Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Missing Waltz III

Three visitors to Heland

The royal city of Heil Milan has the reputation of "Kingdom of the Sky" not because it is far away from the horizon. As the shortest and most invaded capital of the four kingdoms, the whole royal city adopts a rather rare integrated layout. It is said that it was built after directly hollowing out the original mountain range, so it is simply a plane without edges. As a defensive measure, crystal walls containing high magic are set up in all corners of the royal city. From afar, there will be an illusion that the whole royal city is carved with a large crystal. The Sky Kingdom is named after the color of these magical crystals.

Referring to the history of the country, Haier Milan has just celebrated its 100th birthday and is far younger than the other three kingdoms. Humorous is that because of the short history of the country, there has been almost no civil strife except for foreign aggression. When communicating with other countries, their subjects often boast with pride:

"Although the history of Haier Milan is not comparable to that of a thousand-year-old kingdom like Silas, the loyalty of the country's subjects is beyond your country."

After visiting the layout of the royal city of Haier Milan, the messengers came to the opposite conclusion:

"I'm afraid that such a kingdom will soon be attacked by the storm."

And because of the most powerful team of magicians in the mainland, magic can only be enjoyed by the higher class... Haier Milan's aristocracy is also the most serious among the four kingdoms. Therefore, the factor of the storm may have been buried in an inconspicuous corner...

Fe Linwen was woken up by the maid's voice early in the morning.

Like Xilu's previous trial fantasy, Fei Linwen has a delicate figure and a loving face. Unlike her sister's natural curly hairstyle, her long light blonde hair is as smooth as a waterfall, which adds some style to her. However, it is regrettable that she has been suffering from the disease since she was born. The first thing that was confirmed was lung disease - this disease was identified as an incurable in that era, and it is a miracle that she can rely on magic treatment to persist until now. Secondly, there have been severe insomnia and low blood pressure recently... sleepless and sudden explosion The violent cough often makes the maids and doctors panic, and the most worried about this is Princess Selysia, who often stays up all night on the night when Ferrinwen's illness occurs.

Based on Fei Linwen's illness, the princess gave a strict order to her maid. No matter what important happened or how long she slept, she could not disturb her at will. However, today, the maid seemed to be a novice or forgot the ban, rashly awakened the sleeping Fei Linwen, and then suddenly realized that she had done something stupid, and she was so scared that she knelt down by the bed.

Because of the fatigue caused by low blood pressure, Fei Linwen's head was still confused, but she at least understood what the maid in front of her was shaking and crying there, so she stretched out her hand and touched her hair lovingly:

"Thank you for your help and pulling me back from a terrible nightmare. Don't be afraid. I also remembered to bask in the sun. Today seems to be the king's birthday... So what are you going to tell me?"

"Yes... Your Highness... Please go to her bedroom after getting up..."

"That child... has anything bothered her again... So please help me clean up. Because of the nightmare, I don't have the strength to raise my hand now..."

The grateful and grateful maid helped Fei Linwen to the dressing table. At this moment, Fei Linwen is just a weak patient, and there is no way to convince people that she is the princess's close magic guard. However, soon, under the careful service of the maid, Fei Linwen gradually recovered, and her pale face became rosy.

"Today is the second day of the holiday... I remember I was worried about my naughty sister yesterday..."

Yesterday, Xilu, Loide and Lulu were finally arrested for a "crowd fight" (in fact, they fell to the ground to "beat" the guards). As a result, the prison guards were also severely** by Xilu's roar. After receiving the report from the guards, Fei Linwen sent her subordinates to scold her sister, and then The ransom and compensation were paid before the matter was settled.

"This naughty child... should be a good friend with the troubled princess... Speaking of which, is your majesty going out on a parade today?"

"Yes, Your Majesty will first cruise in Udraxiu, and then go to Loya to inspect the people's conditions. It is expected to return to Wangcheng in five days.

"So, who was assigned to stay to assist Her Royal Highness in governance?"

"It's High Priest Rollinforth and General Lannold."

"Oh, oh... So, Her Royal Highness must have quarreled with Lord Rowlingfus."

"I'm still angry until now, so I must want to find you to relax."

"Ha ha... I can't help it. Lord Rowlingfus is always so strict that the princess will take her troubles for granted..."

"Actually... Lord Rollinforth often criticizes you, saying that you are too indulgent to the princess, which will prevent her from becoming an ideal queen..."

"Oh... I'm really sorry to be reprimanded..."

Although I heard words that were unfavorable to her, Fei Linwen was still full of spring breeze:

"Actually, I also think the High Priest is right... It's just that it's too pitiful for Her Royal Highness to be overwhelmed by state affairs at such a young age..."

"We often hear the princess crying at night... but no one dares to persuade her..."

"Of course... Even Her Royal Highness, she is just a girl after all..."

"And I heard that the envoy of the Kingdom of Heland..."

"Oh, that's not what you should say."

The maid hurriedly apologized for her unscrupulous words, but Fei Linwen still had no intention of punishing her. Any servant who follows her can talk to her in an equal way, so that she often speaks inappropriate words. As long as it does not involve the authority of the royal family or the military government, Fei Linwen will not punish her... Therefore, sometimes her bedroom will be as lively as a tea party, which is a great spectacle in the royal city.

The maid helped Fei Linwen comb her long hair and was ready to wash her face water. At this time, a low voice suddenly came from the door:

"Is anyone in there? Is Fei Linwen awake?

"It's Your Highness!" The maid answered in a panic and ran to open the door. Princess Selysia at the door saw Fei Linwen standing in front of the dresser with a smile and opened her hands to herself, so she ordered the maid to retreat, and then cried and threw herself into her arms.

Seriya is a girl of the same age and similar posture as Xilu. The difference is that her hair color is the same sky blue as Loid. In addition, she does not seem to be as capricious as Xilu. Fei Linwen gently stroked her little head like holding her sister:

"Oh... As a princess, you can't always cry."

"But...that old man is so annoying... he only scolds people with a straight face every day..."

"Oh... It's impolite to call you the High Priest like this..."

"But he just hates...'Princess! You should pay attention to the attitude of speaking to your subordinates!'' Princess! You should do these things like this!'' Princess! You should listen carefully to the voices from the people!'' Princess! You should pay attention to your clothes and etiquette!' Repeat this every day..."

Listening to the princess repeat these words with crying and learning the old man's tone, Fei Linwen laughed softly:

"These words are all right! Because you will become the queen of a country in the future!"

"If it's so troublesome, do it for others... Otherwise, let the old man be the king..."

"You can't say this to outsiders casually! Otherwise, I can't protect you... Well, wipe your tears. These days are a holiday to celebrate your father's birthday!"

"Father... is as bad as the old man... he won't come to accompany me every day... throw me to that old man... and marry me to that playboy..."

"Because the king is also very hard... He is a great father who takes care of thousands of children like you at the same time every day... If possible, he will also choose to stay with you..."

Felinwen sighed softly and wiped away the princess's tears. Thinking that she was about to become the bride of Prince Herland, whom she had never met, she felt even more pitiful:

"Although being a princess is as hard as being a king... but everyone has to endure such hardships to grow up... Her Royal Highness always wants to be an adult... So don't care about what's in front of you..."

Speaking of this, Fei Linwen coughed violently. Due to her physique, her cough can be described as "sky-shaking". Seeing that Fei Linwen's eyes were about to turn white in pain, Selysia desperately called the maid and the doctor, but Fei Linwen shook her head:

"Don't bother them... just like before... I'll be fine soon..."


"If you don't listen to me... I'll ignore you..."

So Selysia helped Fei Linwen to **, and then patted her on the back in horror. Fei Linwen was tortured for five minutes before she looked up with a tired face:

"I'm worried... Your Highness..."

"I'm scared to death! Why don't you call a doctor!" Selysia shed tears again.

"Because doctors also need to take a vacation... This is not the first time I have this disease..."


"Don't cry... or I won't talk to you..."


Sericia reluctantly stopped her tears:

"But I'm so scared... Which day will Fei Linwen suddenly leave me..."

"Don't worry... I promise you that I will never die before you become the queen..."

"Don't say that!" Selysia buried her head in her arms:

"Even if I become the queen... No! You must not die before I die! This is an order!"

"Your Majesty...Your Highness..."

Felinwen gently hugged Selysia, and after a while, she suddenly laughed:

"Your Highness is really unreasonable. She doesn't even care about death. It's like my sister..."

"Do you mean Xilu?"

"Yes... She is the same age as you, but she has a much older temper than you... She will change her name to Celine Ferrine Lafard on her own initiative, which made her father furious... She also injured a lot of guards yesterday..."

"Is it...isn't it?" Selicia raised her head with infinite longing:

"What an enviable! Her freedom..."

"Oh... Anyway, Her Royal Highness should also sympathize with the guards who were beaten by her. It is said that at least 40 people were injured..."

"Is it that awesome! Unexpectedly, 40 people were knocked down!" Selysia didn't care about who was injured at all. Instead, she was fascinated by Xilu's achievements.

"She's not alone...and her knight..."

"Nah! I really want to be friends with Xilu!"

"Then I'll call her to the royal city..."

"That's not good! It feels like I ordered her to say 'Hey! Thank me. I want to be friends with you. 'This..."

"That's true... And if you say so, you will be beaten by her..."

"Hey? Will she hit me?"

"Yes! Except for the king, father, mother and me, she should have no one who dares to beat... So I have never brought her into the royal city.

In fact, the more important reason is that if Xilu knows her condition, she will stay and take care of her and waste her own time... As a sister, she has to hide this fact anyway...

Although she also thought about how sad Xilu would look in case of her serious illness... but there was also the knight...

Of course, Celicia couldn't guess the deep heart of this great sister. She fell into the infinite longing for Xilu, who was the same age but had the freedom she couldn't expect. After pondering for a moment, she thought of a good solution:

"Fe Linwen, I want to do this..."

After listening to Selysia's whisper in her ear, Philyn showed a surprised look:

"It seems a little inappropriate... In case the high priest knows..."

"So, I need your help! As long as we arrange these steps, there will be no problem!"

"That's what I said... You don't know anything about the outside world! If you encounter any danger..."

"No problem! I will arrange all this perfectly! And I'm going to carry out this plan today!"

"Isn't that too reckless? Even if it's your Majesty's birthday, it's still not peaceful outside! Fighting on the street for the reason of drunkenness, dozens of people were arrested yesterday alone... and among them were dangerous people with sharp weapons!"

"I'm not afraid! Because I'm a princess!"

"It has nothing to do with whether it's a princess or not... When you come to the people, you have to dress up as a civilian, and those rude men will not be polite to you..."

"So don't get entangled with those civilians and find a way to get to the destination directly! Anyway... That's how it's decided, and the rest will be left to you!"

Firinwen still wanted to dissuade her, but Selysia went straight to the window, opened the window and jumped down. When Ferrinwen poked her head out of the window, Selysia had disappeared with the help of floating magic.

"What a bold child... At least he should change his clothes."

Leave the aftermath to yourself... What an unpleasant trouble. If you want to hide the Hawkeye from Rollinforth, you have to think carefully... And you have to find a way to protect the princess's safety. After all, she is indeed just an ignorant child.

After pondering for a moment, Fei Linwen picked up the bell on the table. In response to the bell, the guard answered and opened the door.

"Please call the adjutant and captain of the guard to my room and try not to be noticed by others."

There were powerful footsteps echoing in the corridor. The majestic Rollinforth, wearing the robe of the high priest and a high hat, marched towards the princess's bedroom. The guards on both sides of the corridor all bent deeply to the old but energetic magnate.

The age of the high priest can be fully reflected from his gray hair and white beard. It is not proportional to his age, but he is more energetic than ordinary young people. When he scolded the princess loudly, even the maids 100 meters away would tremble with fear. No one is in awe of this tough old man. Some people say that he is a "undead" manipulated by puppet magic, and some people say that he is crazy about all other powers except for his ambition to usurp the throne... In short, this is a piece of steel that will not bow to his age.

No one will deny how much he has contributed to the prosperity of Haier Milan... Just like no one will deny how disgusting he is now. Under the banner of "Kingdom Interests", countless well-goverished dignites were deprived of their names and property, and replaced by lower-class nobles who were distinguished or familiar with political strategy. At this point alone, he was secretly watched by an uncountable sharp blade, but perhaps because of the king's favor, he had no idea of retreating at all.

Now he has retired from his former position, but still maintains his former prestige under the title of the high priest. Since the king appointed him as the princess's teacher, he has devoted all his energy to strict and even harsh education, causing the princess to treat him as a beast... So he tempered his students in the style of a beast, just to train this student into a queen who will shoulder the heavy responsibility of a country in the future...

Rollinforth stopped in front of the princess's bedroom, tidied up his clothes, straightened the hat on his head, and prepared to step up the high steps, but a captain-like man - that is, Rogge, who appeared in the office of the director of Baymont College, ran He came up to block his way:

"Your distinguished high priest, the princess hasn't got up yet."

"Hmm?" Rollinforth answered in a low voice:

"It's time for class. Please wake up the princess immediately."

" know Your Highness..."

Roger hesitated to go back to inform, and the long scepter of the high priest knocked heavily on the steps:

"Are you going to block my way, Captain?"

"I dare not...below!" Rogge showed a confused look:

"But... After the princess quarreled with you yesterday... I haven't slept all night... so now..."

"This is not the reason why she doesn't go to class today, and I don't remember such a cowardly and lazy student! If she refuses to get up, I will let her lie down and listen to me finish the class!"

"Your Majesty the High Priest! Next is the captain of the guard responsible for guarding the princess's bedroom!"

In the face of Rogge's angry question, Rollinforth did not raise his eyelids:

"So are you going to use force against me? As the captain of the guard, you only know that you are responsible for making her sleep lazy? Her Royal Highness is the future queen candidate of Haier Milan, not a mediocre woman who lies in ** daydreaming all day long! If you feel that your responsibility is too heavy, I will tell Your Majesty that you can take on an easy position.

Roger's face turned blue with anger and unconsciously wanted to touch his sword, but when he saw the dazzling white light on the scepter in Rollinfs's hand, he knew that he was afraid that he would be stabbed into a hole before he could take action... So he suppressed his impulse:

"I will remember the teachings of His Excellency the High Priest... but please allow me to inform Her Royal Highness."

"Please tell the princess that I only give her ten minutes."

Roger gritted his teeth and answered, then turned around and ran to the princess's bedroom, planning to find a chance to stab the old man in the back... He should not be the only one who has this idea.

The guards and maids standing by the steps did not dare to breathe. Rollinforth stood straight on the steps like an ancient tree, accurately calculating the time of the flow in his heart. His promise to himself would never be delayed, even if it was only a second. He said that he would not step into the princess's room in eleven minutes.

The air outside the bedroom seems to have solidified... It's frighteningly dull.

The high priest is ready to step up the steps... The clock hands in his heart are close to the critical point. This also means that the princess can't escape the storm today... But his behavior was interrupted by the hurried footsteps behind him:

"Your Majesty the High Priest! There are important guests visiting!"

"Go back and tell the guest that I will teach the princess and ask him to wait for an hour!"

"But...this guest..."

The guard sent him a letter. Rollinforth recited a spell to open the opening sealed by magic, took out the letter paper and read it briefly, and hid the letter in his arms:

"Tell the guests that I'll be there right away."

Then he turned to the maid who had been trembling:

"There to the princess that today's class is temporarily suspended, and I will come to make it up for her on time tomorrow."

The living room was stained with a thin layer of gold crumbs by the sun, showing the glory of the royal family in its simplicity. The visiting guests stood in the direction of the sun and boredly overlooked the scenery of Wangcheng Garden through the window. The guard opened the heavy door, and Rollinforth walked in slowly and looked at the messenger casually...

Although he looked dusty because of the fatigue on the road... but the temperament between his hands and feet could not hide his identity as an aristocrat. The high priest sat down on the throne:

"Are all the messengers of Heland now served by the nobles?"

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the high priest." The messenger smiled and saluted and sat down:

"Since the high priest has seen everything, I dare not hide needlessly in front of the discerning people. Next is Layson, the secretary of documents directly under His Royal Highness Prince Hilde.

In the official title of Heland, the secretary is equivalent to the adjutant of staff of Haier Milan, which is not a prominent position. Since this Leyson is the secretary of the crown prince, there should be a gap between his status and the general adjutant of staff... However, this does not make Rollinforth change his look of respect:

"Your country's envoy should come to our country in ten days... Does His Royal Highness send an envoy now?"

"I'm ashamed... It's about the marriage between the two countries..."

"Is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in a hurry to marry His Royal Highness Celicia?"

"Because it's a young man's business... As a messenger, I can't comment."

"Huh... Do you want to sow the seeds of rudeness because of young impulse as soon as possible... Your country is anxious to get pregnant because of its children?"

It's really rude... But the messenger was not angry. Maybe he had heard of the prestige of the high priest for a long time:

"It should be said that it is pure... the so-called admiration of young people. It is a well-known fact that His Royal Highness fell in love with the princess of your country, so it is also human's normal to be in a hurry to get married. The High Priest will not object, will he?

"It is my duty as a teacher to teach young people the sacred meaning of marriage and childbirth, so no matter how your country reacts, Her Royal Highness must succeed to the queen, and I will not allow the princess to marry another country."

"I also agree with the ideal of the high priest... But since it is a marriage decided by the kings of the two countries, even you should not have the intention to oppose it. As for the succession to the throne of your country..."

"Then let the old corpse pave the way for the carriage for the princess to marry, and before that, I hope that the prince can clarify his relationship with the three quasi-prince princesses in front of the king of our country. How can the descendants of the goddess Faris become the concubines of the prince of other countries!"

Lyson's face is a little blue... It seems that he has been told that he has been in pain. But after all, it is also the envoy of a country, so you can't be rude to others... Layson coughed gently:

"Speaking of which, your country really has a bad hospitality... Although it's just one, it's time to drink a cup of light tea to relieve your fatigue, right?"

Rolinforth clapped his hands gently, and then the maid brought tea.

"Can the waiter in your country understand the master's intention just by your applause? The high priest is really well trained.

"The politeness doesn't have to be lengthy. Do you have any other words to tell me?"

"Please forgive my rudeness... After all, you and I are allies on the balance of power between the kingdoms, especially against Silas... You should understand what I mean, right?"

"If you still want to emphasize the marriage with the princess, you don't have to. The issues of the covenant are handled by the two kings, and you and I have the right to talk about these issues..."

The fierce light of the bird of prey flashed in Rollinforth's half-closed eyes:

"And as a messenger... Your words have long exceeded their rites. Does it mean that... Heland's messengers are so informal?"

Laison put down the teacup in his hand, and a moment later, he suddenly laughed:

"It's worthy of being the high priest of Rollinforth. It's humiliating to play these tricks in front of you! It's just that if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would have been a little suspicious!"

Before he finished speaking, Layson poured the tea in the cup at Rollinforth, and then sang "Water Blade". The spilled tea immediately turned into a sharp blade and rushed to the other party, but at the moment it was about to hit, it suddenly turned around and rushed back with more rapid force. Laison, who was unprepared, could not cope with this sudden change and was hit by the heart of the "water blade" and died.

"Come on!"

The guards entered and were shocked to see the bodies lying on the ground.

"Search the body, carry it out and bury it, and then order an emergency meeting."

Rolinforth gave the order majestically in a calm voice. At this moment, it seemed that he was no longer the high priest, but the king himself...