Beast in brocade

Chapter 417 Such revenge

Some things are always so coincidental. In fact, it's so simple to hook up with Helianjing. It's really stupid that he still doesn't know Helianjing.

But he can't be blamed. After all, even if he knew Helianjing's romantic nature, he didn't know that Helianjing would be interested in a common-blooded son.

This is really evil. You know, in the eyes of the direct-blooded children, the common-blooded children are very cheap. The direct-blooded children usually don't even look at the common-blooded children. How can they have sex with the common-blooded children?

This is really strange. He had no intention to feel that he was very excellent. Otherwise, he would not be looked at by his direct-blooded son, so this strengthened his determination to get himself out.

You must get ahead and never live such a mediocre life. He is not that kind of ordinary person. He is destined to be extraordinary, so if he wants to achieve extraordinary things, he will definitely succeed.

Just like being able to get close to Helianjing now, so he will definitely have greater success. This is only the first step, and there is still a long way to go. If he can't even get through now, what right is he entitled to talk about the future? So he moved forward and continued to move forward without fearing anything.

Don't be afraid of anything, keep moving forward and don't look back.

He has no way back now. All the way back has been blocked and there is no way out.

Such a road can only go to the dark, otherwise, he will regret it.

He is unwilling. If he puts it down like this, how can he let it go? He has paid so much, how can he let it go like this? It's so confusing.

Why should we put it down? No matter how difficult it is, you can't let it go. In fact, what is the difficulty? Nothing. As long as you strengthen your confidence, keep moving forward. The road ahead is very beautiful. Don't stop.

If you stop, there will be nothing left. Maybe there will be life worries. Sooner or later, what he did before will be exposed, so leave quickly while it is not exposed now.

You must leave, leave the Beast Alliance, and live your own life. It's not in vain to pay so much. The road ahead belongs to him.

He is an extraordinary person. How can a person like him be bound by an identity all the time?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. He will not be bound. No one wants to bind him. If you want to bind him, you will definitely be strongly counterattacked by him.

No one can withstand his counterattack, and no one can withstand it. Even if he is stronger than him, it is impossible, because his heart is too strong, and his heart is stronger than anyone else.

How can such strength be defeated by others? How can you be bound by an identity for a lifetime?

No one can. He is strong. He has a strong heart, and he has always been so strong.

From the time he was born, he was destined to be extraordinary, which is impossible to compare.

is also impossible to be changed.

Now he has come to this point. The key step is that as long as he gets the spiritual nucleus, he can succeed.

He Lianjing didn't know that she just wanted to play, but she brought herself a huge disaster.

But maybe she doesn't think it's a disaster, because even if her spiritual nucleus is stolen, it's a good thing. What she hates most in her life is the noble bloodline, and then the powerful spiritual nucleus.

If she didn't have these two things, how could she end up today?

Everything she has done today is thanks to these two things, so she hates them, and they have always been hated by her.

She has been thinking about how good it would be without these two things. Why should she have them?

Why don't these two things appear on others? Why does it have to appear on her?

As a result, she had to live that kind of humiliating life. It was so abominable. How could she have a child with her father?

Why can others accept it?

In the whole beast cultivation alliance, many people have this situation, such as father and daughter, mother and son, brothers and sisters, and even grandparents. There are too many such situations. I really can't imagine why the majestic beast cultivation alliance has such a situation.

This is simply a disaster. Why did such a disaster happen? And why should she be in such a danger?

She really doesn't want it. She really can't afford it. She can't sleep every night. She really doesn't want to do this kind of thing again.

She would rather indulge herself every day than do such a thing. In fact, what she is doing now is ruining herself. She has given up and is called sister by her own son every day. It's really bitter.

It's so sad, so she can only paralyze herself in that way every day, otherwise, she really doesn't know how she will live.

Now she can only pollute herself desperately and tell herself that you are no longer pure and will no longer think about your conscience.

This kind of life is what you should live, but this result is really painful.

Such a thing can't paralyze her at all, and it can't make her forget those unpleasant things. On the contrary, it will only make her more sad. In fact, her heart really hurts.

But what about that? She can't escape. She can't escape. She can only live like this every day.

Then pollute yourself over and over again, make yourself more and more black, and make the purity farther and farther away from you. There is no purity for a long time. It is impossible to have it again. What else can there be? There is nothing left.

He Lianjing indulged herself again and again, and basically the whole beast cultivation alliance has become her harem.

Her heart is also getting more and more painful. She thinks she will be numb, but she doesn't. She can't be numb. She can only go on step by step.

No, it should be indulgence day by day. There is no end. Even if she gets married, she won't, because this is a rule.

The whole beast alliance has such an atmosphere. Does she still need to stick to it? She doesn't need it anymore, and she doesn't even have an excuse.

No, don't need it at all. Just take it and do it. Don't hide it. What's the use of covering it up?

As long as it's not in front of her own man, in fact, many people do it in front of her, but she can't, she can't do it, and her husband can't do it.

So they can only close a glance like this, otherwise, what else can they do? That's the only way.

Growing up in such a family, there is nothing to do except these.

No, it's really gone.

He Lianjing has been desperate for a long time. The world is like this. Her world has not been pure for a long time. Don't think about it anymore. Let's think about how to have a good time today.

In fact, it can't be called happy, but it can only be said to be fun in bitterness.

However, she is becoming more and more unhappy now, because the direct blood man of the whole beast cultivation alliance has been slept by her, and she can't find any new man at all.

And those men are all moral and not interested at all. It's really boring.

But in the past few days, she suddenly found a man, Helianting. He is old and capable. Although he is a common-blooded son, the whole beast cultivation alliance knows that he is very capable, and even the direct-blooded son praises him as a good slave.

In the past two days, she looked carefully and found that Helianting was really a talented person. He was not only handsome, but also good at talking. This suddenly compared most of her direct-blooded children. Helianjing deliberately found a few things for Helianting to do.

As a result, He Lianting did a good job and completed things very beautifully.

He is really a good man. There is no man to play with recently, so let's play with him.

In Helianjing's view, what she does with so many men is actually playing with those men. Although on the surface, it seems that those men are playing with her, in her heart, she is actually the dominant.

Isn't it? That's how the Beast Alliance used her as a tool, so she turned the men of the whole Beast Alliance into her toys.

No one can run away. Now I have played a lot. I'm having fun with a common-blooded child to change my taste.

So she hinted to He Lianting. Sure enough, He Lianting came with one move, and He Lianjing sneered in his heart. Men were really all the way, all that bitch. In fact, He Lianting looked at a talent, and he didn't know what his ability was.

Helianjing is looking forward to Helianting's performance. She has this pursuit now. There is really no other pursuit. What else can she pursue?

Her heart is dead, and her former pride is gone. She wants to make herself a powerful female warrior, a female general.

But what about now? Where does she still have that face? Although the people of the Beast Alliance are all like this, she absolutely can't do it. She can't be so shameless.

She has given up her willingness to be a general to go to the battlefield. Now she regards her bed as a battlefield. She wants to play all the men of the Beast Alliance as revenge on the Beast Alliance.

After playing with the blood, He Lianting is the first one to play with the common blood. She wants to see that the common blood can't be cultivated, so can't they do another sample thing? It shouldn't be. That kind of ability is a human innate ability.

If you can't even do that, you can't be called a man, so Helianjing feels that Helianting should be a little fresh.

I can't help it. She hasn't had much fun for several days. It's so boring.

Her current life depends on that little thing. If she doesn't even have that little thing, she really doesn't want to live.