Beast in brocade

Chapter 418 Adhere to Conscience

Fortunately, Helianting did not disappoint Helianjing. His ability is really strong. Helianjing almost loves him to death, and he is still so emotional that he actually thought of using such a beautiful chain to set off the atmosphere.

This has never been done before. For the first time, Helianjing knew that such a thing could also be done beautifully. She was really discerning and saw that He Lianting was different at a glance.

Sure enough, he is different. With his hand, he is comparable to those arrogant and childish direct-blooded children.

He Lianjing liked He Lianting so much that she regretted it. Why didn't she meet him earlier? If she had met him earlier, she would have had more things to play with.

Fortunately, it's not too late, and I can continue to do it now. Hey hey, that's just, it's great to continue to do it.

He Lianting, this name is also very nice. It sounds like a very deep man. How can there be such a good man? Why didn't she find out before? That's great.

Haha, from now on, she will have fun with this good man. She must play enough. Hey, this is her power. She can play with a lot of people, and she can have sex with all men.

Even if it is her biological father, there is nothing. What is it? She also gave birth to a child with her father. Haha, who has done such a thing?

Oh, no, you can't say such a thing in the Beast Alliance. This is not a unique ability, because there are too many such things in the Beast Alliance.

In terms of having children, she is actually far inferior to most women, because others are more powerful, and they will have children with many people. Maybe they don't know what their children have to do with them.

She is not as good as such a powerful ability. She has only had children with her father, and her skills are still very shallow.

You can't be proud. You can't be proud. How can you be proud? There is no way to be proud. She has only had children with her father, but others have had so many children. What is close relatives?

It's great to act with the whole family.

She can't compare with Helianjing with such a ability, but if there are more men who have played, then they can't compare with Helianjing, because in this regard, Helianjing is many times more powerful than them.

What do you say? Do you still need to say?

He Lianjing even dares to play with his common-blooded children. Do other women dare? They can only have children. They are just a tool for childbirth. They no longer have their dignity.

Based on this, how can they compare with her? It can't be compared, just like Helianjing can't compare with them to have children.

Although Helianjing has more men than they have played with and looks romantic and shameless, Helianjing is the most shameless woman in the Beast Alliance.

Because she knows what to insist on, because she knows that something is wrong, but she can't escape. She can't escape many things. She really can't help it. What can she do?

If she had a way, such a wrong thing would have happened in those years. She was really helpless. In fact, many times, she wanted to end her life, but she was reluctant to give up, because even if she died, her reputation could not come back. So what's the point of her?

It's better to live like this and fight against fate. She must do this, otherwise, she doesn't know what else she can stick to.

If there is no persistence, she will be like those women, just a fertility tool living in the mission, which is of no other use.

There is no other meaning. What else do you want to do?

You don't need anything. You really don't need anything. What's the use of using it? Living like that is simply a kind of death.

Really, there is a kind of life, which is no different from death, that is, the loss of dignity. Such a living has no meaning at all. This kind of living will only make itself more painful and only make itself degenerate day by day.

This kind of life is really useless.

This kind of life is worse than death, so at such a time, she should die, but He Lianjing feels that even if she dies, such fate will not be freed, because such a death, in front of death, does not want to raise her head.

Yes, what face is there to see Death? A person who lives without dignity, even if he dies, will only be a ghost without dignity.

Death must be more popular with noble ghosts, right?

It's a pity, how much dignity is left? There isn't much anymore, right?

He Lianjing doesn't know how much dignity she has left, but she must insist. If she doesn't insist, she won't even have that dignity.

She won't have another child. She won't have that kind of deformed child. It's not giving birth to life, it's just giving birth to machines.

If they are men, they are born to live to protect the beast cultivation alliance. They have no other use except the reputation of the beast cultivation alliance.

And if it is a girl, it goes without saying that she will only continue her mother's fate.

That's funny. How can such a family still exist? Why? It's better for such a family to perish directly.

Helianjing thinks so, but she knows that the Beast Alliance cannot be extinct, and it still has its vitality and its existence value.

It must exist, otherwise, the balance of the world will be broken. The world needs to be balanced, so there should be no beast alliance.

With the existence of the beast cultivation alliance, the existence of alien orcs is used. With the existence of these two forces, there will be common-blooded children and orcs, and foreign beasts will continue to reproduce, which is the meaning of existence.

And in this way, it can also prevent the unique appearance of a virtual family. The world cannot have absolute power. In that case, it will bring more killings and greater disasters.

So the world needs to be balanced, there must be an alliance of cultivation of beasts, there must also be alien orcs, and there must be Taixumen, and the real martial arts and the human royal family, these forces dare to have.

Only in this way can the world be more stable and prosperous.

So the Beast Alliance will not perish. This truth is obtained by He Lianjing's observation. She feels that since God has the significance of letting the Beast Alliance exist, she should be afraid of its extinction.

So there is no need for the Beast Alliance to make itself like this. How can there be a face to live in this world like this?

There is no face. Which force will have such a dirty thing? No, even beasts can't do such a thing.

This is against God's reason. I really don't understand why God didn't punish them?

Maybe it has been punished. There are more and more common-blooded children, and fewer and fewer direct-blooded children. This is a punishment, and God wants to let the direct-blooded children continue to be so dirty.

It's a ridiculous cycle to punish theirangness, but such a chain of fate exists. In order to get the descendants of direct blood, they do this kind of unreasonable things. God will make their direct blood descendants less and fewer, so that they can continue to do this kind of evil, and deepen them. The sins.

It's great to let them be laughed at by the world and make them unable to look up after death.

Such retribution is really amazing. Unfortunately, the direct-blooded children just can't see through it. What a great thing they think they have done. They also think how great they are. For the inheritance of the family, they even discarded their own morality.

In their opinion, this is not a crime, but a sacrifice. The glorious sacrifice is to be praised. It's so funny. How can there be such a person?

How could such a thing happen? This is wrong. This is a crime. This is going to be punished.

Why are they not ashamed but proud? Do they still have any shame? Are they still abnormal?

Of course, the answer is abnormal. They have been abnormal from the beginning. Modern direct-blood children have been indoctrinated with this great and glorious sacrifice theory from birth. They are proud of such behavior.

They don't know what real shame is, so they have been doomed since birth. They are a group of poor and pathetic tools.

So Helianjing doesn't want to regenerate this tool. This is adding more sins to the world. She has had enough. She doesn't do it again. She is going to end such a thing now.

Although she can't control others, she can control herself.

This is her persistence, and this is her final dignity.

She has no other persistence, only this, so she must not lose it. In the past, He Lian Zhan has forced her countless times. She has used all kinds of soft and hard moves. She just won't give up, and she won't give up.

She will persist like this until the end of her life, so that she can walk with peace of mind.

Of course, it is impossible to have complete peace of mind. She is no longer pure, and she can't have complete peace of mind.

What she did in those years can't be made up for. Since she is wrong, she can only accept it, but she can't make mistakes again and again, so she has to insist on not making mistakes. No matter what the situation is, she will never make such mistakes again, which is more uncomfortable than death.

I really don't understand. Who first came up with this idea? Who has to do such a thing? Why doesn't anyone think it's wrong?

Can they accept the earliest people? Why did they accept it? Do they no longer have a conscience? Ridiculous, ridiculous.

It's so ridiculous that the majestic Beast Alliance has fallen to such a level.