Daming Haiku

Chapter 242 Down

Yu Xiaotian looked at Peter, looked up and down at him, and nodded slightly and said, "I'm also honored to see you here! But I want to correct one thing. This is Taiwan Island, not a Formosa, and you are just the governor of Dayuangang, not the governor of Formosa! Please pay attention to this! Because Taiwan Island is mine, not you Dutch!"

After listening to the words translated into him, Peter frowned and said, "But according to the custom of the colony, this should not be the territory of your army!" And we came here with the official consent of your country!"

"Mr. Peter, you are unreasonable. According to what you say, then there is no reason for you to stay here, because thousands of years ago, our Chinese ancestors had set foot on this land, and you can only be regarded as latecomers! At best, it can only be regarded as an aggressor!

Even if you don't admit it, I have occupied Chicken Cage Bay before you came to Taiwan Island. According to what you said, then this Taiwan Island should be my territory!

As for you saying that you have obtained the official consent of Daming, do you have a written agreement? Humph! I don't think so! What's more, I don't belong to the official of the Ming Dynasty, so please pay attention to your words in the future! Even if it's a governor, I'm afraid it's only temporary!" Yu Xiaotian said coldly to Peter.

When Yu Xiaotian said this, Peter has nothing to argue, because what Yu Xiaotian said is true, not to mention that the world originally has to rely on strength to speak. Even if he is a Dutchman first, what can he do? If you can't keep your own territory, it's the same as saying nothing.

In the past, the West Bank took the lead and occupied many colonies in the world, but with the rise of the Dutch and the decline of the West Bank, didn't they still seize a lot of territory from the West Bank?

So now, as a defeated party, he has no right to argue with Yu Xiaotian on this matter. Everything can only rely on strength.

The first confrontation ended in Peter's speechless defeat of the Dutch, and the two sides did not continue to entangle on this issue. To some extent, Peter's attitude has acquiesced in the sea wolf's control of Taiwan Island.

In order to show his kindness, Peter asked someone to carry several boxes he brought to the hall and opened them in front of Yu Xiaotian.

These gifts are quite precious, including some decorations of ivory rhinoceros horns, some beautiful jewelry and jade, and several Western-style swords with extremely exquisite workmanship, including two valuable swords made of Damascus steel.

These gifts are also valuable, at least representing the importance the Dutch attach to filial piety.

Yu Xiaotian just glanced at this and let people take it down, which also gave Peter some face.

Seeing that Yu Xiaotian had accepted these gifts, Peter was a little relieved. What he was most afraid of was the gifts he chose. Yu Xiaotian would not accept them at all. In that case, the next negotiation would probably become very difficult.

Yu Xiaotian didn't say much nonsense to Peter, but went straight to the point and began to negotiate with Peter, even without a minimum banquet.

Under the leadership of Xiaotian, Peter was taken to a conference room with a rather Western-style long table made of red acid wood.

At the signal of Xiaotian, Peter and several of his men and even a company businessman stationed in Dayuangang sat down on the side of the long table, while Yu Xiaotian sat opposite them with several other important members of the sea wolf. There were only a few capable guards in the room who gave them one here. Peter was surprised by the fact that everything seemed very simple.

Because most of the Chinese people he knows like to pose, and all kinds of messy etiquette are very cumbersome, but obviously Yu Xiaotian does not like that kind of red tape etiquette. This way of negotiation is more direct.

"I am very angry that you Netherlands played an disgraceful role in the conflict between us and the official this time!

It turns out that you and I still have a cooperative relationship. You are major, and I am here. It can be said that the well water does not violate the river, but this time you brazenly joined the official military operation against us, trying to assist the Ming officials to eliminate us. I am very angry and intolerable about this.

Now as the defeated party, I want to expel you from the big man by force. It should be just a hand, but I don't want to continue to create more bloody conflicts, so you'd better leave the big man port by yourself and don't set foot on Taiwan Island in the future. This is my first request to you today! Not a condition!"

After the two sides sat down, Yu Xiaotian didn't even say a polite word, and directly asked the Dutch to leave the officials in a cold tone.

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, Peter's heart suddenly shrank, as if he had been grabbed by something, making him feel a little breathless. This is too direct for Yu Xiaotian! Although he had expected that Yu Xiaotian might make such a request on the way here, he didn't expect that this had just begun to negotiate, and he raised it so directly.

So his face became ugly. After thinking about it for a moment, he said, "As I said just now, we came here with the consent of your official, so we built a port in Dayuan Port.

And we also have an agreement with your country, which is your official request, so we have had such an unpleasantness with you this time!

Although we were defeated this time, such losses are not great for us. There are still thousands of warships in China, and I believe that our strength can protect our big port.

But we also don't want to continue such a relationship, so we don't want to continue to fight against you, but we will not give up!

If you can give up this request, we can make some compensation for this matter, and we can continue to cooperate in the future!"

"Mr. Peter, this is unreasonable. Don't forget that two years ago, you were still hostile to the Ming government. You occupied Penghu and had a fierce confrontation with the government in Penghu. Now how did you become a cooperative relationship with the Ming government?

Another time, we have retreated and withdrew from Nanri Island. Even Daming's army did not continue to send troops to attack my Tamsui City.

But your fleet acted alone and came to attack here. Is this just that you came to fight at the invitation of Daming?

I know your plan on this matter. You have always regarded me as your potential enemy. Although you do business with me on the surface, in fact, you are afraid that I will drive you to Bay Island one day.

So this time, you took the opportunity of the Ming government to ask you to help fight and take the initiative to jump out, hoping to hang me in one fell swoop and remove my potential threat.

So Wett saw that the officers and soldiers were full of the status quo after occupying Nanri Island, so Wett could only go into battle shirtless and kill me with his fleet.

But I didn't expect it! Your fleet is so terrible in front of me! Unexpectedly, the whole army was destroyed by me!

Now you still want to threaten me with your force, okay! I admit that if all your Dutch warships come, I am really not your opponent, but is this possible?

As far as I know, your relationship with the Netherlands and the British is not very close now! May you send a large fleet to the Far East and risk losing a large number of sailors and ships on the way to deal with a pirate like me? Haha! Joke!

If you can't do it, just rely on your fleet of the Dutch East India Company. Sorry, I don't think you have the ability to defeat me! And you have other interests to protect. I'm afraid it's unrealistic that all the company's warships have been sent to fight against me! Humph!

So I'm not afraid of you! If you think you can still solve me by force, then I will wait here for Yu Xiaotian! That's all for today's negotiations! You can take your people back!"

Yu Xiaotian's words hit Peter's heart like a heavy hammer, knocking Peter dizzy. Today, he finally found that the young Chinese pirate leader in front of him was really difficult to deal with.

This person obviously knows the situation in Europe and knows exactly what the card in their hands is, so it is obviously impossible to continue to threaten him by force. Now the most important thing for him is to keep the big man's port first. Since it is impossible with force, he can only be soft.

So Peter immediately softened, and his tone became less arrogant than before. He began to discuss with Yu Xiaotian on what conditions could not drive them out of the port. As long as Yu Xiaotian allowed them to stay in the staff, everything else would be easy to discuss.

Seeing that Peter was completely softened, Yu Xiaotian's face became a little better, and Peter was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He also saw that they were still of certain use for sea wolves at present.

Nowadays, there is no harmony between the sea wolves and the Spaniards. Last year, they still fought on the side of Chicken Cage Bay, and their Dutch were obviously a force to contain the Spanish.

If they are really driven back to Batavia, then because Bacheng is far away from Taiwan Island and even the coast of China, many Chinese ships are unwilling to take huge risks and go to Bacheng to trade with them.

So most Chinese merchant ships and even Sea Wolf's own merchant ships will go to Manila and Westbank to trade, so that the West Bankers will have the initiative to trade, which is not completely in line with Yu Xiaotian's interest.