
Chapter 141 Leaving

"Can you really get in there?" Xue Hao looked excited and excited. Over the endless years, how many people have been proud, how many people have yearned. If he wants to explore the ten dragon palaces, they are all broken. Except for the source of the ten dragon palaces, which is difficult to trace, it is in the sea of the dragon abyss, which is unpredictable. If one is careless, he will fall.

But now the devil's light sentence is the ultimate pursuit of many monks. Even if, as the devil said, the time has not come and the Dragon Palace will not open, it is also a great honor and creation to enter the square.

"Let's take it as the reward of the two little guys' holy trees, but after entering, don't walk around, because some heavenly soldiers who followed the general down to earth in the past have completely lost their divinity and have already become demons. If you wake up, it won't be blocked by you."

The devil said such a word to remind Xue Hao that he mentioned the heavenly soldiers and showed a look of reminiscence.

"What is your relationship with the Dragon Palace?" Xue Hao asked, after all, this is very different from the devil's style before, which makes people confused.

In the past, he hated the heavenly world, and the previous disaster of building the foundation was still vivid, so he thought that the devil in front of him must also be the kind of people who suppressed the five clans, and even killed himself and two small beasts without mercy.

But none of this happened. Even under normal circumstances, even if the blood of the Dragon King can restrain it, as the devil himself said before, a slower recovery can't hurt the root. That is to say, it is easy to get the dragon sacred tree.

And now that it got it, it not only didn't kill, but also told so many secrets, which made Xue Hao confused.

"Although the divinity is recovering, he is still a man of the heavenly world. The heavenly world is not what you think. If you don't attack the sky, how can the heavenly world want to destroy the five races?"

"Take your saint family as an example, how powerful the former ten saints were, unwilling to obey the heavenly world, and wanted to occupy the magpie's nest, kill the five heavenly emperors, and become the master of the heavenly world. This is the crime of the saint's family. Do you think it should be destroyed?" The devil kept talking about one secret after another.

These things are very subversive, and Xue Hao can't judge at all. He doesn't understand the past and can't verify it. But if what the devil says is true, then how to look at it, the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see wisdom.

The heavenly world is the dominant world. It not only has the mystery of immortality, but also dominates all spirits in the world, reproduces and protects their prosperity. This is a well-known thing, but if there is no other reason for the five races to attack the sky and purely want to dominate, it is a little unspeakable.

There are five heavenly emperors in heaven, which are the ultimate existence overlooking the sky. The sun, moon and stars are all under their control. In the past, the war with the three emperors, spiritual demons and the ten saints must have paid an unimaginable price. It is possible that several heavenly emperors may have fallen. Just like Emperor Xuanyuan, who appeared in the picture of Xue Hao's Sea, has once said that He had already fallen.

The attack of the five races takes place in different eras. With the overall strength of the heaven, even if the five races are in the same era and unite to attack, they are not likely to become masters.

So, in other words, it is completely possible for heaven to completely destroy all the people of the five clans and pay some big price.

However, the heavenly world did not do so, but let the fish of the five clans escape to the upper level, such as Xue Wuya, the contemporary holy emperor of the saint clan, such as the real dragons rescued in the past, and the dragon emperor who may be resurrected now, and the spiritual emperor of the immortal ancient world.

Although these realms of existence are horrible, they are not as good as the peak period of the prosperity of their respective clans. If the heavenly world wants to be destroyed, they can be completely destroyed, and even those beings at the upper level can be destroyed.

"This exposes an obvious problem. The mercy of heaven does not want to completely destroy a certain clan, but focuses on weakening their strength and cannot attack the sky!" Xue Hao thought that this was really hard for him to believe, and it was unacceptable for a while, because when he entered the ancient field where flowers bloomed and invincible at the same level, he heard a few words with his own ears: "The heaven is not benevolent, and the five ethnic groups uphold their ambition and attack it!"

He is confused. Which of the two completely different statements is correct?

As if feeling Xue Hao's frown more and more, the devil talked freely and said slowly, "The heaven is indeed not as beautiful as you think, but it is not what you can judge now. When you really touch the height of the three emperors and want to go further, what will you do?"

As soon as this statement came out, Xue Hao took a look at the devil, and the latter showed a strange smile. This sentence is very meaningful!

For a moment, his heart was shocked, like enlightenment.

Yes! Not to mention the other four clans, take the ancient clan as an example. If the three emperors do not have selfishness and want to compete for the throne of the emperor, there is no interest to speak of. Will the heavenly world fight back and suppress?

Heaven is unkind. Maybe it's the reason. This is the reason for attacking the sky, but it's just unkind to the five clans. If the ancient clan attacked the sky and the heaven suppressed it, which is also called unkindness, then Xue Hao really needs to think about these things.

In an instant, he remembered that he saw ten dragon eggs for the first time, and in the ancient memories of the compass, the heavenly world dispatched two heavenly generals. Then he stared and asked the devil, "Ten thousand years ago, the real dragon family was destroyed. Are you one of those two heavenly generals?"

As soon as this statement came out, the Blood Dragon King immediately stared at the devil. Both little beasts understood people's words and could not hide it, but Xue Hao stopped the Blood Dragon King and waited for the devil to respond.

"Yes, in the past, according to the decree of the emperor, the lower world suppressed the real dragon family. This clan has long been ambitious and wanted to attack the sky. With the birth of the ten dragon eggs, its ambition soared. When it was supposed to slaughter half of the real dragons of this clan and dispel their spirit, this clan stubbornly resisted!"

Speaking of this, the devil took a look at the Blood Dragon King and showed a strange smile: "In the past, I would have felt your existence in the sea of the dragon abyss. The reason why I didn't kill ten dragon eggs is just that the heavenly world is kind and want you real dragon descendants to live well. After all, life is precious, and it is not a last resort. It won't wear out!"


The Blood Dragon King struggled out of Xue Hao's imprisonment, and his eyes showed great anger. He couldn't listen to it at all. The dragon clan valued family affection. Anyway, the extermination of the clan really happened.


The devil sighed helplessly and did not move in place. It was too late to launch the first attack, and even Xue Hao wanted to take action.

The devil's speed is really like a ghost. The dry palms are slightly raised, directly imprisoning the rushing blood dragon king without any mana fluctuations. In Xue Hao's view, this is like an ordinary mortal. The young dragon king seems to resist in the hands of the devil. Force.

"Oh... It seems that the only way to bring you to the Dragon Palace can resolve your resentment and reassure the Dragon Emperor. Now the General can't dissuade him at all. His hatred for heaven has long been deeply rooted, and he even thinks that the ten dragon kings have also been killed."

Xue Hao did not stop it, because the past deeds were indeed so. When he first saw ten dragon eggs, he was still wondering why the dragon clan in heaven did not destroy these ten dragon kings with infinite potential.

is in line with what the devil is saying now. It can even be half sealed. It is very likely that the dead dragon emperor is resentful, so the heavenly world takes measures to seal it. As for the big crane in the immortal ancient land, what is awakened is actually the will of the sleeping dragon emperor!

"Is it because if the Dragon Emperor is born, the balance of this world will be broken? And if you were born 30 years later, what you said before also involved ten dragon kings. Is that the reason? Xue Hao said his guess.

The devil nodded, expressing affirmation, and said, "The dragon emperor died and was born. He was about to step out of the height of the three emperors in the past, and he was bound to attack the sky again. At that time, not only will this world be devastated, but also the five races that were ready to move will appear one after another. This disaster is inevitable and can only be done as much as possible. Reduce the resentment of the Dragon Emperor, and if there is some trouble in the world today, it will be really difficult to control at that time!"

"This general means that in the near future, just like you and this dragon queen, ten dragon kings recognize the Lord one after another. Before the disaster comes, you can use your feelings with the dragon king to affect it, and there may be a turning point. Therefore, the dragon emperor is the center of the event, but the ten dragon kings are even you monks. It is also an indispensable part!"

Xue Hao was silent, and the devil said almost everything. Even if he still doubts the authenticity of these words, it may not be all false, because there is no need. If the devil wants to take action and gets the dragon holy tree, he will immediately fall on the spot. You know, according to the rumors of the world and his own cognition in the past At this time, he should be killed, even if the devil has lost most of his divinity and is no longer a heavenly general.

A breeze blew, and Xue Hao's conversation with the devil was coming to an end. Xue Hao did not agree to the devil's invitation to the Dragon Palace Square.

One is that he is a cautious person. Even if what the devil says is true and there is a reason, he will never completely believe it. You know, the world is not absolute, and people's hearts are separated. What's more, how can the devil, such an antique with endless years, easily be seen through by others?

often has no benefits on the surface, but in fact, it has fallen into some traps. Of course, this possibility is very small, but it is not without, nor can it exist.

To take a step back, even if what the devil said is true, according to him, the real Dragon Palace will not be opened until 30 years later. Now it is only the square, which greatly reduces his desire to enter. The legendary ancient art, dragon water, and even dragon balls and dragon veins are all real In the Dragon Palace.

As for the second and most important point, it is that Xue Hao felt an inexplicable crisis in his heart. This crisis did not come by himself, but an emotion that made him feel a faint colic in his heart.

This feeling has existed not long ago, but it is not obvious, but now, it is getting stronger and stronger, even affecting his mood, becoming more and more irritable and eager.

This feeling is indeed very urgent, even to say that it is a traction. It wants him to be in the other direction in front of him, not the Dragon Palace Square, which makes him involuntarily.

At this moment, as soon as Xue Hao refused the devil's words, the feeling became stronger and stronger, as if Xue Hao could not hesitate for a moment and urged him to leave immediately.

The devil did not stop his determination, but at this moment, his eyes flashed and he noticed Xue Hao's vision. At the same time, when he raised his hand, Xue Hao's heart was immediately shocked, his face changed, and he didn't know why, and the feeling in his heart was unconsciously released and known by the devil.

Immediately, the devil did not speak, and his dry palm raised again, immediately forming a light curtain in front of Xue Hao. On the light curtain, there was a picture.

"This...this is...Lingyin Village!" Xue Hao shouted that the place in the picture was a small village where he had lived for ten years before he stepped into the world of practice because of his sister. At that time, Xue Hao was still a mortal. His childhood was all in the village. His uncles and aunts raised him and his sister. Looking back, there have been ten I haven't been back for several years.

"Your home in the mortal world has encountered great trouble. This is what you care about. Go quickly." The devil opened his mouth.

On the picture, you can see that the familiar small village, the grass and tree at the head of the village, used to be the place where brothers and sisters played together, has not changed much. The mountains and rivers can still evoke many memories of Xue Hao. However, just in the picture, you can see some extraordinary scenes on the small village. Fang, visible to the naked eye, is shrouded in black haze, which is very clear. Not only that, except for Lingyin Village, several neighboring villages, and even the whole town, have this black haze.

What's more strange is that all the houses where mortals live are closed, and it is difficult to see a mortal.

"What the hell happened in the village?" Xue Haoqiang suppressed the anger and eagerness in his heart. As the devil's hand raised again, the picture switched, and finally saw a different scene.


In the picture, an old man about 50 years old was extremely feared and ran desperately along a path in the village, sometimes looking backwards, and could also hear screams.

"Zhang Bo!"

Xue Hao exclaimed. This old man was very kind to him in the past and often gave him and his sister some roasted sweet potatoes. Today, people can't help sighing when he thinks of it.

On the picture, the old man was skinny and naturally couldn't run fast. After only a few meters, he fell directly to the ground and could no longer get up.

"What is Uncle Zhang avoiding?" Xue Hao asked, and there was already some speculation in his heart that Zhang Bo was famous for his courage in the village, and he had killed some beasts in the deep mountains alone. If he could scare him like this, it was absolutely impossible for him to resist!

is by no means mortal!

"Ah! Fairy, spare your life!"

At this moment, in the picture, Zhang Bo's scream came. After he said this, his head quietly burst open and blood splashed on the spot!

Even if Xue Hao did not see this scene with his own eyes, he seemed to be immersive. He could feel the panic and despair in Zhang Bo's heart at that time, and such an old man died tragically.

"Who the hell is it?"

Xue Hao could no longer control his emotions. He danced wildly with black hair and his eyes were red. He couldn't help shouting. Zhang Bo was from Lingyin Village, so his uncle and aunt who raised him must also be in crisis. Maybe at this moment, he has fallen.

Although his uncles and aunts are not related to him by blood, in Xue Hao's heart, he has already regarded these two simple half-hundred old men as relatives. Now that there has been a great change in Lingyin Village, how can he pretend to be nothing happened?

That feeling is the best proof that it is getting stronger and stronger at this moment, and even Xue Hao has concluded that the great change in the whole town is likely to be related to himself!

He recalled the enemies he had made in the past, but there were so many that he couldn't judge who it was at all.


The devil didn't say a word, raised his hand, and the picture changed again. This time, he saw it more clearly. The devil used some powerful secrets to restore the fluctuations of the spell. The picture before Zhang Bo's fall appeared again. However, this time, his head no longer exploded silently, but a small blood line. Go straight through!

The picture flashed, following the blood line and following Zhang Bo's eyes, Xue Hao could see very clearly. The end of the blood line was in the void. Through the haze, a person suddenly appeared in the void.

The man sat side by side, raised his arms slightly, pointed to the direction of Zhang Bo's escape, the blood line connected to his fingers, and a gloomy smile appeared on his face.

"It's him!"

Xue Hao wanted to roar in his heart. This man did have an irrecontained hatred with him, because he even chased and killed himself countless times!

In the picture, after this person killed Zhang Bo, his eyes were more gloomy. He sneered at the corners of his mouth and slowly said, "It's just that you don't have a good life. This is the place where this man lived before entering the world of practice. If he doesn't appear in a day, I will kill 100 people a day. There are more than 3,000 people in the town, which is enough for me to kill!"

"Hao'er, what kind of existence has angered!"

At this moment, in the village, you can see many familiar faces of Xue Hao when he was a child, with despair in their eyes, looking up at the powerful figure in the void.

In the crowd, Xue Hao can also see what his uncles and aunts he care about. At this moment, according to their mouth shape, Xue Hao can see what they are talking about.

"Haoer, don't come back..."

This is my uncle meditate...


Suddenly, the devil raised his hand again, and the picture dissipated directly. In place, only Xue Hao, who was extremely angry and trembled with excitement.



The little pig and the blood dragon king expressed their anger with their voices, and the little pig came to Xue Hao and comforted him with their hoofs.

"People in the world of practice can't kill mortals indiscriminately, otherwise they will lose their lives. This person should have great hatred for you. They have found the village where you lived in the past and want to force you to appear. You... go quickly." The devil.