Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 10 The Merciful God Teaches Us -- Next

Di Changli was silent and silent.

"Of course you can't accept it, but at least you should give him a reason?" Barry stared at him.

Di Changli was silent for a moment before saying, "Mr. Iron Hand, do you really want to know?"

"Of course." The iron hand said without hesitation.

"How can you help me? Fist? Knife? Or a gun? Or rely on the money you get?" Di Changli was a little excited and shouted, "I don't need these. I don't need them at all. Don't you understand?"

The iron hand looked at him sadly and squeezed his metal fingers hard. He didn't know how to answer.

"That's not right, kid." Big-headed Bali frowned deeper and repeated, "Although we can't refute you, son, you're not right."

He spread out his thick and powerful, scarred palms and said deeply, "Son, let me tell you that not everyone is born to use violence to get what they want, including me. However, many times, you have no choice.

He stopped and suddenly said strangely, "Child, do you know? When I was a child, I was a Christian and a very religious Christian.

Di Changli was as surprised as to see two white angel wings suddenly grow on his body.

Bighead Barley continued: "I didn't do it later. The reason is very simple. The merciful God taught us that as a devout believer, when someone kicks your left buttocks, you should also stretch your right buttocks for him to kick. I'm ashamed that I can't do this because I feel pain, and God doesn't want to tell me how to relieve pain, so I can't help kicking other people's buttocks, so I'm not qualified to be a Christian again.

"Child, can you tell me?" He looked at Di Changli and asked calmly, "What the fuck should we do when others use fists, knives and guns against us?"

Di Changli stared at the hooligan leader who was famous for his fierceness and brutality and couldn't speak for a long time.

Big head Barley asked again, "Son, now that someone has destroyed everything about you, are you going to do this?"

"Of course not." Di Changli clenched his teeth, and a cluster of flames faintly ignited in his dark eyes.

"That's good." The big-headed Bari's face showed an extremely ugly and ferocious smile, clenched his fist and said, "Son, you don't have the ability to deal with him now. How about let the iron hand help you?"

The iron hand also clenched his fist and made a crisp sound, and a bunch of sharp light burst into his eyes. I will pinch every bone of that bastard into powder.

"No, no, I want to think about it." Di Changli shook his head hurriedly, and his mind seemed to be stuffed with a mess, and he couldn't figure it out.

He thought about it for a long time, and the big-headed Bari and the iron hand did not urge him, but quietly waited for his decision.

In the distance of the square, the two little hooligan Mickey and the black squid hid behind a retro bronze statue, looking at this side. Mickey said proudly and regretfully, "My vision is really good. This little must be extraordinary. Otherwise, how could the famous big head Barley be so patient with him? Unfortunately, if we can pull him in to work with us, maybe we will make a fortune soon.

The black squid sang a reverse tone to him as usual: "Don't dream. Find a way to fill your stomach first. You must be careful during parole. You can't be caught again, otherwise you can't even enter the youth center and you have to go straight to prison."

Micci muttered carelessly, "What the fuck is the difference between these two places? However, it's always better outside than those damn places, so you have to be careful. Er, it's really fucking unlucky recently. We should get a fashion magazine and study where the pockets of popular clothes are opened recently, so as not to be caught as soon as we take action.

"Is it useful?" The black squid was deeply suspicious of his whims.

"It's better to work hard than to do nothing."

"Well, that's true, but do you have the money to buy magazines now?" The black squid asked.

Mici stared at him like a fool. Did I say I would buy it?"

The two guys muttered for a while, and after unifying the next direction of action, they sneaked away.

"No, I can't do that." Di Changli finally made a decision and said, "Mr. Barley, Mr. Iron Hand, thank you very much for your kindness, but I can't revenge on Mr.netley in this way. I want him to accept legal punishment and sanctions and find his innocence."

Di Changli really can't do this. Revenge with the help of other people's violent means can only vent for a while, which is not only against his own beliefs, but also avoids being manipulated later. He believed that the iron hand helped himself out of a sincere heart of gratitude, but he did not think that the initiative of the big head Barley would be so simple and selfless.

Although the big head Barley was not surprised, he was still a little disappointed and sighed and said, "Well, even so, I think you also need the necessary help. I hope justice will be on your side, son."

Speaking this sentence from the mouth of a notorious hooligan leader, as if the demon king Satan was reading the Bible seriously. Di Changli felt indescribable strange and nodded awkwardly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Barley."


The sky was already dark, and the two moons of the Roman colonial star hung obliquely on the sky early, emitting a confused and dim silver cold light, reflecting the city of Rome more sad and dark. Occasionally, a long and dazzling light flashed quickly in the night sky and threw it into somewhere like fire from the sky, breaking this dull silence.

Every federal citizen knows the significance of these fierce lights. This is that after the federal regular police encountered an emergency call for help, the Federal Social Order Bureau, the most elite law enforcement agency of the federal government, sent powerful elite soldiers "law enforcement guards" to the scene in a hurry but still could not be timely. At that time, the law enforcement guard then called the command headquarters of the Social Order Bureau to transport the light emitted by the powerful armed mecha through the space transmission device.

Usually, every burst of strength represents the imminent outbreak of a fierce and cruel battle, and the region where it arrives will inevitably play a ruthless death music full of fierceness, violence and blood. In the past, this phenomenon was rare in the past, but in recent years, the security situation in Rome has become increasingly chaotic, and the frequency of transmitted light has become more and more frequent.

Betty lowered her head and walked alone on the equally dim street. Her footsteps seemed to be extremely heavy and with infinite thoughts. She walked and stopped for nearly half an hour in just a few hundred meters.

As approaching the door, a figure suddenly came out of the shadow of the roadside, grabbed her and whispered, "Betty."

Betty, who was unprepared, was so scared that her legs were weak and almost screamed. Fortunately, she recognized someone immediately, but she was even more frightened and asked nervously, "Di Changli, why are you here?"

Di Changli let go of her and tried his best to slow down his tone and said, "You know why I'm here."

Betty panicked to avoid his glowing eyes in the dark and whispered, "I, I don't understand what you're talking about. It's late. I have to go back."

"Betty." Di Changli grabbed her arm, raised her voice and asked excitedly, "Why did you do this? Why did you hurt me?"

"No, I didn't mean to hurt you." Betty shook her head reflexively and denied it and said in panic, "I've never thought of harming you. Really, please believe me. I don't know why things have become like this."

"Well, then go and tell the truth to the judge and prove my innocence." Di Changli said eagerly, "I don't blame you. I know Mr.netley forced you to lie. I don't want you to do anything else, as long as you tell the truth and tell me when you lost your money."

Betty was silent for a long time before whispering, "I'm telling the truth. My money was lost that morning, and I don't know anything about the rest. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"No, that's not it. You're lying." Di Changli shook her hard and roared angrily. You know that I haven't stolen your money at all, and I won't steal anyone's money. Why did you come with Mr.netley to harm me? Say it, say it, say it, say it."

"Let go of me, you hurt me." Betty screamed in horror and trembled slightly.

Di Changli's strength was so great that she pinched her arm like a viff, but this was still bearable. What scared Betty was Di Changli's scary eyes, which made him seem to be a completely different person, no longer the gentle, amiable and self-controlled classmate she was usually familiar with.

In fact, Betty knows very well that if others have suffered such a devastating blow, his reaction would definitely be more tragic and fierce than Di Changli, and he may even collapse insanely, so as to vent himself through violence regardless of all the consequences.

On the other hand, Betty is also very clear that Di Changli is in such a desperate situation, which can also be said to be caused by her. Now there is still time to save it. She only needs one sentence.

But she can't do this, maybe a few hours ago, but now, she can't. Doing so will hurt her beloved. Oh, no, now it's my dear Mr.netley.

Dear Mr.netley, at the thought of this sweet name, Betty felt a great happiness blooming in her heart like a flower in the spring breeze. She never thought that Mr.netley had been deeply in love with her, but she was really a stupid girl. It was not until Mr.netley's affectionate confession that she found that she also admired him.

Just a few hours ago, when Betty went to Mr.netley to clarify for Di Changli, Mr.netley treated her kindly with sweet and delicious juice, and then summoned up the courage to confide in her long-term thoughts.

At the beginning, Betty panicked and wanted to escape, but fortunately, God was attached to her at that moment, making her weak because of unexpected joy, and her whole body was soft and hot because of strong touching. Only after continuing to listen to Mr.netley's sincere love confession, she could she realize how affection was. Lie. After that, Mr.netley brought her into a new world with his gentle and beautiful love words and hot kisses, allowing her to experience the joy and pleasure she had never experienced before...

Dear Mr.netley, how happy and happy it is to be with you. Betty's heart beats back on the extremely shy but intoxicating scene just now. How lucky I am to not only get an excellent lover, but also forever get rid of that poor family, the rude and violent father, and live a happy life of longing. All because of you, dear Mr.netley.

However, although such happiness seems to be readily available, it is also very fragile. Mr. Netley told her with a heavy heart that after handing over Di Changli to the federal security police, he found that he had made a mistake that was difficult to make up for. If Di Changli is found to be innocent, he will bear the guilt of framing. He will not only be punished, but also be angered by school officials and lose his current job and future future.

Mr.netley is very kind and brave. He said that he decided to bear all the mistakes alone, but this will make him unable to take care of his dear Betty anymore. That would be more unbearable than killing him, so he was so painful that he didn't know what to do.

This serious consequence made Betty fall from heaven to hell. She couldn't imagine and couldn't bear the cruel reality, and she was equally painful that she didn't know what to do.

Finally, the brave and kind Mr.netley suppressed his great grief and kissed her goodbye and asked her to forgive his incompetent and selfish self. He would take the initiative to clean up Di Changli.

Betty stopped him.

Gentle and merciful God, Mr.netley has almost all the virtues in the world. He is just an unintentional mistake. How can you punish him so ruthlessly? Moreover, you have just given me such wonderful happiness, how can you deprive me of it so cruelly?

Betty cried sadly for a long time, and finally made a decision.

For myself, for Mr.netley, and for our happiness, someone must make sacrifices. O generous and kind God, please forgive me, a sinful people, Betty prays so devoutly...

"I'm sorry, Di Changli." Thinking of dear Mr.netley, Betty suddenly filled with courage and whispered but firmly, "Although I don't know if you stole the money, I did lose my money that morning. Even if I say it a thousand or ten thousand times, I still say it."

Di Changli's movements suddenly stiffened and no longer roared. He only stared at her, and the angry flame in his black eyes jumped out, almost burning her whole body.

Like being thrown under the claws by the most ferocious beast, an inexplicable fear suddenly rushed up her back, making Betty tremble violently. She wanted to shout for help, but somehow she couldn't make a sound. She could only close her eyes in horror and despair, waiting for Di Changli's fury flames that was about to tear her up and devour her. .

On the contrary, her reaction was lucky enough to avoid stimulating Di Changli's already violent mind, so that his mood would not be completely out of control.

Di Changli could clearly feel that there was a cold and dark wave that was violently impacting and eroding the embankment of his heart. He wanted to release all the negative emotions such as pain, hatred, destruction and despair to the girl who had lost her conscience in front of him, but the remaining reason stopped him.

He can't do this. Di Changli is no longer the ignorant* who set fire to other people's houses. He has understood that the brutal violence driven by hatred will not only worsen the situation, but also bring more and deeper hatred, but also violate his wishes and ideals of staying away from evil now.

But can you throw away and forget the injustice and pain, grievances and humiliation you have suffered?

Time seemed to be stagnant, and I don't know how long it took. The black flame struggling and jumping in Di Chang's eyes gradually faded out. He slowly let go of Betty, silently turned away, and slowly disappeared into the cold darkness.

Sin should not be punished by the power of darkness. Di Changli thought that one day, the power of light will do justice for himself. This is a correct belief that requires persistence. He cannot be defeated by a momentary ordeal.

Betty exhaled tremblingly, almost weakly with horror and guilt, and a strong sense of guilt surged in her heart, but soon, joy and happiness diluted all other feelings.

All this is for love, generous and merciful God. Please forgive me. In the thick darkness, Betty prayed silently over and over again. Before long, pious prayers strengthened her mind and gradually became at ease--yes, love is always great and noble. Even if she makes more serious mistakes for it, her innocent soul is absolutely selfless and innocent. What can it not be worthy of being forgiven?


A lawyer appointed by the federal government routinely submitted two dry lawsuits for Di Changli. On the same day, both appeals were rejected by the court without a doubt.

Everyone, including Di Changli, knows that this is an expected result. There is no witness, no evidence, and the most important thing is that there is no money and no power. Even if the court is willing to accept it, no matter how the judgment is, it is a loser. Federal public schools are fine. A civilian wants to file a lawsuit with the Federal College of Genetic Engineering, and there has never been a precedent to win a case in the whole federal government.

Dillo, whose health was already unsatisfactory, fell ill. After being finally cured, he seemed to have aged for dozens of years and his hair turned white, as weak as an old man approaching his twilight years.

Di Changli once again refused all the help given by the iron hand, and strictly prohibited him to secretly seek revenge against any party involved in the incident and not to be related to the rogue and evil forces. This is a bottom line that Di Changli adheres to.

The big-headed Bally did not advocate iron hands to interfere without authorization, saying: "For this overly stubborn little guy, setbacks are not necessarily bad things. Although the price is a little too high, this matter must be solved by himself. He has to learn these things.

The iron hand asked with great unwillingness, "He doesn't have this ability at all now, so when will he go?"

"Maybe soon, maybe it will take a long time." The big-headed Bari rubbed his bright forehead for a long time before saying affirmatively, "But as long as he understands the enactment of the law, it's either you, me or him. In short, when someone will violate this principle, I believe he will also have a certain ability to deal with his own affairs."

When will this day come? No one knows.