burgled coffin

Chapter 09 Anecdotes

Yes, many people have been to the same place in this archaeological team, that is, the city library.

Because at that time, network information was not popular, and if you want to consult materials, you have to go to the library, which was an important way for people to obtain information in that era.

Whether Beckham's guess is correct or not, where to go to see if the pen is much better now? Maybe he can really find some clues.

There are still many people in the library, because some people are still not adapted to the Internet and can't find the sense of weight and sense of existence of physical books.

It is very quiet, only the sound of the person who reads the book when turning the page.

"Brother Liu, where do you think we should start looking for it?" Looking at the collection of books divided into many areas, Beckham was a little dizzy.

"Let's start with archaeology and history. I'll go to archaeology and look for it in regional customs. This is our only chance." Liu Xin said in a low voice.

After assigning the task, Beckham went to the historical area, and the bookshelf was densely full of historical records, which was dazzling.

"Let me see. I should look for something about Tusi first. After all, it has nothing to do with Lijiang Mausoleum." Beckham muttered to himself, and then found something about the ancient town of Dayan on the bookshelf.

Soon he was attracted by a book, because there were few books and nothing he was looking for, but the book looked like some years old, and the most important thing was that he was torn off a page.

Xiaobei remembered that what the fat man said was the remnants of a book that recorded the information of the ancient jade.

Turning over, Beckham is a little sleepy. He can't stand the above content. He is a person who can't sit still and it is difficult to calm down, and these boring histories push him into a drowsy situation.

Just as he shook his head to close the book and stuff it back to its original place, his eyes suddenly lit up and he turned it back.

Because he is very interested in one of the messages.

tells a story that the era is no longer exquisite. It happened in Dayan Town. At that time, it was still the era of the rule of Mu's Tusi. A man who made a great mistake was described as a devil and was rejected by the people at that time. Because of his unwillingness, he summoned many slaves to rebel and finally failed. When he was captured, the toast at that time tied him to the altar and put an extremely vicious curse, so that his soul would never be born and be tortured by heaven for life. And when he was tortured, he was nailed into the coffin alive. In order to suppress the evil spirit on his body, he built a mausoleum to press on his coffin. Some people even say that there are strange sounds, grievances, and angry roars every night.

Of course, this story may not be very credible, but Beckham is particularly interested. It's very similar to the empty mausoleum I fell into. Although it's a little different, it's really similar.

The same cursed, the main tomb is also empty, and it is also suppressed underground.

After Beckham came back, he continued to turn back a few pages and suddenly saw a pattern, which seemed to be a mirror.

"The corpse treasure mirror is said to be a proud weapon of a Taoist, which can suppress all evil things. However, this thing only exists in legends. Later generations took this mirror as the prototype and imitated a similar bronze mirror and hung it on the door to ward off evil spirits.

There is also a line of notes below, which is written like this: "Deep, because of the strong feudal mythology, a replica has also been unearthed in Luoyang. The appearance is strange, oval, with ears on both sides, and the mirror wall is bulging in a hemispherical shape, engraved with a evil face, and the origin is unknown. Later, it was stolen from the museum 12 years ago, and because it is representative, it is hereby included.

This had to surprise Beckham.

Because Beckham has also seen it on the murals of the ancient tomb of Lijiang, and all the characteristics are confirmed that this is the bronze mirror!

And the bronze mirror has fallen from the coffin and separated from the jade pendant, so will it drift here for some reason? A bold idea was made in Beckham's mind.

He remembered the pool and the mysterious underground river. It seemed to be connected to the outside world, and he was unconscious at that time due to hypoxia and did not pay attention to it. Then he thought that the last place where the jade pendant appeared in the world was Luoyang. Then it is very possible that the underground river connects somewhere in Luoyang City and flows here for some reason after the copper mirror separated from the coffin.

"Ah!" Beckham suddenly exclaimed in a low voice, and then immediately covered her mouth.

Suppress the coffins in the ground, the lost bronze mirrors and jade pendants, the empty main tomb, the evil curse, the mysterious mausoleum altar, the ancient town of Dayan, the way of immortality. Everything was like a movie, and the scenes were connected by Beckham. He seems to have caught something!

"What's the inevitable connection?" Xiaobei was puzzled and had an answer in the dark, but he couldn't connect. It seems to be as uncomfortable as a cat scratching.

Wait, cat scratching? Cat, black cat.

Xiaobei seemed to be struck by lightning and hurried to the custom area to find Yang Qi.

"Quick, find the legend about cats, preferably in Yunnan." Beckham's breathing was a little messy, but he had to keep replaying the camera in his mind to ensure his thoughts.

"Oh? I happen to be reading books such as legends and myths. Maybe you should read this. Yang Yu turned over the book absent-mindedly and threw a copy of "Anecdotes" to Beckham.

Wind is a custom; taboo is taboo; the title of this book is very popular, that is to say, this book mainly writes about some local customs and rumors about strange things.

Beckham said anxiously, "I have something important to do. Can you be serious?"

Yang Yu finally put down the book in hand, turned his face and curled his lips, quickly took the book from Xiaobei's hand and turned it over twice, and handed it to Xiaobei, saying, "Well, that's it, read it yourself. Legend has it that I haven't seen it, but there is only one custom, which is very strange.

Beckham took it half-heartedly and looked down.

This custom is very strange. It is said that there used to be a cult organization dedicated to black cats. The following note is that black cats are known as the spokesperson of death, which will bring disasters, curses and death, so many people are taboo and tell tourists that if they encounter customs such as driving away or slaughtering black cats, although it is rare, thousands of Don't stop it, it will cause the anger of the local people. Note: This custom is mostly Naxi.

Naxi people? Isn't that what you are looking for! Black cat, disaster and death! What makes Beckham feel the most dazzling is the word "curse"! Beck couldn't help trembling with a series of things such as the extremely hard sentence "Gu Yu appeared in the world, be careful of black cats" at the end of the joint diary.