Daming Haiku

Chapter 239 Go to Freshwater

This time, Xu Xinsu's subordinates came to Hong Kong under Xu Xinsu's instructions, but now Xu Xinsu is no longer the head of Fujian officers and army, because Xu Xinsu was captured alive by sea wolves in the Nanri Island War when she was forced to follow Yu Zhigao to attack Nanri Island.

Originally, many people of the sea wolf proposed to kill Xu Xinsu, but they were stopped by Yu Xiaotian. Until this time, Xu Xinsu completely regretted it and immediately said that they were willing to submit to Yu Xiaotian and work for Yu Xiaotian in the future, including his family business and land business, and were also willing to invest in Yu Xiaotian.

So Yu Xiaotian left Xu Xinsu's life. Now Xu Xinsu has been assigned to work in the director's hall by Yu Xiaotian and has become a subordinate of Yu Xiaotian.

This time, he sent his former subordinates to Dayuan Port. In fact, Yu Xiaotian deliberately informed the Dutch of the general information of the outside world through Xu Xinsu in advance, so that they were completely ignorant of what had happened to the outside world.

After seeing Xu Xinsu's men, Peter was very excited and quickly asked them about the outside world.

Xu Xinsu's men did not hide it and told Peter in detail about the general situation of the conflict between the sea wolf and the government.

In addition, they also told Peter the shocking news, that is, they heard that the Dutch fleet led by Wett had now been completely destroyed by sea wolves, and it was impossible to return to the staff.

When Peter heard the news, he almost fainted. These days, he waited for Waiter's fleet to come, but they still would not come. In fact, Peter had some thoughts and prepared, and he had thought about the worst situation he could think of.

He also guessed that Waite may have been defeated in the battle with the sea wolf, but he never thought that Waite would be destroyed by the sea wolf. He has been guessing that Waite was probably chased by the sea wolf's fleet after being defeated by the sea wolf, so that he could not and dared to return to the staff. It should be He fled straight back to Batavia.

It will take half a year to go back and forth from Batavia to the staff, and it will take more than three months at the earliest. It is estimated that the news has not yet come, or it can't break through the blockade of the sea wolf and reach the staff.

But he never thought that Xu Xinsu's people would bring him such a thunderstorm, and Wate's fleet was destroyed by the sea wolf.

Peter couldn't believe the news. He even shook his head and said it was impossible. Although Waite may fail, it is impossible for the sea wolf to kill all the seven big splint boats he took. Can't run away?

What's more, it's seven ships, not a ship. As a member of the navy, of course, he is very aware of the power of these seven ships. Such seven warships, the artillery, including the sailors on the ship, can sometimes destroy a small country. No matter how powerful the sea wolf is, how can it beat them? What about the complete destruction?

So Peter shook his head repeatedly and refused to believe that it was true. The people who came to report the news did not explain much about Peter's reaction. Anyway, the order they received just brought the news. Even Xu Xinsu had now voted for the sea wolf and did not tell Peter.

Next, someone told Peter about the Battle of Nanri Island and the Battle of Weitou Bay in Fujian. As for whether Peter believes it or not, he doesn't care.

After sending off Xu Xinsu's boat, Peter returned to his office and fell on a chair without saying a word for a long time. He sat in the chair like a clay sculpture without any anger.

It was not until it was getting dark that the servant came to light a candlestick for him, and Peter suddenly moved. He picked up a piece of paper, pulled out the quill pen in the ink bottle, and began to write hard on the desk, writing several pages of letter paper.

After writing, he looked at it again, then folded it up and put it into an envelope, sealed the envelope with fire paint, covered it with a stamp with his ring, waved the servant to come over, and sent the servant to call the captain of the fastboat in Dayuan Port.

In the second half of the night, a boat did not light up at all. Under the tug of several rowboats, it quietly sailed out of the dock under the cover of the night. After leaving the port, the rowboat took off the towed cables. The sailors on the boat immediately began to hang their sails. After eating the wind, they immediately drove away. He began to adjust his course and hurried south in the dark.

After all, their actions were not found at night, including a sea wolf sentry boat on the nearby sea, which made him slip out of the port and sailed to the wide waters in the south. Once he entered the wide waters, he basically did not want to intercept the boat at night. It's very possible.

In February, Dayuan Port finally ushered in the second ship that entered the port, but this time the ship that entered the port was just a sampan, which was lowered from a large ship with a sea wolf flag hanging outside the port. The sailors on the ship rowed hard and operated the small boat into the port. .

The Dutch people on duty at the port saw the boat, but did not intercept it, because the ship was obviously not hostile to disturb the port. It must have come here as a messenger, so they did not fire or intercept it, so they just put the sang into the port.

After a while, a Dutch speedboat also stopped the slamboard in the port under the sailor's oars. A man spoke fluent Dutch. It turned out that this person was a Chinese interpreter brought here when Wett left the staff. After a short exchange, this interpreter When he got on the Dutch speedboat, the sea wolf sailor immediately rowed his sampan and returned to the sea.

Peter looked at the letter in his hand. After reading it, he fell into the chair again. The letter paper fell on the table, held his head with both hands, inserted ten fingers into his hair, and grabbed his hair hard. After a while, he angrily punched the table and put the inside of the room The servant and the interpreter who came back to deliver the letter were shocked.

"Prepare, I'm going todan shui City in person!" After a punch on the table, Peter's inner anger and fear seemed to have been vented a lot, and he began to calm down and told the servant.

When the attendants followed his instructions and began to prepare, Peter smiled bitterly and leaned softly in the chair again, muttering, "I have a headache!" It seems that this man can't stay this time! What a pity! It's not easy to gain a foothold in this place. The efforts of the past few years have been in vain. I don't know how the senior management of the company will react this time. Will they concentrate their forces to fight against this sea wolf again?

A few days later, the only medium-sized Galen ship left the Grand Port. At this time, two sea wolf boats immediately sailed to the Dutch ship and blocked its way.

Although the two sea wolf ships look so pocket-pocket in front of this medium-sized Galen ship, the current Dutch no longer have a feeling of contempt when they see these ships with sea wolf flags. On the contrary, they feel cold and nervous. Even their boats can be easily run over Break these sea wolves' boats that blocked the way, but no one dared to do so.

The Dutch ship immediately despeeded and did not open any gun doors. It made the slightest hostile gesture and let the two sea wolf ships come over and asked them loudly, asking them what they wanted to do.

A trace of anger flashed in Peter's eyes, but he still suppressed his anger and made the interpreter on the ship tell the people on the two sea wolves the purpose of their trip.

After hearing that the ship was going to Tamsui City and negotiating with their boss, the two sea wolf boats did not continue to stop it, but ordered the Dutch to follow them and sail to Tamsui City, which was almost like escort.

But even so, the Dutch did not show any dissatisfaction. They honestly agreed to the request of the sea wolf. One sea wolf ship stayed behind to continue to monitor the port, and the other ship accompanied Peter's boat, adjusted its course, and began to sail to Freshwater City.

Suddenly, there was a sound of gunfire outside the mouth of the freshwater estuary. The sea wolves in the fort rushed to their respective artillery positions. Under the order of the officer, they began to operate their cannon nervously. Some people secretly scolded that it was the eyeless thing. Unexpectedly, they dared to come to trouble the sea wolf and look at the old Don't beat him into scum!

But the observer suddenly turned around and shouted at the comrades in the fort, "Don't load! It's the red-haired ship. They are not attacking us, but firing a salute!"

Although the gunfire rumbled outside, the sea wolf's artillery did not drop a single shell, and there was no splash on the sea because it fell into the shell, so the observer immediately judged that the red-haired ship was not attacking them, but using their etiquette to show their respect to the sea wolf.

So the officer in the fort immediately lifted the battle warning and muttered, "I'm full, scare me!" What else are you looking at? The big head said that for the firing of the salute, we have to return the salute, fill the medicine bag, don't fill the shells, let's also shoot a few shots!"

So several forts at the estuary also fired a few salutes. There was no conflict between the two sides. After all, next to the red-haired ship, there was also a sea wolf patrol ship. Naturally, there was no misunderstanding.

Peter's ship did not sail directly into the freshwater river, but stopped outside the freshwater estuary. Obviously, he was a little worried about the safety of his ship and was afraid of sailing into the freshwater river. Once the conversation collapsed, the sea wolf would block the mouth of the river and detain his boat. This is his eyes. The only larger ship that can be used before. The ships left by Dayuan Port are all speedboats that can't sail to Batavia independently.

If he talks about collapse here, at least the ship will have a chance to escape back to Batavia. Now the company's strength in the Far East has been weakened a lot because of Wetter's failure. It's better to keep a ship.

So here, Peter ordered his men on the ship to be vigilant. Once they found that something was wrong, leave him alone and drive straight away from here and flee to Batavia.

And he himself took more than a dozen soldiers and attendants, put down a rowboat from the boat, unloaded some boxes from the boat, rowed by manpower, drove into the mouth of the freshwater estuary, and drove towards the freshwater city.

(It's not bad. This time my son recovered relatively quickly. In a week, he can be discharged from the hospital this afternoon! Go home now! Praise myself. It's rare to hold on this week and keep the update twice a day! Ha ha!)