ghost monk

Chapter 227 The Ball of Meat

Chapter 227 Meat Rolling Sphere

At this time, a word suddenly appeared in Wenshan's mind, that is, the spirit.

The transmission of such a familiar spiritual idea goes directly to the soul idea of Wenshan. For such a phenomenon, even Wenshan now is shocked.

After all, for Wenshan in front of him, there is no way to deal with the spirit of the soul ring in front of him. After all, even the intermediate soul level of the ghost king of Wenshan now, in such a large space, even the location of the artifact of the soul ring is not very clear.

This is the reason, so what Wenshan said in front of him was completely unexpected. It is precisely for this reason that the words for Wenshan in front of him more or less make Wenshan feel a sense of puzzled emotion in his heart.

This is the idea. For Wenshan in front of us, there are more or less such shortcomings. But because the spirit of the soul ring just now said that Wenshan actually wanted to deal with it. This shocked Wenshan more or less in front of him.

This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. For such a thing, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. For such a situation, Wenshan can't really realize it.

It is the existence of this kind of reason, so for the current situation, for the current state, it is completely not what Wenshan can really expect.

In response to such a question, Wenshan completely does not know from which aspect to answer such a question. Wenshan did not think of where he targeted the soul ring, let alone the existence of the artifacts of the soul ring.

At this time, in Wenshan's heart, he suddenly confirmed that there was really an artifact in such a soul ring. For such a situation, I completely determined the conjecture in my heart.

After all, it is the ability to use the spiritual idea to transmit the sound of such a weapon in front of you again. But at least it proves Wenshan's speculation that there is really an artifact in the soul ring. At the same time, it also shows that the soul ring in front of us has the level of spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure.

It is a characteristic of this, so for the soul ring in his hand, it is actually a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. For Wenshan in front of him, there is more or less such excitement in his heart. After all, for a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, it is completely a whole thing. Speaking of words, it was already beyond Wenshan's expectation.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for the current Wenshan, even in a large sect like the current Taixuan Sect, there is only one spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, and such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure can be completely controlled by the suzerain of Taixuan Sect. It's not something that others can really touch.

is the emergence of such a situation, so that Wenshan can have such a spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon that the whole cultivation world has competed for, and such a very precious object is stored in his own hands. For such a phenomenon, how can the Wenshan in front of him be very excited?

Thinking of following my soul ring, it turned out to be a treasure, a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure that even the immortal giants have competed for. How can it not shock Wenshan in front of him? It is this idea, so there is more or less such a shock in Wenshan's heart at this time.

It is this shock that makes Wenshan in front of him say something else about the whole thing. It was the sudden occurrence of such a situation that more or less made Wenshan in front of him feel happy.

However, Wenshan's heart suddenly became anxious. The judgment that the soul ring in his hand is a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure was originally just Wenshan's guess.

However, after being confirmed by Wenshan's heart, how can Wenshan not be more or less shocked by the current Tianmo Youji facing the blood sacrifice of the spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao? And the thought of the strange wooden stick that can fight with the soul ring makes Wenshan's hanging heart even more worried.

After all, for such a situation at this time, the soul ring has been proved to be such a guy with the existence of an artifact. That's the existence of such an idea. Therefore, at this time, there is still such a shock in Wenshan's words. It is this idea that makes Wenshan's words about the whole matter completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

It is the existence of such an idea that also makes Wenshan worried about Tianmo Youji in front of him.

The soul ring has been proved to have an artifact. It shows that the soul ring at this time is already a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. After all, those who can have spiritual existence are the top existence of spiritual weapons.

is the existence that changes the spirituality in the spiritual weapon into a spirit, and can transform the spirituality in the spiritual weapon into a group with cohesive spiritual ideas, that is, when the spiritual weapon reaches the spiritual treasure level. In the process of dividing the level of weapons, those with artifacts have been completely defined as spiritual treasures.

At this time, the soul ring is obviously the existence of a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. Then the situation of being able to fight with the spiritual weapon soul ring at the level of Lingbao is obviously the time when it has reached the same status as the soul ring, so that the strange wooden stick in front of us has also reached the existence of the spiritual weapon at the spiritual weapon level.

If it is true like this, the existence of two spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao is facing Tianmo Youji in a row. It is precisely this intuitive idea that Wenshan suddenly feels that his back has such a coolness.

Wenshan suddenly thought of when such a spiritual weapon was so worthless. Unexpectedly, the spiritual weapon taken out by Tianmo Youji casually recognized the Lord to Wenshan. Inexplicably, it is a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. Moreover, this kind of spiritual weapon is rarely related to the Wenshan blood sacrifice as soon as it comes up. In response to such a situation, it rarely happens.

But it happened to Wenshan. Not only that, but in terms of such a situation in front of us, it is completely the existence of spiritual weapons such as soul rings, coupled with strange wooden sticks, which are also spiritual weapons at the level. For such a situation, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to sacrificing Wenshan's blood in front of two spiritual weapons at one time. If the demon Youji at that time did not appear, it would be completely another thing for Wenshan in front of her. It is estimated that Wenshan can be pumped blood in his body.

At the same time, Wenshan's body must have accumulated more things with a lot of highly toxic substances in his body. In this case, no matter what, it is really difficult for Wenshan to save his life.

But this is not the case for Wenshan in front of him.

For Tianmo Youji, what she is facing at this time are two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure, and the small gourd that belongs to Tianmo Youji. Such an object that belongs to the Heavenly Demon Youji does not seem to be ordinary. Even the strange wooden sticks taken out casually are spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasures, so it can be imagined what the level of the original spiritual weapon of Tianmo Youji is.

It was the existence of such an idea that Wenshan suddenly realized that Tianmo Youji might be in danger now. After all, the things that Tianmo Youji has to face at this time are very powerful. It is the existence of such an idea that also shocked Wenshan in front of him.

At this time, Wenshan suddenly heard the spirit of the soul ring in front of him scolding him, and suddenly there was such a bad feeling in his heart.

After all, the spirit of the spirit against such a soul ring makes Wenshan feel very depressed. For such a situation in front of him, it is completely another thing. After all, what happened to Wenshan about the spirit of the soul ring?

"Senior, I don't know where Wenshan has offended you. I hope you can forgive my ignorance." Wenshan was brave and passed on in the space of this kind of soul ring. For the artifacts of the soul ring, Wenshan still has some scruples.

It is the existence of such a feeling that makes Wenshan in front of him more or less feel uncomfortable about the whole thing. What kind of place did he look like to offend the spirit of this soul ring? This is what Wenshan doesn't know.

But for such a powerful spiritual treasure-level spirit, Wenshan can't challenge it now. It is this idea that Wenshan does not dare to offend such an artifact. Therefore, one mouth is in a low manner, hoping that such an answer can make the spirit of the soul ring in front of him forgive himself.

But thinking about this feeling, Wenshan in front of him can't get anything at all. After all, for such a situation in front of us, Wenshan in front of him feels more or less depressed. It is the existence of such an idea that makes such a situation happen in front of us.

"Where you offended me, hum, you didn't offend me. You want to kill me and my whole sincerity. Let me lose my freedom."

That is, when Wenshan's spiritual thoughts were transmitted, he suddenly received the intuitive communication of such a soul ring in front of him. For such a situation, it is completely not what Wenshan can really think of.

This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it still makes Wenshan in front of him feel very puzzled. This kind of emotional fluctuation also makes Wenshan in front of him feel very embarrassed.

After all, Wenshan is also the owner of the soul ring. For this kind of self-controlled soul ring, that is, Wenshan's original spiritual weapon. But it was because Wenshan did not completely subdue the spirit of the soul ring at this time.

So for Wenshan at present, it is completely equivalent to not having many places to really control such a spiritual weapon. After all, for a spiritual weapon at the level of a spiritual treasure, it is not something like this in front of you that can completely determine a lot of things.

This is the reason, so it is more or less a very difficult place for Wenshan in front of him. After all, Wenshan can't really come into contact with such a situation at present. That's why Wenshan's words at the moment are just such a thing.

As long as Wenshan does not subdue the spirit in the soul ring, then for the whole soul ring, what really obeys is the orders of Wenshan and the soul ring. But for such a command, it is completely another layer of meaning.

Wenshan's order is just a superficial command. The order of the spirit of the soul ring is the real order. Otherwise, Wenshan does not even know the most basic level of the whole soul ring, and Wenshan does not know how many secrets there are in the whole soul ring.

The spirit of the current soul ring knows the whole thing, and only the spirit of the soul ring is slowly controlling such a soul ring. Wenshan wants to know the secret of such a soul ring, and he also has to make a decision through the spirit of such a soul ring. Otherwise, for Wenshan, you don't want to know.

In the true sense of this, as long as Wenshan has not completely subdued the spirit of the soul ring, then for the current situation, if the soul ring obeys Wenshan's order and the order of the soul ring, for this The soul ring is designated to carry out the command of the soul ring.

But if Wenshan can really subdue the spirits in the soul ring and completely obey his own orders, by that time, the soul ring will have completely had only one owner's order. Even the soul ring is the order to be completely loyal to the owner like Wenshan.

It is the existence of this kind of reason, so for such a situation in front of us, as long as Wenshan does not become the owner of the soul ring for a day, for Wenshan, he must not really take the real initiative to control such a soul ring in his hand for a day, and he can't really hold it. Control all the control power of the soul ring.

But for Wenshan, he is at least the owner of the soul ring. For such a situation, it is not very fair for Wenshan at all. At least for the soul ring suddenly to his master, it is also a blood sacrifice, and Wenshan also feels dangerous for the two spiritual weapons of the blood sacrifice at the same time.

For the two spiritual weapons suddenly facing his blood sacrifice, Wenshan's first feeling is that he does not have a spiritual weapon with absolute command power. For Wenshan in front of him, it is very dangerous. It is this kind of danger, so the first feeling for Wenshan at present is to subdue such a spiritual weapon.

You must subdue the spirit of such a spiritual weapon, so that you can really lack danger in the future. Otherwise, it is also a trouble for Wenshan to give yourself such a blood sacrifice at any time, and such a trouble may kill yourself at any time. Of.

It is the existence of this reason, so what Wenshan said at present is that he completely wants to truly subdue the spirit of this soul ring. Only in this situation can truly solve the trouble of the current Tianmo Youji falling into the blood sacrifice incident.

This is the reason, so it more or less makes Wenshan feel very depressed. It is this feeling that makes Wenshan in front of him still want to slowly test how powerful such a soul ring is.

Otherwise, for the very powerful situation of the spirit of the soul ring in front of us, it is also a very troublesome thing for Wenshan to subdue it. It is precisely the existence of such an idea, so for Wenshan at present, it is completely another answer.

But no matter what, Wenshan will not have too many opinions on such a situation. Now the spirit of the soul ring has come out to answer his question. For Wenshan, it is also a good start. At least Wenshan knows that he can talk to such an artifact.

"I don't know how I offended Lord Soul Ring, and I hope you can make it clear."

When Wenshan's soul glanced around and found nothing special, only the meat ball rolling in front of him, there was no other soul. It was for this reason that Wenshan still focused his eyes on the meaty spherical object in front of him.

After all, the impression in Wenshan's head is the ball in front of him. It is the existence of such a situation, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another meaning.

That is, when Wenshan stared at the meaty ball in front of him, such a ball suddenly slowly rolled up. For such a situation, such a meat ball at this time actually wanted to escape from the realization scope of Wenshan, but at this time, how can Wenshan's spiritual power escape?

At this time, Wenshan suddenly seemed to identify something, that is, following such a meat ball, rolling and walking in various areas of the soul ring, which is one of the reasons for this, so it also makes Wenshan more or less shrewd.

There are still a lot of feelings for such a rolling meat ball in Wenshan's mind. It is for this reason that what Wenshan said at present is completely another thing.

But no matter what, it is to regard Wenshan in front of you as another thing. It is precisely for this reason that the whole thing is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

After all, for the whole thing, there is something that makes Wenshan very suspicious of the meatballs in front of him. It is precisely for this reason that it still makes Wenshan in front of him feel more or less suspicious. It is this kind of situation, so for the whole thing, it is completely another thing.

"You don't have to run. Lord of the Spirit. Can you really put aside my realization by running like this?" It was at this time that Wen Shan said to the spirit of the soul ring that kept rolling in various areas in front of him. After all, Wenshan doesn't know what's going on with such a rolling instrument at this time, and always feels very strange.

After all, during the rolling of such meatballs, it doesn't look good. It is for this reason that even the arrogant instrument is not transmitting sound. It is precisely for this reason, so for the rolling meat ball in front of him, in Wenshan's heart, it must be related to the spirit.

So Wenshan opened his mouth and directly said that the rolling meatball in front of him was the existence of the instrument. It is precisely because of this reason that Wenshan in front of him is completely equivalent to the fact that Wenshan in front of him is also very shocked by the whole matter.

This is the reason, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely another thing. For such a situation, it is not so easy to solve.

That is, when Wenshan pointed out to the rolling meat ball in front of him that it is an instrument, the meat ball will no longer roll. At the same time, an extremely powerful spiritual pressure directly played a role on Wenshan's soul body. Wenshan, who directly restored his original spiritual power, directly suppressed it.

For such a situation, it is completely aimed at Wenshan. Even Wenshan, who has been following such a meatball, did not expect that it was really a high spirit of this soul ring. At this time, it was really surprising for Wenshan in front of him.

In Wenshan's heart, he has a deep understanding of the mystery of the spirit of the soul ring and the strength of the spirit of the spirit of the soul ring. That's why, so how can the current soul ring not shock Wenshan in front of him?

For the meatball-like thing in front of him, he exerted spiritual pressure on Wenshan as soon as he came up. For a while, he really teased Wenshan's anger. At this time, Wenshan thought of the danger of Tianmo outside. Thinking that the demon can die at any time in such a large-scale violent dong energy-filled environment of the three spiritual weapons.

Thinking of this, the impulse in Wenshan's heart at this time can't stop like this. Wenshan's heart is also shocked. It is precisely for this reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely not what Wenshan wants to see in front of him.

So at this time, Wenshan's heart will not give any face to such a meat ball in front of him, even the mysterious guy who exists in the soul ring. It is precisely because of this reason, so Wenshan's heart at this time is completely at the moment of real explosion.

At this time, there was still some anger in Wenshan's heart at this time. At this time, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts were all unfolded. When he wanted to suppress Wenshan to the meat ball in front of him, Wenshan also began to rebound.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely not what he wants to expect. It is the existence of such a reason that more or less surprised Wenshan in front of him. Even the meat ball in front of him is very surprised that Wenshan has such a strong spiritual idea.

And it is still so unscrupulous to suppress himself. I am the real artifact of the soul ring. At this time, the meat ball suddenly increased the pressure of spiritual thoughts on Wenshan in front of him. To Wenshan, he directly began to attack the spirit.

It seems that the meat ball at this time really treated Wenshan in front of him as his own enemy and directly suppressed Wenshan like this. For such a situation, even in the current Wenshan, deep inside, there is still more or less such an aggressiveness.

But at this time, Wenshan obviously felt the spiritual pressure brought by this meat ball. Such spiritual pressure may not be able to support a strong person in the divine power stage like Ji Feng for a long time. However, although Wenshan felt the strength of this pressure at this time, it was not unbearable.

"Hmm?" At this time, the meat ball also found Wenshan's hostility. At this time, the meat ball also had a rare desire to conquer. For the soul level in front of him, which is only the intermediate stage of the ghost king, I can't suppress it. In the future, what kind of authority will be the weapon of such a high soul ring? It is talkable.

In addition, this boy is so arrogant today that he not only uses another spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure to suppress himself, but also cooperates with others to sacrifice himself with blood. For such a situation, the spirit of such a soul ring cannot stand at this time.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for Wenshan in front of us, there is no need to suppress its existence. If I don't suppress this boy at this time, I guess I will really be sacrificed and subdue by this boy in the future. I'm afraid this boy won't be able to take it. Love.

At that time, this boy will be more powerful in suppressing himself. At that time, I don't want to really become the target of this boy's suppression. Thinking of this, the green light on the meat ball suddenly flourished, and the spirit gradually strengthened. A strong spiritual idea permeated the space of the whole soul ring.

Once such a power unfolds, even in the current Wenshan's words, we have to avoid its edge. After all, the pressure of such a powerful spiritual idea and the powerful blow to such a spiritual idea made Wenshan feel very shocked in his heart.

This is the reason, so it is also very depressing for Wenshan in front of him. It is the existence of such an idea that makes Wenshan's heart really tremble.

It is the existence of such an idea that makes Wenshan's view of the whole matter slowly change. While watching the spiritual pressure of the meat ball gradually strengthen on himself, Wenshan's heart was suddenly stunned, and then gathered all his soul thoughts to resist its inexplicable spiritual pressure.

Wenshan also knows that if it is really suppressed by the spiritual idea of such a meat ball, it will not help the devil outside.

For the current Wenshan, to deal with the meat ball in front of him is completely to control the meat ball in front of him, so that the meat ball in front of him can reduce its control over the outside and make Tianmo Youji have the relief of the battle. Wenshan has a bad feeling in his heart. Wenshan has been thinking about how to treat him.

This meat ball really wants to figure out his own thoughts. At this time, he suddenly became powerful to himself, and Wenshan was more sure of the conjecture in his heart.

At this time, Wenshan also felt his own stupidity. After all, for Wenshan's words at this time, he also realized the powerful side of the soul in front of him. Facing the meat ball in front of him, Wenshan is simply a small ant. On the spiritual level, Wenshan only has a fight and no resistance.

If this meatball kills himself, I'm afraid he can't resist a few times! Thinking of this, there is a burst of chill behind Wenshan and a burst of tseing. But at this time, Wenshan also realized that the meat ball in front of him did not want to kill him, as if it was just a shock and prestige in front of himself.

Thinking of this, Wenshan's heart is more or less stable. It is this idea that exists, so for such a situation in front of us, for Wenshan in front of us, there is more or less doubt. It is the existence of such an idea that Wenshan has calmed down a lot at this time.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

While the meat ball gradually increased its spiritual pressure on Wenshan's body, Wenshan felt that his body seemed to be burned and frozen. Of course, this feeling did not appear on his body, but on his own soul. Every soul seemed to have been suppressed. General.

For Wenshan, he felt that his soul body seemed to be slowly refining while being torn apart.

is like grilling people on a light. At the same time, he kept tearing Wenshan in front of him. Wenshan wanted to resist and concentrated all the spiritual thoughts of the ghost to resist, but it seemed that the other party was an insurmountable barrier.

And his soul thoughts seem to be directly suppressed, constantly suppressing his spiritual thoughts. At this time, Wenshan also realized the difference between himself and the greedy meat ball. I know the gap between my level and the meat ball in front of me. Knowing that he is destined not to be the opponent of the meat ball in front of him in terms of spiritual thoughts.

It is the existence of such an idea, so Wenshan in front of him still has a lot of differences in the emergence of such a situation in front of him. It is the existence of such an idea that still makes Wenshan in front of him have some vigilance in it and a kind of defense against the meat ball in front of him.

With the gradual strengthening of the spiritual pressure of the meat ball, the sweat beads on Wenshan's body kept flowing down at this time, and his mental state seemed to be a little weak. Originally in such a light green light, the spiritual power slowly recovered, and at this time, Wenshan's whole body looked extremely weak.

The sudden suppression of Wenshan made Wenshan's whole body fall into a state of direct weakness. This is just the soul of Wenshan. After all, the current Wenshan is completely within this space range. For such a state, it is completely another thing.

For such a thing, it is completely another thing. For such a situation, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. For the whole thing, it is not completely the same. It is the existence of such a feeling that makes this scene in front of us.

This is exactly what it says, so more or less makes the whole soul of Wenshan in front of us feel as if it has been directly torn apart. For the existence of such a feeling, it makes Wenshan feel very painful and suffering in front of him. It is this feeling that makes Wenshan in front of him become an unusually calm mood in it.

This is the reason, which makes Wenshan in front of him feel very depressed. For such a situation, it is completely another layer of meaning. It is this situation that makes the words of Wenshan in front of us completely have another meaning.

This is the reason, so Wenshan's whole body becomes unusually calm in it. Thinking about such a situation in front of us. It also makes Wenshan's thoughts in front of him more deeply.

Facing the spiritual pressure of the meat ball, Wenshan felt a feeling of suffocation and gradually suppressed his heart. A feeling of powerlessness and suffocation permeated my heart.

At this time, when the meat ball saw that Wenshan's mental state was depressed, the whole meaty body also began to jump up and down. For such a situation, it is completely another layer of meaning. In such a situation, for such a thing at this time, his purpose has been achieved at this time.

In fact, the meat ball in front of us at this time is not to really deal with Wenshan in front of us. After all, for Wenshan, at least he is the owner of this soul ring. For a spiritual weapon, if there is no owner, it is very low for their spiritual cultivation.

Only in such a situation as the continuous improvement of the strength of your master can it be of better help to yourself. In this case, it is completely something else. It is to let Wenshan know his means, so that this boy will not climb on his head in the future.

It is the existence of such an idea that after all, I am the artifact of the soul ring. For the Wenshan in front of him, he completely didn't take his own spirit as a thing. After recognizing that he was the spirit of the soul ring in front of him, he suppressed his spiritual thoughts.

For such behavior, I don't think of myself as a thing at all. Although Wenshan is the owner of the ring, he is recognized by the soul ring. But I am the core of the soul ring, which can truly control the existence of the soul ring in front of me.

This is the reason, so for such a state in front of us, it is completely unbounded.

If he has always been the master of Wenshan, or has always thought about himself, how can he directly suppress such a situation? How can Wenshan always ride on his head with such prestige? This is the reason, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely another thing.

The artifact of the soul ring at this time is completely to let Wenshan know that there is such an obvious difference between his and it. That is, standing in front of Wenshan.