Daming Haiku

Chapter 238 Your Excellency the Commander

The dungeon is wet and dark. What Witt can do every day is to lie on the ground and count ants to play. In the past few months, he feels that he is about to become an ant expert and knows the habits of ants very well. He even saves a little from the rare food every day to feed ants and ants. He has become his best friend.

In addition, he has another friend, that is, a few mice that regularly wander around the cell every day. These mice were afraid of him at first, but after a long time, these mice are no longer afraid of him. They will regularly come here for a walk around during dinner. At first, Witt also chased him. After beating these mice, he later found that the only people he could speak were these ants and mice, so he gradually coexisted peacefully with the mice and tried to save some food from the limited food to feed the mice.

Just as Waite was with ants and mice every day, the prison door was opened, and the jailer took Waite out of the cell. Waite was very scared. He didn't know what the pirates were going to do to him. All he could think of was that the pirates might kill him. At the thought of being cut off his head, Witt couldn't help trembling. Shake up.

But things didn't go as he thought. When he was taken out of the cell, the strong sunlight almost blinded him on the spot. He quickly raised his hand and covered the sun with his tied hands. After a while, he gradually adapted to the light outside.

The long-lost sunshine and fresh air made him feel dizzy and almost unable to stand still. He lacked nutrition and sunshine for a long time. He was very weak and even a little unstable. He could only be framed by two strong pirates and walked into a courtyard and sent to a big room.

In the big room, in the middle position, sitting a young man who looks very tall and strong. According to the aesthetics of the Chinese, this man should be said to be quite handsome, and the short beard on his jaw makes him look very energetic.

When Waite was sent to the room, the young man, who was looking down at some documents, looked up at Waite, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth. His eyes were sharp and seemed to flash a cold light. After letting Waite look at it, he couldn't help feeling a chill.

When he saw Waite being sent to him, the young leader nodded. The pirates holding Waite on both sides immediately let go of his hand and raised his hand to salute the young man. Now Waite already knows that this is a military gift unique to the sea wolf. It looks simple and handsome, not cumbersome, and can be very good. It sets off the ability and spirit of pirates.

After losing the clamp, Waite's legs were soft and almost knelt on the ground, but he was not used to kneeling down. He still held his legs and insisted on standing straight, but before he could stand up straight, he kicked a foot behind him and kicked him at the bend of his leg. Waite couldn't hold on and ploped. Kneeling on the ground.

The young man sitting with his hands laughed, showed his white teeth and spoke.

There was a translator next to it, which began to translate for Waite and told Waite that this was Yu Xiaotian, the leader of the sea wolf.

Wight raised his head and looked at Yu Xiaotian again, and his heart was full of powerlessness. He was imprisoned in a cell that could not see the sun for a long time. No one spoke and had worn away all his pride. Now as a prisoner, he has no power to pretend.

Wate smiled bitterly and said, "So you are Yu Xiaotian!" So you finally think of me today! I don't know what's wrong with the leader bringing me here this time? If you want to kill me, please do it. I'm not afraid of death!"

Yu Xiaotian said with a smile, "Why should I kill you? Now you have no threat to me. You are just a loser and my prisoner of war! It doesn't matter to me whether to kill you or not!"

After hearing the translated words, Waite's tense heart finally relaxed. At least now he doesn't have to die. Although he is not very afraid of death, he doesn't really want to be killed by others if he can't die.

After looking at Wei's long sigh of relief, Yu Xiaotian continued, "But it's also a waste of food to keep you. I asked you to come here today. I want you to write a letter. I will send someone to send your letter to the staff. If your people are willing to spend some money to redeem you, I don't care. In addition, I'm also captured. Many of your crew have been raft. If you still need them, I can also ask your company to redeem them.

In addition, if you tell your company's people or the governor, I will limit them to go to Tamsui City to negotiate with me within ten days. If they refuse to negotiate, then I will attack the members. From now on, you Dutch don't have to want to stay here anymore! It's that simple! Come on, give him a pen and paper!"

Yu Xiaotian completely used the tone of command, and there was no room for Wett to discuss. Someone immediately sent a pen and paper to Wett, but considering that Wett could not use a brush, Yu Xiaotian asked him to prepare a quill pen and a small bottle of ink.

Someone moved a small table, untied the rope on Waite's wrist, pressed him to sit down at the table.

Wate had no choice, because he believed that Yu Xiaotian could do this, but he was still not very reconciled. He asked Xiaotian, "Your Excellency, we built the city with the permission of the Ming court. Now the Ming government and we are allies, won't they care about you?"

After listening to this, Yu Xiaotian sneered, and then laughed loudly: "Mr. Wait, don't think about the Ming Dynasty government anymore. Now they are too busy to care about your affairs. How can they be interested in your affairs?

To tell you the truth, at least Fujian's sailors no longer exist. Even if they want to manage it, how can they manage it? In addition, I can also tell you that the Moon Harbor no longer exists now. Zhongzuo and Kinmen Island are already under my control. In the future, all merchants in Fujian must go to sea with my consent. If you want to continue to trade, you'd better listen to my orders honestly in the future!

Otherwise, it's not just your staff. If it makes me unhappy, I can even not let any Fujian merchant ships go to your Batavia in the future! Believe it or not, but I believe that the governor of the great man will definitely believe it!"

After hearing this, Waite's face changed. He probably understood what Yu Xiaotian meant and asked in horror, "So, has your Excellency defeated your navy?"

Yu Xiaotian raised the corners of his mouth slightly and nodded with a sneer: "Navy? Are they also worthy of the Navy? It's just a rabble! It's okay if you want to call them the navy, but now they basically don't exist! In the future, I will have the final say in this strait!"

After listening to this, Witt was completely speechless, so he could only lie on the table honestly, dip it in ink with a quill pen, and start writing letters.

When Waite blew the letter paper and finally checked it, he nodded and said, "The letter has been finished!"

Someone immediately took away his letter and handed it to the interpreter for review. After reading it, he read the content of the letter to Yu Xiaotian.

In the letter, Wight roughly stated the news of his defeat and expressed his apology in the letter. At the same time, he told the general situation of their current situation and told the company that the sea wolf was willing to let them pay for him and the other captured sailors.

In addition, he also explained in detail the negotiation requirements made by Yu Xiaotian, but there was nothing superfluous with him.

Yu Xiaotian waved his hand and asked people to take Waite down, but this time he did not take him back to the original dungeon to continue to count ants to play with the rats, and gave him another accommodation with slightly better conditions, and the food treatment was slightly improved.

Since Wate led the fleet to leave the big man's port, the big man's port has been blocked by sea wolves again, completely blocking their contact with the land, and no ship can sail into the big man's port in a few months.

Peter. During these days, Nuiz can be said to have lived like years. He almost looked forward to their fleet returning to Dayuan Port every day and saw that the blockade of Dayuan Port had been lifted, but the result of every day was disappointing. He had never seen ships sailing into Daman Harbor, but he saw a few sea wolves every day. The ship passed by outside the harbor.

As long as the sea wolf's patrol boat continues to appear on the sea, it can only show that the sea wolf has not failed, so what does it mean that the sea wolf has not failed?

It was not until the Spring Festival of the Chinese that a ship finally became the first ship to enter Dayuan Port in the past few months. This ship was driven by Xu Xinsu to Dayuan Port, but they did not bring any goods and supplies to Daman Port, but gave it to Peter. Nuiz brought great bad news.

This is the first time Peter has received information from the outside world in a few months. In the past two months, Dayuan Port has almost turned into an isolated island. The ships in the port dare not go out, and there are no ships coming outside. The Dayuanyuanyuan used to have some Chinese immigrants who have been with them. In the past two months, only been extremely A few people go to the big staff to do some small business.

They brought some sporadic news to the Dutch stationed here, but there are not many specifics. In short, no one knows where the Dutch fleet is now.

Peter only learned some information about the Fujian government from this small amount of information. Some people say that the sea wolf completely defeated Fujian's officers and soldiers and attacked Fujian's land. Fujian officials and soldiers were defeated miserably, but no one can tell the specific situation until this Xu Xinsu's ship arrived at Dayuan Port. Peter finally understood what was going on outside.