Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 077 Tigers go down the mountain

I inserted the moon knife into the scabbard, raised the moon knife, and rushed out first.

Although the oncoming arrows hindered our charge, we either held shields or boards, and rushed to the enemy array against the rain of arrows. The sun that turned to the top of the boat lifted the veil over our heads and completely exposed us to the enemy. At this time, our distance with the enemy's array was so close that the enemy's bows and arrows were useless.

Although the speed of the sprint is fast, it always maintains the formation of wild geese. The forwards are long sword soldiers and halbers, archers on the flanks, and long spearmen.

The gun array in the front row of the enemy array was first defeated, and the archers on the high ground behind the gun array were cut down or shot down before they could withdraw their bows.

We kept the formation and stepped on the bodies of the gunman and archer fiercely towards the enemy. Plug it in. Everywhere he went, he fell to the ground and died, and soon killed an open space in the enemy's battle.

Using this open space, we gathered again. At this time, several generals immediately after our array also led their array, unfolding on my left and right sides, with Meng Longfu and Liu Rongzu on the left, and on the right by Keen and Tanji.

The five geese arrays have synthesized a larger geese array. At the front of this array is me.

The enemy took advantage of our combined offensive to slow down and adjusted their long weapons to attack. At this time, the shooters in the geese array exerted their greatest effectiveness. The enemy soldiers who attacked fell to the ground one after another.

The enemy army uses long bows with a long range, but it is not conducive to close combat; our military uses small bows smaller than short bows, which have played a miraculous effect in close combat.

Attack those who hold short weapons with long weapons and shoot those who hold long weapons with bows and crossbows. This is Sun Bin's strategy for the middle horse and the middle horse for dismant the horse. Rebirth and restraining each other is the most exquisite tactic.

I rushed left and right to avoid long weapons, and specially looked for enemies with more short weapons.

Although we were quickly surrounded by the enemy after inserting the enemy's array, they could not stop us from moving forward, and the enemy soldiers retreated to both sides like ebb.

When it is completely lost in the array, it is very difficult to identify the direction. For the wild goose array, the importance of direction is self-evident. At least you can't rush into your own geese wings because of the wrong direction and cause damage to your friends.

The four or five archers who followed me to defend the direction of the overturned Zhoushan. As they shot the enemy soldiers, they looked around while taking the arrows, and then shouted to me: "The mountain is behind, the array is on the left", "the mountain is on the right, the array is behind." I not only know the direction of our sprint, but also know which side I am on.

As an extremely aggressive geese array, it relies on its assault ability. Only when the head geese and the geese keep the same direction as the direction of moving forward can they stab forward to produce the greatest lethality. If the formation deviates from the direction of progress, then the head geese need to adjust the direction, otherwise the effect of the formation will be doubled and half the result.

After several destructive rounds of sprints, the enemy's forward was finally disrupted.

The horn I had been waiting for finally sounded. In the collision of weapons, I faintly heard a shout of killing from the rear. This is the shout of another army set in the mountains to charge down. At this time, several other routes of our army have taken action.

When you rush forward, the resistance will become smaller and smaller. Based on my past experience, it should be time to break through the enemy. I confirmed my position to the archers behind me, and concluded that I could see the enemy's back array as soon as I rushed out of the enemy array from here.

The rear battle is the enemy's middle army. The location of the general.

I no longer rush left and right to disturb the front, but directly rush to the enemy's rear in the direction I judged.

"Break through the enemy's array!" I shouted that this was the password to break the array and then attack the next array.

The soldiers gradually gathered together. The wild goose wings slowly closed to form a sharp knife. After my command, everyone rushed out of the front at the fastest speed, and then continued to rush to the back front without stopping.

The rear enemy soldiers, who had been neatly arranged, saw our army suddenly rushing out from the front to kill them, and their positions were already in chaos.

Several enemy generals saw that the situation was not good, shouting and hurriedly commanded the flag bearer to fly the flag. However, everything was late, and we went too fast. However, the faster is the arrow rain that breaks through our ears. Before we rushed into the enemy's array, the first two rows of enemy soldiers had been shot down by archers. An enemy general also fell off the horse with an arrow.

The front row of the back team was in chaos, and many people fled. However, the enemy's army is not weak. Soon, thousands of people gathered from the side of the camp and surrounded us in the middle. This is a group of gunmen with shields. They protect themselves from bows and arrows with shields, and the guns stabbed from between the shields can attack us.

It seems that the enemy is really prepared. Many of Huan Xuan's soldiers are Beifu soldiers, some of whom have seen me parade with their own eyes, and some may even have been a member of the battle. Naturally, they are very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of this array.

The advantage of the wild goose array lies in the attack on the move, and it is a deadly attack. Once the movement is blocked or the attack is blocked, the geese array, whose defense is far weaker than the attack power, will be surrounded by the enemy and cannot be self-defended.

Now these long guns under the cover of the shield are a great threat to us without a strong shield.

"The halberd soldiers attack the plate, the archers attack the plate, and the sword soldiers cover it!" After seeing the weaknesses of the enemy soldiers, I issued such an order.

If the shield can block the head, it can't block the foot, and if it can block the foot, it can't block the head. The battle has never been immutable. As a wise general, he must respond from time to time. When you live and die, if you can't keep a clear mind, the consequences will be a dead end.

The soldiers behind me passed my orders to the wild geese array nearby.

Under the cover of the long knife, the halberd bent down and began to attack the leg of the shield holder, while the archer shot the head. The enemy did not have the cover of big shields and long shields, and was frequently attacked up and down, and the formation soon became chaotic.

This is a real hand-to-hand fight, which is a great blow to both sides. The archers in the geese array did not have much damage, and most of the casualties were long sword soldiers protecting the periphery. As a head goose, I was also injured a lot. Fortunately, the soldiers on both sides always tried their best to protect the head goose, so I was not seriously injured.

I don't know how long it took, during the fierce fighting, the attack of the enemy soldiers surrounding us has obviously weakened. The enemy soldiers who did not join the battle began to retreat one after another.

I think: Probably He Wuji, they have already won.