
Chapter 33 Unloading

Under the knife of the scaly man, the beautiful Li battle flag was broken, and pieces of cloth danced in the wind, like a butterfly with broken wings. Behind the general, the warrior was furious and clenched his teeth and roared in a low voice.

This is clearly a provocation and humiliation!

On the battlefield, there is a special flag guard warrior to rush forward with the flag. If the battle flag does not fall, he will never retreat. The flag-guard warrior is often the focus of being killed. When a flag-guard warrior is killed, the next warrior will immediately take over the flag and continue to rush forward. Even if there is only one person left, the flag will not fall. The battle flag is also a symbol of an army. The Li-zi battle flag of the Fanyang Cang navy, the Yanzi battle flag under the command of General Yan of the imperial palace, and the proud battle flag... The warriors rush forward on the battlefield follow the flag. As long as the flag flutters, this army has supreme cohesion and will never be easily dispersed. If even the flag falls down, the spirit will be defeated like breaking the dike first, and there is no intention to fight again!

The warriors regard the battle flag symbolizing their number more seriously than their lives. How can they tolerate such blasphemy as the man in front of them?

The old general pointed a gun at the young man, and his eyes were cold and fierce, like an falcon swooping to his prey. He sneered, "Okay, okay, okay!" Turning his head and signaling the two warriors behind him to kill the madman who dared to provoke the power of the navy.

If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, cut them first. This has always been the style of the old general. He was pinched by the royal family, excluded by the powerful in the imperial capital, and spit by the scholars and celebrities. These old generals can endure it again and again. He is too lazy to compete with the literary and human rights who can only hold the pen. But if the person who provokes him also takes the knife, he will never die! To control the 150,000 vicissitudes of the navy for a lifetime, what is only the glory accumulated!

The two men rode out of the samurai with a gloomy and fierce face. One raised the tooth knife obliquely on his shoulder, and the other with a long knife below, wanting to cut off his chest and abdomen from the bottom up. With the momentum of the war horse, they killed the young man who was still smiling and alive with two thunder. At the moment when the horse raised the knife, the warrior's left arm was raised first, and two crossbows had been shot at the young man's face. A series of extremely dangerous killing moves were poured down like pouring rain on his head. Most of the warriors under the command of the Cang navy were the elite of the elite.

The scaled man smiled evilly and did not retreat. He rushed forward with a speed and reaction that ordinary people could not reach, and rushed forward to two warriors who wanted to take his life. He was like a black lightning, silent as he marched, like a gentle wind, but wrapped in a poisonous snake-like murderous intention. His body twisted in a very tricky posture and could avoid the two arrows that shot directly into the front door. The warrior with the horse and sword was only a few steps away from him. He was so fast that he could hardly see his figure, but accelerated again.

The knife fell from his hand and smiled evilly at the corners of his mouth.

Face to face, the two horses still rushed forward, and the warrior on the horse's back had fallen to the ground, covered his arm wound to endure the severe pain, and stared coldly at the young man whose combat power was far above them.

is only for a moment.

The old general narrowed his eyes and looked coldly at the smothical skills of the scale man. He couldn't believe that people's speed could be so fast and his reaction was so fast that he was shocked by the ability to avoid the two arrows. Then the two elite warriors under his command were shot down so lightly that they didn't even have enough time to breathe. It has been defeated.

The old general snorted coldly: "This method is probably the means of Fengque's assassin... It's just that Fengque has been flattened by General Yan of the Imperial Palace more than 20 years ago. How can there be any remnants?"

"The governor of the Cang navy has indeed seen people. It is true that this effort came from Fengque, and Fengque was indeed wiped out by General Yan when he suppressed the world. However, my father happened to have the same name as General Yan of the Imperial Palace. What's more coincidentally, my father was visiting your home, but he was not a guest without invitation, so my father sent him down to wait for the general!" The young man wiped the blood from the knife on his arm and said carelessly.

The old general's pupils suddenly shrank, his body shook like a head-on impact by the stormy waves, and the joints of his hand holding the reins trembled slightly.

Is General Yu Dian Yan no longer patient? Did you come to him in person to force him for military power?

The old general has been holding the three silk brocade books with the seal of the royal family in his arms, one of which is more severe and cold than the other, and the last brocade book is even more blunt. Does he no longer respect the order of General Yan of the imperial palace, does not respect the seal of the royal family, and wants to cut the land for autonomy and stand on his own?

These days, he has been trembling and procrastinating to reply. He bought time to arrange his backhands, pointing out the bright road for his son and arranging the back road to ensure that his son Li Qingqi can save his life after breaking the dead net with the royal fish.

He thought about everything and even thought about what to do after breaking with the royal family, but he didn't figure out how to face the rebuke of General Yan of the imperial palace.

It seems that you can't avoid it this time...

The old general raised his face, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, as if he wanted to seize the last moment to enjoy the warmth of the world, as if he had fallen into the Shura hell after opening his eyes!

Li Siam is a hero who can kill tens of thousands of soldiers, condone warriors to slaughter civilians, and even the eunuchs who hold the emperor's edict when they rise. But he only valued affection and righteousness. He valued a pair of sons and daughters as his brother, and regarded him as his brother. And the corps commander, who had only 20 warriors under his command in those years, is now a powerful and outstanding general. At that time, he was only a pawn, he has become the capital of the Cang navy that governs 150,000 soldiers and horses!

After the high power, I will never forget the kindness of the encounter.

This is also the reason why he hesitated and refused to reply to the silk book with the seal.

His current status would not have been possible without General Yan. If General Yan asks him to withdraw and hand over his military power, he must not comply. It's just that 20 years have passed, and all kinds of feelings have changed. He can't let go of these 150,000 soldiers and horses. If he loses the Cang navy, he is nothing, and even his descendants will be implicated!

At the beginning, I followed the horse in and out, but I didn't feel afraid, but enjoyed the pleasure of blood. But the family has a pair of sons and daughters. After the empire was free from war, there were too many peaceful days, and there were more worries.

You can't avoid it. There's no way to avoid it.

The old general opened his eyes, turned over and got off his horse. His sea-blue command flew and strode towards the general's mansion. Behind him, the warriors also disared one after another and defended their surroundings.

When he passed by the young man with black scales and was stopped by him.

"My father ordered that if the general turned around and disappeared, he would be executed on the spot. But if you want to see him, you have to remove your armor and abandon your sword and go alone. The young man smiled so narrowed his eyes and showed his neat teeth. "The general can think clearly whether to see his father or bet on whether he can kill you and these warriors!"

The old general turned his head and looked complicated. Did General Yan insist on not giving him a way out and not letting him procrastinate?

If you want to see it, remove the armor and discard the knife. If you don't see it, you will be ruthless. The old general had mixed feelings and looked sad.

I haven't seen it for 20 years, people's hearts are cold and warm, and they have changed over time. No matter how big the love was back then, it was only that year, and it couldn't be worth a moment now.

The old general smiled bitterly. No matter how vicious Li Siam is, how arrogant he is, no matter how arrogant he is, he can't escape the word "Love" after all! Just like in the Great Purge of the Fanyang Military Department 20 years ago, the ownership of Li Siam thought that he would rebel, but he still regarded himself as a citizen of Fanyang and retreated from the three counties in the southwest, and did not have any intention to reverse Fanyang.

The attitude towards life is on the one hand, but the most essential temperament in the bone is on the other hand. Who can frankly expose his true temperament? As an official and general, who is not acting with a mask?

Even if he became an emperor, he would not forget the kindness he met in those years.

The old general smiled sadly and said in a low voice, "Take off your armor for me!"

Unloaded armor and lost military power. All the previous layouts were lost. Once the operation was destroyed in 20 years, the giant tree of the Li family in the southwest collapsed. Fortunately, he has always been worried about winning or losing, and his children have paved the way out. At the beginning, he was full of thinking about how to deal with the worst result, but he didn't expect it to come true.

The moon white armor was removed from the samurai, the sword at his waist was also taken off, and the old general only had a soft deer skin armor. The general who stripped off his armor looked too thin, messy and sad, as if he was going to fall into the hot and humid wind with water vapor in the southwest.

He ordered in a low voice, "You wait here, don't act rashly."

"Yes, General!" A group of warriors saluted neatly.

Peeled off the armor, and he is also the general they want to be loyal to. Loyalty and filial piety. The warriors abide by these three words all their lives, and the order should not be messy. First, they must be loyal to their generals, then they should be filial to their parents, and finally they are brotherhood. They can't be disordered. Whoever rules will die!

The old general looked at the warrior who knelt down on one knee and saluted. His lips were speechless. The broken Li battle flag on the ground, these more than a dozen loyal warriors were probably the last glory of the Li family of the Cang navy.

He no longer hesitated and strode towards the general's mansion. The young Fengque killer with dark scales followed closely, playing with an exquisite dagger in his hand, smiling and jokingly.

After passing the gate and bypassing the middle room, it is the open courtyard. The general's mansion covers an area of more than ten mu, with many pavilions, and only the middle courtyard has a wide view. An old man in plain clothes sat on the steps in front of the main hall, turning the bodhi beads between his thumb and reading words.

Li Siam stepped forward and approached the old man in plain clothes, as if he was carrying thousands of mountains. It was difficult to walk, but he actually moved forward.

kowtow and worship, and throw five bodies to the ground.

He Li Xian has never saluted the royal family like this!

"Li Xi, one of the 28 soldiers of Fanyang's Niuhu Camp, kowtowed to the Lord!"

actually used the most humble name when he first joined the army, only a last-class pawn, with a high and powerful army for more than 20 years, and did not dare to forget the number when he first joined the army.

The old man's face was full of potholes, and a ferocious scar was scratched from the man's left eye, along the bridge of his nose to the right corner of his mouth. His left eye was just a tiny crack, and the eyeballs inside were only white, and only his right eye could still be seen.

He looked down at this robe that had not been seen for 20 years and sighed with emotion.

I have not heard anyone talk about the Niuhu camp for many years. The small commanders and insignificant pawns in those years have now become the overturned figures of the empire. The robes of their companions who joined the army at the beginning are already the loess between the tombs.

A great success!