Mythical Beast

Chapter 81 Born of Love

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help nodding secretly, and then Qin Mosha seemed to enter the memory again and said, "And the child who has not yet been born is Qin Moqi..."

A piece of silk was found on the child picked up from the wolf's nest, embroidered with the words "November 2". Looking at the child's appearance, Qin Lingfeng also knew that the child should have been born in November last year.

The appearance of the child was not a big fuss, but the blue eyes made the elders of the clan agree that there should be no ink in the child's name to show the difference from his own clan. However, his name has since changed to Qin Mosha.

A month after Qin Mosha came to this family, she ushered in a * birth, because she brought the child to the world in July, so her name was taken as Qin Moqi.

In this way, Qin Mosha lived a happy life in Qin Lingfeng's home, but it was strictly limited to Tang Lingfeng's home.

Because the pupil color is different, other people reject him very much. Except for Qin Moqi and Qin Moyu, there are no children playing with him, and even disgusted and spit.

One day, because Qin Lingfeng's family was going to sacrifice, he was stranded at home alone, because in the eyes of outsiders, he was never the child of the patriarch.

It doesn't matter. Over the years, the elders of the clan have always had this attitude, so he quietly enjoyed the afternoon sun in the yard as usual.

Suddenly, with a "whisper", Qin Mobra's instinctive side saw a small stone flying towards his head.

Qin Mo frowned, but his premature mature mind and indifferent and arrogant personality made him sneer at such behavior. He looked at the children who were looking nervously not far away, sneered and continued to close his eyes and meditate.

When the children saw that he had no response, they immediately picked up more stones and threw them at him.

A anger suddenly rose in Qin Mo's heart, and his blue eyes suddenly opened, but when he saw his figure flash, he mentioned a child.

His figure is far taller than that of his peers, and with his usual practice, he has already been in the realm of four stages. Moreover, he often practices with Qin Moyu, and his vision is no longer comparable to these children. As soon as he came up, he grabbed the collar of the leading child and lifted it up.

"Little tiger, why did you throw stones at me?" The indifferent voice and arrogant eyes made these less sensible children feel great fear at the same time.

Little tiger is the grandson of the elder. Although he is a little afraid of Qin Mosha, he also knows that Qin Mosha is very strict by Qin Lingfeng and will never hurt him. At present, he resists the resentment and fear in his heart and said, "You... You are not one of my Qinglong family. You... You don't deserve to live here. We want to kick you out. ?"

Qin Mosha said coldly, "How many people in Xianyang City are not from my Qinglong clan? Don't they still live well here? The patriarch personally admitted that I was, but you said that I was not from the Qinglong clan, so didn't you want to disobey the patriarch?

"I...I...of course dare not disobey the patriarch, but you are a wolf's child. Mother said that your eyes are wolf's eyes, and you have the wild nature of a wolf. We... Sooner or later, our child will be eaten by you! You...aren't you just grabbing me now..." Although Xiaohu's voice trembled, he said it clearly.

What? Am I a wolf child? The small voice has a big shock. For a moment, Qin Mosha only felt cold all over, and a sense of powerlessness flowed all over his body in an instant. Qin Mosha only knew that he was a child picked up by Qin Lingfeng, but he didn't expect that he was a wolf's child!

Frightened and angry, Qin Mo's heart was in chaos. He threw the little tiger to the ground, suddenly sat on him, pulled the little tiger's collar and kept shaking the little tiger's body, and shouted, "You lie, you lie, I'm not a wolf's child, no! Listen, I'm the son of the patriarch.

When the children around saw that the little tiger was knocked to the ground by him, they immediately rushed to Qin Mobra, and Qin Mojian was angry. He didn't care about Qin Lingfeng's teachings. At that moment, with a wave of his right arm, a child was beaten out by him and rolled on the ground a few times. His forehead hit a stone, and blood suddenly came out. Come out.

"Xiaokong, Xiaokong, what's wrong with you! It's not good... Xiaokong... Xiaokong..."

"Shir, look at what you have done!" There was a loud noise out of thin air. Before Qin Mo brake came to his senses, Qin Lingfeng's body flashed and rushed to Qin Mocha. He picked up the small Qin Mo brake and threw it to the ground.

"Ling Feng, I told you a long time ago that wolf children have bloodthirsty nature. Look, Xiaokong... alas..." But the elder arrived immediately. Seeing that Qin Mo had hurt people, he shook his head and sighed at Qin Lingfeng.

"Ky you, kill you, you wolf boy." Other children saw Xiaokong injured, and they usually didn't have a good impression on Qin Mocha. Just now, they were scared by him. At present, Qin Lingfeng was next to him and knew that he would not do anything to him. Four or five children were about to surround Qin Mocha and keep punching and kicking.

Qin Mosha was left aside by Qin Lingfeng, who has always loved him. He was a little surprised. In addition, he was called a wolf child by other children, and his heart was chaotic. At present, his eyes were empty and he let those children keep beating.

"No, don't hit my second brother!" Don't bully my second brother!" Two figures rushed over at the same time, and the big man pulled the children out one by one and shouted, "Get out of here!" The little one hugged Qin Mobra, protected his body, and said softly, "Second brother, where does it hurt? Don't scare me..."

Qin Mosha was still muddle-headed. Tang Lingfeng was a little unbearable when he saw it. In addition, these children had already made a lot of noise. Now he shouted angrily, "Nonsense! Moment, Yuer, Xiaoqi, why don't you come back with me!"

Qin Moyu stared at the children fiercely. Seeing that Qin Mosha's eyes were dull, he immediately asked, "Xiaoqi, what's wrong with his second brother?"

Qin Moqi looked up at Qin Moyu. Qiu Shui's long eyes were full of tears. She gently leaned Qin Mo's head on her shoulder and sobbed, "Second brother, it's heartache..."

Qin Lingfeng looked at the three children he usually loved most in front of him and kept walking back and forth, with a blush and white face.

He finally walked to Qin Mocha and shouted, "How do I usually teach you? I teach you martial arts not to let you and the people kill each other, let alone let you make trouble at home, but to eliminate the enemies of the six countries, protect the people, and protect your family. Why don't you understand? I also injured Qin Mokong today. How can I explain it to the elders?

"Dad, Xiaokong obviously fell and injured himself. Besides, it was they who bullied his second brother first..."

"Enough! In a moment, kneel in the backyard and reflect on it. If you can't reflect on anything, don't get up!"

"Dad, the second brother hasn't had dinner yet. How can you let him go out and kneel? If the cold is so bad at night, aren't you afraid that he will get sick?

"Hmm! Cold air? That's just to calm him down!" Qin Lingfeng was confused by these children. At that moment, he snorted coldly and stamped his feet to go out.

But Qin Mojian stood up silently and walked towards the backyard. Suddenly, he stopped, turned around and asked Qin Lingfeng, "Dad, am I really a wolf's child?" After saying that, without waiting for Qin Lingfeng's answer, he dared to go out without looking back in front of Qin Lingfeng.

"You!" Qin Lingfeng's eyes were full of intolerance, but his right hand had just been raised a little, and his comforting words were about to come out. Seeing that he was so determined, he immediately shook his head and sat back.

At night, the long and narrow figure of the next month is so lonely on the ground. There is no warmth, only the endless cold wrapped around the weak body.

At this moment, a small figure slowly appeared next to the narrow figure and put a basket next to the teenager.

"Second brother, eat quickly. Dad locked me and my brother in the room and didn't let us come out. I slipped out after they were all asleep." The soft voice, with a trace of naughtyness, gently came into my ears.

"Xiaoqi, go back quickly. It's cold outside. Besides, if Dad finds out, he will scold you.

"I won't, second brother, go back quickly. Dad just said that he wouldn't blame you."

"I need to calm down, Xiaoqi, leave me alone, you go..." Although the meaning is resolute, there is already a little warmth and gratitude in his eyes.

"If you insist on not leaving, I will be punished with you!" The stubborn little face was full of resoluteness, and the small body slowly knelt down in the moonlight.

"Xiaoqi, don't pay attention to me... I... I'm different from you... I... I'm a wolf's child... My eyes are wolves..."

"Second brother, I don't allow you to talk nonsense! You are my father's child and my brother. No matter what your background is, these will not change. No matter when, you are my closest brother! What's wrong with the blue eyes? I just like the color of the sky in your eyes. I don't care why others hate you so much, but I just like to be with you!" The soft and fragrant little hand held the already cold and weak hands tightly. In his eyes, in addition to soft light, there were also bursts of firmness!

It was at that moment, the blue eyes that had lost their brilliance were instantly full of strange brilliance. The teenager held the tenderness of his palm tightly and never let go for a moment.

Perhaps from that moment, the seeds of affection have already been planted in the hearts of the two people.

That year, Yingzheng, the king of Qin, ascended the throne for 17 years. Qin Mocha was 14 years old and Qin Moqi was 13 years old.