Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 35 Return Home

From Long Xiang's mouth, Zhang Yu, who learned what had happened, didn't know how to express his current mood in words. However, for Chen Feng, she is now impressed.

To be honest, Zhang Yu was not happy with Chen Feng's character before, especially after seeing his girlfriend's character. In her eyes, it was not a family that did not enter the family. The two were together, which showed that the two of them identified with each other in some aspects.

Chen Feng actually has the ability of people like Fan Yaoyin to walk together, so their characteristics are the same in some aspects. Even if it is different, the so-called: those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black. Over time, they will affect each other.

When Chen Feng is mentioned every day, Long Xiang, who has a good relationship with Zhang Yu, always hates more than praises, and Zhang Yu is also affected.

Although Chen Feng did not often come to Professor Chen's teaching and research office before, Zhang Yu knew that he often caused trouble for Professor Chen and made Professor Chen unhappy. This time, it was also because of his carelessness that Professor Chen died.

Overview, Zhang Yu used to have a negative image of Chen Feng. Therefore, at the farewell ceremony of Professor Chen's body, although he saw him kneeling on the ground pitifully, he did not talk to him, comfort him, did not sympathise, ignored him, and even hated him for killing Professor Chen.

Now think about it, Zhang Yu's hatred for Chen Feng is an escape from herself. She escapes her responsibility and makes excuses for herself. What she dares not face is that the whole thing is caused by the cider she gave to Professor Chen.

Now, looking at it, he is not as brave as Chen Feng, who was despised by him before. Zhang Yu felt ashamed and ashamed.

After learning that Chen Feng had taken Professor Chen's body from the base, Zhang Yu understood that he was not as useless as Long Xiang said. He was indeed Professor Chen's son. She believes that if Professor Chen had a spirit in heaven and saw that her son also had such a brave side, it would be somewhat comforting.

If Professor Chen can be safe, Zhang Yu can also feel less guilty and worry, and leave more at ease.

That day, Zhang Yu finally received a phone call from his brother, saying that he had now arrived in H City, and the procedures for Zhang Yu's car were finally completed after paying a lot of money. Now everything is ready and she can go home.

After seeing the new car bought by Zhang Yu, Zhang Jian looked very excited and kept touching it with his hands. Before, he had never thought that he could buy such a powerful car at home. Before that, he could only watch and envy.

"Sister! This is the new car you bought! That's great!" Zhang Jian touched the car and praised it excitedly.

"How about it? Do you like it! From now on, this car will be driven by you. Seeing Zhang Jian's appearance at this time, Zhang Yu smiled.

"Really, it's mine!" Zhang Jian couldn't believe what he heard.

"Of course, you are the only one with a driver's license at home. Who doesn't belong to you!" Zhang Yu joked.

"Yeah! That's great!" Zhang Jian cheered.

"Let's go. While it's still early, let's set out and try to get home before dark!" After saying that, Zhang Yu opened the door and sat in.

"Okay, no problem!" Zhang Jian also hurriedly sat in. To be honest, he was really a little embarrassed when he saw such a powerful car.

On the way back, Zhang Yu simply asked about the situation at home, especially when the family suddenly wanted to raise sheep. Zhang Yu was very puzzled. Zhang Jian also answered one by one, but he didn't ask about Zhang's father's sudden need to raise sheep, so he didn't know the reason.

She was used to her brother's carelessness and couldn't, so she had to ask herself after going back.

Considering the safety on the road and the space in the car is large enough, Zhang Yu released all four animals in his space. During this period, they were suffocated in the space and are very excited to come out now.

Zhang Jian hasn't seen them for a long time. After knowing that they have successfully evolved, he is very happy. In this way, he has six mutant units in his family. Among them, Zhang Yu, a logistics support, will not live too hard in the end of the world.

Considering the future needs, on the way back, every time he passed by the gas station, Zhang Yu had to stop and buy a large amount of gasoline and diesel. Previously, Zhang's father bought a large bucket for storing water. Because of the space, it seemed a little superfluous, but now it just came in handy.

Nine large 1000L plastic buckets, all filled with gasoline and diesel. If Zhang Yu hadn't had some money on hand, he really couldn't afford it. However, after such a lot of tossing, Zhang Yu's money finally bottomed out.

However, it is still a question whether this money can be used in the end of the world. Now it has all been spent, which is exactly the meaning of Zhang Yu, so she has nothing to feel sorry for.

The trip after that was quite smooth, and nothing special happened. Zhang Yu and Zhang Jian finally got home smoothly.

The number of words in this chapter is a little less. At this point, the first part is all over. Tomorrow, the content of the second part will begin. The second part is mainly to describe the survival situation of people when the end of the world is just approaching, because I have not been writing for a long time, so it is inevitable that the first part is a little insufficient, but I will try to write better and better. I hope everyone can continue to watch it patiently. The content will become more and more wonderful in the future.

Weakly ask everyone for collection. The collection is really low%>_