Daming Haiku

Chapter 248 Powerful Means

Each ship was loaded with about 200 people. In addition to the land soldiers of the sea wolf, the first immigrants on the ship were mainly some slaves and prisoners captured in the battle with the officers and soldiers this time.

The prisoners have been identified, and the available prisoners have been integrated into the new camp of the sea wolf. After retraining, education and brainwashing, they will be assigned to serve in the navy and army. The rest are mainly some ruffians and people with bad habits. No matter where they are placed, they are not Stability factor, it's too dry to kill.

So this group of people, as a consumable resource, together with some Southeast Asian monkeys acquired by sea wolves, were sent to the dog port. As the first pioneers, they invested in the early development of the dog port.

Dagou Port will be Kaohsiung Port, but in this era, the berthing conditions of Dagou Port are not very good. The water in the port is not very deep, and it is difficult for heavy ships to enter the port to berth. In addition, there are no dock facilities for them to use.

But Fortunately, there is no 10,000-ton ship in this era. Even the largest ship owned by the sea wolf, the displacement is only 500 or 600 tons of ships of two or three captured Dutch people. The largest splint ship, that is, the flagship of Wett, has a full displacement of only about 800 tons. There is still no problem with the dog port.

So the water depth and berth of the dog port at present is not a big trouble, which is enough for the sea wolf to be used for many years.

Although there are no facilities in the dog port for sea wolves to load and unload goods, the good thing is that Xiaotian has done his homework in advance.

Since the second half of the sixth year of the Apocalypse, he has continuously sent personnel and ships to Dagou Port to explore, map the terrain and hydrological conditions in the port, and draw detailed drawings.

This time when he began to send people to the dog port, he also towed some pre-built floating trestles with removable poles and simple human cranes on the trestle.

After being towed by the dog port with the ship, these floating trestles only need to be towed to the shore. After sinking into the water, they can be fixed with wooden stakes and can be used quickly. Moreover, various poles and simple cranes for unloading cargo have been installed on the prefabricated floating trestle, which can soon be put on the ship. The personnel and goods were unloaded to the shore.

As long as the first batch of people and materials are unloaded, it will be easy to do. These first batch of personnel and materials are used to build docks and camps.

Before the second batch of personnel arrives here, these people can quickly build a relatively complete dock facility and a camp with a seated bridgehead to meet the arrival of subsequent personnel.

In order to speed up the progress, Yu Xiaotian even ordered the carpenters to make a large number of semi-finished wood. These wood materials are all materials for wooden houses, with unified specifications and unified structure. As long as they are unloaded from the shore and according to the serial number indicated above, the craftsman can immediately start building the house.

Such a wooden house can be built within a few days at the earliest, and the accommodation conditions are much better than temporary use of soft tents.

After the ships were sent out in early March, less than a month later, the fleet returned to Tamsui City, and all the people and supplies on the ship had been unloaded to the dog port.

And Yu Xiaotian also personally boarded the second batch of ships to Dagou Port and went to Dagou Port for inspection. The number of the second batch of fleets increased by more than a dozen this time. The ship was mainly carrying personnel, various tools and some food, and a total of about 2,000 were transported. Many people, together with the first 2,000 people transported in the past, have made the dog port thousands of labor in a very short time.

In addition to the strength of three army infantry companies and a naval company, the general forces are no longer power to drive them out of this area.

After several days of sailing, Yu Xiaotian arrived at the dog port. As soon as he entered the dog port, he saw a lively scene at a glance.

Countless workers are busy like ants on the shore of the port, transporting various materials to the shore and carrying out intense construction. At this time, the prototype of a wharf has begun to appear on the shore. At this time, several wooden trestles have penetrated from the shore into the sea water in the harbor.

At this time, a camp has also appeared on the shore. Brand-new wooden houses have been built in the camp. Of course, many tents and temporary huts have been built for the garrison and workers here to shelter from the wind and rain.

Around the camp and the dock, many sea wolf soldiers are patrolling back and forth vigilantly with * or holding spears and knife shields. On the periphery of this area, more than a dozen arrow towers up to several meters high have been built, and many sea wolves' * hands are also standing on them, patrolling the surrounding situation with vigilant eyes.

Several light slingering boats patrolled inside and outside the port, monitoring the activities of the workers on the dock. After all, these workers are not fuel-efficient lamps, including either ruffians or barbaric Southeast Asian monkeys.

These people are going to make trouble, so they must use strong pressure. If they are not careful, some people will find a way to escape, so they must take preventive measures.

When Yu Xiaotian landed on the ship, he looked up and saw a forest-like high poles near the wharf. These high poles were more than three meters high, but they were not light poles, because on each high pole, there was a corpse hanging from the pole, and the body was hung around the pole.

Yu Xiaotian roughly counted, and there were at least dozens of bodies hanging here, so he frowned slightly.

Seeing Yu Xiaotian's eyes sweeping at the hanging bodies, the officer who came to greet him immediately said to Xiaotian, "These guys are all guys who have been making trouble here these days. They either want to escape and be captured, or they are trying to attack the sentry and seize weapons. There are also those who resist and encourage others to make trouble behind their backs. Naturally, they can't be polite to deal with such people. They can only kill them as an as an alarming!

But after hanging these guys, the situation here has been much better these days. Let them watch these hanging guys and become very honest when they work!"

"Tiancheng, since this is in charge of you, then you can do it! What should I do? I believe you will be measured! It's just a pity that there are dozens of labor! Ha ha!

But it's okay, after getting rid of these black sheep, it is estimated that it will be more efficient! There is nothing wrong with you doing this!" Yu Xiaotian did not express his dissatisfaction with the officer.

And this person he called Tiancheng, whose full name is Ma Tiancheng, is a company commander in the original army. This person is also one of the earliest people to devote himself to the sea wolf. He is about 40 years old and has studied private school for a few days. He is a somewhat educated person, but he is also a A good soldier used to walk with people and become a dart master after losing his family on land, but later he went to sea to become a pirate for some reasons.

After returning to Yu Xiaotian, he was sent to the war camp because of his experience of walking darts, and gradually mixed into the position of company commander.'

Yu Xiaotian has been observing him for a long time and found that Ma Tiancheng is steady, decisive, dares to take responsibility, and his brain is quite flexible. He is a good talent.

In the army, if Yu Xiaotian hadn't transferred him here this time, one of the battalion commanders of the newly formed army battalion would definitely fall on him this time.

However, Yu Xiaotian believes that Ma Tiancheng is a good management material. Although he can give full play to his ability in the army, he is short of such talents now. Of course, he has to put it in the most important place. Therefore, after weighing it, he still transferred Ma Tiancheng out of the army. He was sent here as a temporary commander.

Ma Tiancheng is not a fool for this, and immediately realized the significance of this transfer to him. Although he likes to work in the army, and his future seems to be good. If he can reach the battalion commander level, there must be room for improvement in the future, but compared with the current position, it is far less important than this position.

Because he is responsible for the development of the dog port, for him, it is equivalent to completely entering the senior management of the sea wolf. This is definitely a member of the sea wolf. If he does a good job, then it is likely that he will be the future city owner of the dog port.

Therefore, Ma Tiancheng was secretly surprised by this transfer, immediately packed up his clothes and took office, and immediately led the team to Dagou Port to preside over the preliminary development affairs here.

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, Ma Tiancheng immediately put his legs together and made a standard military salute to Xiaotian. Although he was responsible for the development of the dog port for the time being, he did not take off his army uniform, and his staff was still in the army, so he always maintained a military posture.

"Thank you for your trust. I will try my best to do things here and live up to the love of the big family!"

"Well, you don't have to swear so much! Since you are asked to come here to take charge of this matter, that is to believe in your ability. Tell me, what about the other situations here? Yu Xiaotian nodded with satisfaction.

"Others here are okay, but the problem of clean water is not easy to solve for the time being. Although the humble position has ordered that all drinking water here must be done in accordance with the regulations and must be boiled and drunk. However, because of the high labor intensity here, many people still have diarrhea!

So the next step is to solve the problem of clean water! Bei Zhi plans to build a large reservoir here and prepare more clean drinking water with the method that the big family taught us to filter water, which can ensure that the workers here can also drink clean water when they work, so as not to have diarrhea at any time!

Although these laborers are scum and it is not a pity to die, once they die more, it will still affect the development here! It will inevitably make the remaining scum afraid and refuse to work hard! But now there is too little earth and cement here. I'm afraid this reservoir needs a lot of earth and cement. I hope the big head can help solve it. Ma Tiancheng said.