Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 11 Are you born unlucky? On

still hasn't changed.

Wake up from the deep filtering mind, the first thing Di Changli did was to carefully check his internal condition, but as usual, he could not feel any heat in every corner of his body, which meant that he still failed to condense the Force into the early stage of condensation.

Di Changli sighed in frustration, gently got out of bed, and quietly moved his numb and swollen limbs and joints in the dark.

Filtering is an introductory basic training for practicing the Force. It is divided into several postures and requires practitioners to maintain a fixed position to remove all distracting thoughts and enter the state of meditation. It is similar to Buddhist meditation, but it has specific requirements for posture, more like difficult yoga. And it is quite boring, and it is difficult for beginners to maintain the same posture for a long time, so many less talented and more leisure-working guys can hardly stick to this most basic stage.

After all, in such a highly developed modern era, becoming a simple and powerful refiner is not the only way out for the citizens of the Galactic Federation. In addition, there are more relaxed and pleasant ways to live a comfortable life.

It's also a sad irony. Of course, Di Changli does not lack strong perseverance, and his perseverance far exceeds that of most people. Therefore, at the beginning of his practice, he quickly met the requirements of filtering and could enter the underworld at an extraordinary speed. However, he has been practicing for half a year, but he has never been able to condense a trace of weak energy in his body.

Half a year is not long, but even if it is any person with poor qualifications, after injecting his own genetically modified liquid, as long as he insists on hard work day and night for three months, there is no doubt that he will break through the relatively easy primary energy barrier and successfully enter the condensation period. Of course, except for people with congenital intellectual disabilities and neurological disorders.

Di Changli naturally cannot be classified among the two, so this extremely abnormal phenomenon can only show that the problem is the gene conversion fluid he injected - Di Changli's physique is absolutely not suitable for power-type gene conversion fluid.

Di Changli sometimes thought that it may be because the practice of the mind method is too bad, but now he has lost the qualification to enter a high school to practice the heart method that is a little higher than the popular heart method, and there is no way to confirm this inference. It is a feasible way to join a big family to swear allegiance, but not to mention that Di Changli's personality did not have this idea. What's more, they need all kinds of useful talents, and they will definitely look down on him as a waste.

Moved quietly for a moment, and the feeling of muscle soreness gradually turned into tingling. Di Changli increased his strength one by one* to make the qi and blood flow until it returned to normal, and then gently climbed onto the bed and changed another position to continue to concentrate and practice hard. He has spent every night of the past six months without exception.

Since the disaster that happened to himself is irreparable, Di Changli did not feel depressed. He complained about himself and felt sorry for himself, but turned his grief and indignation into infinite motivation, which encouraged himself to cheer up more and more. He told himself that although his starting step lags behind others, as long as he always doubles his efforts more than others, his ultimate harvest will never be inferior to others.

Judging from the facts seen so far, he is wrong.

It can't be said that Di Changli's arduous efforts have not turned out. His height has grown a lot in these days, barely reaching the average level of his peers, and he also has some healthy meat, which is more or less a comfort.

At the same time, a fluffy whiskers began to appear on Di Changli's chin, and a bone joint protruded from his throat, and the originally clear voice became low and hoarse. But this physical change is not due to his diligent cultivation, and the unpreceivable dream clearly proves that Di Changli is making great strides on the road to becoming a real man.

Another night passed peacefully. When the first line of dawn in the morning just appeared on the horizon of the Roman colonial star, Di Changli stopped practicing the Force, got up outdoors for about an hour of physical exercise, and then came back to read a book about the mechanical original borrowed from the Federal Public Library. Books of reason. Although Di Changli has been rejected by all federal free public schools in Rome for various reasons, he has not given up his dream of being a spaceship captain.

After the morning study, Di Changli simply made breakfast, left some for Dilo, who was still asleep, and hurried out to find a job.

In terms of Di Changli's tainted record and age, it is quite difficult to find a more ideal difference, so he can only do odd jobs in the past six months. Not only is his income extremely low, but he can't get a job every day.

Today, his luck is not good. He ran outside all morning and walked all the way to the more prosperous area of Rome, but still had no harvest. He simply went shopping and enjoyed the lively scenery.

In either way, the difference between this area and the slums is obvious. High-rise buildings stand like a forest, and all kinds of generous and beautiful flying cars pass by like birds in the buildings and on the road. The neighborhood environment is dry and clean, and the bustling men and women are dressed in beautiful and decent clothes. Everyone looks energetic and confident.

Looking around on the street, dazzling three-dimensional advertising images hit the eye at any time. Lifelike, sexy and charming beauties and handsome men smile and warmly in the beautiful exotic scenery, or kindly, or attentive, or provocatively promote various products or their own bodies. ....

Di Changli came out of an elegant store again. In these places, if the extremely exquisite outer packaging of the goods is not peeled off, there are very few things for him to buy. Fortunately, when he met a shop clearance, Di Changli gritted his teeth and cruelly bought a bottle of wine that was still ridiculously expensive after discounting.

After strolling for a while, Di Changli decided to go home. The cold and hard white eyeballs thrown from the standard etiquette smile masks were not easy to stand.

Looking up at the bustling streets around him, Di Changli finally identified the direction and accelerated his pace to prepare to rush home.

On the road ahead, three young men in wide jackets and gray baseball caps put their hands in their slant pockets and wandered leisurely in the flow of people. From time to time, they turned their heads to look at a building on the opposite street.

It is a private bank whose facade is not very large. Outside the magnificent gate, the two beautiful young girls are dressed in extremely sexy and attractive welcome costumes, smiling beautifully, and express their warmest greetings to customers.

After the three people walked a distance and saw a federal police assault vehicle that looked like a steel beetle passing slowly, they stopped, watched it disappear at the end of the street, looked up at the traffic in the sky, and immediately turned back.

Are you ready? Lucien." In the middle, a young man with black skin like charcoal and an unusually strong body whispered to his companion on the left. His expression was extremely grim, like a general who was about to command millions of troops to rush to the battlefield.

Lion is a handsome tall young man with a big backpack on his back. At this moment, his blue eyes are shining, shrugging his shoulders and smiling: "Of course, I can't wait. I'm so excited as if I slipped into a girl's bed for the first time."

"What about you? Jack, how are you? The strong young man elbowed against another shorter companion.

"Me? Oh, I think I'm fine." Jack kept looking around, looking a little nervous, and quickly glanced at the strong young man, sniffing and saying, "Yes, I'm sure I'm fine. I can start."

"Are you really sure?" The strong young man stared at him very seriously.

Jack took a deep breath, his wandering eyes calmed down, and replied affirmatively, "I'm sure, Arnold."

"Okay." Arnold stared at him for a while and nodded and said, "Then let's start, remember every action step, don't be too much trouble, we only have five minutes of safe operation time, and we have to retreat immediately after achieving our goal..."

" Come on, Arnold, you have said these words a hundred times." Lu Xi'an interrupted him with a sneer. I know you are actually more nervous than Jack, that's why you put on such a cool face. Can you relax? This job is simply simpler than withdrawing money from an ATM. It's so simple that you even need to reach out your hand and say please to the bank clerk.

"Please, do you know how to say it emotionally?" Lucian jokingly squeezed his eyes at him.

Arnold's dark face turned red, and his grim expression disappeared. He was so embarrassed that it was no different from a shy girl who was suddenly attacked on the chest. He gritted his teeth and shouted viciously: "Bastard, this is an action carefully prepared by Dad for half a year. It is also the first time we have done such a job. I just don't want to mess it up. Can you fucking shut up and let me be quiet for a while? Even if it's just a second... Please."

"It's very emotional and completely shows the true meaning of anger." Lucien made a pertinent evaluation.

While talking, the three had crossed the middle lane and stepped on the opposite sidewalk, stretched out their hands from under the brim of their hats to cover their faces, then took out their weapons from their jackets, took big strides, and rushed to the private bank like a hungry wolf.

"Good afternoon, distinguished guests." The two young girls still bent down to the three people who rushed to the ground with a sweet smile, but immediately, a red light flashed in their beautiful eyes, and their gentle and sweet voice immediately turned high and issued a rapid warning: "Note that this bank is not allowed to enter without permission. Please put down your weapons or retreat to a safe distance immediately, no Then..."

At the same time, they have raised their arms quickly, their wrists and elbow joints squivered sharply, and the whole slender and beautiful arm suddenly turned into a gun.