Daming Haiku

Chapter 196 Water Ghost

Wett's eyes widened and looked at the sea, hoping to see the enemy, but he could not see the traces of the enemy at all on the dark sea. He could only roughly see that there seemed to be many shadowy ship shadows on the sea, approaching them.

Wett realized that they were still fooled today. In fact, the sea wolf was not scaring them aimlessly, but paralyzed them by sending out continuous signal bombs, making them nervous first, and then began to slack off, just like shouting wolves all the time, which made them begin to paralyze. Wait, but the sea wolf really began to launch a night attack at this time.

Wett's head is much bigger, and night warfare is not the way they are good at. In this era, due to the limitations of conditions, few people use night battles at sea to fight, because it is too risky, not easy to control, and easier to cause chaos, so they rarely practice night sea combat, for such as The ability to cope with night battles is also insufficient.

At this time, he could not judge how many ships the enemy had come, let alone the situation on the sea. He could only deal with it passively and ordered several ships to fire with all their strength to prevent the enemy ships from approaching them.

But at this time, the enemy attack was really too sudden. The sailors and gunners on several ships were in chaos. In the dark cabin, they could not see clearly at all. The sailors and gunners in it were running around and hitting walls, so in a short time, they could not be organized at all. Effective counterattack.

And just after they suffered the first blow, then some ships began to rush towards them. The situation of these ships could not be seen clearly in the dark, and only roughly saw these ships rushing straight towards them.

The Dutch began to fire artillery to stop these ships in a hurry, but they could not open their fire because they were in a hurry. Only a small number of artillery began to fire, which could not effectively prevent these ships from approaching, and it was even difficult to effectively hit the enemy ships, because there was almost no light on the enemy ship, and they had nothing in the dark. The method was proof-shooting, and they could only blindly shoot in the direction of the enemy ship rushing over. Only at the moment when the cannon mouth spit out flames, they could more or less see the situation of the rushing enemy ship.

These ships are not big, but the speed is relatively fast. The Dutch have been in a slow cruising state, maintaining a very low speed and wandering outside the mouth of the freshwater estuary. Most of the sails are not hung, but in a state of retreating. They are guarded on the mast of the mast. It is not easy to accelerate immediately. What's more, the first sneak attack of the sea wolf just now has injured one of their boats and destroyed a large number of sails on the ship, making it impossible for the ship to operate the sails in a short time.

So although the rushing ships were not very fast, the Dutch ships could not speed up for a while, so these small sailboats quickly approached the Dutch fleet and seemed to surround them.

The Dutch can't see the details of these more than a dozen light sailboats at all, but they can be seen nearby. These ships look very ferocious. The hull is full of some sharp nails, and there are barbs on the nails. No matter where they hit other ships, they will immediately Hook the enemy ship.

What's more surprising is that these ships do not act alone, but use two ships as a group. Between the two ships, there is a thick iron chain, so that when they sail, the two ships always travel in parallel, pulling the chain at a distance, and no one can shake them off. Who can only act together.

And the ships were separated from each other, forming a huge net, which covered the Dutch ship with the wind. Even if the Dutch ship at the end was hit, the two ships quickly grabbed him and rushed through its sides. The speed of the ship was higher than the two strange ships of the Dutch warship. There was a chain between them, and the Dutch warship was hung at once.

After the ship was sailing quickly, it was suddenly hooked and immediately began to meet in the middle. As a result, both ships immediately hit the enemy ship from the side. The big nails on the side of the ship were deeply nailed to the Dutch ship, just like a barna maggot, which was applied to the Dutch warship.

The Dutch were frightened. The two boats were attached too fast. They did not have time to stop the enemy ship from approaching, so they were hit by the enemy ship. At this angle, their ship's artillery could not fire at them at all. Many Dutchmen quickly held up * or axes one after another and were ready to resist the enemy from jumping to help the free-hand combat.

But what surprised them was that the enemy ship did not climb up to fight with them after hitting them. Instead, one enemy after another jumped into the water from their boat and immediately began to swim to the distance and leave their ship.

And they saw these sea wolves wearing a strange tight clothes, which seemed to be leather, wrapping their bodies tightly, and even their heads were wrapped, revealing only one face.

After all, it is winter, and the sea is very cold. Anyone who falls into the water and will soon lose temperature and cause shock. Therefore, at this time, it falls into the sea or at night. It is basically nine deaths. However, after colliding with the ship, these sea wolves did not find a way to climb on the enemy ship and enter the enemy ship. The battle was carried out, but they jumped into the sea without hesitation, which made people unable to figure it out.

But for the sailors on these ships, they are well aware of their mission. Their ships are not fire boats, and they are older than filial piety, and they are not required to destroy enemy ships, let alone to engage in a hand-in-hand combat with the enemy. Their only one task is to take their ships. Find a way to hit the enemy ship and hang the enemy ship firmly, and then they can abandon the ship to escape.

However, in this season, jumping into the sea is basically similar to suicide without warm measures. Jumping into the cold sea. If the water is not rescued soon, people will freeze to death in the sea or be drowned in the sea.

Yu Xiaotian will never force himself to do suicide, so he will naturally be prepared in advance. The sea wolf itself likes to attack the enemy by surprise attacks. Not only can it be used on land, but also by surprise attacks on the sea in this era.

Although there are no divers in this era, there has been a long history of water ghosts. Water ghosts are actually some water-watering sailors. Under possible conditions, they will swim or dive close to enemy ships for a short time, chisel enemy ships or dive into the enemy's control area for destruction.

Naturally, Yu Xiaotian will not abandon such a force easily, so the navy has long had an underwater special combat force that is good at water warfare. They are all selected sailors with excellent water, and their skills are quite good. They are mainly responsible for the enemy ports. Carry out combat tasks such as reconnaissance and destruction with the dock.

For this reason, Yu Xiaotian also attaches great importance to them and equips them with some equipment owned by later divers. Of course, in this era, he can't get modern diving equipment, so he can only make some hiccoughs, spurs, water support and other things.

And today, most of the ships on such a commando mission are composed of some water ghosts. The leather clothes they wear are actually water, which is a kind of wetsuit in ancient times.

These water is made of shark skin, which can almost cover the whole body. Because there is no zipper, it can only be replaced by buttons. The waterproof performance is not as good as that of later diving suits, but it can still play a good role in thermal insulation. In addition, wearing shark skin in the water does not affect the life. Moving, swimming can be faster and more labor-saving.

It is not too far from the shore, only a few miles away. The water ghosts on the ship have long been wearing water and put their feet on their feet.

The fins are made of whale whiskers as a bracket, covered with a thin layer of tough fish skin, which is very elastic. After putting them on, the speed of water ghosts swimming in the water can be improved a lot and saves a lot of effort. Therefore, it seems that these sea wolf sailors do not hesitate to jump into the sea, like suicide. But for them, it is not difficult for them to swim directly to the shore relying on their bodies and their water and its flies.

And someone on the shore has long been ready to pick them up, preparing hot water, dry cotton-padded clothes and hot ginger soup to wait for them, and they can recover as soon as they go ashore.

The Dutch nervously waited for a hand-to-hand battle with the pirates on the enemy ship, but they didn't expect that they jumped into the sea one after another to escape, so they couldn't figure out what had happened for a moment, but now more and more enemy ships followed and hit them. Until this time, the smarter Dutchman Only then did I find out the problem.

"They want to trap our ship! Stop them quickly, don't let them hit you, fire, fire, fire quickly!" Someone began to shout in panic.

Because they have found that the two enemy ships that hit their ship did not move at all when they used poles and wanted to protrude them, as if they had been nailed to them. The captain of the ship quickly sent a sharp person to check it. After going down, he found that these ships did They were all full of big nails. After hitting their ship, they were immediately hooked on their ship and could not be removed for a while.

It was not until this time that the Dutch realized what had happened and desperately began to fire to stop the ships from approaching them.

Several ships were quickly torn to pieces under Dutch fire and sunk in the sea on the spot, but several ships eventually hit two Dutch ships and were firmly hooked on the Dutch ship.

As soon as these ships hit the Dutch ship, they immediately cut off the sail cable, put down the mast, lost their navigation ability, and hung on the Dutch ship, which suddenly made the Dutch warship more clumsy.

The Dutch were shocked by a cold sweat at this moment. If these boats were all fireboats, as long as the enemy lit the fire, their ships would be ignited together, but they couldn't figure out why these ships were not piled with firewood or ignited by the enemy. They just hung on their boats like this, making them unable to escape. .

Wight was a little confused at this time, because he found that shadowy enemy ships began to appear in all directions on the sea, and had completely surrounded them on the sea.