
Chapter 140 Eternal Secret

"Top Ten Saints, are you still there?" Speaking of these ten amazing ancestors, Xue Hao couldn't help but be excited. In the past, he had accidentally entered the field of blooming flowers and crossed the long river of time and saw ten figures that stood upright and overwhelmed the sky.

There are rumors in the world that the five races that fought in the heaven in the past, no matter what height they reached, were all destroyed in the hands of the heaven. Those who survived have survived in the upper level. As for the supreme existence that once appeared, they have already fallen.

"Some people have fallen and some are still alive, but it's not complete. As for the top ten saints, maybe there are only one or two left." When it comes to this issue, the devil obviously doesn't want to talk more.

However, the information revealed in this sentence is enough to make Xue Hao stunned. The devil refers to that some people are still alive. It is definitely not that those who fled to the upper five clans should be the three emperors and demons, because the second half of the sentence is enough to show that these characters are likely to still exist in the world.

Can you compare with the ten saints? Who else can there be besides the War Emperor, the Spirit Emperor, the Human Emperor and these characters?

Anyway, the ten saints still have people alive, which is a great incentive for Xue Hao, because it means that the rumors of the world are not accurate. The devil was a general in the past, and the words it threw out are very credible.

"It's better to know less about some things, which is not good for you. Even if these people are still alive, they will not appear in the world in the future, because there is a problem in this world. If several people jump out of that step, they will collapse. In the past, the five heavenly emperors fought against the ancient emperors and buried hidden dangers." As if feeling what Xue Hao thought in his heart, the devil said so.

"What's wrong with this world?" These are all ancient secrets, and Xue Hao really wants to know.

"It's broken... They can't stand the extreme power. They can only seal themselves and wait for it to appear one day. Only when they enter the heaven can they withstand that power!"


Xue Hao couldn't help exclaiming. This sentence is undoubtedly amazing and secret, because he remembered people's rumors that the five ethnic groups were destroyed by heaven because the race was too strong and envied by heaven. However, he didn't expect that on the contrary, the supreme existence of the five races was because this world could not withstand their power. I want to enter the heaven, because there are not only real secrets of long life, but also can accommodate these beings who have taken the ultimate step.

Attack the sky! Attack the sky!

Xue Hao finally understood that the spirit of the five clans is really attacking the sky, not suppressing the sky, which is in line with the words of attacking the five clans.

Many things are different from the rumors of the world, which makes Xue Hao tremble. Now, he has fully believed that there are absolutely many supreme beings who are still alive, such as the three emperors, how can such an amazing and gorgeous figure fall like that, especially the spiritual emperor who created the secret of longevity. Rumor has it that he fought against the two heavenly emperors and his body was Ten thousand bombings, but ten thousand resurrections, this appalling record shows that how can such a figure fall easily?

"Has anyone ever entered the heavens?" Xue Hao asked tentatively that maybe these three ancient emperors had already entered the heaven, but people didn't know it.

"Yes." The devil answered very simply, but when Xue Hao asked who it was, he didn't want to say more.

These secrets, put in the outside world, will definitely cause an uproar. The legendary existences, such as the Dragon Emperor, are still alive and exist in the ten dragon palaces in another way!

In an instant, he remembered the big crane and some rumors about the ancient land of immortality. This is the site of the spirit and demon family. If the ancient supreme and the spirit demon did not fall, it should be the same as the dragon emperor lurking in the dragon palace. He exists in the immortal ancient land!

As for their ancestors, the top ten saints, it is obvious that the most possible place is the ruins of the saint clan in southern Xinjiang, the saint cliff.

There are also ancient ruins, virtual ancient worlds, and the place where the three emperors exist, which should be there.

He ruled out the possibility of these characters entering the upper level, because all the changes in the sea of Longyuan now can show that attacking the five-ethnic sites is not simple.

"The curse of your saint is not completely suppressed by heaven. The real shackles come from yourself. Although you are still shallow now, you must have known something." The devil suddenly stared at him and said such a sentence.

Xue Hao thought to himself that he remembered the words left by his ancestors in the field in the past.

"Nine disasters are boundless, only the saints..."

So far, he doesn't understand what the so-called 'nine disasters' mean, but after he passed the nine cuts of heaven, he gradually became more confused. If this is a disaster, then every time he breaks through a big realm, there will be a disaster, a total of nine disasters, which becomes nine disasters.

He has also heard of the baptism of nirvana and giving up his own bloodline. This is a way for the saint to break through the disaster, so that he can avoid the 'nine disasters'.

"You still have a long way to go. Take your time." The devil suddenly said such a sentence.

At this moment, Xue Hao's view of the devil has changed. Perhaps this former general is not so vicious. The relationship between the extinction of the saint and the heavenly world is actually very small.

Of course, it depends on what the devil said is true.

"Is it related to the fact that half of the eastern soil is sealed, which the Dragon Emperor is about to enter?" Xue Hao asked, because he had a guess in his heart that if there could not exist that kind of supreme existence in this world, then the reason for the seal of heaven rather than killing could be explained.

Because if the Dragon Emperor enters that realm, it is very likely to cause disaster to the world and break the original balance.

"Yes...not all of them. The Dragon Emperor is indeed the center of the incident, but these ten dragon kings also play a vital role. In 30 years, everything will come out." The devil opened his mouth.

Hearing this, Xue Hao knew that the speculation in his heart was true, and an unimaginable change would inevitably occur in 30 years. Now all existences are dormant, including the compass and jade pendant in the cloth covering the sky.

"Are you interested in entering the Dragon Palace with Ben? Ben will also need to restore his strength to deal with what will happen 30 years later, and these two little guys should improve a lot of strength in the Dragon Palace. The devil suddenly said these words, which made Xue Hao stunned, and then the expression on his face became extremely wonderful.

However, he still suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "Is it the real top ten dragon palaces?"

"No... The ten dragon palaces will only open in 30 years. The place where you go with the two little guys is just the outer square."