Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 39 The Master's Power

Just as Yu Qiujin and others were lining up a battalion and inspecting supplies, the sergeant reported that Sima in the army had arrived. I was busy welcoming Yu Qiujin. This majestic Sima is not someone else, but Meng Huaiyu, the guard of the original Dantu. It was Sima Yuanxian who recommended him as Sima in our army.

There is another red-faced man who came in the same boat as Meng Huaiyu. As soon as I saw this red-faced man, I was even more happy.

"Where did Meng Sima invite a fierce general from? It turned out to be a wise brother." I stepped forward and pulled the red-faced man to look left and right.

The red-faced man blushed even more when I saw him. He solemnly raised his hand and made a military salute, and said loudly, "Meng Longfu has met General Deyu."

This Meng Longfu is Meng Huaiyu's younger brother and a famous warrior in the Beifu army in Jingkou. The weapon he is good at is Changqi. The horse he made is several feet longer and twice thicker than the horse used by ordinary people, and is made for fine iron. As long as such a big man stands in front of the battle, the enemy's arrogance will dissipate a lot.

It is my blessing that our army can add two warriors of the Meng family.

In addition to these two, there are also several old people from Beijing who came from the same ship, who previously served as subordinates in other armies. At first, I wanted to reuse those old ones, but after a few days of trial, I gave up this idea, because I finally understood the reason why they still served as subordinates after joining the army for so many years - it was really unbearable. Ren Qin's idea was given up.

Since Meng Longfu came, Liu Zhong has been extremely attentive to him. It turns out that Liu Zhong and Meng's family are neighbors. Liu Zhong was weak, often bullied, and often cared for by the Meng brothers. Therefore, he often took care of the Meng brothers after joining the army.

Naturally, everyone is very happy to be in the same army this time. As long as Liu Zhong is not by my side, he must be with Meng Longfu. Meng Longfu is a heroic man, and Liu Zhong is also a very clever man. The two are in one place, which can be said to complement each other.

When the two returned to Jiankang after recovering their eye injuries, they just shook their heads and didn't say anything.

After Jiankang and Jingkou Sun En retreated, everything returned to normal, but the bad news came again from the north: Liu Laozhi's son-in-law, Gao Yazhi, a general of the Beifu army, failed to attack Yuzhou, and Gao Yazhi, as the chief general, was captured by Sun En. Liu Laozhi urged me to quickly send troops to Yuzhou to rescue Gao Yazhi and annihilate Sun En.

Sun En has been repeatedly damaged and struggled on the battlefield in the south, but the journey in the north has been won again and again. The thief soldiers guarding Yuzhou were extremely high-spirited and well-guarded.

When our army first arrived in Yuzhou, it was not as eager to attack as before, but scattered the ship in the bay to watch its change.

Sun En sent warships to the bay several times to try to attack, but did not get any advantage. The ships were annihilated by our army one by one, and none of them returned safely. So much so that the warships that came back to test again fled back in a hurry after provoking our fleet from afar.

After holding each other for a few days, I led the army to attack at night.

The thief village, which was not good at water warfare, was quickly broken down. All the thieves retreated into the city of Yuzhou to defend.

I blocked the sea in part of the soldiers and took another army ashore and stationed under the city of Yuzhou. Sun En was worried that Yuzhou's lonely city would be besieged, leading a large army out of the city to fight.

He rushed over with 20 times my strength and tried to drown me with a sea of people. I led the army and fought and retreated, and led Sun En's army into the ambush five miles away from the city. Sun En and I have been fighting for more than a year and have always been wary of my tactics. Seeing that I retreated further and further, he reacted astly. Seeing that the surrounding situation was wrong, he left thousands of people to delay our army and led the army back to the city.

In such days, Sun En occasionally came out of the city to fight, but he did not dare to be too far away from the city. We just locked the mouth of the city, but we didn't attack the city.

Of course, I can't go to attack the city. Tens of thousands of thieves are stationed in the city, and the total number of people I brought is only 4,000, so I will not let these people sacrifice for no reason in the siege.

I'm not in a hurry, but Sun En can't help but hurry. He was worried that the court would first trap him with an army, and then send a large army to suppress him one after another, just like in Huiji. This Yuzhou is not comparable to the meeting in the south. Sun En spread a large number of believers in the south. Once they heard that the leader was trapped, they all sacrificed their lives to save him. Yuzhou is far away from the south. If you are trapped here, you must be a dead end.

The thief army did not break through the blockade of our army for several days. Sun En was indeed a little anxious, and finally made up his mind to take the whole army through Yuzhou and the blockade of the sea.

How can I be afraid of the thief soldiers pouring out of Yuzhou City like a tide? How can the navy I lead be afraid? How could the pioneer's Kai En, Meng Longfu and Liu Rongzu be afraid?

Under the service of tens of thousands of thieves, our navy was so that the soldiers who fell behind had no chance to kill the enemy at all. They just guarded against the enemy's bodies under their feet and rushed forward with everyone.

The thief army did not really want to fight against our army, and the thief soldiers who lost their morale did not want to fight at all. Seeing that they were invincible in the first battle, they hurriedly fled to the seaside.

Our army blocked too few warships on the sea. Seeing that it could not stop the thief soldiers from jumping over the wall, they had to let go of a corner and let the thief soldiers flee south.

After rescuing Gao Ya from Yuzhou City, I wrote to Liu Zhenzhi, asking him to appoint Gao Yazhi to guard Yuzhou City. I took the navy south to continue to pursue Sun En.

The march of the water army with warships is no less than Sun En. Our army and Sun En's army once again encountered blaspernice in Shanghai.

For Ludu, my feelings are extremely complicated:

When he followed Liu's army to Ludu for the first time, he mistakenly hit the enemy's ambush and almost damaged the soldiers;

When Bao Sizhi led the army to Ludu for the second time, Bao Sizhi was killed and the whole army was almost destroyed.

The reason for the unfavorable situation in Shanghai is actually obvious - we are very different from Sun En. Anyone who wins will win with strange soldiers; whoever is unfavorable will either be ambushed or battle on the ground.

Position warfare is the right military strategy. The so-called "two armies compete, the brave win" refers to the battle of soldiers. However, if the enemy and our forces are too different, and the strange battle is not effective, even if the soldiers are brave, they may not have a miraculous effect.

The reason why Shanghai blaspization has to repeatedly adopt a war is precisely because Hudu is the mouth of the mouth of the Yangtze River. There is a plain, with neither mountains nor dense forests, and there are no conditions for a strange war at all.

Today, although the strength difference between me and Sun En is still nearly 20 times, it is far from the battle between hundreds and thousands of people against tens of thousands of people as before. At that time, the danger of getting out depended on the right time and the right place. At this time, the ambition must be obtained, and it depends on a powerful division that can fight against the enemy.

Sun En also obviously saw that he fought against our army in small rivers and beaches like Dantu City and outside Yuzhou City, and it was difficult to give full play to his numerical advantage. So, after he escaped from Yuzhou, he went straight to Shanghai for blasphemization. For Sun En, Shanghai is a blessed place. Sun En, who has been defeated repeatedly, has never suffered a real defeat in Shanghai except for losing two small cities in Haiyan and Lou County.

(P.S. Please collect it. The last two chapters of the first chapter tomorrow. The second part will open the day after tomorrow.)