Daming Shuanglong Biography

060 [Guerilla Warfare]

The sky will come soon, and it brings the news that the Japanese transport team is on its way this way. Then everyone was led by the sky to the only way for the Japanese army.

This road is extremely wide, which is the only way to connect the Seoul direction and Longren direction, and is also the north-south marching road. The width can accommodate 10 people to pass together. There are countless trees on both sides of the road, but now it is winter, and there are no bright green young leaves on the trees on both sides, only bare branches and trunks. A trace of cool wind blew over and blew up a few yellow leaves that had not yet been soiled.

"The flat terrain here is not suitable for ambush. Let's go north if we can find some higher places." Ye Da suggested.

Jin Qianyi agreed and immediately ordered to go further north. Finally, he found a small hillside not far away. The hillside was also full of trees, just on the side of the road. The hillside was very wide and suitable for ambush.

"Here it is! Everyone go uphill quickly!" Jin Qianyi ordered all the volunteers to climb to the hill.

"Take out all the bows and arrows! When the enemy comes, listen to my order and shoot ten thousand arrows! Shoot him on his back, and then we go down to chop people and grab things!" Jin Qianyong shouted.

"Good!" The soldiers shouted loudly.

After the arrangement was completed, everyone hid behind the tree. Everything was quiet and only heard the sound of the wind blowing.

The volunteers arrived there at noon, and they waited until dusk when the Japanese transport team finally came slowly this way. The Japanese army walked to the hillside and stopped, and the two horse leaders pointed around in front of them and didn't know what they were saying. The volunteers were a little worried. Did the Japanese find themselves? Of course not, but a Japanese leader also felt that it was appropriate to set an ambush here, but the other immediately denied him: "Bak! Our army has hit Seoul, and there will definitely be no enemies here! Besides, our march is so secret, how could the enemy know in advance and set an ambush here!" But this time he overestimated the situation.

All the volunteers filled the bows and arrows and waited for the leader to give an order! Jin Qianyong was also nervous at this time. He was waiting for the best time for the Japanese army to enter his own attack range.

Finally, he felt that he didn't have to wait any longer. Jin Qianyong shouted: "Let's shoot arrows!" He was the first to turn around from behind the tree and raised his bow and shot the arrow out, and then countless arrows fell from the head of the Japanese army.

For a moment, the Japanese army was unprepared for being ambushed, so soon they were in chaos. The Japanese general grabbed his panicked horse and shouted, "calm down!" Calm down!" However, he was soon shot under the horse by an arrow. The commander fell to the ground and died, and the other Japanese soldiers lost their backbone. Their number was not many. This time they were ambushed. The Japanese army, who had not been hit by the arrow, did not care about the supplies, and began to turn around and run back. It was important to save their lives first!

"Kill!" Jin Qianyi raised his black meteor hammer, tightened his reed and jumped down the hillside. The Japanese army only ran away, and Jin Qianyi drove the horse to death. Blood plasma splashed all the way, and the body of the Japanese army lay down.

Ye Da was quite shocked: "How fierce!"

Jin Qianyi's bravery also drove the high morale of the whole team. They all jumped down the hillside with knives and began to chase the enemy. Ye Da was a complete spectator this time. He did not chase him, but stayed and ran to the Japanese transporter to see if there were any gifts for wisdom. Except for food, the clothes on the transport truck are Japanese clothes to protect against the cold. There seems to be nothing valuable. Since there is nothing here, go and look for it from the dead.

Ye Da ran to the body of the Japanese leader. This guy must have something valuable. Ye Da found a * exquisite small fan from his waist, but this thing should not be worth a few dollars, but because this is a foreign object, it is not available in his country, but it is rare. Ye Da put away the small fan and picked up the leader's Japanese knife. It was heavy and should be a good knife.

The Japanese knife is thin and long. The most exaggerated thing is that its handle is very long, which is conducive to holding the knife with both hands. Moreover, it is said that the Japanese knife has the most reasonable curved arc in the world and is the most conducive to attack and defense. However, Ye Da was like the scabbard of this knife. The scabbard was tattooed with a purple dragon, and the dragon opened its mouth. It seemed that the knife itself was quite lethal.

After the strangulation of the Japanese army, Jin Qianyong was very dissatisfied with Ye Da: "Why don't you go up and kill the enemy?"

"I don't need me when I see so many people. Besides, I'm not very good at using weapons."

"..." Jin Qiannian didn't care about him for Ye's answer of a good idea: "Push the Japanese transporter, we are triumphant!"

"Oh!" Everyone shouted loudly! He happily pushed these many supplies and food to the shore. Because the transport ship was relatively small and could not pull these carts, the volunteers had to carry all the supplies and food to the ship, and all the carriages and so on sank into the sea in case the enemy found out that they came from the sea.

"This food is enough for us to eat for half a year!"

"Haha, we will fight a protracted war with the Japanese army and grab it if we run out of food! If you don't have clothes, you can grab it!"

Wisdom rushed over and hugged Ye Da tightly as soon as he landed. The volunteers drooled a little, but this kind of action was not appropriate in front of everyone in that era! Sometimes Ye Da doubts whether wisdom is also a modern woman who came back through time?

"What did I bring you?" Ye Da took out the small fan.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Looking at the happy appearance of wisdom, Ye Da also smiled happily.

The area of Seoul was ruled by the Japanese general Ukita Hideo. This time, the Japanese army lost so much military supplies, which made him very angry. He ordered to summon troops to search in Gyeonggi Province, but found nothing. They ignored Jianghua Island surrounded by water. At Ye Da's suggestion, the volunteers took a good rest on the island for a while and avoided the limelight before drawing other things. Moreover, with Cangkong, a capable investigator, you can completely grasp when is the best time to send troops.

A Japanese general named Hidemasa Nakagawa was stationed in Seoul. On this day, he was so depressed that he took a few entourage out of the city to hunt. Coincidentally, they came to the foot of a mountain and heard an eagle call. This eagle's cry is from the sky, and the sky is performing its duty - reconnaissance.

Hidemasa Nakagawa was extremely excited to hear the eagle's cry. He looked up into the sky, and his wings were spreading through the air.