Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 076 Before the War

"This formation is wonderful!" I turned to Liu Yi and said with a smile. Liu Yi nodded, but there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"Can the general see that the flag is arranged according to the array?" Tan Daoji said in surprise.

"If you don't know how to array, how can I send you up the mountain first?" I laughed and said, "I just don't know why?"

"This is the phoenix of the five-shaped array. It is divided into five shapes: dragon, tiger, bear, cow, phoenix, etc. Dragons and tigers are the array of attack, bears and cows are the array of defense, and phoenix is the array of suspicious soldiers.

"Oh, it seems that I have never heard of the five-shaped array."

"This is my own formation."

"Haha. So that's it."

The merit of Tan Daoji is not all about conquering Zhoushan and arranging this formation.

In our combat plan, the first battle is to attack Donglingkou in order to open a gap in the defense of Jiankang City. It was after listening to Tan Daoji's proposal that we did not divide our troops to attack Donglingkou, but to conquer Zhoushan with all our strength.

If Zhoushan is overturned, the defenders of Donglingkou will also be relieved without fighting. We just sent more than a dozen soldiers to Donglingkou with flags and drums to launch an offensive. Sure enough, the enemy who overturned Zhoushan retreated, and the enemy at Donglingkou also retreated.

The soldiers sat in the forest and took a nap according to the arrangement of the array.

We are waiting for the opportunity to attack. The commander is not me as the general, but the sun.

It's getting brighter and brighter. The silent people looked very solemn. Waiting for nothing will make people anxious, and waiting before doing big things will make people feel more panic. Whether it is panic or panic, it is unbearable. However, we are patient.

Jiankang City is no longer black. The original color of the wall has appeared against the skylight.

The enemy has already laid a formation at the foot of the mountain. According to Tan Daoji, the formation has been laid since the first half of yesterday. Before dawn, the materials used for night rest had been moved into the city, leaving only a battlefield, a soldier and a pre-war silence outside the city.

Since we can see the enemy, the enemy can naturally see us.

What we see is an array of enemy soldiers; what the enemy sees is the torches and flags all over the mountain. These torches and flags will put pressure on them. This pressure is realistic, not illusory.

Huan Xuan's striker was defeated, and the main general died in battle. These are just the news from the war. Many of the enemy did not see their opponents with their own eyes. And when the opponent suddenly appears, it is full of mountains and fields. How many people can withstand the huge psychological test?

"General, please look there!" Tan Daoji pointed to several flags fluttering in one direction from the tree and said to me.

"It looks like the wind is blowing..." I muttered.

"Northeast wind!" He Wuji jumped up from the ground and shouted.

Those soldiers who were suffering from waiting before the war were shocked by the sudden scream. They looked blankly at He Wuji, who was dancing and didn't understand what had happened.

"General, it's northeast wind!" There was a trace of cunning in He Wuji's eyes.

I smiled at him and said, "What's wrong with Wuji?"

He Wuji looked at my eyes and said with a smile, "The general must have guessed it a long time ago."

I nodded and ordered He Wuji to say, "Convene the generals for discussion!"

Pre-war deliberations are not in line with the convention of combat, but since it is necessary to convene a meeting before the battle, it must be very scheming. This kind of extraordinary plot can often completely change the power contrast between the enemy and me. Now what I have to do with He Wuji is to add more to our chances of winning.

The meeting was held for a short time, and a cup of tea was over, and everyone was ordered to act separately.

I ordered Tan Daoji, who had not yet assigned a mission: "Take the soldiers who attacked and overcame Zhoushan last night to rest on the mountain. I hope that when you wake up, we will have captured Jiankang City.

Tan Daoji said, "How dare the soldiers sleep peacefully when the war is approaching? Moreover, the last general also wants to see the demeanor of the main general. I have never seen the general's geese.

"Haha. OK!"

The eastern sky has shown a dazzling red glow. Like a golden knife with fire, it cuts out into the sky, drawing a gap in the twilight sky. This mouth is slowly being pulled out and bigger. From the middle of this entrance, an egg red sunrise popped out. The trees on Jiangshan and Fuzhou Mountain were infected by the sunrise light and coated with a layer of red light.

Looking at Huan Xuan soldiers in front of Jiankang City, all kinds of pressure, uneasiness and worries just now were swept away. I seem to have seen the defeat of the defenders, as if I have seen Huan Xuan fleeing in chaos.

In a short time, the enemy was shrouded in the shadow of Fuzhou Mountain, and the scenery that could be seen clearly was not very real at this time.

"Brother Deyu. Let's issue an order!" I turned around and Liu Yi stood in front of me. He has already held his hand.

I pulled out the moon knife from my waist and was about to raise it. Suddenly, I heard a leaf ringing on my head. Among the swaying branches, an eagle with green hair on its head roared, spread its wings and hovered into the air, and then quickly swooped in the direction of Jiankang City.

"That eagle..." Liu Zhong only said these two words and was stunned.

I know what he wants to say. Isn't this the one standing on the city stack when I was training at the head of Jingkou City that day?

I don't have time to think about this and raise the moon knife in my hand. Seeing this, the soldiers around quickly got up from the ground and ran over with my moon knife. Many people also stood up and picked up their blades from the ground.


"Drum... drum... drum..." My voice stirred in the mountains.

Several drums around me began to beat; soon, the sound of drums came from afar; soon after, the sound of drums also came from afar; after that, the sound of drums spread all over the mountains and fields, echoed with the horn on Jiang Mountain and the sound of the wind crossing Jiankang City.

In the sound of drums, several teams were led by several burly people and rushed down the mountain. The man in the first place of all the teams held a long knife with a strange shape.

The sun gradually rose, and the shadow of the boat mountain covering the enemy camp gradually faded, and the whole position appeared in front of our army; but our army was hidden in the shadow of the mountain and between the branches and leaves of the trees, so that the enemy could not see our whereabouts accurately.

The enemy was fully prepared to deal with this attack. With the sound of our drums, all the enemy soldiers stood up and picked up all kinds of weapons from the ground. Under the command of the officer, the archers standing on the high ground in the array shot arrows in the direction of Fuzhou Mountain, but the target of the arrow was blind, because they could not see our position clearly.

The sun climbs the mountain very fast, and it is about to overturn Zhoushan.

I hit two knives hard and made a crisp metal sound. This is our surprise order.