Daming Haiku

Chapter 123 The Head of the Rebel

Once the order was issued, the departments began to be busy. The artillery were not afraid that the rebel cavalry were rushing towards them. In front of the artillery array, there was a temporary shelter, and there were horses. Even if the enemy cavalry rushed over, they could not kill their artillery positions, and the artillery had their own hands to protect him. Once the enemy breaks through the defense line, someone will go up to stop them.

So these artillerymen continue to load and reset in an orderly manner. At this time, each company has begun to allow them to shoot freely according to the ranking units, and the loading can also be freely selected according to their needs.

But without exception, the artillerymen chose grape bombs and shotguns at this time. These two types of bullets are the most suitable thing to deal with the enemy at present. Now with solid bullets, it is estimated that the officer should be sucked to the end and go home to carry the child at the end of the battle.

So they began to reload the cannon with an almost crazy speed and reset the cannon.

The biggest disadvantage of the retreating artillery is that every time they shoot, they have to push the cannon back to the gun position. For artillerymen, the physical consumption is quite large. Most of their strength is used to push the cannon, so even in the winter, if the battle is tense, they will still throw away their arms hotly.

A cannon began to fight for me to fire. Although it was scattered, it was not as shocking as the kind of gathering fire just now, but its power was not much reduced. On the contrary, it was more effective to kill the enemy. Where there were many people and the enemy was dense, they opened fire at the grape bombs. And shotguns are the most suitable to do this. Every shot, almost nothing will fail. At least two or three enemy soldiers will be killed. Sometimes, it is not surprising to overturn seven or eight with one shot.

At this time, those * hands holding wolftooth rifles in the infantry phalanx are lined up, presenting a formation of three-stage strikes. The three-stage attack is actually just a tactical name. In today's situation, in order to maintain the continuity of firepower, three-stage strikes are no longer effective.

In order to achieve the highest shooting efficiency, the officers arranged * hands into five rows, and five rows of * hands fired one after a time, which greatly shortened the time between each volley, making the fire more continuous and reducing the waste of ammunition caused by invalid shooting.

Five rows of * hands were ordered to fire one after another. The first row retreated to the end and the second row, until it was their turn to fire again. The soldiers in the first row had completed the loading again, so there would be no interruption of * volley shooting at all.

The distance between each round of volley is only six or seven seconds, which requires * hands to be able to reach the level of loading twice a minute, which is critical for *hand training, otherwise it is difficult for * hands to achieve such a loading speed in wartime.

So I only saw the flame in front of the infantry phalanx of the family army, * spitting flames, like a shuttle, reciprocating. In front of them, they were shrouded in a piece of smoke, so that later * hands could no longer see the situation of the enemy, and they could only shoot in an almost blind way.

This time, the rebels were unlucky. Yu's artillery shells and bullets were intertwined and splashed on them like rain. Although they madly urged their horses to rush to the enemy's front, they were knocked to the ground by shells and bullets and became victims of this battle.

Chen sometimes felt a roar in his brain, and his whole body almost felt a little dizzy, as if today's battle was very unreal, like a dream. He only saw those subordinates around him, constantly spraying blood fog on people, one after another. The man and horse fell to the ground and were trampled by the people and horses behind him.

Bullets and cannons kept flying past his ear, making a roaring sound, which made people stand up and shudder. Later, even he himself was a little numb. The short distance of more than 200 steps seemed to never come to an end. Everything became so slow. The cannonballs were in their crowd, no It stirred up a mass of dust, and the bullets fell on the ground, also causing a slip of dust and smoke.

When he finally rushed more than a hundred steps in front of the enemy's battle, his luck finally left him. He only felt that his body suddenly shook violently, and there was a sharp pain in his chest, as if he had been punched by his chest. He was lifted from behind the horse's buttocks and fell heavily to the ground. Even if the blood in the mouth spewed out.

Several soldiers exclaimed, "The general fell off his horse! Hurry up, general! Disperse! Disperse! Don't come here! Don't hurt the general again!"

Several of their own soldiers frantically grabbed the horse's reings, circled the horse's head and turned around, drove away the rebel generals who followed them, so that they could bypass Chen sometimes who fell off the horse and stop stepping on Chen sometimes.

But their efforts were so powerless in front of the artillery fire of the family army. Almost all of their roars were drowned out by the gunfire of the family army. Few people could hear what they were shouting. The cavalry behind them still bowed their heads, like fools, and rushed forward with their heads. The personal soldier who jumped off the horse was knocked out on the spot and then trampled into mud by the chaotic horse.

The remaining soldiers were so scared that they dared not disarm easily. They could only shout crazily. They tried to save Chen several times, but sometimes failed. The two soldiers were knocked to the ground by bullets from behind.

At this time, someone finally saw Chen sometimes who fell from the horse. At this time, Chen sometimes lay on the ground, and his mouth kept spraying blood outside. His eyes were half open, looking at the sky, he did not move, and his legs twitched slightly, because his body was covered with thick armor and he could not see where the injury was, but he could be seen from his body. A large pool of blood soaked under it can be seen that he was seriously injured. At this time, he was already in a dying state.

For good, he was not trampled on again. Otherwise, Chen would sometimes be cut off on the spot, but his own soldiers also saw that Chen was sometimes out of breath and less air.

"General Chen is dead! General Chen was killed in battle! No, General Chen was killed..." More people among the rebels immediately exclaimed, and more and more people heard it, and the shouts became louder and louder. The rebel army suddenly began to disperse.

The most taboo thing about ancient armies and even modern armies is that generals are killed in battle. Generally, generals are the core and backbone of the army. Once there is a death in battle, the morale of the whole army will immediately fall to the bottom. As an army without roots, the rebels have no owner and no state, and they have no support. It all depends on these traitors to lead. They, give them courage, so that they can follow the chaos.

But once the rebels will fall, the pillar in their hearts will fall together. When they heard the news of Chen's sometimes death, all the rebels suddenly panicked, including those traitors among them, who were at a loss for a moment, almost everyone The first reaction is that the generals are dead, and they still fart! Run!

So the rebel cavalry who were charging began to hold the rein, turned the horse's head on the spot, and began to turn around to urge the horse to escape from the battlefield. This battlefield was too terrible. The firearms in the hands of these Fujian officers and soldiers were so sharp that they almost had no way to fight, not to mention the power of fighting back. .

They are like a group of prey, cut to the ground like a cluster of rice, but they can only watch themselves being beaten, but they can't pay back. Needless to mention this aggrieved mood, it really makes people want to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Now that even their general has been killed, they naturally can't continue to rush over, so the rebels who were roaring just now shouted again in a blink of an eye, and a swarm of bees began to turn the horse's head and run away on the way.

Even the speed of their escape was much faster than the speed of the charge, which made the soldiers of the army feel a little unprepared.

But Meng Fei still accurately grasped the key to the problem. The first one shouted, "The traitor will be killed!" They broke down! Haha! Keep fire and give them a ride! Beat, beat hard, the more you kill, the better!"

*Hands and artillery continued to fire desperately for a moment. The smoke enveloped them. They couldn't see where the enemy was, so they used blind shooting to shoot collectively. In short, as long as they hit more, there must always be a few bullets that can stop the enemy soldiers.

So in front of the army, the sound of guns continued to shoot, continuing to overturn the ground those rebels who had begun to turn around and escape.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian also realized that the rebel general might have died in battle. At least he may have been seriously injured. Otherwise, the rebels would not have collapsed so quickly, so he immediately ordered: " Cavalry company, get on horse and pursue! Kill as many as you can! It's better to capture them alive! These guys are good cavalry! Tut-tut, it's a pity to kill it!"

Lin Yiyang, who followed Yu Xiaotian, turned his head and looked at Yu Xiaotian. At this time, this guy was still thinking about these things. With a * expression on his face, he slapped his mouth and looked greedy, so he despised this guy in his heart, but he did not dare to speak.

The cavalry company has long been ready to attack at this time. They know too well the firepower strength of their infantry phalanx. Although there are many rebel cavalry, they can only be beaten in the face of such a large array as them. They can't break through their array at all. Sooner or later they will be defeated, so what they have to do is Be ready to attack and prepare to chase the enemy's defeated soldiers.

So when the enemy began to launch a charge, they also tightened the saddles of the war horse and were ready to get on the horse. One by one, they closed their beloved mounts and comforted their beloved horses. The horses were also excited to hear the roaring sound of cannons, one by one and kept stepping on their noses. With the horse's hoof, he looks eager to try.

(Continue to greatly thank the rewards of the Western Wind Brothers, and today there are also the rewards of the DENNISSEE brothers. Of course, we can't forget to thank them!)