Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 117: The Kiss of Thorns on a Rainy Night

Yuan Meng took a long breath and detailed the matter of Di Lan to me and Situ Lei. Then he took my hand and took me to the school doctor to see Di Lan, and whispered in my ear that he had something to say to me alone and that he must avoid Situ Lei.

But my wheelchair was thrown in front of a small stall at the school festival by Situ Lei's words. I can't use my legs, so I can only stay in the room honestly.

"I'll borrow a wheelchair from the school doctor and bring it to you first."

Yuan Meng said that she was going to get up and run out. She always did this and did what she thought of immediately. Such a simple and straightforward momentum always makes me inexplicably envious. If a person wants to do what he wants to do after hundreds of times in his mind, even if it is right, even if he has courage and determination before, he will disappear after a few detours. Many things have also changed when you hesitate, which is irreparable...

"No, it's still raining outside. Go back early and rest. We are going to see Di Lan tomorrow morning. Let's talk about it when we have anything to say. I stopped her and sent Yuan Meng to tell her to go back to rest early. Don't be suspected or seen by Situ Lei.

Yuan Meng was a little hesitant and held my hand and looked a little reluctant. Although I don't know what she wanted to say, she wanted to avoid Situ Lei and tell me alone that it must be important to say tonight.

But I have just been suspected by Situ Lei and said what Ye Yichen helped in the kitchen. If what Yuan Meng said next may be unfavorable to Ye Yichen, then I would rather put those words on hold until tomorrow or listen to them later to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Go back." I watched Yuan Meng still refuse to leave here.

"But Di Lan said he wanted to see you."


"Don't worry about why. Anyway, she said she wanted to see you." Yuan Meng began to be a little anxious.

I looked at the rain that had not stopped for a long time outside the window and glanced at Situ Lei's face: "It's too late. It's not convenient to do anything now. Tell Di Lan that I will definitely go tomorrow."

Yuan Meng was still hesitant, which showed that I was indeed in trouble, so he shook my hand and reluctantly let go.

"Do you want to go?" Situ Lei suddenly spoke.

"I'm not in a hurry for this day."

"Since you say so, forget it. Yuan Meng doesn't want to leave, just stay." With that, he got up and left. When he walked to Yuan Meng, he patted Yuan Meng's shoulder and said a few words in her ear. Although I couldn't hear it, Yuan Meng became nervous instantly after listening to it.

After Situlei left, I asked her what was wrong with Di Lan. Why did she eat nothing all night but had the same adverse reactions as others?

Yuan Meng looked embarrassed and finally talked about the story.

"Just now, I went out to chase the Fengji committee, because of his words, I suddenly remembered that you were not the only one making desserts in the cafe, but also Ye Yichen. Why is everyone blaming you instead of asking him?

"What did Ling Fei say?"

"Because she has been patrolling inside and outside the school festival, she didn't know that we had two chefs in Madeleine. So she went to see Ye Yichen immediately.

Sure enough, paper can't wrap the fire. Ye Yichen and I can only enter the kitchen in the cafe. It's just my physical defects that have led to this now. All the spearheads pointed at me without a license, and instinctively forgot the existence of Ye Yichen. Even if someone remembers him, they are just those nymphomaniac female classmates who often go in and out of the cafe to see Ye Yichen.

"You don't hate Ye Yichen very much. Why didn't you say this in front of Situ Lei just now?"

I deliberately said this, because I know Yuan Meng's character. She has always been disgusted with Ye Yichen, but this time it was obviously an excellent opportunity for her to see that Ye Yichen was not a good person, but she gave up.

"Do you think I don't want to say that Ye Yichen seems to have evaporated from the world. The mobile phone doesn't work, and no one in the dormitory or community knows where he has gone. No one can contact him. What's the use of me saying that alone?

"So, has Ling Fei looked for it?"

"Well, I wanted to go with her, but at this time, Di Lan called and said that she was hospitalized and said that she knew where Ye Yichen was."

"Di Lan?"

"Yes, she is the last person to see Ye Yichen, and Ye Yichen told her before she disappeared that only you can know about this matter. If others know, he will never show up to make you snobs to run for this vice president..."

"Because of this, you can't bear to say it in front of Situ Lei."

I smiled and felt that Yuan Meng was still too simple and stupid. If he is willing not to let others know, how can he send a message through Di Lan? As we all know, Di Lan is the biggest dynamic loudspeaker of Minghui.

"It's not good! Yuan Meng, hurry up, call Di Lan quickly!" An idea flashed in my mind, which was as terrible as a basin of cold water pouring on me, which made me shiver.

Yuan Meng saw that I was so nervous and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed Di Lan. The first time she saw me so nervous, she was really shocked and almost fell to the ground with the phone.

"Hey..." Di Lan's weak voice came from the phone.

"Di Lan, tell me where Ye Yichen is, it's too late..." I can't wait to go straight to Di Lan through the receiver of the phone.

"He, he didn't say anything, but said that if you still want to have a smooth election, go to a room in the backstage of Minghui Auditorium to find her."

Di Lan seemed to be scared by my hurried tone, and her words were a little intermittent.

"Which room?"

"Pscientor Yi Chen didn't say, just said that you must find it."

"If anyone asks you about Ye Yichen and me, please keep your mouth shut and don't reveal anything about our whereabouts."

Although I told Di Lan so, I knew in my heart that she couldn't keep the secret at all. My words and such a sudden temper may scare her for a while, but it won't last long. I thought that as long as I could successfully find Ye Yichen and explain the matter to him.

I hung up the phone and asked Yuan Meng to go to the school doctor to lend me a wheelchair. Don't disturb anyone in the student union, especially not to let Situ Lei know.

The wall clock on the wall ticked around. Although I was anxious, I could only pretend to be calm and wait for Yuan Meng to come back.

The rain outside is still falling finely and disorderly. The sky seems to know what will happen today, and there is no light in the haze.

The sky is gray glass blue, and the blue has no luster and transparency, as if it has deposited countless darkness. There is nothing that can penetrate it except the white lightning in the sky.

Yuan Meng quickly brought back an old and dilapidated wheelchair. The school doctor said that this kind of thing is rarely used in the school. If the students are seriously injured, they will be sent directly to the hospital, so the school doctor does not have good auxiliary equipment to use.

This wheelchair is a very old style. It needs to turn the wheel little by little by hand to move. Without a button, the speed of driving it will be greatly reduced, and some stiff calluses will come out on your hands after a long time. So no one uses such a wheelchair now, but I have no choice but to do it now.

I asked Yuan Meng to go to the bathroom to take a shower first, then change clothes, take an umbrella and raincoat, and we will walk together. Because her clothes were not dry, and she ran back and forth in the rain, and her clothes and trousers were all attached to her body. If she didn't wash away the cool air and go out with me in the rain, it would be easy to catch a cold.

I looked at her originally fluffy hair now clinging to her forehead, flat, making her head look so 'round'.

I covered my lips and smiled, then pushed her into the bathroom, and then went to the room to take out the large loose T-shirt I usually wore and put it in the dressing basket in the bathroom.

" Luo Lin, where are we going? Shall we go to see Di Lan first?" Yuan Meng asked me while 'drying' her hair in front of the mirror. Her voice trembled, as if sitting on a massage chair, and the trill trembled inexplicably made people laugh.

"Well, go to see her, otherwise when she recovers, she should say that we have no conscience and don't go to see her when we are sick."

"Yes, yes, yes, she is just like this, always makes a fuss."

I talked and laughed with Yuan Meng at the door of the bathroom. Finally, when Yuan Meng opened the shower and the sound of water and the sound of rain outside, I quietly slipped out of the room...

When I came to the gate, I found that the wind and rain outside were so strong that it was completely different from the scene I saw in the room. There was already a small layer of floating water on the road, and this wheelchair was manual, which made me walk very slowly and inconvenient.

I put my umbrella at the door and rushed out with both hands shaking the wheels of the wheelchair.

The ground was slippery, and the rain kept hitting me. My vision was so blurred that I couldn't see the road ahead, but I found the small auditorium just by memory and feeling. Several times, the hand slid down from the wheel because it was unable to eat, and the hot touch flashed, and then it was extinguished by the rain.

"Ye Yichen!" He pushed open one of the lounges in the backstage of the small auditorium and shouted.

"Here you are." He lay on the sofa in the lounge and got up lazily after seeing me coming. His fingers gently scratched the corners of his eyes, as if he had been sleeping before I came.

"Why did you do this?"

"Should I be happy or sad that you came so fast? Is it really so important to you to be the vice president, or should I think better? You can't wait to see me, so you don't hesitate to hit the umbrella and come to me soaking all over?" He looked at me, whose whole body was soaked in rain and dragged a long pool of water stains on the ground.

"I ask you why you did this. Those who have had adverse reactions to meals in the cafe are all done by you on purpose." I ignored his unscrupulous words and went straight to the point.

"Come in and change your clothes first. Do you want to listen to me dripping water at the door like this?"

With that, he pulled me into the lounge and pushed me into a small dressing room in the lounge.

Because this is originally a place for performers to rest and make up when there are stage activities, although the area of a room is not very large, it is also equipped with a dressing room and a dressing room.

I simply dried my body with a towel, and then followed what Ye Yichen said and found the clothes in the third unlocked cabinet in the locker room.

"Is this the only one?" I looked at the dress in the cabinet. It was a small black and slightly sexy lace shirt.

"Well, I've seen it. The other cabinets have been locked. If you want to change it, that's the only one."

I didn't want to change, so I put on wet clothes and talked to him and left. But I just took off my clothes into the change basket, but I don't know when the basket disappeared.

The door is locked. I can't go out like this, and I don't want to waste too much time with him. If Di Lan tells others Ye Yichen's whereabouts during this period, the students will soon find here, so my efforts to rush here will be in vain. I had no choice but to change into that suit and come out.

"It's beautiful." He bit his finger and smiled at me. In the gray room, his black eyes looked deeper and endless...

Tell me why you did this. If you don't want me to run for vice president, you can say it directly or choose not to open this cafe for me.

"I really want to help you, but there are some things, you know, I still can't let go of what I have to do..."

As he spoke, he suddenly picked me up and overwhelmed the long table in the room. His legs fell on my waist and clamped me, with one hand tightly binding my hands and a charming smile close to my lips.

I struggled to escape, but the door suddenly opened.

The white light flashed in the sky illuminated Situ Lei's dripping hair, staring at me coldly, and Ye Yichen, who pressed me under him.

I looked at Ye Yichen's evil face, and a feeling flashed in my heart. Ye Yichen, who was sleeping, came back to life. He had been wearing a disguised coat to take advantage of me since I first met him. He would cover up his true purpose with a demonic smile, and the one who said he wanted to revenge. He will definitely retaliate to the end.
