Ask for Magic

Chapter 1035 The Mask of the jue!

At the moment when the three of them looked at the crystal mirror, in the fifth real world, Su Ming, who had been meditated on his knees for nearly a hundred years, opened his eyes.

His eyes were calm. Looking at the mother statue in front of him, Su Ming sighed softly.

"The reason why I can only see my mother's statue here is that I have seen my mother... I have never seen Su Xuanyi, so his statue has no head, and I have never seen the ancestor of Ming, so... his statue also has no head." Su Ming stood up and looked at the whole planet.

"This star is the same as what I can imagine...`·

This world is also the same as what I thought..." Su Ming shook his head and took a step towards nothingness. In an instant, he appeared in the starry sky.

"In those years, I imagined that the star should be close, so the Pluto appeared. Now I think that the fifth Styx should be in front of me..." Su Ming muttered. When he lowered his head and looked up again, the Fifth Styx appeared in front of him.

He saw the bodies in the river, all of which were just behind his back, without a front.

"This is because, even in my imagination, I haven't seen you, so I can't think of a different look for you."

Su Ming shook his head and walked towards the starry sky step by step.

"Although I don't want to believe it, a hundred years ago, at the moment I saw the statue, I guessed... This is not the fifth true world, and there is no plastic planet here.

The real fifth real world, not here, a lie, a big lie!" Su Ming's eyes showed a touch of sharpness.

At the moment when Su Ming's words came out, suddenly, the starry sky around him suddenly trembled, and all the gravel inside disappeared, and all the dust was shadowless. The whole nothingness suddenly twisted and turned into an arc.

This arc is formed by the bending of the whole starry sky. With the slow rotation in front of Su Ming, when it was facing Su Ming, Su Ming's heart was shocked.

Because when he saw the starry sky bent, what appeared in front of him was a huge mask!

The white Styx River is a line between the eyes on the mask, and the empty holes on both sides of the Styx River, which existed like eyes in those years, are now... the empty eyes of this mask.

This mask · Su Ming will never forget that this mask... was forced to wear on his face in the place of death, was forced to wear on his face, and isolated from the seven emotions and six desires... The mask of the death!!

Because of this mask, Su Ming came to the Divine Source Star Sea. Now, more than a thousand years later, he saw this mask again, and a sense of enlightenment suddenly appeared in Su Ming's mind.

"The so-called king looking for you in those years, just like the rumors that this is the entrance to the fifth real world, is a scam! This scam · It's not only me who cheated, but also... a generation of barbarian gods!!" Su Ming's eyes flashed strongly, and at this moment, he was completely enlightened.

"This is an inheritance, a... like the guardian of the Fifth Sea, the inheritance of the four people wearing masks. If I'm not wrong, the masked people here are not originally four, but five!

After the joy, anger and sorrow, it is to cut off the mask of seven emotions and six desires. From the moment you asked me to put on a mask to this divine source of the sea of stars, you are not asking me to find your king, nor to find the entrance to the fifth true world. You are letting me be here and the fifth messenger here!!

I also understood why the statue of Lieshan was repaired. The original expression was complicated and confused, because... I'm afraid that he had already noticed the clue at that time, but in the end... he still stepped into your scam.

The four masked men, one of whom... is Lie Shanxiu!!" Su Ming's eyes flashed rapidly. At this moment, his enlightenment made his mind suddenly open.

Su Ming was even more shocked, because he thought of the master's evil son of heaven. He was almost sure that if the evil son of heaven was still alive, then there must be one of the four masked people... He was the evil son of heaven

Whether it is Lie Shan Xiu, the evil son of heaven, or Su Ming, the three of them have a common characteristic, that is... all three of them come from... the place of death!

If you look at it like this, then it will make Su Ming's mind shake again. It will be the third and fourth of the four people... Who will it be!!

"Wear this mask and become the fifth ambassador of the dark morning sea, the ultimate mask, you... you can know everything you want to know, you can know all the secrets about the three wilderness world, about the fifth true world, about the plastic underworld, all the secrets.

Become the messenger of the absolute, you will have no more troubles, no more doubts, and you will be given... eternal life!!

This is your life. You can't resist. From the moment you put on your mask and were sent to the Divine Source Star Sea, your life trajectory has been decided. No matter how you change it, you still can't escape... Your fate has become the dark morning sea, the fate of the mask person!" The sound of vicissitudes, with a sense of indifference and supreme pressure, rolled out of the mouth of the huge starry sky mask.

How can Su Ming forget this sound? This sound was in the place of death, which threatened the lives of his three brothers and made him have to wear a mask!!

"You can't refuse, you can't refuse... You are not qualified to refuse, you are the chosen one, you are my... the ultimate messenger!" When the sound echoed and shook the nothingness, the mask formed by the huge starry sky suddenly shrouded Su Ming.

A strong pressure suddenly condensed on Su Ming, making Su Ming's body unable to move at all, but at the moment of this pressure, Su Ming felt that he could not

"Little Ecang, if it is in its prime, there is still some itself. After all, it is to kill the life in the old man's song, but... now you, break it!" When the cold voice echoed again, Su Ming's whole body was filled with blood, and the body behind him suddenly collapsed.

"This is your fate, a fate you can't avoid, you... are my absolute messenger!" In the cold voice, the mask composed of the starry sky was constantly shrinking, and had turned into a normal size. It suddenly shrouded Su Ming's face. Countless white filaments crazily penetrated into Su Ming's skin and flesh, connected with its flesh and blood, and forced the mask to be put on Su Ming's body again. Go up.

"From now on, you will have no name. You only have one name, called... Jue!" In the middle of the old man's voice, Su Ming's whole body shook, and the mask shrouded his face. When the severe pain appeared all over his body, his eyes showed madness.

"Black fragments, the seed of life, untie this mask for me and find its defects!" Su Ming roared in his heart, and the seed of extinction from his soul suddenly emitted a strong light. After the light dispersed from Su Ming's soul in an instant, it penetrated his body and burst out from the inside of his body.

The light is the intersection of nine colors. In this light, after Su Ming's figure was covered, it faintly seemed to appear on him. It was an old man, an old man in a white robe, above all sentient beings.

That's... an old man.

However, in the eyes of the old man, Su Ming's madness was revealed. His right hand slowly raised, and he pressed the mask on his face. At the moment his right hand touched the mask, the mask made a sharp scream, as if it had life. In this scream, it changed rapidly under Su Ming's right hand. For example, all the internal structures are being quickly decomposed by Su Ming.

It was at this moment that the old voice, whether from this mask or nothingness, showed a furious tone for the first time and echoed rapidly.

"This... This... The old man, you are the life of this generation, this is impossible, this..." The voice panicked for the first time, with unprecedented shock. In the middle of the circle, the mask touched by Su Ming's right hand, immediately melted at this moment, dissipated layer by layer, revealing Su Ming's face.

With a bang, at the moment when the mask dissipated, all the nothingness around him collapsed. Under the layers of fragmentation, everything here was smashed. With the crushing, the voice from the old man in the nothingness roared unwillingly.

"Wusan... Xiao Hong... Fragments... The seed of extinction, Su Xuanyi, it turns out that your counterattack is here. I'm unwilling, unwilling!!"


Nothingness completely collapsed, revealing the fifth sea, as well as the blue crystal mirror that swept around and became fragments, and the strongest storm that violently swept the whole fifth sea.

Volume 4, the rise of the divine source is over.

From tomorrow, the fifth volume, my Taoist morning world is about to unfold!

Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommended ticket in the early morning, there will be a single chapter in the early morning, and there will be spoilers in it~~ The more monthly tickets, the more attractive the spoilers will be

Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket. At the moment of movement, suddenly, from his cultivation split, on the original body of Daokong, a stream of... made his body suddenly restore the power of activity.

This power, to be precise, is not a force, but a breath!

This breath, long and long, also with the supreme will, fought against the coming mask.

Su Ming can feel this breath, that is... from the real world of Daochen, that is... the power of luck! This is the luck of the whole Taoist real world, which is forcibly interfering with everything. Because the body of the Taoist emptiness is the favorite body of the Taoist real world, but now, it is obviously the power of the outside world, and there is a strong conflict with this luck.

"Su Xuanyi, even if you have calculated everything, you specially sent such a body to give this son good luck, but how can I make you succeed in this matter already!" When the mask roared, the cold sound of the vicissitudes of life echoed.

At the moment of the sound, the huge mask suddenly turned its back to Su Ming, and from its interior, countless white filaments suddenly came out and spread in the squirm. When it looked extremely horrible, those white silk threads were intertwined together, and it was prominently shaped. It became a huge face.

This face was full of vicissitudes and a numb look, as if it were just a piece of human skin. It was filled with those white filaments and went straight to Su Ming. At the same time, it immediately met the invisible luck.

When the sound of the bombardment echoed, the vicissitudes of life from the mask also spread.

"In order to cope with your luck in the morning, I have prepared for tens of thousands of years. I have condensed the face of bad luck in the morning world to break away the luck you have attracted and disperse it for me!"

As soon as this statement came out, the roar shocked the world and shook the emptiness. Su Ming's body came from the morning luck of the cultivation of the split. In this roar, the road immediately rolled away and collapsed directly.

Without the luck of the morning, the face composed of silk threads formed inside the face also dispersed and turned into countless squirming thin lines. At the moment of going straight to Su Ming, the mask transformed by the starry sky shrank rapidly. However, at the moment when Su Ming was approaching, the breath of Su Ming's body suddenly burst out, After that, the body of Eocang appeared.

"Little Ecang, if it is in its prime, there is still some itself. After all, it is to kill the life in the old man's song, but... now you, break it!" When the cold voice echoed again, Su Ming's whole body was filled with blood, and the body behind him suddenly collapsed.

"This is your fate, a fate you can't avoid, you... are my absolute messenger!" In the cold voice, the mask composed of the starry sky was constantly shrinking, and had turned into a normal size. It suddenly shrouded Su Ming's face. Countless white filaments crazily penetrated into Su Ming's skin and flesh, connected with its flesh and blood, and forced the mask to be put on Su Ming's body again. Go up.

"From now on, you will have no name. You only have one name, called... Jue!" In the middle of the old man's voice, Su Ming's whole body shook, and the mask shrouded his face. When the severe pain appeared all over his body, his eyes showed madness.

"Black fragments, the seed of extinction, untie this mask for me and find its defects!" Su Ming roared in his heart, and the seed of extinction from his soul suddenly emitted a strong light. After the light dispersed from Su Ming's soul in an instant, it penetrated his body and burst out from the inside of his body.

The light is the intersection of nine colors. In this light, after Su Ming's figure was covered, it faintly seemed to appear on him. It was an old man, an old man in a white robe, above all sentient beings.

That's... an old man.

However, in the eyes of the old man, Su Ming's madness was revealed. His right hand slowly raised, and he pressed the mask on his face. At the moment his right hand touched the mask, the mask made a sharp scream, as if it had life. In this scream, it changed rapidly under Su Ming's right hand. For example, all the internal structures are being quickly decomposed by Su Ming.

At this moment, the old voice, whether from this mask or nothingness, showed a furious tone for the first time and echoed rapidly.

"This... This... The old man, you are the life of this generation, this is impossible, this..." The voice panicked for the first time, with unprecedented shock. In the middle of the circle, the mask touched by Su Ming's right hand, immediately melted at this moment, dissipated layer by layer, revealing Su Ming's face.

With a bang, at the moment when the mask dissipated, all the nothingness around him collapsed. Under the layers of fragmentation, everything here was smashed. With the crushing, the voice from the old man in the nothingness roared unwillingly.

"Wusan... Xiao Hong... Fragments... The seed of extinction, Su Xuanyi, it turns out that your counterattack is here. I'm unwilling, unwilling!!"


Nothingness completely collapsed, revealing the fifth sea, as well as the blue crystal mirror that swept around and became fragments, and the strongest storm that violently swept the whole fifth sea.

Volume 4, the rise of the divine source is over.

From tomorrow, the fifth volume, my Taoist morning world is about to unfold!

Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommended ticket in the early morning, there will be a single chapter in the early morning, and there will be spoilers in it~~ The more monthly tickets, the more attractive the spoilers will be

Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket. RS