Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Heritage of the Wise Five

The eve of the Queen of Five Nine

In the conference hall of the royal city of Heil Milan, two high priests, Ringfors and Rumier, and several generals such as Lannold, Wilsam and Gulda, sat around the big round table. They have not closed their eyes properly for two days. It is probably the first time in years that the senior officials in Wangcheng gathered here so nervously and cautiously, and the reason for their response is, of course, from Carlo's great changes.

This is the third day after Rumir escorted the princess back, but King Durand still has no message. The worst result has been determined in everyone's hearts, and since the king has conveyed the will to "let the princess succeed the queen", it proves that he is ready to sacrifice himself to dispel the conspiracy of Herland to coerce his country. In other words, the chance of the king's life is already very slim... In everyone's hearts, it has also This fact was confirmed coincidentally. Now they are most concerned about whether Heland and Silas will declare war on their country at the same time, which will definitely be a fatal blow to Heil Milan.

In addition, Gutlund's movement also makes them uneasy. Although the other party is a neutral country that has never taken the initiative to provoke war against other kingdoms, it does not mean that it will become their own allies. If Gutlund also participates in the fire when his country falls into the attack of the two kingdoms, then I'm afraid that the short 100-year history of Haier Milan will really come to an end. In order to clarify the movement of the other party, Rumir has sent a corresponding messenger to listen to the news, but the more so, the more uneasiness will spread...

The conference hall was silent for more than ten minutes in such an atmosphere, and Rollinforth finally broke the deadlock with a dull cough:

"Shouldn't we let this atmosphere continue? The current situation does not allow us to waste precious time on meaningless meetings. Rumir, how is the princess now?

"Because I've been emotionally excited these days... I put her to sleep with deep sleep magic. With Fei Linwen accompanying her, you shouldn't have to worry, but I still can't rest assured about the decision of the princess's succession as queen..."

"I still say that. Since it is your majesty's will, let's do as your majesty wishes. What are your opinions? We have discussed this issue for two days, and if we can't make up our mind today, it will affect Haier Milan's final decision. Neither Heland nor Silas will just wait for us to procrastinate.

Rolinforth's speech triggered another silence, and Lannold raised his head hesitantly:

"I have no objection to this, but what I'm most worried about is... Her Royal Highness is so young that she has just succeeded to face two kingdoms, which may be a threat to the three kingdoms... Isn't this too much pressure on her? And... After all, the princess doesn't have enough experience in governing the country and dealing with war. Can her young shoulders really carry the future of Haier Milan?

"I also explained this question the day before yesterday. It is true that the princess has no experience in this field, but at least we are around to assist her, right? If she can't mature as soon as possible, what do we ministers need to do? I might as well say that even if it is just a decoration, we also need a king to support the faith of the people, because this is a crisis related to the survival of our country!"

"What does the high priest mean... that even if the princess has no talent in this field, she can at least have a symbolic value?"

"That's what it means. Do you have any objection, Mr. Wilsam?"

"Do you want to treat the princess as a puppet! Let the princess become a symbol and then inspire the enthusiasm of the people. Isn't it like treating the princess as a puppet on the throne? Can we be worthy of His Majesty Durand in this way?"

Wiltham is nearly 40 years old. He is the youngest and the lowest official rank among the people present, but he is also the most straightforward and brave general. Dissatisfied with Rollinforth's words, he stood up and slapped the table. Rollinforth glanced at him with cold eyes:

"Are you going to continue to say that Rollinforth wants to manipulate the princess and then control the national politics of Haier Milan? Don't forget that I'm just an old man who retains the title of high priest but has retired from his position. When I was in charge of military power, I didn't care about Haier Milan, but now I want to usurp the throne with my current idle status?

Wilsam did mean this, but after being refuted by Rollinforth, he suddenly found that his idea was indeed a little naive, so he sat down with his dissatisfaction, and Rollinforth did not entangle with him:

"And I don't think the princess can only become a puppet or even a puppet. She already has the temperament and talent necessary for a queen. What's more, as the descendant of the goddess Faris, Morris' glorious bloodline, if we can't shoulder a Haier Milan, it can only be our shame. Ladies and gentlemen, we will give the hope and future of our country to this young princess so that she can grow into a great queen as soon as possible..."

"Your High Priest, please allow me to say..."

General Guloda stood up and made his request in a slow tone. Among the generals, Gulda is regarded as the most gentle person, not even a soldier, but no one will think that he is a cowardly guy. On the battlefield, he is also a fierce general who often commands his troops to connect with the enemy. Rollinforth will also show a little respect for this good-tempered warrior:

"Please say, Mr. Guloda, there is no need to restrain too much etiquette on such an occasion."

"Does the High Priest think that... His Majesty may not be killed now? For Hland, preserving the king's life can pose the greatest political threat to our country, right? If we let the princess ascend the throne now, of course, we can most effectively give the people hope and unite the strength to fight, but your majesty's life is afraid..."

"Will it be discarded without the available value... What a cruel statement, but that's the truth."

Ralingforth leaned on the back of the chair and sighed heavily:

"In fact... I already have the worst prediction. You and His Majesty are companions who have fought side by side. You should be aware of His Majesty's character, and he will never be at the mercy of the enemy... So I think there is no other way we can do now except to obey his will..."

The people present fell silent again... What Rollinforth said was completely the judgment they had already recognized in their hearts, but they did not dare to make such a decision until they got the exact news. In fact, Rowlingforth is the only one who dares to say and do so now... So everyone focused on this old man. Rollinforth "hummed" again:

"Will you let me take on this responsibility in the end? It seems that my meaning is to bear the endless accusations and criticisms for you, but I'm used to that kind of past and don't care about it again. If you could have taken this idea two days earlier, I'm afraid that we have come up with an effective response strategy now, and we have wasted two days here to deal with a meeting that can reach a conclusion in a few minutes. Like this useless move, I suggest that it is better to abandon it completely in the future. What we need now is to use the most effective time to complete the defense system that should be completed. Everyone, decide this news immediately, and then prepare for the princess's accession to the throne within a day. And this also means that... the war between us and Heland is about to kick off.

Half an hour later, the resolution was conveyed to Ferrinwen, who was guarding Selysia. After a relieved but meaningful sigh, Fei Linwen straightened her messy hair for the sleeping princess:

"Are you finally going to put on that heavy crown, poor child? You have just lost your beloved prince and dear father. Now, the whole Haier Milan will be added to you with that crown after sunrise. Your ancestors and father are so great and glorious, and you will become a great queen who is not inferior to them... No matter how heavy your young shoulders will bear, I will stand by and support you. Please enjoy your last princess's dream."

A trace of sweetness appeared on Selysia's sleeping face... Did she dream of the prince? Or did you dream of your father? Unfortunately, they may no longer be there... Then her face became sad again... Did you dream of your isolation and helplessness? Or do you dream of a future that will crush you in the future? Poor Princess Selysia... No wonder you envy my sister so much. Compared with you, Silu can really enjoy the freedom and love that you may never have easily...

I don't know what's going on with Xilu... Because of Lyon's appearance, she may not be able to face the reality for a long time, right? All this is also caused by me. Even if Xilu has put down this heavy burden, maybe I can't get rid of such a shadow in my life... However, as long as the knight guards her, Xilu will not bear the pain like a princess...

Felinwen gently kissed Selysia's forehead, and then stood up and left her room. She had to prepare for the coronation of the princess overnight. Selysia is still looking for a familiar shadow in her sleep...

Originally, I was chasing butterflies in the garden and looking for familiar figures... I don't know when I came to a strange grassland. Except for the occasional wind blowing around and the flowers and plants swaying at your feet, there is only a monotonous empty space left in front of you...

Where is this? Why did you come to this strange grassland?

Sericia is running barefoot on the grassland without borders...

No familiar figure appeared, no familiar sound transmission, only the wind, only flowers and plants... Selysia's heart began to feel sad...

There seemed to be some noise in the wind... A team of vague shadows appeared in the distance... It seemed that someone passed there...

Will it be my friends? Or is it just a stranger passing by by chance? However, as long as someone passes by, I will no longer feel lonely...

Sericia ran towards the queue of shadows, and the team seemed to be coming towards her...

is the funeral team!

Sericia stopped... The people in front of her were soldiers in her familiar Haier Milan armor, and they were all dressed in black cloaks embroidered with white flowers representing the funeral... Behind them were two pairs of pure white luxurious coffins...

Why are there two coffins?

Yes... Father, and Lutwin... They are no longer... Once they would accompany themselves when they needed, but now in this world, in the world that belongs to her, there is only one left to face everything in the future...

Selysia covered her face and cried... Then she was awakened by her own crying...

There is no grassland and no funeral team, and I am still in the bedroom **, but the tears on the pillow prove how sad I cried just now...

Yes, of course, first Lutwin, then his father... Almost in an instant, he became a real lonely person... All the tragedies in the world seem to have come to him, and it is a miracle that his thin shoulders can withstand it now... But But I must continue to support myself, and I will be a queen...

Luthvin... Are you really gone... If you are still here, at least after I lost my father, I can find a port to rely on to dock my storm-destroy hull... But now I can only sail alone on the stormy sea... I even sail the map And the compass has been lost. What direction will the big ship Haier Milan sail in under the direction of my weak captain...

I have already dreamed of the arrival of this day... Wearing the crown symbolizing the supreme authority and sitting on the throne once owned by my father, every decision and even every move will affect the direction of Haier Milan. However, I didn't expect this day to come so quickly, which simply caught me off guard and at a loss. From. I don't know what to do anymore... Lutvin, even if it's just in a dream... Can you tell me where the next lighthouse is? More or less, let me feel whether your heart still exists beside me...

Selysia sat up from **, put on a thin coat and then went to the window. She took out the ring given to her by Ruth from the box in the dresser. While stroking, she meditated the other party's name, trying to find a trace of courage from the ring... When she meditated on the other party's name for the tenth time, the window suddenly There was a slight knocking sound.

In the quiet night, no matter how slight the slamming sound was, it was extremely harsh, and Selysia suddenly became nervous. Since she was almost poisoned by Hilde last time and heard the words "the terrible and fascinating power on you" from him, she was extremely frightened and often had the illusion that everything around her was grass and trees. Selya held the magic wand in her hand and stood up straight...

Although the buckle sound is slow, it is clear and real. And the regularity of the sound suddenly made her feel indescribably familiar. After two consecutive buttons, there was a shortness, and then a repeated rhythm... A name suddenly appeared in her heart, which made her face suddenly appear surprised and suspicious.

The sound of the buckle continues... And the rhythm has not changed at all, as if a doll who has been given high magic and moves at the same frequency... Every time it is repeated, Selysia's face is paler, and the sound seems to continue until it gets her response. Repeat... In her memory, there is only one person who will do this...

Sericia's hand stroked her chest, which slightly calmed her beating heart, and then made a slight but trembling sound:

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Selysia."

Sericia's body shook again, but her face turned red from the original paleness:

"Is that you? How can it be..."

"Please open the window first, Selysia. In this way, you can confirm the authenticity of the voice you heard, right?

"I...I don't believe it! You are not already... No! I heard that you have..."

"Then I will ask you to confirm whether I am real. I think you should remember this sound.

After a moment of silence, a clear melody played by the eight-tone box came from the window... Selysia dropped her magic wand at this moment, then opened the window and stretched out her hand:

"Luthvin! It's really you..."

With her call, a tall and thin figure poked his head out of the trees to grab her outstret hand, and then climbed into the window. After confirming the familiar blonde and dark blue eyes of the person in front of her, Serisia's eyes showed a crystal color:

" it really you...are you real? You are not a ghost, are you? I'm sorry I said something strange, because I thought you had..."

"I'm sorry, Selysia... Because of many things have happened, I have never been able to explain everything to you in person like today. You must have heard the news that I was assassinated... But I thank Uncle Wang who usurped the throne, otherwise I'm afraid I won't have a chance to meet you again..."

"As long as you live... I don't care about any reality... as long as you live as you are now..."


Luthvin held Selysia in his arms and gently kissed her lips:

"I'm so sorry... I've been suffering from loneliness for the past few years... I've always wanted to hug you like this today, and I want to walk with you in the garden and play by the pool as in the past... I'm really sorry..."

"Please don't say sorry, Prince Lutwen, although I have been dreaming of your figure over the years, I have never been able to hold your hand... Even today, I have..."

Sericia put her face up and tried to feel the temperature of the other party's lips again, but was gently pushed away by him:

"Sorry... Although I want to hug you like this all the time... I don't have time..."

"No time? You..."

Sericia was sad for his indifference, but also a little doubtful. Ruthwen sighed apologetically:

"I'm not a prince now... I'm just an ordinary civilian. I can't look up to Selysia, who is about to be the queen..."

"Will I be with you for this reason... Prince Lutvin! Please don't look at the love between us like this! Can't everything I have done in the past few years prove my love for you? Why did you tell me this today? You came to my room today just to be with me..."

"I'm sorry... Selysia, please forgive my ruthlessness... I can't make that promise to you anymore, I can't hug your body anymore, and I'm not qualified to have your love for me..."

"You mean... are you going to break up with me? Are you going to abandon the poor me and let me live in eternal missing and infinite pain from now on?

"Sorry... If possible, I hope you can say this in person... Please say this to me: I will always forget Lutwin..."

"Please don't say such difficult words! I can't tell such an unheartfelt lie under any circumstances! Whether Lutwen is a prince or a civilian, my love for Lutvin will never change or disappear! Do you know how many times I have met you in my dreams in the past few years? You took my hand, chased Miss Butterfly in the garden, and played by the beautiful Lake Libita. Even if it was just a dream, I clearly felt the temperature from your hand and your heartbeat full of enthusiasm, but when I woke up, I was just a pillow soaked with tears... After hearing that you were assassinated After the news, I feel that I have shed all the tears of my life... So I will never shed tears for others and fall in love with others in my life... So please stop saying such ruthless words! Don't let me bear the pressure that I can't bear after losing my father..."

Serisia knelt down in front of Lutwen and buried her face in the palm of her hand, but no tear oozed out of her fingers... Did her tears really run out? Lutvin also knelt down and held her face in his hand:

"I'm very satisfied to see your face like this... Selysia, please become a great queen, and then come to end this storm that is about to sweep the continent... If you still remember Lutwin at that time, I will definitely appear in front of you again..."

"If you are willing to swear for what you say now... I will definitely abide by today's agreement."

"I can swear, but I hope you can swear... If I die, please forget me."

"Why do you say that for...? Do you want to do something dangerous?"

"Because I can't let you fight alone... Although I am no longer a prince, I still have something I can do, so let me do my best to be your pillar... When you become a great queen, my ideal can also be achieved..."

"Do you mean... you want to fight side by side with me, Prince Lutwin?"

"Whether it's being your sword or your shield... I have made such a decision when I lost everything, although I don't know how much I can do, Celicia, please let me stand behind you and go to the future with you..."

"Prince Lutwin... If that's the case, please swear as I just said!"

Sericia took Lutvin's hand and stood up. Seeing that the other party's face was shining with a serious and almost sacred luster, Lutvin couldn't help laughing:

"Your face reminds me of the look when you handed over this music box to me that year when we parted. Now I can be sure that you are destined to be a great queen. Such holiness is a gift for your future.

"Please don't say such embarrassing words... Even if I can really become your ideal queen, I hope... First of all, I am a girl who can rely on your arms and act coquettish to you..."

Sericia lowered her head red because of her bold words. Ruthen picked up her face and kissed her lips again:

"Then, I swear to Selysia that I will keep the promise I just made until the end of my life."

"Please forgive me for my selfishness and cunning... I can't make that promise as you just said. Lu Tewen, I will only stick to my original belief that I will never cry for others or fall in love with others in my life! This is my oath in exchange!"

"Sericia... I understand that I won't force you to make that kind of decision that embarrass you. But I hope you at least promise me that if I unfortunately die, please don't shed tears and cry for me. I hope that even at the last moment, I can see your look like tonight, which will be my most precious wealth.

"I promise you... As proof, please let me kiss your hot lips too!"

Luthvin lowered his head and let the other party block his lips fiercely with forced enthusiasm... After a almost crazy blend, he pushed away the hot body in his arms again:

"I'm sorry, I have to leave... By the way, Selysia, I hope this can do a little for you, at least, you won't lose confidence easily when you face powerful enemies in the future..."

Luthvin took out a roll of magic sealed drawings from his arms and handed them over to Selysia:

"This is the only thing I can do for you now. I hope it can bring you a glimmer of hope in your predicament. Please remember that Lutvin will be your eternal companion and sword. I will stand behind you and meet the future of the mainland with you..."

Like when he came, Lutvin jumped out of the window without hesitation. Selysia ran to the window in panic, but Lutvin's figure had disappeared into the night...

"What a ruthless person... Prince Lutwin, you always reject all my admiration with the warmth of your gentleman, even if I am ready to give everything for you... However, I still thank the great god for allowing you to escape the cold blade of the assassin and appear in front of me again..."< /P>

Giveting her lips and recalling the warmth left on it, Selysia's heart was surrounded by strong sweetness and deep attachment:

"I will wait for you to come back, Prince Lutwin... No matter how long it takes, no matter what storm I will face, I will protect the promise between us as I protect my own life. I will become the great queen as you expect, but I never want Haier Milan to become the mainland. The fear of the countries exists, but to protect the peace we have been looking forward to for a long time... At that time, you will definitely fulfill your promise and make your tall and handsome posture once again a harbor that I can rely on..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Selysia unfolded the drawings left by Lutwen. After carefully browsing, her face changed from curiosity to surprise, and finally glowed with excitement. Then she hurried to the door and opened the door and ordered the servant:

"Please come to my room immediately! Just say that I have something very important to discuss with them!"

The drawings in Selysia's hand fell to the ground because of her excitement, and the unfolding picture depicted a Pang warship.