Magic Sword

08 Mother

Even if it hurts Fu Yuelong, it is impossible to kill it like this. Neither Xiusi nor Hu Chiyo thought that someone could hold their breath to death, so the struggle inevitably began.

One person and one dragon hit from dusk until the sky was completely dark. One could not fight, and the other could not fight. As a result, it turned out to be a jungle around **. Finally, maybe it was overconsumption, or maybe it was powerful. Fu Yuelong staggered to the sky and escaped from the battlefield when Seus was about to be exhausted.

"Wow." Xius was a little distracted and looked at the direction in which the huge shadow completely disappeared from the sky. In this protracted battle, he didn't even have the strength to think about what to do next. He just looked at the sky.

But at this time, Hu Chiyo's panicked call came from behind him, "Xu, it's not good, Lucy is gone!"

"Oh." The teenager subconsciously answered.

When he realized the specific content of Hu Chiyo's words, he rushed from the ground and said, "Huh? What? Is it gone again?" At this time, Xius was not even in the mood of 'and'.

When Seus followed Hu Chiyo back to the original temporary camp, there was only a pile of carbon wood that had been kicked everywhere, and the burden that was casually thrown on the ground. The dried meat in the bag was looted, and the rest was intact.

"Before, we didn't trust her alone. When we came back to have a look, it was already like this. After that, you fought with Fu Yuelong for a long time, and we couldn't get close..." Hu Qiandai's voice became smaller and smaller. "It's blamed that we were running around. If we hadn't met Fu Yuelong alone, it wouldn't have been like this."

Shea's eyebrows were very tight. In the final analysis, he didn't bring Lucia with him before. He was also wrong, but now is not the time to say such a thing, "Is he taken away by the beast?" He quickly stepped forward to inspect the scene. There were many messy beast footprints on the ground, and Lucia's sword fell aside. It was estimated that the weak girl was subdued without much resistance.

"Yes, it looks like a small dragon beast like dragon hunting." With that, Chiyo pointed to the north direction, "I can't call you, so let's check it first and go north according to the traces of footprints."

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Seus grabbed the luggage and stuffed it into the bag. He turned around and wanted to chase it. He just wanted to act and inadvertently swept Hu Chiyo's face, which made Xiusi hesitate a little.

You can't make a mistake a second time. Thinking about this, he reached out and put his luggage in his arms with the girl. Despite Chiyo's screams, he disappeared in an instant.

Chasing all the way in the direction of Chiyo, Xius and others quickly found the bodies of some dragon beasts.

"Let's go down and have a look!" Chiyo broke away from Seus's arm and squatted down to carefully check the scene. "Yes, this is the cloth on Lucy's clothes. It should be that this group of green hunting dragons took Lucy away."

"What about her? It won't be eaten!" Xiusi looked at the pile of dragon corpses in a daze, and his eyes opened and closed frequently. He didn't know what to do.

"You've just been eaten!" Hu Qiandai lost the cloth in his hand. "Green Dragon Hunting lives in groups and usually brings food back to the nest and gives it to the cubs. It is estimated that Lucy was saved by someone. According to the traces, it should have gone southeast. Let's chase it!"

"Oh!" With that, Xiusi was about to come and grab the collar of Chiyo Tiger.

Seeing the claws stretched out by Xius, the samurai girl stepped back several steps in a row, "Wait! Don't catch us like that! We don't like to be caught like this. Let's carry us like last time!"

"Oh, then come on!" Xiusi, who didn't understand the difference, turned around silently and let Chiyo climb on his back.

After chasing about ten miles in the direction Chiyo said, Lucy's trail stopped in a dilapidated and abandoned castle.

"It should be right here!" Xius put Chiyo down and looked up at the castle where the top building had basically collapsed completely. The samurai girl looked at the castle carefully and showed a thoughtful expression.

The iron-black walls prove that the castle has been going through a long time. There is grass under the wall, and the road paved with stone bricks in front of the castle has been broken. When crossing the stone bridge, Xius was a little worried about whether the stone bridge would collapse. The two followed the broken stone and brick road to the gate of the castle. The nails and steel bars on the door were rusty. As long as they touched them gently, they would fall off. If they wanted to push them open, they might even push down the gate together. However, it seems that someone has gone in in advance, so there is a gap on the door that is enough for one person to get in.

Chiyo, who has always been bold, put his head directly through the crack of the door, "Is anyone there?" The castle was dark, and the girl's clear voice echoed in the hall of the castle.

The sound echoed halfway and no one responded, which made the strange castle feel even more weird.

"Go in and have a look!" The teenager suggested.

Hu Chiyo nodded and took advantage of his small stature to get in first. Xiusi sorted out the shape of the bag, lit a torch, and squeezed in.

The hall of the castle feels surprisingly big. At least with the current light, you can't see the top at all. You can only see two rows of neat huge stone pillars all the way to the dark ceiling, and it is also dark. Seeing this situation, Seus is a little uneasy: "Chiyo, is Lucy really here?"

"Hmm." The girl nodded seriously.

Seeing Qian's feelings, Sus decided to believe the other party. He took a deep breath and shouted loudly, "Come out the person who kidnapped Lucy!"

What responded to him was a musing sound of footsteps, and it didn't sound like human footsteps. It felt like the sound of claws falling to the ground like a wolf or lion. The two immediately pulled out their weapons and prepared to fight.

At this time, the whole hall suddenly lit up, and the strong light forced Xius and Chiyo to cover their eyes. In a halo, a figure ran out of the corner, "Don't do it, they are my partners!"

Hearing Lucia's voice, the two stared at the dazzling light and looked at the sound. Lucia, whose clothes were a little damaged, looked energetic and ran this way. From the appearance, she should not have been hurt.

" Lucy!" Xiusi, who had just adapted to the light, was about to greet him, but he was hugged by Lucia. The innocent teenager blinked and looked at Chiyo, who was looking at himself. The two eyes met, and Chiyo snorted slightly and turned away from the dog man and woman.

"Well, it's great that you're fine." After being hugged, Xiusi could only reluctantly hug Lucia with an embarrassed expression.

Lucia buried her face in Xius's arms. "I'm fine. I'm sorry to worry you."

"As long as it's okay, as long as it's okay." The teenager laughed stiffly.

"Hmm." Chiyo's voice was just right and very inappropriate.

Only then did Sius think that it was all her credit to find this place. "You should also thank Chiyo. Only with her can we find this place."

Lucia let go of Sus, who blinked her beautiful blue eyes and bent them into a crescent shape. "Thank you, Chiyo."

"No, it's nothing. It's also our fault." Chiyo was a little embarrassed to be thanked like this.

At this time, another person's voice intervened, "I saw that Miss Lucia's partner was very powerful. I found it so soon. I thought I would have to wait for a while."

At this moment, Xius remembered another person who saved Lucia. He turned his eyes to the speaker. A tall woman appeared in front of him. The woman was as black as him, with long black hair falling below his waist, which was a rare beauty among redheads like Oga. People.

Seeing this woman, Susie was stunned for a moment. After recognizing his rudeness, he quickly bowed and thanked him: "Thank you for saving my partner."

In the face of Seus's thanks, the woman did not return the gift immediately, but squinted at Seus, showing a look of wanting to stop talking.

Xius, who noticed the other party's sight, touched his face: "Well, what's on my face?"

"Well, I want to ask, is your name Suse Dowver?" The brunette suddenly reported the name of Xius.

For this, Sus was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "My name is Sus, but Dow Vane..."

"He is named Suse Dawver." Lucia interrupted Xius and took it over, "This is his previous name, Miss Betty, how did you know?"

Hearing this question, a woman named Betty's face showed a trace of panic. Instead of answering Lucia's question, she asked in an eager tone, "Before? What happened to you? What's going on with the Dawver family?

"He lost his memory," Lucia naturally did not answer in the face of a series of questions, "but before telling Miss Betty, please tell us who you are and why you know these things." Unconsciously, Lucia has changed her honorific title.

The woman didn't care about such a trivial matter. She hesitated for a moment and opened her thin lips gently, "You all go down first!"

"Yes." A knight with strange armor all over his body and as strong as a bear but could not see his face nodded and led a group of people to the small door behind the hall. At this time, Xius and the others remembered that the owner of the footsteps just now turned out to be them.

After the knights left, the woman walked step by step to Xius, as if she wanted to reach out and touch Xius' face. Unable to understand what she was going to do, Xius subconsciously took a step back. After the woman's hand stiffened in the air, she took it back depressedly.

She looked at Susus with sad and complicated eyes, "If he is really Sius Daupelle, I should be his mother."