Daming Haiku

Chapter 241 Freshwater City in Peter's Eyes

After thinking about this, Peter had nothing to be dissatisfied with, so Shi Shiran climbed the trestle and ordered the sailors and soldiers with the ship to carry the boxes he brought down from the rowing. Then he communicated with the sea wolf in charge of receiving him, and was escorted by the sea wolf soldiers and walked towards Tamsui City.

After entering Tamsui City, Peter also felt a shock. It's not how majestic the buildings here are. On the contrary, the buildings here are even a little shabby, and they are not as beautiful as those luxurious buildings in some cities of Daming on land.

The buildings here seem very simple, but they are very practical. From the beginning of entering the city, he saw that the buildings here are very neatly planned, the streets are very wide, and all the buildings are strictly built according to the plan. The various buildings along the street are as measured with a ruler. A little messy feeling.

The people on the street are also bustling. Although it is not as prosperous as some big cities on land, it seems to be very prosperous compared with the city of Zhelan, which has not been fully built by the Dutch.

These are not the things that shocked Peter and his men most. More importantly, what they see here is the orderly order and the unimaginable cleanliness here.

After entering the city, from time to time, there are teams of neatly dressed sea wolves on the streets, holding various weapons and patrolling the streets. These sea wolf soldiers are like carved out of a mold. Although each team is only about ten people, they are arranged in this very neat queue and breathing. There are exactly the same steps, calm and robust, which makes people know at a glance that these soldiers have been extremely strictly trained and have extremely strict disciplined.

There was a kind of vigilance in their eyes. No one looked around. Even if they saw them enter the city, they just glanced at them and saw the sea wolves leading the Dutch, so they immediately turned their heads and followed their patrol.

Although the clothes of the pedestrians on the street are not luxurious, most of them are clean. Everyone's face has a ruddy luster, and they rarely see people with dishes. Obviously, although the people living here are not very rich, they are not lacking in nutrition, which is very rare. Because even in the land towns of Daming, no matter how rich the place is, only some people will behave like this, and most people still obviously have a malnourished look.

Based on this alone, it can be judged that people living here, even if they are not rich, can have enough to eat. In this era, not to mention the Ming Dynasty, even people in the richest cities in Europe are afraid it is not easy to do this.

In addition, it is neat and clean, which gives a shock to everyone who enters here for the first time. On the big street, they can't see any messy garbage. Along the street, there are wooden columns, and the stakes are equipped with glass covers.

Seeing this kind of thing, Peter's eyes shrank slightly, and he immediately saw what it was. This kind of thing was actually some street lamps, and these street lights also existed in some prosperous big cities, but they only existed. There would never be so many lights installed anywhere. Glass street lamp.

Because in this era, glass is still an absolute luxury, even in the palace, I'm afraid it will be difficult to be luxurious enough to light this kind of glass street lamp everywhere.

So even in the big cities of the Netherlands, there are no glass street lamps in this era, but here, in the small sea wolf's freshwater city, so many glass street lamps are installed in one street and two rows.

Now Peter feels that the exquisite glass products that have always been on land* should indeed be made by sea wolves. Although glass is luxurious, it is not very scarce now. Craftsmen in many places in Europe can also produce glass, but it can Only Tunisia and the United Kingdom produce glass mirrors, and even the Dutch don't have this kind of thing. They can only buy them from Tunisian merchants at a high price and then resell them to Daming.

So the price of glass mirrors they shipped is extremely high. In addition, during transportation, they bump on the sea for a long time, and the glass is easy to be damaged, especially large glassware, which is easy to break. Therefore, even if they transport glass products from Europe, they are generally not too big, and glass mirrors are even smaller.

However, in the past two years, they found that Daming merchants obviously did not like the glass products they brought. Later, they checked and found that shops in many places in Daming actually had better quality than the glass products they brought from Europe.

These new glass products on the market are not only pure in texture and beautiful, but also more in line with the aesthetics of the Ming people. More importantly, large pieces of glass mirrors appear on the market, and the largest area can even be used as dressing mirrors.

Such a large glass mirror cannot be made even by Tunisian glass craftsmen, and it is even more impossible to be transported to match these glass mirrors that appear on the surface of the Ming Dynasty.

So it turned out that they could also be sold as a glass product by the Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish as a valuable goods. In the past two years, under the impact of this new glass product on the market, it has shrunk to the extreme and has basically been kicked out of the Daming market.

After inking, they heard that these glass products were made by the sea wolf. They had some doubts before, but when he saw the glass street lights here today, Peter completely believed that it must be made by the sea wolf, and it was made on the spot. Otherwise, the sea wolf would have it again. Money, don't dare to take these glass lamps and install them on the roadside as street lamps.

And if the public security situation here is not good, I'm afraid that such expensive glass products will be remembered by the thieves. If they are not installed in a few days, they will be stolen. However, the glass street lamps here are very complete along the way, so the visible security situation here is also very good. Well, no one dares to think about these things easily here.

In addition, it is the sanitary conditions here. Peter has been to himself for half his life, and there are many places he has walked, but there is no place where he can make him feel like this.

Before entering Tamsui City, he had already felt that the dock area was very neat, but he didn't pay much attention to it at that time. He thought it was the sea wolf who sent someone to clean up to welcome him. At that time, he was a little happy.

But after entering Tamsui City, he found that things were not what he thought. The streets in Tamsui City are very clean and tidy. Along the street and even some nearby alleys, there will be a kind of rattan basket every dozens of steps on the roadside. .

If you come here for the first time, you don't know what these rattan baskets do, but when you approach, you will find that these rattan baskets are full of all kinds of garbage collected.

To the surprise of Peter and his party, the people walking here will consciously send some garbage to the rattan basket and throw it into the rattan basket instead of throwing it on the road like other places.

Even if there is occasional scattered garbage on the street, some people in red shoulders will immediately run to clean it up and pour it into the garbage basket.

When they walked down the street, they also saw that there were some patrol personnel on the road. These people were not holding knives and guns, but a hardwood stick about two feet long, with a square rattan card on their backs on their backs, wearing a rattan helmet on their heads, and several people patrolled the street in groups.

There happened to be an inconspicuous guy walking on the street, holding a baked sweet potato in his hand and eating while walking. After eating, he casually threw the sweet potato skin on the street. As a result, he was caught by these people patrolling with rattan sticks.

So those with rattan sticks immediately shouted, surrounded the guy who threw sweet potato skin casually, and scolded him loudly.

The guy who threw the sweet potato skin was scared to make his face pale. He quickly practiced and bowed his head to apologize, but he was still fined a few big money, which made his meat painful. In addition, he was taken to the roadside and was pressed to the ground on the spot and slapped three rattan sticks, making him grinning.

Peter's eyelids jumped a few times, and he said that the sea wolf was really strict here! If you throw some peels, you will be fined and beaten by rattan sticks, so he was so scared that he quickly ordered his men to be careful here and not to be beaten because of this.

After their group walked into a compound, Peter knew that they had arrived at the place. The compound covers a large area and should be the new headquarters of the sea wolf. Around the courtyard, there were sea wolves everywhere. They were alert. Everyone observed the surrounding situation with vigilant eyes, and many people passed by. The people hurried through the surroundings with a look of awe, and few idle people dared to stay here.

At the first meeting, Peter was also deeply impressed by Yu Xiaotian, who was sitting at the top. Even if the other party did not have such a tall figure, it was just the strong temperament on his body, which made people have awe of him.

"Dear leader, I am Peter, Governor-General of the Dutch East India Company in Formosa. Nuiz! It's an honor to meet you here!" He got here and didn't dare to show off, so after entering the hall, he took the initiative to bow to Yu Xiaotian, who was sitting in the upper position.