come to the movie world

Chapter 24 Mission Impossible, counted

The car was parked in front of a small white building. Pearson looked at the door sign with the word Mary in front of the door and rang the doorbell.

Who? A woman's voice came from the room.

I'm Patrick's friend. Are you his family? Peston replied.

As the door opened, a woman in her forties appeared in front of Peston. Patry's friend! Then come in first.

Pston looked at the haggard woman in front of him and walked into the room. After entering the living room, he pondered for a while and said, Mary, I was sad and blamed myself for Patreggie.

Mary brought a cup of coffee and put it in front of Peston. Patrick was killed by the church. What can you blame yourself for?

Pston looked at the cup of hot coffee in front of him and said sadly, no, Mary, it was my fault, because I killed him and I killed my best friend.

Mary asked with a smile, did you kill him? Kill Patriji?

Yes, it's me.



, oh, you really killed him! With this sound, Mary took a step forward in front of Peston and grabbed the knife in the fruit basket on the table. Mary, who got the knife, changed her expression from smiling to ferocious. You killed him. Why don't you die? Mary grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands and stabbed Peston fiercely.

Looking at the tip of the stabbed knife, Pearson grabbed Mary's hand and then pressed her on the table. No, Mary, calm down.

Mary, who was pressed under Peston, struggled desperately and stared at Peston fiercely. She roared crazily. You killed my man, and you even came to my house to calm me down?

Pston looked at Mary under him and hurriedly explained, Mary, listen to me, things are not what you want. At that time, I had no emotion, just a church killing machine. And all this is the church's fault, so I killed Patrick and my best friend. Now I feel deeply sorry for it, so I'm here to compensate you.

Hearing Pearson's words, Mary looked at him and gave up struggling.

Calm down, calm down. Peston said and let go of Mary under him.

Mary, who was released, grabbed the knife and stabbed Peston again. Go to hell, you murderer, I'm going to avenge Patrick today.

Pston watched Mary rushing like himself again, punched the knife in her hand, and then threw her back on the sofa. Look at me, Mary, you look at me, look into my eyes. Peston raised his hand and said word by word that it was not me who killed Patrick, but the church, the dehumanizing bill.

Mary lay on her back on the sofa, looking at Pearson's eyes and not moving. Because from this look, she saw self-reproach and confusion.

Mary, I know you hate me very much and hate me for killing Patrick, but I promise, I really didn't mean to. If you could give me a chance, I would never shoot. As Peston said, he squatted on the ground with his head in his arms and regret.

Mary, I'm very confused now. The church gave me everything, but it also deprived me of everything. My wife was captured from me by the purge team in the name of emotional criminals and sent her to the incinerator. And my only friend, Patrick, was even shot dead by myself, or because of the so-called emotional bill!

Mary, I'm really confused. I even doubt whether all the education I have received is wrong. And the church that gave me everything, I don't know if it is the object of my loyalty.

Mary looked at Peston in front of her and listened to his story quietly. After a long time, she said again, do you really want to know the answer?

Yes, I have nothing. I don't know where my value is. I don't know what I did all this for. I keep killing, killing emotional prisoners and killing rebels every day, but they seem to be endless and can never be killed, and I don't know why the church does this? Is it just because they have emotions or collect disciplinary materials? Mary, help me, I have emotions now, and I want to know why.

When Mary heard Peston's words, she took out a photo from her pocket, which was very old, and the two young people in the photo hugged each other tightly. Looking at the photo in her hand, Mary smiled happily.

Gently put the photo on the table, Mary recalled, "You see, this is a picture of us when we first got married. At that time, Patrick, wearing the uniform of the purge team, was tall, handsome, responsible, and was a famous handsome man in the purge team.

I still remember that one day Patryge came back and excitedly told me that he was attracted by a senior leader called a knight in the church. Later, he would join the church and become a glorious priest and fight for human peace. At that time, he was energetic and full of man's charm.

Do you know! At that time, the church had not developed Pasian, and there were no so-called emotional criminals. At that time, under the leadership of the priest, we had just unified the city. During that time, everyone had a smile on their faces, while the rebels outside the city were rats that everyone shouted to beat and were despised by people.

With the story, Mary's smile gradually restrained and said sadly that all this beauty and hope have changed with the advent of Passian. People lost their smiles and did not communicate with each other. With it comes indifference, which can be seen everywhere.

Mary shook her head, took the photo back into her pocket, and said to Peston, the current church, which is no longer the church that led people to prosperity. It has deteriorated now, so we need to change it. And you should no longer be loyal to that degenerated church.

Pston, for the sake of tomorrow and the smiling faces of the children, we should learn to resist this cruel and unkind rule, instead of fighting for the tiger.

Listening to Mary's words, Peston remembered the children in the family, his dead wife and friends. He even remembered the rebel who dyed his gloves red with the blood of resistance.

After a while of silence, Pearson sighed. Mary, what do you think I should do?

Mary stood up from the sofa and said a person's name. Pearson, go find someone, a man named Gigan, who will sue you for everything and the meaning of your life.

In this way, Pearson left Mary's home, but unlike the panic when he came, he had his own dream.

Peston, who came out of Mary's home, remembered the words before Patrick's death. I, alone, left my dream and spread the wings of the dream under your feet. You gently stepped on the pace, but stepped on the wings of my dream - I can feel that one day you will also I'm the same. I believe you also had a dream, my friend, Peston.

,, when, when, when. With the knock on the door, Qin Hui's door was opened in the dull courthouse.

Your Excellency, through the tampant Bible, Pston has now been in contact with the rebels.

Qin Hui lay on the swivel chair and said with his back to his hands. You did a good job, Orton priest. The people who send us now, don't pay attention to the mice who make small moves in the Pasian factory.

Oton listened and asked in a low voice, Mr. Judge, although those people are not capable, they have a great appetite. If they blow up all the factories after our people withdraw, I'm afraid they will shake the rule of the church?

Shake! Qin Hui turned around and looked at the Oton standing respectfully below. What did he shake?

After hearing the sound of the swivel chair turning, Orton put his head lower and said hesitantly that without Patian's support, he was afraid that those people would not obey the discipline and shake the foundation of the church.

After scolding, Qin Hui grabbed the wine bottle on the conference table and smashed it at Orton. Orton under him heard the wind in his ear and hesitated for a moment, but he didn't dare to dodge. The bottle broke on Orton's head, and the wine slid down his head.

Useless things. Qin Hui scolded again and stood up from her seat, patted her hands at the conference table and said coldly, "What do you think the church's rule depends on?" Pasian?

Seeing Orton bowing his head and dare not look at himself, Qin Hui calmed down and said earnestly, Orton, think more about it. Our rule depends on the weapons in our hands, and we are the soldiers who followed the priests to fight the world. Pacian, that's just a shackle. Do you really think a little Pacian can solve the problem? No, to solve the problem, it depends on the more than 80,000 soldiers in the church and our gunfighting team.

Qin Hui looked at Orton below and said with hatred. Orton, my expectations for you are the highest. I even want to train you as my successor, so you can't always be such a reckless man. After you go back, you should read more books and use your brains more when you have nothing to do, otherwise how can I rest assured you!

Hearing this, Orton's face was full of excitement and stood up. He stroked his chest and saluted. Yes, Your Presiding Judge, Orton's stupidity disappointed you.

Qin Hui nodded to Orton and said word by word, according to your idea, let go of your hands and feet. Don't worry, remember that with me, the sky of the church will not collapse. As for the little rebel, at that time, it will just be used as a car.

Yes, my distinguishedshen pan President. After saying that, Orton went out with his head held high.

Looking at Orton disappearing from his sight, Qin Hui no longer had the encouragement just now, but squinted and said, jumping clown, it's really a pity for my good wine.

Bring the wine. Qin Hui sat in her swivel chair and ordered to the empty room.

With Qin Hui's words, a female judge in a black priest's uniform came out of the shadow of the room.

If Orton is still here at this moment, he will be surprised, because none of the judges in the trial is a female role.

After Qin Hui's cup was filled with wine again, the female judge said, my lord, our Judge Luke, who was placed in the rebels, has behaved a little strangely since John's death, and in recent reports, Judge Luke also seemed to be worried.

Well, Qin Hui nodded, and then said that it was normal for Luke to feel guilty about John's death after living in the rebels for more than ten years. However, as the first batch of gunfighting students, Luke's loyalty to the church should also be beyond doubt. Anyway, he is not the only one in the eyes and ears of the rebels. His actions have nothing to do with the overall situation now. Now Luke is almost ancient! After this time, let him come back to take care of the years. His little grandson has just been born this year, and it is also time for him to retire.

Hearing that Qin Hui actually wanted Luke to retire, the female judge said enviously that it was all cultivated by adults.

"Swear in the name of Father Guldman, priests, hand over your tickets and collections, otherwise the burning rack of the trial will launch a final judgment on you.