come to the movie world

Chapter 25 Collision of Ideal and Reality

"Ask for tickets, collect, ask for everything.""

Outside the rebel base, the guarded rebels looked at the appearance of Peston and asked, who are you? This is private territory. We do not welcome outsiders.

My name is Pearson and I'm a friend of Patrick. I want to see Gigan.

Get out of here. We don't have anyone named Jigan. Get out of here immediately.

Is that so? Peston looked at the two rebels in front of him and smiled impeniablely.

What do you want to do! The rebels raised their guns and asked the coming Peston.

Go in and find someone. After saying in a low voice, Peston grabbed the gun barrel of the two people with his backhand, then crossed and pulled the gun over.

Holding the captured M16 in each hand, Peston said to the two with a gunpoint that I'm looking for someone and don't want to kill anyone. Now take me to see Jeegan, otherwise you can think about the consequences by yourself.

The two rebels looked at Peston's cold eyes and looked at each other. Okay, but we can't guarantee that the leader of Jigen will be inside.

Pston nodded and then threw the gun to the two. As I said, I'm looking for someone. I'm not your enemy.

When the two rebels saw their guns returned, they believed some of Peston's words, because the base was a hidden base. Not long after it was used, outsiders did not know there was such a place at all, and both Patriji's guards had seen it and knew that this man was a friend of Jigen's leader.

In this way, under the leadership of two guards, Pearson walked in. After the three passed a long corridor, Peston came to an iron gate.

Stop, who is he? The four rebels guarding the iron gate raised their guns and asked Peston after seeing more strangers.

A rebel who brought Ston here and said with a smile, don't worry, he is a friend of Patrick. He is here to find the leader of Gigan.

The gun-lifting rebel who heard this frowned and scolded the two. He was nonsense. If this person's origin is unknown, you dare to bring him in! I think you two are really crazy. After saying this, the thin man looked at Pearson, and then said, "Friend, I don't care who your friend is, but if you want to see our leader Jigen, you must go through an emotional test, otherwise we won't let you pass.

Emotion test! How to test?

We have special instruments to test emotional fluctuations. As long as we confirm that you are not an emotionless church member, we can let you go.

Yes, I'm here to find Jigen. I hope you can let me see him after my test.

The thin guard nodded, and then took Pearson to a hall next to him.

came to Peston in the hall and sat on an iron chair under the direction of an old man, and then the old man fixed Peston's hand and body with the ring on the chair.

What do you want to do! Peston saw himself tied to a chair and struggled to say.

The old man listened and connected a piece of wire to Peston's hand and persuaded him not to worry, young people. This is a precaution. As long as you pass the emotional test, we will never embarrass you.

After seeing that Peston was not struggling, the old man turned on the switch of the instrument. Young man, you have to think about the memories you least want to remember, or your best memory. We have to rely on this to test whether you have emotions.

Pston nodded and then closed his eyes to recall everything about himself.

Sand, sand, sand, sand. With Pearson's memory, the pointer on the chart swings back from stillness. Hard training in the church, the eyes of his wife when she left, the death of Patrick, Mary's madness, and the blood in her hands.

With memories, the expression on Pearson's face became richer and richer, and the lines on the paper became more and more messy. Seeing this phenomenon, the alert rebels put down their guns.

It's okay, he is qualified. With this, Pearson opened his eyes and looked at the man who appeared.

The man in cyan clothes opened the iron ring on the chair and said to Pearson, "It's nice to see you, the former emotional killer, the cold Peston priest. Now I want to congratulate you on your return to emotions. To be right, let me introduce myself. I'm Jigan, and I'm the new leader of the rebels.

Pston looked at the person in front of him who claimed to be Gugan and said after a while. I wanted to know the meaning of my life and what all this was for. Mary said that you could give me the answer, so I came.

After Gigan nodded with a smile, he let everyone in the room go out. Gigan looked at only Peston and his own room and asked him, "Can you tell me the meaning of your previous life?" Why did you live before?

Pston listened and thought about it. I'm alive... I survive... It is to defend the continuation of such a great society. It is for the peace of mankind.

Gigan shook his head. You live to continue your survival. It's just a cycle of life, not meaning.

Pston listened and asked Gigan, what about you? What are you doing?

Gigan pointed to his heart and said that it was to feel, so that more people could feel it, rather than survival like a machine and language peace.

Feelings!!! Is feeling really that important? Peston looked at Gigan confusedly.

Gigan replied firmly, yes, feeling emotions, emotions and breathing are equally important, without feeling, without love, without anger, without sadness. Breathing becomes a swinging clock. So what we need is emotion, not what the church calls Pasian.

Pston, think about your past, when you were like a machine, a killing machine fooled by the church. Without emotion, you will not have any touch, cold-blooded, ruthless, and don't understand pity. Days like that are boring and boring, like programs written into the computer.

Pston recalled the memory in his mind and said hesitantly, what should I do?

Gigan pointed to the outside to feel, to feel what you have received and the desire in your heart. And when you understand everything, we will meet again.

Pston looked at the smiling Gigan, nodded blankly, and then walked out of the rebel base.

In the following time, Peston looked at everything around him and the emotionless people around him every day. Slowly, he felt lonely. Yes, that loneliness is like a person staying on an isolated island, and the emotionless people around him are as cold, ruthless and lifeless as the lonely stones on the island.

Slowly, Pearson felt depressed and began to ask for leave on the grounds of physical discomfort to refuse the killing mission given by the church.

Pston, who was at home at night, came to his son's bedroom and looked at his sleeping children. Pearson smiled sweetly. Pearson sat in front of his son's bed and looked at the photo of a family of four on the head of the bed.

Pston, who slowly woke up from meditation, hesitated to open the drawer in front of the bed. In the open drawer, there were two Passian syringes, which belonged to Peston's son and daughter. Looking at the two syringes, Pearson took them in his hand and hesitated.

Dad, what are you doing? Pearson's son looked at him sleepyly.

Peston opened the syringe, looked at the needle inside and said, well, nothing, I'm looking at you, taking medicine according to the regulations of the church.

Oh, that's it! So are you relieved now? The son asked rhetorical questions.

Pston listened with a sad expression on his face and reluctantly said, "Yes, I'm relieved.

Pston's son turned over and said, Good night, Dad. I have to go to church for training tomorrow.

Pston looked at his son who turned around and finally put down the syringe. This is not because Beston is cold-blooded, but because his son is still young, and he is afraid that the child can't control his emotions well. If the church finds out, the son who has not taken the medicine will definitely be killed by the church.

Pston put the syringe back in the drawer and stood up and walked out of the room.

Dad, just as Peston was about to walk out of the room, his son stopped him.

What's the matter?

Dad, I was in the training room today and saw someone crying. Do you think I should report him to the church?

Pston listened and looked at his son's clear eyes. Finally, he nodded sadly. Yes, you should go to church and report him.

After saying this, Pearson strode out of his son's room. He came out and went back to his room and cried loudly. He hates himself, his incompetence and weakness. That night, Pearson dreamed of his wife again, the eyes of her parting, and the unwavering eyes in the child's eyes.

The next morning, Diggs came to Peston's home. Sir, the church asked you to go to a rebel factory, where we found a rebel stronghold, where there were hundreds of rebels and strong firepower, and the church asked us to go to support.

Pston shook his head and said, I said, I'm sick, you'd better go by yourself.

Diggs looked at him playfully, really? Sir, you have not participated in the church's clearance task for six months, and this task was personally ordered by Vice Chairman Du Peng. I think you'd better go.

Looking at Diggs' serious expression, Peston finally nodded. Since it's the vice chairman's order, of course I won't shirk it. Tell me, when shall we go?

Diggs shook the car key in his hand. If you have nothing to do, we can leave now. My car is outside.

When he came to the stronghold mentioned by Diggs, Peston was stunned. Because this is the place where he came last time.

What's the situation inside the soldiers now? Diggs asked the soldiers in the chariot, sir, we have surrounded them.

Very good, tell everyone that Chairman Du Peng has ordered to kill all these rebels on the spot. After saying that, Diggs turned his head and looked at Peston. They couldn't run away, sir. Now they are on us. Otherwise, these contributions will fly away.

Pston followed Diggs in, and all the rebels who appeared along the way were killed by Diggs. Watching a famous rebel fall to the ground, Peston asked Diggs, do you really like killing so much?

What? Diggs asked Peston after killing one person again.

I said, do you like killing people so much?

After hearing this, Diggs turned around and said seriously, sir, this is our task. You are now a well-known senior priest. You can stay at home and enjoy everything that your identity brings you. But what about me???

I'm nothing, so I cherish every task given to me by the church, because I want to get ahead. I want to be successful, not as a follower for others. Do you know? I have always wanted to use your existence to achieve my career, but you have been at home like a turtle for six months. Do you know how I have been here for the past six months?