jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 3 Jiang Banxian

The village head and other villagers said a few kind words next to them. Seeing that there was nothing to do, they all went home for lunch. Before leaving, the village head told Ma Lian to help him keep an eye on it. Grandma was grateful, but before she left, she didn't do much to take care of her grandfather and two children. Ma Lian stayed at her grandmother's house, coaxing her crying father and second uncle while comforting her grandmother.

That night, Grandma didn't sleep all night and kept changing towels and fans for Grandpa. Just after dawn, Grandma was about to go out. Unexpectedly, it was another foggy morning. Grandma went into the cellar and took out two jars of self-brewed red sorghum, packed dozens of eggs, and prepared to give them to the old gentleman when she went up the mountain.

The eggs were prepared by Grandpa when he was going to give grandma confinement, but he was never willing to eat them, which came in handy this time. Although grandma hasn't stayed in this village for several years, she also knows that such foggy weather for two consecutive days is very abnormal. I have no choice but to wait until the fog dissipates.

Finally, the fog dissipated and the sun had risen high. Grandma sent her father and second uncle to Wang Qingshan's house and asked Wang Qingshan's daughter-in-law to help take care of them. I went back to look at my unconscious grandfather, and then left at ease. Ma Lian was waiting anxiously for her grandmother at home. The two chatted and did not dare to waste more time, so they ran to the back mountain.

The road in the back mountain is extremely difficult to walk. There is only a winding path. On both sides of the road are full of tall Lala vines and wormworms. If you don't protect your face and walk back and forth, you can scrape your head into a bloody gourd. In this way, Ma Lian and her grandmother supported each other and came to the Lala ditch mentioned by the village head. After walking all morning, I was a little tired. Grandma and Ma Lian sat on the big stone on the hillside and rested for a moment. Grandma looked at the la ditch. It was not the ravine he imagined at all, but the steep cliff between the two mountains. The cliff was loose. From time to time, there were birds that Grandma couldn't call flew up from the cliff and looked down. At the bottom of the cliff. It is the Qiqi River, a tributary of the Songhua River, and a small boat passes slowly along the river.

Several families on both sides of the cliff have a little smoke. Ma Lian pointed her hand and said, "Seeing no big girl, the innermost one is Jiang Banxian's house." The Jiang Banxian mentioned by Ma Lian is the old man who can see evil diseases as the village head said.

Grandma looked in the direction Ma Lian pointed, nodded secretly, wiped the sweat on her face with her cuffs, got up and picked up the eggs and wine jar and went straight to the grass room. Walking closer, Grandma looked at the grass house. I don't know how many years it has been built. There are 6 or 7 swallow nests alone. Although the house is broken, it is lively. There was a huge black dog tied to the yard. When he saw the stranger coming, he kept barking. The owner of the house pushed the door out and saw a kind 70-year-old man. After seeing Ma Lian and Grandma, he said happily, "Ma Lian is coming. Come into the house and quickly."

Grandma and Ma Lian walked into the old man's room one after another. As soon as Grandma entered the house, she saw a Taoist statue dedicated to her grandmother, who had only seen in her hometown in Shandong, and a simple iron sword hung on the right wall. The two came to the main room and put down the wine jar and eggs in their hands. Ma Lian sat down and said slowly to Jiang Banxian, "Mr. Jiang, I'm here to thank you for taking care of my old road disease (evil disease). Second, I want you to come to our village in person to help this big sister's man see the disease.

After saying that, Ma Lian picked up the two jars of wine and eggs brought from home and said, "Our family is poor and there is nothing to take. You can take these two jars of wine and these eggs first." The old man saw the wine and eggs brought by his grandmother and said, "You're welcome. I'll take this wine first. You can take the eggs back. I see that your face is pale and the fetal gas has not dissipated. Maybe it's just before the birth. It's important to take these eggs back to mend your body. Hey, it's really hard for you. Let's go. I'll take a look at it. Grandma thanked me gratefully.

Although the old man is old, he walks steadily and is no less than that of young people. The old man asked his grandfather's symptoms as he walked. In just two or three hours, we rushed to Wulihe Village. The old man stood on the hillside of the back mountain and looked at the village in the distance. His eyes flashed, frowned, and asked, "What strange things have happened in the village recently?" Hearing the old man's question, Ma Lian was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and replied, "There are no strange things, but I feel that the fog is much bigger than before, and there will be a heavy fog in three days. The villagers dare not go out, and the crops have been delayed a lot."

After listening to Ma Lian's words, the old man nodded with a solemn expression. He continued to walk to Grandpa's house. Before Grandma and Jiang Banxian got home, they heard the shouts of the crowd in their direction. Grandma ran over quickly and saw that almost half of the village had gathered in the yard of Grandma's house.

When grandma saw this scene, she suddenly had a bad feeling. Grandma pushed away the crowd and saw that Grandpa was talking nonsense in the yard. His voice was sharp and sounded harsh, and there were still red blood on the corners of his mouth. The village head and several villagers were trying to hold down the struggling grandfather and tried to tie him up.

When grandma saw such a scene, as she was about to come forward, she saw Wang Qingshan's daughter-in-law running over with her father and second uncle and said anxiously, "Big sister, you're back. As soon as you walked for a while in the morning, I saw the chicken nest in your yard, thinking that there was yellow skin eating chickens, and ran over. At a glance, your Jieshan was lying in the chicken coop and didn't know what tossed around. Then, I saw that he was biting the chicken's neck to suck blood. His eyes were red, like the evil spirits of hell. I couldn't see it. Everyone came back at noon and came to see what was going on. It was stable for a while, and it was tossed again.