Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Missing Waltz 3 of 4

Three out of four shadows

The efficiency of the action of High Priest Rollinforth is like lightning. With his order, the Royal City of Haier Milan and Udra Xiucheng quietly entered a state of martial law, which is a response to the previous "counterfeit messenger" incident based on the principle of "not causing unnecessary disturbance to the people". Because no valuable information was found on the fake messenger and there was no way to know whether it was really Heland's conspiracy, so the situation was not expanded, but a slightly shrewd person could smell an abnormal breath from the sudden increase of patrol guards.

The second proposal put forward by the high priest was to temporarily shelve the princess's marriage. Unexpectedly, it was almost unanimously opposed by the ministers. If he was stubborn, it was difficult for him to disagree with it, so he found Fei Linwen to discuss it after the meeting. Although Ferrinwen is still unable to occupy a place in the large conference hall, as a close relationship, her influence on the princess is even above Rowlingforth, so the high priest felt the need to discuss it.

Felinwen also opposes the marriage of the princess and Prince Heland, but its purpose is different from that of the high priest. Rawlinfus is full of hope that the princess will inherit the throne, and of course the queen can't marry another country; Feilinwen supports the relationship between the princess and Prince Lutwin of Silas, and the ideals of the two can be said to be thousands of miles away. However, the first problem at present is the temporary suspension of the marriage with Heland, so there is a possibility of discussion.

The high priest, who maintained a tough attitude and aggressive popularity at all times, obviously eased his tone when talking to Fei Linwen. Some people speculate that this is the high priest worrying about each other's illness. In fact, the relationship between the two is already quite close. In informal occasions, Ferrinwen directly called Rollinforth "Grandpa". As for why they can achieve such a situation, I'm afraid only two people are tacit.

After listening to Rollinforth's story, Ferrinwen was silent for a moment before she opened her mouth full of worry:

"If it's really Hland's conspiracy, things may be much simpler. I'm afraid that if it's another country... or the careful planning of some organizations hiding in the dark... such an impact is even worse..."

"Do you think this is a fault of some organization or kingdom?"

"This possibility is not ruled out, and in terms of danger, the impact of the culprit is much more serious."

Is it Gutlund? Or Sierras? If it is an underground organization, it will be more dangerous than the mice in the gutter.

"It may also be Hrand himself, or even our country... Such a conspiracy has never been borderless."

"I hope this is really done by Heland, so it will be logical to forcibly dissolve the princess's marriage."

" you really want the princess to stay in her country and become the queen?"

"Well, this is also the fate of Her Royal Highness... After all, Your Majesty has no other descendants, and he can't choose the right person among the collateral royal family. But I heard that the princess is interested in Prince Lutwin of Silas..."

"This is the truth. They should have had a relationship for nearly five years."

"That is to say, did Prince Lutwin begin to have feelings between them when he came to study in China when he was 13 years old?"

"I think it was at that time, although they were all children at that time... time has proved that they are no longer naive. Grandpa, to be honest, I'm on the side of the princess.

"Of course I know, otherwise the princess would not trust you so much. On the other hand, no matter how she looks at me, I won't care. I just want to train her into a qualified and even excellent queen.

"Well, it is also very important for her to be a happy bride. After all, the princess is also a girl. Every girl will hope to wear a sacred dress and enter the wedding with her beloved."

"If the king has other children... or if you ask me, I will be very happy to be your witness. But the princess is different... She bears the future of Haier Milan on her shoulders, and she must regard the people of the kingdom as her descendants... This is a reality that a princess can't escape.

"I can understand what you think... so let's put it down for now. Heland's delegation arrived in Wangcheng ten days later. If they still mention this problem, how is Grandpa going to deal with it?

"Well, when His Majesty comes back, let's discuss this issue with him first. To be honest, I don't see the possibility of the king canceling this marriage, but I have to try.

"Even with Grandpa's past achievements and prestige... I'm afraid it's not enough to shake the alliance between the two countries. After all, the effectiveness of the covenant lies first and foremost in protecting the interests of its own people. Although no matter how many words are written on a piece of paper, they are not as attractive as precious gold and silver and fertile land, and cannot resist the fear brought by steel weapons, we often can only believe in this fragile effect.

"Are you worried that the alliance will be affected... or even broken?"

"Grandpa is also so worried, so he is eager to raise the princess to be no less than his father... Maybe he is still no less than the virtuous kings of all dynasties. War broke out in two countries, and the king's death on the battlefield is not a case. Is Grandpa worried that it will cause turmoil in China?

A smile appeared on the high priest's face that almost never appeared:

"I now understand why kings and princesses trust you so much. Although you have never shown them this talent in politics and strategy, this can't hide your noble wisdom. Now those guys in the palace can have such a mind like you, then I don't have to worry so much about the princess's problem. Although it is very disrespectful for the king to say this, since we want to devote ourselves to Haier Milan, we must calculate all the possibilities in our hearts while we are alive, and then formulate the most reasonable strategy. This is a rule that must be respected as a minister.

"However, no matter how hard we try, we can't predict what will happen tomorrow, so grandpa may also let the princess try herself, otherwise, when we die one day, the princess will be very pitiful. If she doesn't have the ability to preside over national politics or control the civil strife of the kingdom, the children of the royal family are the poorest victims.

"Well, after the king came back, I suggested to transfer some of the power of state affairs to the princess."

"Is it now that grandpa doesn't want her to go for a folk walk? At least, I hope she can understand how many residents Udraxiu has and how many of them are for and against the royal family, which will be more meaningful than the textbooks she faces every day. Do you know that when I mentioned my wayward sister, Her Royal Highness actually felt very envious?

"Really... Maybe what you said makes sense, so let it be arranged by you. I also want to take at least a day off to relax this bone. Some people say that I am immortal, but now I can feel the old age from the bones.

"Then even if it's just one day, don't put on this majestic face again. Those poor maids, and the princess, always cry to me how you scared them. I don't know how to comfort them.

Rolinforth did not respond positively, but changed the topic:

"The 'Rovard Day' of the Holy Moonlight College will be held in a week... The matter of the princess's participation on behalf of the royal family should have been decided, but the other party actually proposed not to send the royal guard as an escort. This bold style really gives me a headache. This may be the courage that the college has had since its birth. In any corner I have visited, only it can make the king put down his scepter. So it is not a surprise that the teachers in it will become confident and even arrogant.

"Regarding this matter, it has been rumored that there is a deep conflict between the director of Baymont College and the royal family."

"That's just hearsay, and the result of spreading rumors is infinitely exaggerating the facts. After all, Baymont, Glom and Robeck and I have been old friends for many years, so I don't have any worries about their decision. However, I hope you can also accompany the princess.

"Do I... also accompany you? It should have been accompanied by Captain Rogge, right?

"Roger is not the kind of person who can properly shoulder such a heavy responsibility. He is too young and too impulsive. He must be given more grinding to make him independent. Without sending the royal guard, the students in the college can only reach the level of laymen no matter how hard they try, so you can accompany them with a small number of elite magic guards. Besides, I think you haven't seen your sister Xilu for a long time, have you?

"I'm really grateful for Grandpa's kindness."

"This is not kindness, it's just my grandfather's doting on his granddaughter. Since you call me grandpa, I can't treat you with other people's attitude. If Her Royal Highness is willing to call my grandfather, I will treat her in the same way.

"But the most interesting thing about Grandpa is that he clearly says admonition words with a straight face, but his eyes will project an imperceptible smile."

"Don't make fun of the old man, Fei Linwen." Rollinforth touched her head, but still smiled:

"Do what you want, whether it's you or the princess. When you need me, call me by my name instead of my grandpa. However, since I'm still your grandfather now, I have to tell you another reason why I sent you there.

"Is it a reason that is important to me?"

"Not only for you, but also for your sister... This will definitely make you uneasy. Because 'that person' will also appear in the princess's entourage.

"Is the 'person' you mentioned..."

Fe Linwen's face suddenly turned pale, and Rollinforth nodded in response:

"He accompanied as a representative of the King's Guard. After all, he is now the commander of the First Legion of the Royal Knights... So I have to inform you in advance, because I don't want to put your sisters in an embarrassing situation because of his appearance..."

"I see. Thank you for your reminder. I think I should be able to deal with it properly, but my wayward sister..."

"That's what I'm worried about. After all, she's just a child who doesn't know how to control her feelings... Well, that's all for today. Go back and have a rest, Fei Linwen. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time.

Rollinforth closed his eyes and seemed to have fallen into a state of meditation. Fei Linwen kissed him gently on the forehead and then left the room. After closing the door, her face still did not return to blood:

"I didn't expect... I'm finally going to meet that person... I don't know how my poor sister will face all this... Or should I do something now..."

After sneaking out of Ferrinwen's room, Selysia quickly returned to her bedroom and changed into the civilian clothes she privately ordered the maid to find, and then combed her long hair into a civilian-style double ponytail. After carefully confirming that he was almost the same as a civilian girl, he slipped out of the bedroom again. However, she did not realize that there were two mysterious figures behind her...

The previous plan went straight to the point, but the princess, who had hardly dabbled into the folk, was quickly attracted by the noisy atmosphere in Udraxiu and completely left the original plan behind.

Like Xilu's enthusiasm for everything in front of her before, Selysia is even more so - this is entirely due to the difference caused by the identity gap. I receive the most luxurious life in Wangcheng every day and don't know everything about the people at all, so even an ordinary marshmallow can open these girls' eyes. In this way, Selysia opened her round eyes and ran around the street, breathing the air she had never felt before.

Compared with the free atmosphere here, everything in the royal city is really too plain... There is no Rollinfors-style instruction or princess-style etiquette here. You can stretch out your hands and shout at the sky at any time... If you do this in the royal city, you will definitely be severely punished. ......

So, even those drunkards who are recklessly picking quarrels on the street are full of fun for her. Then she thought of what Fei Linwen said when she mentioned her sister:

"It is said that at least 40 people were injured..."

"Except for the king, father, mother and me, she should have no one who dares not fight..."

Compared in this way, she is really pitiful... Even if she wants to slap the maid, she has to consider the consequences... Of course, she doesn't really want to hit people, but simply yearns for Xilu's arbitrary temperament.

The second thing that fascinated her was the way these civilians spoke... It was exactly the so-called "vulgar slang" of those nobles. However, it is also charming for this princess who must accept the carving of her words and deeds. You don't have to use tedious words in the dialogue, and don't have to worry about the identity of the other party... If you show a high degree of self-restraint in front of them, you will be regarded as a fool... It seems to insult my noble identity a little, but I'm not a princess now...

Sericia does not know how the royal family can go deep into the people to understand the people's feelings, but she can also contact and digest these lifestyles that are completely different from those of the royal family with a high degree of adaptability. This may be the benefit of the pure virtuous king's bloodline. Running down the street, she has been able to talk to civilians without hesitation.

The common people have the survival rules of civilians, and the evaluation of the royal family will show a two-level birch due to the living conditions. Selysia listened to them as a "foreigner" about the situation in the city while listening carefully to their attitude towards the royal family. Sometimes, she will be secretly proud of hearing the comment that "because of the king's wisdom, especially the toughness of Rollinforth, many people from the lower class have squeezed into the flow, which is the sunny road to prosperity of Haier Milan"; sometimes, she is secretly proud of hearing that "Those nobles are just vampires attached to us, the country Wang couldn't see the shadow hidden behind the sun at all. He only knew how to play and enjoy himself. This year's farmland harvest and commercial transactions have been halved. In these chaotic voices, she also heard that "Speaking of it, Her Royal Highness is really pitiful to marry a flower entangled with three prospective princesses. Playboy, it's not as good as our civilian freedom," which almost made her stunned.

However, I really didn't run out for nothing today and heard a lot of comments that can't be heard at ordinary times... Is this the reason why my father likes to cruise in the folk? But when he appeared in front of everyone as a king, how many people would tell him the truth?

Selysia carefully recorded these important information in her mind. At this moment, the "princess's duty" prevailed. As for going to the magic academy to find Xilu, let's put it aside for the time being...

It is undeniable that this is the result of Rollinforth's "King Education". In this regard, she feels that the old man is not so annoying, but only in this aspect... In fact, she has also brought trouble to herself because of her "princess duty" at this moment...

Because this "foreigner" talked to people everywhere and always asked people about the news of his country, which attracted the attention of the guards patrolling secretly, but she herself did not notice it at all. Just as she walked to a remote street to think about the next step, four guards flashed behind her and surrounded her. The sudden change shocked her:

"Wow! What are you doing?"

"Outlanders! What do you want to do when you come to Udra to repair?

Because Rollinforth ordered not to disturb the citizens when inspecting the people, the guards chose to perform their official duties in this sparsely populated place.

"What's sneaky! You rude guys..."

Bad! You can't reveal my identity! I almost put on the air of a princess! She quickly learned from the flower girl she had just come into contact with on the street and put on a stiff smile:

"That...that...because I'm a I'm very interested in this place..."

Because the smile is unnatural to the extreme, it directly aggravates the doubts of the guards. These loyal soldiers are ready to routinely perform their duties:

"Then, please take out the pass."

"So...what is that? I don't know!"

Because she came here directly from the royal city, of course, there is no supporting document issued to foreigners at the gate of Eudra Xiu. The guards immediately raised their guns:

"Let's just take it! Damn spy!"

"Who...who is the spy! I'm... I'm just an ordinary stranger..."

Even if the identity of the princess is now, who will believe it? A girl who has a civilian style from head to toe says that she is a princess... On the contrary, it will aggravate her guilt! But how can we get rid of the entanglement of these guards now? The inexperienced Selysia panicked.

If it's that Xilu... probably knock them to the ground without saying anything? But I can't do such a rude act... And I actually don't have that kind of strength. So all she can do is to show her innocence as much as possible:

"I'm not a spy... I'm really just curious..."

If the performance just now makes people suspicious, her pitifulness is much more real at this moment. At this moment, the guards also had doubts about whether it was really wrong, but since it was a special period, they could not let go of any suspicious clues. A guard grabbed her arm directly:

"Lessly! Come with us now!"

I'll go with you... Then your identity will really be exposed! And it will be known by Rollinforth and will be punished by terror... And... Whose arm do you think you are holding? I'm Her Royal Highness Princess Selysia!

The action pred with the brain's thinking, and Selysia kicked the guard**. Seeing their companions rolling on the ground in pain, the guards pulled out their daggers angrily. Selysia, who woke up, also sensed her mistake and cried loudly in panic...

So the situation turned sharply, and it was the guard's turn to be at a loss. According to common sense, if she is really a suspect, she should run away quickly when they are in chaos after resisting, but the girl in front of her is just crying... Is it really a misunderstanding?

Even the guards who were kicked to the point couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

But the awkward atmosphere has not dissipated so easily. As the guards were thinking about how to take the next step, there was a panicked apology behind them:

"I'm really sorry! Mr. Guard!"

The guards turned around, and a middle-aged woman dressed like a pub owner's wife bent over to them:

"This girl is my niece in a foreign country. She is clumsy and doesn't know any manners. Please forgive her rudeness! Nana! Apologize to the guards! You naughty child!"

Who will be named by a bartender like Nana? Who is clumsy and not polite? If I hadn't been forced to help... Selysia protested in her heart and whispered, "Thank me, my princess, bowed her head to you" while bending down to the guards.

It seems that it is indeed a misunderstanding... Although the guards are relieved, they are still not very comfortable:

"Hey! Our companion has been kicked to the point!"

The middle-aged woman took out a few silver coins from her wallet, and the guards muttered and helped their injured companions leave.

Damn guys... It's just a few guards who dare to point fingers... Selysia scolded them in her heart, and then wiped away her tears and thanked the middle-aged women:

"Although I don't know who you are... But thank you for helping me, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

"You're welcome. People should help each other when they are in trouble. It's hard to come out and understand the people's feelings, Her Royal Highness Princess Selya.


When she heard that the other party had recognized her identity, Selysia took a step back in panic:

"You...what are you?"

"Please don't be afraid, Your Highness, I won't hurt you, I just want you to go to a place with me. If you are obedient, it will be the best reward for me.

The middle-aged woman swept away her previous humility and kindness, and a gloomy smile appeared on her face. Selysia suddenly shuddered and took out the magic wand she had brought with her in case of emergency:

"Don't come here!"

"Who are you going to scare with those children's toys? Your Highness, if you don't want to cooperate, I can only hurt you a little. I love my children very much.

"Who...who wants to listen to your nonsense!"

"That is to say... are you going to suffer a little? However, there is still time to beg for mercy now.

"Don't be self-righteous there! Who the hell are you?"

"Really... What a naughty child. It seems that it can only make you quiet for a while..."

Sericia waved her magic wand at the middle-aged woman, but there was no time to cast the magic. The middle-aged woman had rushed up like lightning, and a knife fell on the back of her neck. Selysia kept her singing posture and fainted.

"What a disobedient child... took a little effort. Don't worry, when you wake up from your dream, everything will change, lovely princess..."

When she heard the news that the princess was kidnapped, Fei Linwen couldn't help but panic:

"Calm down! You said you didn't even see who the other party was clearly?"

Yes! After leaving the palace, his subordinates separated from the princess. When they found their whereabouts again, the princess seemed to be knocked unconscious by the man. As soon as my subordinate wanted to save people, the man disappeared with the princess... I didn't even see what kind of person he was. He was incompetent..."

"Did it just disappear in front of your eyes... Is it 'return'? It seems that you have met a master of earth magic... Of course, you are not the opponent of the other party, so you don't have to blame yourself.

Felinwen waved the captain to stand aside and then walked to the map hanging on the wall:

"If the princess is hidden in Eudraxiu, things may become more complicated... If she is transported out of the city... Which way will she go..."

Ferinwen's magic wand moves irregularly on the map centered on the royal city of Haier Milan, and stops slightly at the place indicating paths and mountains to estimate the possible path for the enemy to escape. The monotonous arc movement lasted for a quarter of an hour, and Fei Linwen gently exhaled:

"I hope my judgment is correct... Maybe I'm just betting... I'll bear all the responsibility... Your Highness... I hope you're safe..."

"Your Highness Fei we..."

It caused a big disaster because of her negligence, and the girl's body trembled with fear. Fei Linwen stretched out her hand to cut her hair:

"Now self-blame or fear will not help. All we have to do is to make up for the mistakes we have made as soon as possible. First of all, we can't disclose the news, even if it is Mr. Rowlingforth. After that... we can only bet."

Felinwen instructed a prescription on the map to the captain:

"According to my judgment, the person who kidnapped the princess is most likely to take this road. There is an abandoned monastery along the road. Let's search around it.

"So...what if you take another path...or leave the princess in the city at all?"

"Then... I can only use my life to be responsible for my wrong judgment."

"Your Excellency Fei Linwen!" The captain shouted sadly:

"This is my fault!"

"So you have to complete your search task... Don't worry, although my body has been devastated by the disease, my mind will not decline because of this... Take your subordinates immediately, and I'll take care of the rest."

The captain lowered his head and left the room. Fei Linwen stood silently for a moment and raised her hands to the sky:

"The great goddess Faris... Please protect the young and beautiful life of your holy grandson Selysia... Don't let that innocent bud be destroyed by the storm too early... Even if... in exchange for the life of my Ferrinvin..."