Daming Haiku

Chapter 195 Attack

The first time the signal flare was raised from the shore, they began to continue sailing, but they did not drive directly to the mouth of the freshwater estuary. They just narrowed the distance and stopped again.

When the second signal was raised, they still kept sailing at a low speed and continued to get closer to the mouth of the freshwater estuary. Even the upper bucket on their ship could clearly see several Dutch warships through the telescope, but they did not launch an attack.

Time passed in their slow voyage. It was not until the third time that they saw a signal flare rising on the shore and lighting a bonfire that the two began to order to use signal lights to notify all the ships in the fleet to start action.

First to pull up the sails and accelerate to rush to the Dutch fleet, there are naturally a few flying-shaped fastships. At this time, their ship has already prepared for all the battle, and each gun has been loaded and pushed to the gun door. After approaching the enemy ship, a slight adjustment can be fired.

In addition, several ferocious ships have also begun to accelerate. These boats are like hedgehogs, covered with big iron nails with barbed thorns. As long as any ships encounter them, they will be hooked by them, and it is difficult to escape.

These ships followed the flying fast ships and rushed to the Dutch fleet in the dark, and the rest of the ships slowly surrounded the four Dutch warships from north and south.

The sea wolf used more than 60 ships of various types this time, including 30 or 40 large double mast ships, many of which have been deeply modified, including even two Spanish warships captured. In addition, there are 12 flying-shaped fastships, which can be said to be the elite of the sea wolf without any reservation. .

Although these ships are not all the warships of the sea wolf, not even a third of them, but they can be said to be the elite of the sea wolf warships. This time, the warships used by Yu Xiaotian to deal with the Dutch can be said to have made a lot of effort.

In terms of quantity, it is ten to one. If you can't take these Dutch boats in this way, how can the sea wolves get along in the future?

So for the sea wolves, this time they were also desperate and did not make any reservations. The fleet accelerated from the north and south, targeting several Dutch warships.

In the Dutch fleet that had been slack, a watchman on the top of the mast dozed off and secretly took out a small wine jug from his arms, which contained rum and took a sip of it. After all, it is winter now. It is very hard to lie on the top of the mast and blow the sea breeze, although they are in the middle of the night. It has been rotated once, but soon after getting on the mast, it will still be blown through by the cold sea breeze, which is difficult to produce a cold feeling.

So these watchers secretly prepared a little rum on their bodies. When it was cold, they could finally take a sip of it. After taking a sip of wine, the watchman put the wine pot back into his pocket. He was more energetic and habitually looked at the seaside.

Suddenly, his eyes began to widen, and he seemed to see several dark shadows coming towards them on the sea under the cover of the night. These shadows had no light at all. If it hadn't been for the slight color difference between the sky and the sea at this time, he could hardly see their existence. Even the lookout himself, I don't dare to believe my eyes.

So he quickly rubbed his eyes and looked carefully at the sea. This time, he finally saw clearly that several ships were approaching them and had sailed hundreds of meters away from their fleet, and were about to rush to their fleet. .

"Enemy attack!" He suddenly let out a sad exclamation, then turned around and grabbed an alarm bell hanging on the watch and struck it desperately.

"Dangdang..." The harsh alarm suddenly rang throughout the sea, and the sleepy sailors in the fleet immediately hit a clever, quickly tightened their bodies and began to look around.

"There is an unidentified ship on the starboard side, prepare quickly!" The watchman lay in the watchtower on the top of the mast, pulling his throat desperately and shouting at the sailors below, while continuing to ring the alarm.

The sailors quickly flocked to the starboard side and looked at the dark sea, followed by the faint light in the sky. This time, they finally saw the dark shadows coming quickly on the sea. Although they could not see vaguely, they could be sure that they were indeed some ships.

So all the sober Dutch suddenly felt nervous, because the ships were too close to them and had completely entered the range, leaving only two or three hundred meters away from them at most, so they rushed to the various gun positions on the deck and desperately to uncover them. Cover the canvas of the cannon and prepare to start the battle.

But it was still a little late at this time. The ships that rushed straight over did not leave them enough preparation time at all. They almost immediately began to fire. A flashed a flash of fire at the side of the ship, and then they heard the rumble of cannons. As the cannon sounded, shells roared and hit them. On the ship.

And the immorality is that these sneak attackers did not use solid bullets, but directly use grape bombs, which are also mixed with many chain bullets. Although these shells are not strong for the ability to attack the hull, they are excellent for killing personnel and the destructive ability of masts and sails on the surface of the ship.

The result was that the Dutch warship on the far right suddenly encountered a hail. The shells swept across their deck, and the sailors who had just been busy on the deck, even if they were cut down like grass, they died one by one were unbearable. As long as the grape bombs stained them, It's not good. Either their hands and feet were torn off on the spot, or their heads were smashed on the spot. Some people were even directly cut in the waist and torn into two pieces by shells.

What's more frightening is that almost instantly, a group of chain bombs swept across their deck. The main target of these chain bombs is not to kill people, but to go straight to the masts and sails on the ship. The most common on the Western-style battleships are all kinds of sails, which control all the sails on the ship, dense It's like a forest, and although the chain bullet is not enough to cut off the mast, it is very effective against these sails.

After the chain bullet left the gun, it immediately separated from the middle. The two half-circular shells were connected by a one-meter-long iron chain and roared in the air. As long as anything was blocked along the way, it would be cut like a sickle. The sail cables could not stop them from moving forward at all, and they were immediately cut off. Many, after the crackling and tight sails were cut off, they immediately beat like whips.

Some people are unlucky. Although they were not hit by shells, they were accidentally pulled by the cut sail rope. The weight of the thick sail rope is absolutely not light. As long as they pull people, they can immediately pull people out, and others are even directly pulled out of the deck, screaming. One head fell into the cold sea.

And not to mention the sails on their ship were pulled apart by shells and began to lose the ability to power the ship.

What's more frightening is that although the firepower of these fastboats is not very strong, they are very fast. While firing at a very fast speed, they continue to approach the Dutch warships. Just as the distance between the two sides is more than 100 meters closer, they began to roar from their ships and burst into clusters of flames, and hundreds of rockets are emitted. The heart-shocking roar flew to the Dutch warship like a clump of fire and rain.

These rockets are a swarm of rockets rarely used by sea wolves. Although these swarms of bees are usually not favored by Yu Xiaotian in the naval battle and have not been used much in the past, they still stored a batch of such swarm of bee rockets by capture and manufacturing, and this time they are also put into the battle.

However, the sea wolf's swarm of bee rockets are added. There is not only one stimulating rocket on the arrow shaft. In front of these rockets, a cartridge is also added, but the nozzle is located in the front. As long as the rocket is burned, the cartridge at the front end will be ignited. At this time, if the rocket hits the target, The nozzle in front of the medicine barrel will spew out a flame.

This is actually an enhanced version of the combustion rocket, which is specially used for arson. The wooden ship itself has a lot of combustible materials. Whether it is the cable or the wooden boat itself, or even the sail on the ship, it is something that can be ignited. As long as the rocket is nailed to the target, the front end will spewed out flames and the temperature of gunpowder burning. It is very high and can often light what hinders them.

So two Dutch ships became their target, and rockets spilled on their ships like rain. Although this swarm of bees is really not good, hundreds of rockets always have to land on enemy ships, so as soon as they opened fire, the two Dutch ships immediately rose up. A mass of fire, although these fires are not big, but they can't stand it!

The rocket was nailed wherever it touched. For a moment, the two Dutch ships seemed to bloom, and suddenly became fire trees and silver flowers. Suddenly, it was amazing, which shocked the Dutchman and quickly tried to put out these fires.

Until this time, the Dutch were not ready to fire back. Their guns had not been opened at this time. The gunners and sailors in the cabin were still confused one by one. For a moment, they only knew that they were beaten, and shells fell on the hull from time to time. It was pounded like a drum.

These flying fastships that were first launched did not love war. After beating, they shelled two or three times in a row, emptied the swarm of bee rockets on the ship, and immediately began to leave the battlefield and sail into the darkness. At this time, some Dutch people saw behind these sea wolves' ships, the one-way light-transparent Lanterns.

And it was not until this time that Waite rushed from the cabin to the deck in a panic. With the help of the servant, he stumbled up to the stern and looked at the sea.