burgled coffin

Chapter 08 Key [Restore and update in advance, make up for arrears]

The wind outside the door suddenly blew wildly, and the swaying branches burst into a crackling sound on the glass.

Beckham shivered and unconsciously put his hands in his pocket.

"Look at this." Liu Xin took out a pile of information to Beckham and said slowly, "Maybe you're right. We have become pawns in other people's hands. A while ago, I went to Luoyang and found some traces left by that team through the network, but because the time is relatively far away, it is not complete.

Xiaobei dried the water stains on her face and probably looked through it.

"All the spearheads point to one place, which is the origin of this incident."

The two suddenly spoke at the same time.


There are many unimportant things written in the materials, more about these pre-life identities, including archaeological researchers, college graduates, adventurers, and rich people. It seems messy, but after careful consideration, I found that they have a common personality. That is paranoia, paranoia about the unknown, and fanaticism for ancient civilizations.

From the appearance of the jade pendant, contact the fat man's words and calculate the time, then you can know that in addition to Liu Xin, the person who jumped into the pool also escaped and caused this ancient jade to be exiled among the people. But it is more likely that this person is no longer alive. Because of this, Liu Xin and Xiaobei have no intention of looking for this person.

Before the last trip, these people went to one place, which was Luoyang.

What other clues are there? No one knows this, but it is certain that it must be inextricably related to this series of events.

It should not be too late. After discussing with Yang Yu, the two immediately left for Luoyang.

Luoyang is located in the west of Henan Province and on the south bank of the Yellow River. It was built by Zhou Gong and built in the 12th century BC. It is one of the eight ancient capitals and one of the first historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council. It is the only city in Chinese history to be named the "divine capital".

For a long time in history, Luoyang has been the center of China's politics, economy and culture, as well as a transportation hub with all-round roads. At the beginning of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the first large highway network was established in China. Luoyang was its center, and the road was straight and far away. In the first year of Sui Daye (605), Emperor Yang of Sui built the eastern capital in Luoyang and ordered the opening of the Grand Canal. So far, Luoyang was formed with Luoyang as the center and radiation to the northeast and southeast for a total of 2000 Multi-kilometer north-south water transportation network. Luoyang is a reading book of Chinese culture. Historical research proves that civilization first sprouted here, Taoism began here, Confucianism originated from here, classics flourished here, Buddhism first spread here, metaphysics formed here, and science originated from here. Sages gather and humanities gather together. Luoyang is also the main root of Chinese surnames, Minnan and Hakka.

As soon as she stepped on this land, Xiaobei felt the simplicity different from Lijiang. On the contrary, there was a bookish atmosphere and grandeur, but there was definitely a sense of grandeur.

"So where do we go first?"

"It would be nice if we could start with Gu Yu and investigate what has happened in recent years."

"Well..." Beckham bowed his head and thought for a long time, and suddenly remembered something. Ah! I thought of one thing."

"What's the matter?" Liu Xin asked.

"The fat man once said that they had found the old man who collected the ancient jade, but the family moved away. In that room, they found a remnant page torn from the book."

"What's up there?"

"The pattern of ancient jade!"

The three no longer hesitated and immediately rushed to the location of the old house that Beckham heard about the fat man. Sure enough, the old house is still there, but it is shabby, and the weeds in the yard are half tall.

As soon as Beckham touched the door panel, the whole door panel fell off, and the lock on it became a decoration.

"It seems that we will save a lot of energy." Beckham shrugged helplessly.

The three stepped on the thick soil, covered their mouths and noses, and walked into the old house. There was almost nothing inside, a table, a three-legged broken stool, and two large bookshelves, and nothing else.

"Huh? Look there!" Beckham suddenly found that there was a statue dedicated to the bookshelf.

The rectangular shell is covered with a half-covered red cloth, and below is a Guanyin statue. But why was the Guanyin statue put here? That's strange.

Xiaobei felt that there must be something fishy in it, but after carefully turning it over for a long time, he didn't even find anything unusual when he took down the statue.

Is it really placed inadvertently?

Xiaobei is fiddling with the statue to see if there is anything hidden in it, but no matter how you look at it, it is extremely ordinary.


Xiaobei was going to put the statue back in its original position, but he didn't expect that his hand slipped and the Guanyin statue fell to the ground and fell to pieces. Among the fragments, there was another fragment, which was rolled into a straight tube.

The original secret is hidden inside this statue!

Last time the fat man and Xing Mantian found traces of ancient jade on the remnants, so what is this time?

With excitement, Beckham picked up the remnants and slowly unfolded.

That's a map with a crooked curve with a red marker, and a bright red fork is drawn on the final point. And there is a small question mark next to the red cross.

Beckham and others were stunned.

What the hell is this implying? Unknown? The rope buckle that had just been untied tightened again and became complicated and confusing.

"This seems to be the old map of Luoyang ten years ago." Liu Xin looked at it for a while and said.

Luoyang has changed a lot in the past ten years, but some streets and place names have not changed and can be vaguely recognized. So what does this mean? The red cross is located in Luoyang City. Is there a hole in the sky?

But now there is such a large flow of people. If there is anything strange, it should have been reported long ago. Why haven't I heard of it?

"Xiaobei, think about it carefully and see what else you have forgotten." Yang Qi suddenly asked Xiaobei.

"Think about what can I forget?" Beckham scratched her head painfully, but she couldn't remember any other valuable clues to use. Suddenly he remembered the key! It is a string of strange keys in the backpack next to Uncle Liu in the ancient tomb of Lijiang.

Xiaobei took out the key and handed it to Liu Xin.

"Is this?"

"I don't know. This is the only thing I forgot."

Beckham shook his head and continued, "There is a very ordinary key with a number on it, but I don't know where the key is. Maybe it's just the key to my second uncle's home back then."

Liu Xin tossed and turned, and couldn't think that his second uncle still had this key. He has never left his second uncle. How can he not know what his second uncle is carrying?

"No, this must have appeared on my second uncle after I left." Liu Xin's tone was extremely positive.

"But the source of this string of keys is not written in the diary." Beckham sighed. Did you pick it up casually from the dead? What a headache!"

"Wait, Beckham, what did you just say?" Liu Xin suddenly raised his head.

"It's really a headache."

"No, it's the last sentence."

"Is it possible that it was picked up from the dead?"

"Yes! That's it! I think I understand!" Liu Xin suddenly smiled. The second uncle will never do anything meaningless, which shows that this bunch of keys is taken from others because he thinks it is useful. At that time, there was no one else in the ancient tomb except me, my second uncle, and the archaeological team. Who do you think this key will be?

Xiao Bei suddenly realized.

"Brother Liu, do you remember a very important clue in the information you gave me? Those original members of the archaeological team like to go to a place - the library!"