Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 216 Hunter? Prey? On

Night, outside Mocheng, Leiyin team.

They are all special forces that have been strictly or even cruelly trained. They act quickly and fiercely, striving for a successful blow without delay.

Josh thought that this unauthorized action could also be done as before, and then retreated and resell what they got. Their group of people could retire and live a rich life. As a result, the priest was very hard-mouthed, but he didn't tell the truth, and in the end he didn't say where it was.

What's more damning is that there is a group of mysterious survivors who sneaked secretly to his side, and the things may have reached this group of people. However, these special forces did not even touch their hair.

This is already a suburb of Mocheng. The reason why they don't spend the night in the city is that there are too many zombies. They are not safe anywhere, so they still come outside the city. At least there are fewer zombies here.

Jokes is not an easy person to regret, but this time he was really too impulsive. For a moment, he was blinded by money, listened to the words of the two Huiman, and took his brother to this step.

But it's useless to regret now. Now that things have been done, we have to do it to the end. Now the military can't explain that the end is to be sentenced to treason, either life imprisonment or to see God directly. Therefore, no matter what, they have to take things back and escape.

Leiyin's team is not very replenished. Fortunately, in the commercial area of Mochengli, there are many places for them to replenish. The food problem has been solved, but what should we do next?

Judging from various signs, the people who sneaked into the church should be the people who took away the virus and vaccines, but they have been tracking for a long time, but have not found any traces, indicating that this group of people are real. Jox and all the Leiyin team thought about whether they had paranoia and fantasized about such a group of guys.

But I just want to think about it. Jox is very sure that there must be such a group of people, and at least one master among them. Quinn, who guarded the priest, died. His wound was very neat, unlike the technique of ordinary people. The person who killed him must be a hard stubble!

But they have been chasing out for more than two days, but they still haven't found anything. Originally, Mo Cheng was a guess. He guessed whether those people would come to Mo Cheng. If the other party's target is not Mo Cheng, then they may have run a long way.

The quarantine area is so large that if they also have transportation, it will be more difficult to catch up with them. Jox now seriously doubts his judgment. Is he too careless and too much to estimate the other party's actions according to ordinary people's thinking?

Imagine that a silent person who can kill and take things away and disappear under the eyes of their group of people be a very simple role? Will such a person come directly to Mocheng from Feicheng according to the ideas of ordinary people?

sighed. Anyway, they have been chased here, and it is unlikely that they want to go back to another direction. Next is Kemeng City. Jox has figured out that if nothing is found in Kemeng City, he will resume contact with the military, and then the military's intelligence network will find this group.

He never thought that he was facing a person, because if it was not a very powerful organization like the Leiyin team, it was impossible to sneak into the church unconsciously, move in the underground area where they didn't know the entrance, and escape.

This group of people should be very unmany, which is Jox's intuition, and this intuition also tells him that the other party is no worse than his own group.

It's just that he can't figure out what kind of people are that can freely go in and out of the zombies without any movement. Is it possible that they are also zombies? Joke, isn't it noisy? A group of zombies can act so quickly and plan to sneak into the church and ask the priest to give things to them!?

Josh himself thinks it's ridiculous. Anyway, let's go to Kemeng City first! If the result is still the same, he will resume contact with the military, saying that the communication equipment is broken, and they have been tracking a group of survivors from Kancheng to Mocheng, so that it should be explained, right?

After a night's rest, the next morning, Leiyin's team quickly packed their clothes and prepared to move on as usual.

Jocks' target is Kemeng City. He hopes that his intuition is right, although it has been empty before. They always have only one car, because more cars means more fuel. In the quarantine area, food and fuel are more valuable than human lives. Although they just came in to complete the task at the beginning, haven't they changed their original intention now?

No suspicious traces were found along the way. After a whole day, they still had no harvest. Jokes didn't explain anything to the people below, and he didn't need to explain. He was the leader of the Leiyin team, and his words were orders.

When he was resting at night, he also saw that everyone's faces were abnormal, but he still didn't want to say anything. His intuition told him that there was nothing wrong with this direction, but after so many days, he still couldn't catch the shadow. Did that group of people really go in this direction? Even he doubted himself.

However, when it was about to arrive, there was no reason not to go and see it. Jox insisted that although most people in the Leiyin team did not agree, no one objected. His words are orders, and what he says is what they are. This is their vocation.

The next day, Leiyin's team continued to march towards Kemeng City and finally arrived before dark.

This city is not big, and the population is not very dense. Relatively, the number of zombies is much smaller. If Jorges is asked to choose, he will wait here until the infection is over. However, this is just an ideal idea. He still prefers the lights outside the quarantine area and places with human beings.

There are still four people crawling on the roof of the car, but when they can't shoot, they still try to be calm. After all, the amount of ammunition is not much.

When they entered Kancheng, the weapons and ammunition they brought were only aimed at Kancheng and nearby suburbs. Although the number of possible survivors was considerable, they could not actually support them for a long time.

When they were in Feicheng, they had consumed a lot. When they arrived in Mocheng, they began to converge. At present, if the ammunition in the hands of Leiyin's team enters the Philippines again, basically half of them can't walk, and they will run out of food!

For good, the number of zombies in Kemeng is very rare, allowing them to save a little ammunition.

After the car drove into Kemeng City, they began to look for suspicious places in the city, but like Mo City, the traces here are basically left by zombies and there is no sign of human activity.

The road has been extending, and it is almost to the square in the city center. There stood the two great presidents of Country A, but at this time it was just a space for zombies to wander.

After entering the downtown square, Jox keenly found that there were many zombies here, more than several times more than on the street. Because of the large space, there was nothing at first glance, but if you are more careful, you will find that the large number is suspicious.

An ominous foreboding hit his heart, and his intuition was that there was something wrong with it. At this time, Kaicheng's people were suddenly surprised to find that except for the street they had just taken, the remaining streets had been blocked by abandoned vehicles. If they want to leave, they can only retreat.

This situation is unusual. After Jox found out, he immediately asked his men to retreat, but when he turned around, he heard the sound of the car starting. I don't know who drove the car, and the road will be blocked in the future.

It's not good! This is a trap. They have been tricked! At this time, Jox found that they had been surrounded by the central square and became companions with the zombies, but it seemed that it was too late to find out.

Several gunshots in a row, followed by human screams. Four people who had cleaned up the zombies on the roof of the car were shot one after another. The two edges fell from the roof of the car, were immediately surrounded by the zombies next to them, and were quickly eaten.

Josh immediately asked the driver to turn around and wanted to force him out.

The driving soldier watched his companion being eaten by zombies, and his hands trembled with fear. After receiving orders from Jox, he shook his hands to control the car to turn around and rush to the way they came.

The car of Leiyin's team hit the vehicle blocking the road. But Jox still miscalculated that the traffic jam is not just a car.

Gu Hengxuan, Liu Qi and Kang Zheng piled up four or five cars there, one of which was a large truck. Such a heavyweight thing is blocked at the intersection, but it doesn't mean that it can be knocked out!

The impact did not successfully let the people of the Leiyin team go out, but damaged their only vehicle. And the driver also fainted.

"Damn it!" Jox cursed, stretched out his foot and kicked the door on his side, pulled out his pistol, killed the zombies outside, and carefully walked sideways from the car, thinking of releasing all his companions behind him. But after he took a few steps, the gunshot sounded, and the bullet stirred up a burst of dust at his feet, which scared him to quickly retreat.

Sniper! Unexpectedly, they are quite professional.

Just as Jox wanted to bypass the front of the car and go to the other side, there were three shots in a row, but they didn't hit himself. Jox turned his head and took a look. The back door of their car had been opened, and the three shots actually knocked off the lock of the back container.

What do they want to do? Jox didn't dare to move, just stood still and waited for the other party's further action.

Chasing the prey came here, but suddenly found that the prey had set a trap and installed the hunter to enter. The role change between hunting and being hunted is so subtle. It's just that who will succeed in the end...