
Chapter 192 The Death of Mora

However, when her eyes noticed the woman protected by the man, she was extremely surprised to find that the woman had hardly been harmed, and it seemed that the space did no harm to her at all.

At this time, the woman's face is being buried in the man's arms, and it can't be seen what it looks like. However, it's just the exquisite and enchanting back and the smooth neck exposed at the back of her neck.

Wadidi guessed that this woman must be a perfect woman comparable to the elves, otherwise the man would not have spoiled all his strength to protect her and hurt himself so seriously and almost deadly. Is it a couple?

Confirmed that the two people were severely injured, and there was not much difference from death at this time, and Wadi took the step forward carefully.

I don't know if it was a woman's comparison. The first thing she did was to open the woman's body to see what her face looked like.

In a coma, the beauty's eyebrows frowned slightly, and the condensation pain can make men all the world crazy and angry about it. Qiong's nose is tall and exquisite and unique. It is the first-class fine porcelain in the world and can't be compared with the beauty.

The rosy lips lack blood color and look slightly white at this time, but they are plump and not prominent. The implicit smile and crying will make all the men who see it feel that a cat is scratching their hearts.

Such a perfect woman like an elf queen should not belong to this world.

"Aunt Wadi, how's it going?"

The voice of the little master Schumacher suddenly came from behind him. Wadi was shocked and subconsciously shouted:

"Don't come here! No! Don't look!"

But it was a step late, and the sudden stiffness of the little master behind him made Wadi know that he was a step late. So, did things really begin to go in the bad direction he expected?

Schumacher felt that he had lived in vain for the rest of his life, and all the fun and pursuits in his previous life had turned into nothing at this moment.

Compared with the sleeping beauty in front of you, even the world is unimportant. As long as you can get this woman, even the stars in the sky will be removed.

"I want to marry her! I want to marry her! I want to marry her!"

First muttered, and then the sound began to be loud, echoing in this silent mountain forest, empty, vast and romantic?

"This woman is a capable mage."

Wadi's words without any feelings suddenly sounded after Schumacher calmed down. Whenever she spoke in this tone, it meant that she was in a state of battle. Vardy suddenly picked up a weapon and was nervously alert.

Wadi looked at Schumacher. Although it was covered by a cloak, Schumacher could still feel that the scrutiny was so sharp that it seemed to pierce through the veil.

Schumacher is not a great man. He still can't stand such a look, but soon, his eyes are firm, even fanatical,

"I want to get this woman, no matter what the price is!"

Wadi looked at Schumacher, and his eyes were feverish and firm. This man, who self-respectedly pursued perfection, fell into the sea of love irrationally at this moment and became a prisoner of love.

"This man is also a power. His body is slowly recovering. It will take him about half a month to move. When he fully recovers, neither Vardy and I are rivals."

Convening the requirements and will of his little master, Wadi began to serve his master, first of all, introducing all the situation,

"The relationship between this man and this woman is not a brother and sister."

Schumacher's eyes carried an uncontrollable murderous intention at this moment and felt his murderous intent. Wadi took out his weapon and was ready to cut off his last line of life at the man who seemed to die.

"This woman is still a virgin. From some expressions and movements between them, it can be analyzed that they may be a couple, a capable couple."

The analysis of this sentence strengthened Schumacher's idea. When he heard that the woman was still a perfect woman, he almost jumped up excitedly, but when he heard that the man might be the woman's lover, a sour feeling that directly penetrated his soul made him want to kill him immediately. A man.

"This woman's service seems to be a mage from a higher country, perhaps Nigra. Her age is no more than 30 years old, and this age makes a powerful mage. This woman's talent and the wealth behind her are absolutely horrible. If you marry her, it is equivalent to getting more than a dozen mighty warriors, and it can make future generations perfect talents and even have the hope of becoming gods.

Wadi's words completely ignited Schumacher's desire. Looking at the woman sleeping on the ground more beautiful than a water lily, he only felt that his heart was no longer in his chest.

"I must get her, and I must! ...No! This woman only belongs to me! She belongs to me from now on! No one can take her away from me!"

Schumacher finally made up his mind,

"Wadi, I want this woman!"

Wadidi did not act immediately,

"Maybe I have to modify her memory, little master, you know, this is a mighty mage, and maybe one day she will wake up, so I have to modify her memory most thoroughly. But that may damage her intelligence.

Schumacher looked at the woman,

"I don't care about any power, I just want this woman! Everything else is not important!"

Wadi nodded:

"What you want!"

In my heart, I sighed with Wadi:

"This is the legendary disaster!"

Wadidi did not treat it immediately. He drew out the sword pinned to his waist like lightning and pierced the man's heart in an instant. The power is great power. Even if the human consciousness is sleeping, the body itself can make a correct and perfect response.

The man's body shook and seemed to be about to avoid it, but he couldn't get past the really awake and murderous power. The sword quickly plunged into the unconscious heart. The man did not move a few times, and his body gradually stiffened. Soon after, he completely cooled down.

"Is he dead?"

Schumacher's voice sounded very nervous, especially when he thought that this man was this woman's lover, and it was very strange that this kind of murder and wife-grabbing behavior that he despised and despised actually appeared on himself. Wadi took a strange look at Schumacher,

"Little master, what are you talking about? Who died?"

Schumacher was stunned and looked at the already stiff man on the ground.

"He is not..."

Wadi interrupted him,

"Is there anyone else here besides the woman you saved?"

The most poisonous woman's heart. Schumacher suddenly understood,

"Yes, that's right, Wadi, I'm confused."

Looking at Shuma and going to pick up the woman, Wadidy quickly stopped him:

"Please wait a minute, master, I need to prepare something so that this woman will have a great sense of dependence on you as soon as she wakes up, and then you start weaving a reasonable life for her. I have to take advantage of her not soberness at this time..."

Speaking here, Vardidi stopped for a moment and then asked:

"Little master, will you seal her memory or completely destroy it?" Schumacher thought for a moment and asked, "What will happen if it is destroyed?"

There is no change in Vardidi's voice,

"That needs to teach her everything from scratch like a baby, including eating and drinking water. However, her mage's instinct and realm are stored in her body. Maybe the little master needs to wait for a while to have a capable mage that completely belongs to her own. And the seal can have her immediately, but it's a little dangerous.

Schumacher looked at the unconscious woman on the ground, as if looking at the most precious flower bones,


Wadi's answer:

"It's like raising a daughter, but because she has everything, this time can be shortened to complete everything in a few years. During this period, you can instill everything you want in her."

Schumacher hesitated for a moment and looked at the body of the man who had cooled down on the ground with disgust.

"Then destroy it completely."

Wadi took a look at Schumacher, then took out a pill, opened the woman's mouth and stuffed it in. Schumacher wanted to "help", but Wadi said:

"I can't contact anyone until I'm ready for all the work, otherwise this mighty female mage may wake up soon, especially men. My method is only recorded in the classics. After all, there are really not many capable mages nowadays.

Schumacher had to walk aside and just saw the man who had been taken aside by Wadi and looked at the horrible space wound, especially the horrible wound on the man's face.

Thinking that the man had desperately protected the woman who was destined to be his own in the space passage, Schumacher suddenly felt that he should be grateful to the man.

But Schumacher felt extremely angry and intolerable when he thought that the man might have made countless love promises with the woman as in countless romance novels when protecting the woman.

Let you disappear more completely, Schumacher said in his heart.

Then he suddenly pulled out his sword and looked fiercely at the man's neck, arms, legs and feet. After cutting the man into a pile of meat, he did not care about the strange eyes of Wadi and Vardy.

After cutting, Schumacher felt that it was not enough, so he inserted the broken meat on the ground with his sword, trotted a few steps, and then threw it out fiercely.

The head, arms, legs and body were divided into parts, thrown in different directions with a half a step of power, and the meat thrown out fell into the jungle. I'm afraid that the distance is extremely beyond. Even if the person's body can be resurrected after death, it will take decades. Then come back to life.

After all this, Schumacher went back to see Wadi's work. Wadi and Wadi did not say anything about the behavior of their little master, but after throwing it away, Schumacher suddenly regretted a little.

"Maybe it should be ignited and burned."

Wadi heard Schumacher's self-utterance and comforted:

"There are many beasts in this mountain forest. Maybe you won't see anything tomorrow morning."

"Hope, right?"

Wadi inserted golden needles into the woman's head, with powerful law courage on the needle. Pieces of memory areas were erased and formatted. Because of the disappearance of memory, even some instincts of the body were slowly disappearing.

How long will it take? Wadi, I can't wait any longer.

Schumacher couldn't wait to rush to kiss Fangze immediately, but looking at the golden needles in Wadi's hand, he did not dare to mess around. If he suddenly killed this perfect woman, he would really die.

Looking at his master's appearance, Wadi said:

"Little master, what are you going to do with this woman?"

Schumacher's eyes are full of hot**:

"Of course, marry her!"

Wadi looked at the owner whose brain had begun to not work well and decided to give him a heavyweight blow. Maybe this has something to do with his own heart? No one can keep their man calm in front of this woman.

"But, master, what if other nobles also see this woman? In these years, this woman will be as vulnerable as a baby, and any man will have a chance to get her.

Schumacher looked at Wadi with red eyes:

"Wadi, what do you mean?"

The emotion is so excited that even the name has changed. Vardy's heart trembled slightly. Maybe no man is willing to show his humbleness in front of the woman, but after these years of life, he still let Vardy control himself well:

"I mean, master, there are other royal members above you, dukes, princes, even princes, or kings. What should you do if they also see this woman? As you know, the queen often invites the wives and daughters of some noble families to enter the palace to 'contact' feelings.

Maybe he was disrespected by his little master in front of the woman, so although Vardy remained respectful, he also thought a little. He was not calling Schumacher the little master, and even the content of what he said was extremely vicious.

Because the royal blood of the Schumacher family is his grandmother's generation. After his grandmother was recruited into the palace by the queen and other noble women, his grandmother became pregnant after coming back. At that time, his grandfather actually did not have sex with his grandmother because of some kind of sacrificial ceremony.

This is how the royal bloodline on his body came from. Once he was proud of it, but now it is incomparable resentment and humiliation.

Especially Wadi's words reminded him that his playmate king was also interested in inviting the queen to a noble women to the palace banquet.

It is said that several women suddenly died in the palace, and their bodies were not returned.

With the perfect color of the woman in front of him and his understanding of that playmate, he will definitely attack his friend's wife mercilessly.

After saying those words, Vardy suddenly regretted it, but when he looked at the woman on the ground, he felt happy, but when he remembered his identity as a servant, he immediately changed his mood and said:

"So, my little master, you must completely keep this secret until this woman grows into a real power mage who is completely dependent on you. Maybe you need to stay in this manor for a few years."

Schumacher listened, thought for a long time, saluted Wadi and said gratefully:

"You're absolutely right, Uncle Vardy. Please forgive me. I just lost my temper."

Wadi shakes his hand:

"It doesn't matter, it's just that this woman has a great influence on you. It hasn't started yet. That's it. I really hope that you won't want to pick stars one day. That's a headache for gods."

"Ah ha ha, Uncle Vardy, you are joking."

No one noticed that a ring that had been in the man's hand was being put on the woman's ring finger at this time, firmly and unretainable, as if it were connected to the meat.

-_-!-_-!-_-!-_-!-! I hate the book that abuses the Lord the most!! So, just like the death of Shesina, Mora will be resurrected. Oh, I'm not clear about this paragraph. Is it split? Mora will be resurrected tomorrow. As for Shesina, I know what you are thinking. In fact, no man other than Mora's master can even touch the corners of her clothes............ But I plan to let Mora wait for a while when Schumacher officially wants to marry Shesna. Do you support such a big face? ..................