they are still very good at fighting.

However, the Chinese pirates' Keron ship is clumsy, and the pirates are not very good at operating the ship, let alone good cooperation. The fleets often rush up to fight in battle. If they can beat them, they will fight if they can't beat them. If they can't beat them, they will run away. There is not much organization at all.

Although the number of sailors' fleets this time is not small, according to Anthony's experience, even if they have good firepower, they are not the opponent of their Spanish fleet.

Anthony had a full expectation about the arrival of the sea wolf's fleet. At the beginning, the strange Western-style dhow stationed here rushed out of their blockade and escaped from Chicken Cage Bay. It was certain that they went to ask for help, so it was not strange to attract their reinforcements.

It's just that Anthony was a little surprised that these Chinese pirates came a little faster, which seemed to come much earlier than he expected.

But since he came, let's fight. This time, Anthony met his head and blood in Chicken Cage Bay. Now the enemy has come to a fleet, which can save some face. Even if he can't defeat the Chicken Cage Bay, as long as he can defeat the enemy's fleet and annihilate them. A large number of ships and personnel, which can at least make up for his mistakes.

After going back, with this, he could at least find some excuses to avoid a too embarrassing end, so he made up his mind that he would defeat this pirate fleet no matter what, even if he paid some losses. Anyway, he would not have lost any losses. When you are small, as long as you defeat them and capture some of their prisoners, you can negotiate with them and exchange the prisoners for the soldiers they captured yesterday.

So Anthony ordered the fleet to prepare for all the battle and turn to the fleet facing the sea wolf.

However, one thing made him a little worried, that is, through the telescope, he found six strange Western-style samaran ships he had seen before in the sea wolf fleet.

These slings are exactly the same as the Western slings of the sea wolf seen here the other day. They have a very beautiful linear shape, and the speed is very high and flexible. Although the firepower is not comparable to their Galen ship, it is beyond the firepower of the ordinary Kerong ship.

This kind of ship is very suitable for use in offshore. It is quite good as a patrol boat or privateer. If you can beat it, you can fight it, and if you can't run it. Compared with the heavy Galen ship or Clark sailboat, it has high flexibility and speed advantages. The sailing operation of the ship is also very simple, and it requires quite few sailors, even if it is on the ship. Only a few people can also operate ships to sail.

Obviously, these ships were not mixed in those Kerong ships by the enemy, but were leaving the main fleet and moving towards the wide water on their right.

As a senior captain-born commander, Anthony had considerable experience in naval warfare and immediately saw what the enemy wanted to do.

Obviously, these Chinese pirates are not ordinary people. They have no choice. It is very wise for these Western-style sloops to join the main fleet. Otherwise, these ships will only be limited by their advantages and become an ordinary gunboat.

Once they leave the main fleet, their advantages can be fully exerted and become a sharp knife for the enemy, which can threaten their flanks at any time. As long as they are a little careless, they may be stabbed by these ships from the side.

In this way, Anthony has a headache. The number of ships in his fleet is not dominant. If he fights with these pirates, he can still give full play to their firepower advantage, but if the other party does this, he has to always pay attention to those Western-style sloops on the side and can't hit the fire to attack. Fang's main warship.

And there are only six large boats he can use, and the rest are only some speedboats. These speedboats are mainly to guard against the enemy's arson ships. The firepower is not strong. It is okay to deal with the other party's small arson ships, but if you want to use these small boats to deal with those Western-style samaranboats, I'm afraid they are not strong.

But he has no choice. His current number of ships is here. If he pulls out the big ship and puts it on the flanks to beware of those brisk sloops, he may weaken his firepower and make him unable to achieve enough results soon.

So Anthony's mind turned quickly to weigh all kinds of pros and cons in order to make the most correct decision. After thinking for a while, he still decided to send an armed merchant ship and lead several speedboats equipped with light guns as a reserve team and put them on the flank of the fleet. Light samaran boats against those pirates.

So under his order, the armed merchant ship, which was damaged yesterday, was selected and placed on the flank of their fleet. First, he led several speedboats to resist the enemy's light shackles and buy some time for the main fleet to defeat the main fleet of these Chinese pirates.

After making up his mind, the Spanish fleet began to change its formation and divided into a small fleet to meet the flying fastships.

And the remaining main warships rushed to the main fleet of the sea wolf, and the gun windows on the Spanish warships were also opened, revealing the black hole in the gun compartment.

Yu Xiaotian was always observing the enemy's movements and saw that the enemy's fleet began to change its formation, so he immediately determined the opponent's battle plan.

He had to admit that the other party's fleet commander was indeed not stupid and easily saw through his plan, but he was not too worried about it, because the number of ships of the other party was limited. Although this was the best choice, they still underestimated the strength of those sloops.

You should know that the firepower of these flying fastships is probably unexpected by these Westbanks. These flying fastships are currently the first ships to eliminate all six-pound guns. All ships are equipped with twelve-pound guns, including two long guns in the bow and stern, as well as four ten guns arranged on two sides. The two-pound short gun, coupled with the light Franco cannon specially used for killing and wounded personnel, formed a relatively complete far and near firepower.

The other party only sent a large ship that seemed to be damaged, with a few speedboats, and wanted to pack up a few flying-shaped fastboats. It would be strange that they would not fly their teeth.

What he actually wants is for these flying fastboats to clean up those Seabank's speedboats first. As long as they knock down their speedboats, then these Seabanks will be the women who have been stripped of their clothes, and then they will wait to be fucked!

Large ships that have lost the cover of small boats are very vulnerable to the sneak attack of small arson ships in the melee. Especially in this case, when the sea wolf fleet has an absolute numerical advantage, as long as these large ships are entangled, they will fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

On the whole, although there is nothing wrong with the other party's arrangement, it is in line with Xiaotian's intention, because he knows the opponent, but the opponent does not know them. This is the other party's mistake. If the other party is a fool commanding the battle today, it will not make their fleet into a group. In that case, it is not easy for him to talk to them, and on the contrary, he will lose his teeth.

"Spear the fleet, line up in a row and get the upper hand! The boat is following closely! Hide on the side of the big ship!" Yu Xiaotian saw that the distance between the two sides began to get closer, and then he was about to enter the belligerent distance, so he put down the telescope and shouted to the messengers around him.

The messenger immediately faithfully conveyed his order. The battle on the mast, which is now also a signal soldier, immediately waved the order flag and conveyed Xiaotian's order.

The fleet immediately began to change its formation. Ships of various types began to turn, sail to the upper wind position, and gradually arranged into a column formation, while the assault boats that followed the ship all sailed to the left side of the big ship and covered their bodies with the help of the large ships.