Beast in brocade

Chapter 419 has remained unchanged

Helianjing doesn't know how the Beast Alliance has fallen to such a point. She doesn't know how the current direct-blood children came to this day little by little. She doesn't want to know, because all this is no longer important. What else is important?

It doesn't matter at all. What's really important is that the current Beast Cultivation Alliance has fallen.

The Beast Alliance is not far from its demise. It's really not far away. How many more roads are there to go to get to today little by little?

There is no road, there is really no road, there is no long way to go. If the Beast Repair Alliance is not defeated at this point, then God is really kind to the Beast Repair Alliance.

In such a dirty place, there should be a thunderstorm and burn it clean all of a sudden.

It's clean without it. Why do you keep it in such a place? Keeping it will only be a disgrace to the world.

Of course, there are other uses, that is, to become the laughing stock of the world.

No wonder people say that the beasts are actually a group of beasts. This is not wrong at all. The beasts are a group of beasts, a group of shameless beasts.

Of course, such a beast can do animal things.

Haha, that's right. Only beasts can do such a thing, so the beasts are a group of beasts. That's right.

Where did the beast come from? It is this beast, little by little, let the world understand that the beast is like this.

If anyone doesn't know what beasts look like, go to see the orcs. They are real beasts.

A group of people's appearance, but with the inside of beasts, can't even do things that beasts can't do, so they are beasts, big beasts.

Absolute big beast.

He Lianjing feels ridiculous when she thinks about it. This is not to blame outsiders for laughing at the orcs at all. If they are not right, how can others laugh at them?

In comparison, the alien orcs have a much better reputation than the orcs. Although the alien orcs are also a combination of human beings and beasts, what they do is aboveboard.

They didn't do such a dirty and dirty thing. Only the beasts and this beasts alliance will do such evil deeds.

Oh, my God, it's so hard to imagine. How can there be such a person?

Why does God let such a person live? And it also makes them live well. They have strong strength and a high-quality life.

If it weren't for the crisis of direct blood, it can be said that the orcists would not have any worries at all.

But even if it is a crisis with blood, it is actually an opportunity for orcs. If it is not for the crisis of blood, how dare they do such a thing with their close relatives?

In fact, there must be many people in the world who want to do such a thing, but no one has the courage, but the orcs dare to do it because they have their own reasons.

And this reason is still justifiable for them, so they do it with peace of mind.

Not only did that, but also did what the world wanted to do but did not dare to do.

How can orclers not like such a good thing?

They like it, and they really like it, so they have been doing it for many years. They have been doing this and want to continue to do it. In fact, they can do it because no one can stop them.

They can't stop, even if they want to stop, but the reality is cruel. If they don't do it, they will face the crisis of extinction.

This crisis is really big. What can they do if they don't do such a thing?

So they must do this. Only by doing this can they keep their home. As long as they have a home, they can have an endless good life. That's all.

They have no other way. In fact, if there is another way, they will not do so. After all, they are not willing to do such a reasonable thing.

But what else can they do now? They can only do it and keep doing it until one day, they can not do it.

On this day, either the direct blood can be born at will, or it will be the time of the extinction of the Beast Alliance.

Phenomenologically, in reality, when this day comes, it will only be the time when the beast alliance dies, so only when there is no beast alliance can they be relieved.

There's really nothing they can do. They can only do this.

There is no other way. In fact, they are also a group of poor people who accept this fate and do things pitifully against nature.

Although it was said before that this matter will make many people in the world envy, such envy is actually not good. Such envy betrays their shame. What's the use of such envy and glory?

While others are envious, they are more laughing. No one will look up to such a thing, and no one will agree with such a thing.

But after all, it's none of other people's business. If they have anything to care about, they just need to laugh at them.

Everyone can do things like watching jokes, and watching jokes is also a good thing.

Many people like to watch jokes. As long as it doesn't happen to themselves, why not laugh?

Not only have to laugh, but also laugh, such as exotic orcs. When they know that they give birth to a bloody son like an orc, they almost laugh so much that their stomachs are about to break.

They are so happy. How can they be unhappy with such a good thing?

The majestic beast practitioners actually do something worse than beasts. Their real beasts will naturally laugh.

And at this time, they will feel that they are much nobler than orcs, but they are very supportive of this matter, because there are more direct blood children, which means more spiritual nuclei.

For foreign beasts, the spiritual nucleus is also their treasure, so they are not willing to watch the extinction of their direct-blooded children.

If possible, they will also do their part to make more direct-blood children in the world.

It's a pity that the direct-blooded children are not pigs and cannot be raised and reproduced. The direct-blooded children are simply more valuable than gold, so we must protect them well.

It can't be less. If it's missing, it won't be gone.

While laughing, the orcs also encourage the orcs to raise more. If they need to mend themselves, the orcs will definitely send them, as long as they raise more.

And the most powerful thing to ridicule the beasts is another force, that is, the human race. They were bullied by the beasts alliance, so they naturally had to laugh at them.

Think about how high the orcmen were in those years, and what is the result now? They are just a group of beasts. There will be no creatures doing what they do except them.

It's really funny, and while it's funny, it will also make people spit on and humiliate. They are actually called human beings. It's really a disgrace to human beings. Relatively speaking, it's better to admit that the orcs are a member of human beings.

The spit of the human race really hit the orcs. The former slaves were so ridiculed that there was almost another big war for this matter.

The Beast Alliance once threatened to take back Sanzhou and retake the identity of the human race as a slave, but it did not succeed and the war did not happen, because at this time, the world's biggest door was already too empty.

How can Taixumen fight this war?

So Taixumen sent a special envoy to negotiate with the alliance owner of the Beast Alliance. The special envoy was strong and scared repeatedly before he appeased the Beast Alliance and survived the war.

And Taixumen naturally knows about the beasts of the Beast Cultivation Alliance, and they don't have the same attitude as the other two factions.

They have also advised the Beast Alliance not to do such a shameless thing.

However, the current situation of the Beast Alliance is there. If they are not allowed to reproduce like this, it is bound to bring a crisis to the Beast Alliance, and this will also bring a crisis to the aliens. Therefore, this behavior of the Beast Alliance must continue to do so.

Alas, there is no way. Even if it is too empty, there is nothing we can do. We have to acquiesce in this behavior of the Beast Repair Alliance. Anyway, this is their family affairs, and no one is qualified to take care of them.

They didn't touch your wife and daughter, don't care about him, and Taixumen is the largest faction in the world, but they never claim to be the rulers in the world. No matter how others praise them, no matter how strong and influence they are, Taixumen have always said that they are just a sect.

They are just for the people of the world, and they have no intention of being in charge of the world.

In fact, Taixumen does not want to take charge of the world, but they dare not brazenly, because they know that once they brazenly dominate the world, it is bound to become the target of the world.

At that time, Taixu Gate also came to an end, because there is no eternal heaven in the world, except God, but who can guarantee that God will not change? It's just that immortals have a long lifespan that human beings can't know.

But human beings are different. People are equal. There will always be high-ranking people and heroes like that.

So what the world needs most is balance. Taixumen knows that as long as you can master the balance, it is equivalent to mastering the world. If you break this balance, it will inevitably cause disaster.

So they won't interfere in the family affairs of the Beast Cultivation Alliance. They can do whatever they like, as long as they don't mess up the world.

In fact, there is really a beast cultivation alliance in this world. Without the beast cultivation alliance, who else can provide such a big joke? So let them keep it, let them continue to do this, everyone will continue to laugh, and the world will continue to turn like that.

Nothing has changed. It has always been a beautiful world. Isn't it good?