
"It's dangerous there, my little master."

A mighty warrior standing behind Schumacher saw the eagerness in the little master's eyes and immediately dissuade him.

Schumacher looked at this mighty servant who almost watched him grow up with dissatisfaction:

"Uncle Wadi, I'm already thirty-two. If it hadn't been for the vow not to get married, maybe my son could accept your teaching now. Please don't call me my little master in the future, okay?"

The man known as Wadi hesitated for a moment,

"This is the 43rd time you have said this, little master, I really don't want to explain it to you 436 times. I can only call you the little master. I think you should remember that I once explained this problem to you in 345.

Schumacher hugged his head in pain,

"Aunt Wadi, could you please gag him four36 times?"

Another mighty warrior was actually a woman, but their faces were all hidden under the cloak, and their bodies were hidden in black robes. It was not seen whether it was a man or a woman.

"I'm happy to help you!"

The neutral woman's voice sounded from under the cloak.

A fist wrapped in buckskin gloves hit the abdomen of the mighty warrior named Wadi. Wadi bent down and stopped talking.

"But I also think it's better for you not to go there. There is a very strange and powerful force in the broken space. There was such a violent earthquake just now. Maybe this is the person who escaped from there and was smashed by the space passage. It should be the power close to the gods, or the space is large. Yes, no matter what the situation is, it is not a good choice for us.

However, the more he said so, the more interested Schumacher became.

"It doesn't matter. We just look at it from a distance. If it's dangerous, I will leave immediately."

Wadi and Wadidi didn't speak, but Schumacher could guess their expressions hidden under the cloak, as if he had said similar things many times, but the result.

"Cough, this time it's true."

The two mighty warriors hidden under the cloak were not answering him,

Oh, this sentence seems to have been said many times.

Finally, Schumacher found that he didn't seem to be able to find any special words, and he suddenly decided not to say anything.

With a hand, the servant immediately brought the horses that had been prepared.

The two mighty warriors looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, but they did not stop it, because Schumacher was already half a step capable at this time, and even if he stopped him for a while, he would sneaked by himself.

The two mighty warriors who watched the little master grow up clearly knew the character of the little master, almost exactly like his father.

The three horses are running wildly on the grass, but there are no servants behind them.

This is also Schumacher's request. Although he is a royal family among the nobles, he hates the bored manners of those nobles. Many tedious etiquette and decorations are abandoned by him. When he was very young, he began to "do something wrong" in the aristocratic college, and then he happened to meet the kings who also resent those tedious etiquette. Then, the two smelled and formed an inexpellable relationship until now.

In the capital of the kingdom, there is even a group of young nobles who are constantly imitating some hobbies of Schumacher and the kings, but many times they have become absurd.

This group of self-proclaimed "new aristocrats" is a victim in the king's capital, but they are actually supported by the king. But the most popular one is the most brave, handsome and single Count Schumacher.

No servant can make his hunting more arbitrary. The only trouble is that it is annoying to pick up prey. In many cases, those prey that fall elsewhere are directly ignored.

The broken space is in a mountain forest far away from the manor, but two great powers and one half-step power, and they are both equestrian masters. A slight reduction of their own weight can increase the horse speed many times. Before long, the three of them arrived at the mountain forest.

The repair power of the main world is horrible and powerful. Although the sound was so terrible when the space was broken, after this period of time, when the three people arrived, they could not see any space traces. Only the strange death on the ground, the broken animal corpses and some plants prove that this place once There was an extremely terrible space storm.

The ground is shaking and stopping. It seems that an earthquake has occurred somewhere.

However, looking at this formation, the earthquake seems to be Lahska, and the direction of the space gate also seems to come from Lahska. Is something wrong with Lahska?

Along the way, Schumacher drove on the road with great interest and shot two flying hares.

However, Wadi and Wadi have been silent on the surface, but in fact they are constantly communicating what has happened in recent days. The huge darkness and sound on the other side of Lahska, as well as the continuous earthquakes, and the broken passages of space transmission seen today, everything seems to indicate that something related to the gods has happened in Raheska.

And it doesn't look like a low-level god. In the face of this horrible existence, in fact, the best way is to hide far away, but the little master who almost even wrote adventures in his bones obviously has the ability to add enough trouble to these two powers.

Regarding the Lahska people, they did not predict their own future, but those countries that had cooperated with them have vaguely felt the fate of Rahska's doomed extinction.

Just because it involves the existence of gods, especially the middle gods, no one dares to intervene in it, but everyone who knows the current situation of Lahska is actually secretly wondering whether the country of Lahska is finally at the time of extinction.

For a thing or character who escapes from a destructed country, both Vardy and Vardidi firmly believe that the farther away, the better.

Because Uranto, a small country with a population of hundreds of thousands, may be destroyed faster than Lahska if it participates in the matter of gods.

After this crisp and quiet mountain forest was ravaged by space storms and elemental vortexes, no creature that can move quickly now dares to stay here.

Looking at the quiet mountain forest, the remnants and leaves all over the mountains, and the dilapidated ground, the two powers want to leave here far away. As great power, they all have a feeling that if they don't leave here quickly, there may be a big trouble coming to them. Up.

But Schumacher's expression told them that it was impossible. Although Wadi and Wadidi watched Schumacher grow up, Schumacher is their master now, and no matter how casual his attitude is, it will not change.

As a bodyguard and servant, the only thing you can do is to make suggestions and listen to the master's decision. The owner's decision is to enter the mountain forest.

Wadi and Wadidi's whole body shine with laws and energy to prevent the undying space debris from suddenly bursting out.

Although Schumacher likes to take risks, he is not a madman who likes to risk his life. He also shines, but there is only a shadow of law in it, which is still a little far from the real power.

Along the way, from time to time, the bodies of extremely horrible animals were turned out of the grass, and the towering tree was cut off waist-high, and the smoothness of the fracture could almost be used as a mirror, because Wadi did look at a waist-high stump and found that he really saw his own fall. Shadow? Although it is just a vague figure.

The dangerous thing of space debris was not encountered, but all three of them began to be more careful, because the almost rotten plant and tree debris around them proved that they were getting closer and closer to the target.

What will there be?

A dead man, a pair of spell items?

A peerless and cheap?

Or a storage ring with mysterious wealth?

Or is it just a pile of rotten meat that can't tell what it is?

This question did not puzzle three people for too long. A few wisps of clothes hanging on the branches and the figures under the grass branches proved that this place was their target.

Wadi is the most powerful of the three, so she first walked forward to detect it, reached out and waved the broken branches and leaves scattered on the ground, revealing the people below.

It's two people. A man and a woman, the man holding the woman in his arms with the other hand made a very strange gesture. Wadi couldn't understand the meaning of this gesture, but at this time, both of them seemed to have some signs of life, which surprised her that she could survive in such a space storm. So the strength of these two people is powerful?

Thinking about the hard work it took for himself and Wadi to achieve great power in those years, Wadi couldn't help thinking: Is the power beginning to be worthless now, or is it particularly prone to the existence of power in places that have something to do with his little master?

However, the broken clothes on Mora's body can hardly cover the body. There are deep space debris scratches under the clothes. This kind of damage is extremely difficult to recover. The space force must be eliminated before the wound can be recovered by normal means. Otherwise, even if it is well, the space fracture wound still exists. A little space fluctuation will burst out immediately.

However, there is not much blood flowing on this man's body. Only some places where the injury is too severe can be seen that there are traces of blood, but nothing does not flow out.

The man's face was also turned into a pile of fragments by space debris. Although none of them were torn because of the core energy, even the well-informed Wadi felt chill in his heart.

.................There is another update. My eyes are so tired today. I read a book again last night. It is a sister-controlled book, so it is another well-known.................................