Daming Haiku

Chapter 240 Dutch Mission

The freshwater river is very lively now. In addition to many sea wolf warships resting here, there are also many merchant ships docking on the shore, and some merchant ships that do not belong to sea wolves also berth here, stopping next to the wharf trestle in turn to load and unload some goods.

With the cessation of the war in Fujian, the sea in Fujian also calmed down. The sea merchants who had been holding back for several months quickly went to sea and began to do their business. The delay in the past few months has caused them a great loss. If they don't hurry up, the wind direction will change and miss this opportunity. I guess this year's business has been delayed.

So the sea along the coast of Fujian suddenly began to get busy. Merchant ships full of goods like bees coming out of the nest, left the hidden ports and began to rush to their destinations.

Of course, there are also some merchant ships that do business with sea wolves. Their destinations are the freshwater village and Keelung port of sea wolves. Their ships are loaded with various materials urgently needed by sea wolves. After several months of war, although the sea wolves have gained a lot, their consumption is also huge, and many raw materials are stored. , has now run out. If it is not added, many of the sea wolf workshops will probably be shut down.

So this is also one of the reasons why Yu Xiaotian is eager to end this conflict, because no matter how much he takes advantage, the workshop cannot stop working, otherwise it will have a great impact on his future development.

So the end of this conflict is necessary for both the government and both him. In addition, his main financial resources in the future will also rely on these coastal merchants. If he ends a day later, he will earn a lot less money.

Because now he has actually controlled Weitou Bay, and has actually controlled most of the routes along the coast of Fujian. In the future, it is difficult for Fujian merchant ships to go to sea without paying him. Even if they are merchant ships in other places must be honest when passing along the coast of Fujian. Pay the sea wolf to buy money for the road. Otherwise, it is difficult for them to guarantee that they can sneak through the sea of Fujian quietly.

Based on this alone, Yu Xiaotian no longer has to worry about the problem of money. It is ridiculous that such a huge source of wealth has been directly ignored by the whole Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years. The reason why the Song Dynasty was so rich that it was dazzling that it was largely because the Song Dynasty always opened up maritime trade and there were markets everywhere. Merchants and ships who came to manage overseas trade made the Song Dynasty make a lot of money from this income alone every year.

Even after the Northern Song Dynasty was finished, the weak Southern Song Dynasty still maintained its operation with the taxes collected by the maritime trade. He fought against Jin Guo for more than 100 years and held on for decades before it was destroyed in front of the Mongolian army.

After the fall of the capital, the Ming Dynasty was immediately destroyed and destroyed by the Manchu Qing harps. It was swept away for more than ten years. To some extent, it had a lot to do with Daming's failure to pay attention to maritime trade, so that it was depleted of financial resources.

If Daming has a clear understanding of this, even at this time, as long as the sea ban is completely opened and taxes are collected from businessmen, Daming can completely ease his strength. At least his financial resources will become much looser, and it will not be enough to raise taxes every year. In this era of natural disasters and man-made disasters, it will be forced People everywhere don't make a living,*.

Unfortunately, there has never been an emperor in the Ming Dynasty. He can clearly realize this. They all hold Zhu Chongba's posthumous teachings and resolutely refuse to open the sea ban. Naturally, it is impossible to earn this money, so that it can now be said that it is cheaper for Xiaotian.

Through this method, Yu Xiaotian can accumulate a huge amount of wealth in a short time, and he can be extremely rich. What else is difficult to do with money?

So such a business is an astronomical loss for less than one day. Not to mention that the government can't stand it, Yu Xiaotian feels painful when he thinks about it.

After hearing that Peter had brought the boat to Tamsui City, Yu Xiaotian summoned Lin Yiyang and the important members of the board of directors to wait for Peter's arrival.

Peter sat in a small boat and drove along the freshwater river into the estuary, and his eyes were no longer idle. In fact, he knew that the sea wolf controlled the freshwater area later than the Dutch control officers, but at present, the Dutch-controlled officers were still a small castle and a facility was not perfect. The wharf and several simple artillery bases, in addition, they can move beyond ten kilometers.

But now come to fresh water to have a look. From the river, you can see a large area of farmland on the shore and scattered village castles. The shore is full of immigrants busy working on their hands. He even saw some places where several rotating windmills were built. In a trance, he felt that here was actually There are quite a lot of rural scenery in the Netherlands, because the Netherlands has built a lot of windmills.

But I didn't expect to see a windmill very similar to their hometown on the freshwater side, which surprised Peter and had to marvel at the achievements of the sea wolf here.

Although most of the sea wolves are bright people and have certain factors that develop faster than them, and human resources are more understandable than them, so that the gap is so big that the two sides are not at the same level at all. After looking at it, Peter, as the governor of the general, had a sense of self-embrage.

He couldn't help sighing slightly and talking to himself in his heart. What a man is more popular than a man! Compared with Yu Xiaotian's achievements, he is simply the light of rice grains compared with the sun. This time they really underestimated Yu Xiaotian's strength, which led to such an uncontrollable result in front of him. Does he really want to take his men to give up the big member port and retreat to Batavia? Thinking of this, Peter couldn't help sighing.

As he got closer and closer to the sea wolf's freshwater city, Peter's eyes became bigger and bigger, because when he approached Tamsui city, he had already seen some tall masts on the east bank of the river that he was very familiar with.

This kind of mast is not what kind of mast the Chinese kers use, but there are some crossbars on the mast. Only Western-style splint ships have such a mast, which has something to do with their use of soft sails and must use this mast. The appearance of so many masts in front also shows that there should be many Western-style masts here. Big sailboat.

Where did the sea wolf get so many Western-style big sailboats? This is another question mark that flashed in his mind.

But soon he thought of why, because he immediately thought of the conflict between the Westbanks and the sea wolves in Chicken Cage Bay last year. The West Banks were also beaten back by sea wolves. It is said that only one main ship was able to escape the battlefield and run back to Manila.

So there must have been a Westbank ship captured by the sea wolf at that time. Maybe some of these boats were captured.

In addition, the fleet brought by Wett this time was completely destroyed, and one or two will be captured by the sea wolves, so it is not strange that the sea wolf now has several large Western-style splint ships.

However, when the sea wolf has several large splint boats, the matter becomes serious. In the long run, the strength of the sea wolf will increase a lot. With just a few large splint boats, looking at the sea in the Far East, it is basically not much power to deal with them.

Even if the Dutch want to retaliate, I'm afraid they will still transfer six or seven warships like last time. It is impossible to deal with sea wolves. Seawolves can easily resist their company's fleets just by relying on these captured warships in their hands. In addition, the Shanghai wolves and many Keron ships, they want to I feel that my scalp is numb.

In this situation, even if the company wants to retaliate against the sea wolf, if it does not concentrate most of the available combat power of the whole company, it will be difficult to deal with the sea wolf, but is it possible to concentrate these forces? They have other interests to protect. How can they give up those and devote all their strength to revenge on the sea wolf!

So Peter thought about it and couldn't think of an idea to keep the old man, so he could only shake his head and stop thinking about it. It was in vain. Next, it depends on what conditions the sea wolf put forward.

The wharf of Tamsui City did not seem very lively because of the arrival of the Dutch mission. Except for a trestle cleared by the sea wolf's infantry for the Dutch boats to park, there were not even a few people to greet them. Other busy people on the trestle just looked sideways and did what they should be busy with. It seems that this kind of thing doesn't need too much attention for them.

Such a scene made Peter have a strong sense of frustration again. Although he came to negotiate as the defeated party, after all, behind him stood the Dutch East India Company and the Dutch State. In the current world, the strength of the Dutch at sea is second to none, even if it has just been defeated. The British of Spanish are also very afraid of their Dutch.

But he didn't expect that he, a Dutchman, as the governor of a party, was treated so coldly in front of this Chinese pirates. Thinking of this, Peter had a serious sense of frustration and even a little anger.

But after thinking about it carefully, he still suppressed his anger, because as a representative of powerful forces, Peter knows the laws of the world better than many people. The strong are kings, and no matter where in the world, it is a common law.

Since the Dutch have been defeated, they should have the consciousness of the losers. As the defeated party, they still want to be respected by the other party, which is a luxury in itself.

(My son was finally discharged from the hospital. I finally don't have to be so nervous today. I slept late in the morning and was exhausted! Ha ha! The update is a little late, please forgive me! In addition, I especially thank the two brothers zhao55555 and wdj1972 for their rewards! Don't worry, I promise to update two chapters this month, and there will be no mistakes!)